Great Song Pirate

Chapter 548 Vivid Political Lesson

Chapter 548 Vivid Political Lesson
Xu Yi was quite satisfied with the result of Wang Feng's battle, especially that Wang Feng was able to capture the opponent's general alive and bring back hundreds of prisoners.

The collection of intelligence during the war is very important, and the eyeliners established by the water cats on the coast of the Japanese country before, after they were driven back last time, they were betrayed by the traitors such as Miyamoto, and now they have all been lost by the Japanese. It's gone, so capturing this Takeuchi this time is very useful for them.

Xu Yi thought for a while, such an opportunity must be seized, who said that only Han people can produce traitors?Why don't you also get some Japanese traitors to do things for yourself?So after discussing with everyone, a decision was made.

This time Wang Feng brought back a lot of prisoners of war, not all of them were cowards, but some of them were quite stubborn, because they were brought back at night and kept locked in the cabin, so after some screening, , leaving behind those guys who were already terrified and willing to surrender, and some tough elements were selected, and a few were beheaded on the spot to deter those who surrendered, and the remaining few were blindfolded to save them from seeing Seeing too many things that shouldn't be seen, he threw them into a small boat and dragged them to the sea before letting them go and telling them to go back and tell that Uramo Kubo in Osumi country that there is any way for them to come anyway!
And when doing all this, Takeuchi was taken with him the whole time, let him watch with his own eyes, and let go of his subordinates who refused to surrender. He would let go of the Japanese who refused to surrender, but Takeuchi was not an idiot. He immediately realized that if these people went back, what they did would probably spread immediately. In that case...

Takeuchi finally understood why the skeleton pirates did this!The skeleton pirates are trying to break his way out!If these people go back, they will definitely tell Pusheng Kubo about his greed for life and fear of death, leading troops to surrender, then Pusheng Kubo will never let his family go, and it must be Pusheng Kubo who is waiting for his family The butcher knife, and he will never have the chance to return to the Wa country, there is no place for him to stand there!This is definitely a poisonous plan!What he wants is that he has no way out!

When Xu Yi personally interrogated Takeuchi, Takeuchi knelt down in front of Xu Yi, his face ashen, he didn't know how to treat the leader of the skeleton pirate who drove him to a dead end!
Xu Yi didn't persuade him anything, and directly asked him about some information about the Wa Kingdom. Takeuchi gritted his teeth. At this time, he had nothing to hide, so he dumped all the information he knew. Ten of them were poured out by Xu Yi. Regarding the things that Takeuchi said, Xu Yi finally figured out a lot of things he wanted to know.

"Raise your head!" Xu Yi said to Takeuchi.

Takeuchi raised his head obediently, and saw Xu Yi's face clearly for the first time, somewhat surprised by Xu Yi's youth.

"You are a smart person, there is nothing embarrassing about you choosing to survive, people! Few want to die, you did the right thing! I will not waste my saliva with you, you know you have no way out now, go back, Apart from being executed, there is no second ending waiting for you, but if you follow me, I can give you many things that your patriarch could not give you before. , I can give you a fiefdom! If you are loyal to me, Tanegashima and Yakushima will be yours in the future, and you will take care of them! Can you figure it out?" Xu Yi also looked down on this Takeuchi, but this guy has potential To use the value, he needs some Japanese people to be his dogs, to be his pioneers, to die for them, and such guys are the best material. There are many Han Chinese and traitors, and they are willing to serve as pawns for other races. Why can't they also Get some Japanese traitors out, let them also leave a glorious record in the history of the Japanese country?Xu Yi had thought so for a long time!

Xu Yi's words surprised Takeuchi somewhat. Although he used to be a general of Urau Kubo, and his status seems to be not low, but his status can only be regarded as a pariah, at most he can only be regarded as a status in front of Urau Kubo It's just a tall dog, no matter how hard he works for Urasheng Kubo, he is still a samurai. It is almost impossible to become a nobleman, and the leader of the Fubo army promised to give it to him as soon as he opened his mouth. He has such a generous reward, which he never thought of, becoming the owner of Tanegashima and Yakushima?He had never dared to think about it before, but suddenly, such a big benefit was placed in front of him, which made him a little unbelievable, so he looked up at Xu Yi, his eyes full of doubts.

"You don't have to believe it. What I said is true. Why can only the Pusheng family and the Shimadzu family be nobles? And you can only be their samurai? So don't doubt my words, as long as what you do satisfies me , not to mention the small place of Tanegashima, even if I give you more, it’s nothing! But the premise is that you must do something for me, otherwise, come and see!” Xu Yi said to him, and then Suddenly let him look in another direction.

Takeuchi looked in the direction of his finger, and was immediately frightened out of his wits, because he saw a row of things hanging on the wall, a row of things that he would never forget after he saw them, they were stripped off completely It was the first time he had seen this kind of terrible punishment, so he immediately took a deep breath, and his body limp and fell down.

"Hmph! Do you know whose human skins they are?" Xu Yi asked Takeuchi, looking at the human skins in front of him as if admiring a beautiful handicraft.

Takeuchi shook his head with frightened eyes to express his ignorance. After the human skin was peeled off, it was difficult to recognize their original appearance even if they were filled with things to support them. Not that lifelike.

"Okay! Then let me tell you! This pair of human skin is very famous, you must know it, and you will know him if you don't, his name is Miyamoto Kouji!" Xu Yi pointed at the human skin in the middle. Introduced by Takeuchi.

Immediately, the appearance of a person appeared in Takeuchi's mind, combined with the appearance of that person in his mind, he immediately recognized his appearance vaguely on this pair of human skin, so he took another breath, Miyamoto Kou Two, he knows, of course he knows what he is doing. This Miyamoto used to be a leader of the skeleton pirates, and later betrayed the leader of the Song Dynasty called the water cat, and took refuge in Fujiwara Shun from Dazaifu, and took Fujiwara Junzheng's The ship's crew took Kuroshima away in one fell swoop, and was later sent by Fujiwara Toshi to an official of the main ship, who was released to Tanegashima. He knew about this. When Miyamoto went to Tanegashima, he passed by Osumi Country and paid his respects. After meeting Urau Kubo, Takeuchi was the one who saw him at that time, and he was quite envious of him at that time, but now Takeuchi no longer has this idea!There is only infinite fear left in my heart.

"Why did Koji Miyamoto end up like this, I don't think I need to explain to you, there are a few people here who made the same mistake as him, by the way, I forgot to emphasize, they are The skin was peeled off alive, because in that case, the human skin is relatively tight, one is easy to peel, and the other is that they will feel very painful! Besides, after they are skinned, they will not die, and they can use a hammer Breaking all their bones little by little, Miyamoto was very lucky to persevere until the end, I really admire his strong will!" Xu Yi slowly said to Takeuchi as if he was telling a story.

Hearing this, the hairs on Takeuchi's body stood on end, and he almost felt like fainting. He only heard that the Skeleton Army was ruthless, but he didn't expect them to be so ruthless.

"Of course! You don't have to be afraid, as long as you do things for me with your heart, you will only enjoy the glory and wealth, and you will never stand here, but if you... hum! I will swear, no matter where you flee to the ends of the earth, I will find you , so that you can't live or die! I promise I can do it! Do you remember?" Xu Yi asked Takeuchi in a very gentle tone.

The boss staring at Zhuuchi, nodded to Xu Yi in horror, knelt down in front of Xu Yi and kowtowed again and again, saying that he was the lord, and repeatedly expressed that he would never dare.

After giving Takeuchi a vivid political lesson, Xu Yi believed his words, because he saw his extreme fear from the deepest part of Takeuchi's eyes, so he nodded with a smile and made him get up.

Takeuchi immediately stood up according to Xu Yi's instructions. Now in his eyes, Xu Yi is no longer a human being, and should be automatically classified as the most terrifying devil by him. He would rather be caught and hacked by Urasheng Kubo Head, and absolutely unwilling to go against Xu Yi's wishes!
"In your opinion, what will Uramo Kubo do after he learns that Tanegashima under his rule has been captured by us?" Xu Yi drank tea while respectfully standing in front of him like a filial son. Takeuchi asked.

"Urau Kubo will never send troops to attack us rashly again! He will immediately send someone to the Dazaifu of the Chikuzen Kingdom, inform Toshi Fujiwara, and ask him to dispatch troops quickly and come over to conquer us with all his strength!" Takeuchi used the fastest speed Came a gorgeous big turn, completed his role change, put his position on the side of Fu Bojun, and replied respectfully to Xu Yi.

"Why is Dazaifu acting so slowly? We have been waiting for them for a long time, and time is money. Isn't Toshi Fujiwara afraid that we will have new actions if we do this?" Xu Yi is really not flattered about the current efficiency of Wa Kingdom, and waited. After a few days, only about 1000 boats and more than [-] people from Takeuchi arrived, which was really not enough to fill his teeth, and he was about to lose his patience!

(Tomorrow will be another month, brothers, please save the monthly pass for Geda! Please, please!)

(End of this chapter)

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