Chapter 549
Takeuchi quickly replied: "Master! This matter is actually like this. Although Dazaifu is said to be the commander-in-chief of the Western Kaido countries, all countries have their own lords. Even if Fujiwara Jun wants to send troops to conquer us, he will not Soon, he will need to coordinate the two subordinate officials below, and he will not lead the troops here in person. This time, the person in charge of commanding the troops must be Muto Hirobumi. They have already begun to transfer troops from various countries in Kyushu to Satsuma Assemble!
A few days ago, more than 50 warships and more than 3000 generals from the Hyuga Kingdom have arrived in Satsuma, and the ships and soldiers from Urasu Kubo have also been dispatched. There are a total of 500 ships and [-] people. It is estimated that Higo Kingdom and Chikugo The ships and generals of the country should have arrived in Satsuma, except that the soldiers and ships of Bungzen, Bungo, and Chikuzen have not arrived, and because Hizen was harassed by Koryo pirates, I am afraid that they cannot be dispatched this time. The soldiers will go to Satsuma to participate in the war. If Fujiwara Toshi gets the news of the fall of Tanegashima, he will speed up the speed. He will send troops here within five days at the earliest, and he will definitely be able to come in no more than eight days at the slowest. , This time they may mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers to attack us, please prepare early, my lord! "

Takeuchi explained the situation very clearly, and Xu Yi expressed satisfaction after hearing it. As a close minister of Urasumi Kubo, Takeuchi must know a lot, so he nodded and said: "Yes! You explained it in detail, but I can also tell you, You can rest assured that we will never be defeated in this battle. Toshi Fujiwara will definitely pay a heavy price for his last action. Now you can prepare your subordinates. I hope they will be as loyal to you as you are. Me, otherwise, you will be implicated by them, I don't need to teach you what to do!"

Takeuchi hurriedly knelt down to accept the order. Of course he didn't need Xu Yi to teach him now. After seeing those human skins, he already knew what to do. The Japanese soldiers who stayed this time can be said to have been defeated by yesterday's battle. I was scared out of my wits, as long as I took them to visit the human skin exhibition, I guess they would not be any stronger than myself, and these people had no way out like him, and they would die if they went back, so they could only choose to follow Fu Bo The army has become a dog's leg, and now he has to guarantee the loyalty of these soldiers, because Xu Yi told him that the people under him will be in a team of ten people, a hundred people will be a capital, one person will escape, one team will be killed, three people will be escaped, and one team will be killed. In Yidu, if ten people escaped, all of them would be killed, including his head, so he didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, as it was related to the head of his neck.

Those Japanese soldiers who were sent back to Osumi by Xu Yi escaped death and returned to Shibushi Port. They told the results of the battle to Pusheng Yahe who was stationed in Shibushi City. Takeuchi, he hated it to the bone. He didn't expect that this guy, whom his father favored before, would be so unlucky. Not only did he not choose to die bravely, he took the boat to escape the battlefield, but he finally chose to surrender to the skeleton pirates and became a family. people!
The furious Urao didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately sent the news back to Kokusa's father. When Urao Kubo heard the news, he did as Takeuchi said, and hurriedly sent someone to the Dazaifu in the Chikuzen Kingdom , asked Fujiwara Jun for help, and asked him to speed up the assembly of troops and dispatch troops to wipe out the skeleton pirates as soon as possible. Now he is afraid that after the skeleton pirates capture Tanegashima, they will start to harass his Osumi country on a large scale, and then he will have no rest in the future. !
Of course, he didn't forget to send someone to immediately arrest the whole family of Takeuchi, young and old, not to mention that the man who killed the woman was reduced to a slave, and sent to some retainers to spoil!For Takeuchi, he hated him so much, Takeuchi's rebellion was a big blow to him, and now he has lost confidence in his generals!

Before the news that Tanegashima was captured by the Fuba Army reached Dazaifu, Toshi Fujiwara had already sent away the fleets of the Chikuzen Kingdom, Buzen Kingdom, and Bungo Kingdom that arrived here by the way, and it was exactly what Takeuchi said to lead the expedition this time. That Fujiwara Hirobumi, in the Three Kingdoms alone, he has gathered more than 140 large and small warships, with more than 1 soldiers and horses.

Moreover, when Toshi Fujiwara sent Muto Hirobumi away from the Chikuzen country, he specifically asked him not to stay in the Hizen country for the first generation. The Korean pirates there suddenly disappeared, and asked him to rush to the Satsuma country as soon as possible and lead the people who were concentrated there. The ship went to the area around the Black Isle, seeking to wipe out the skeleton pirates in one fell swoop, and they couldn't be allowed to sit there again!
Muto Hirobumi is also full of confidence this time. In his opinion, no matter how powerful the skeleton pirates are, they only have 4 to [-] ships and thousands of people. He has assembled the forces of the Three Kingdoms alone, far surpassing the skeleton pirates. Moreover, this time Toshi Fujiwara mobilized all the elite naval forces of the West Kaido countries. If it comes down, I am afraid that there will be no fewer than four hundred ships, and the strength may exceed [-] to [-]. Even if ten of them fight one If it is, there are applause from those who hold clothes. If you lose this battle, then you can jump into the sea and drown yourself. If you come back, you will also embarrass their Muto family.

So he didn't care much about Fujiwara Toshi's repeated entrustment, and felt that Fujiwara Toshi was overkill for such a big scene against these skeleton pirates!

After leaving the Chikuzen country, his fleet passed by the Iki country, took ten warships and five or six hundred samurai prepared there along the way, and met at sea with a dozen ships sent from the Tsushima country Eight or nine hundred soldiers gathered together and headed for the Satsuma country in a mighty way.

Three days later, Fangjin Port in Satsuma Kingdom was completely bustling. All the places where ships can dock are now full of all kinds of large and small warships. Each ship has the flag and logo of its respective lord, colorful The flags and streamers fluttered in the wind, and at a glance, it was truly imposing like a rainbow. It was the first time for West Kaido to gather on such a scale, and it was the first time for Satsuma!
Many local people flocked to the pier to watch the rare army gathering in history, and cheered for their army. In their view, the skeleton pirates who had harassed them were going to be completely finished. So many ships , so many warriors, can't beat the skeleton pirates?After seeing such a scene, no one will doubt this matter. Not only the common people think so, but also the warriors and sailors sent by the lords of various countries think exactly the same as them. If there are so many of them Ship, if so many people are still defeated by skeleton pirates, then these warriors can kill themselves collectively! (It seems that before the spirit of Bushido, they would not stick a knife into their stomachs and commit seppuku!)
When Muto Hirobumi brought the ships and soldiers gathered from the five countries into Fangjin Port, he was warmly welcomed by the generals or lords who came here earlier. The reason why Muto Hirobumi was valued by so many lords and samurai , not only because he is the lord of the Muto family in the Chikuzen Kingdom, but the most important reason is that he is also the vice-official of Dazaifu, Dazai Shaoer!

Dazai Shaoer is the third in command in the Dazaifu. Only Fujiwara Jun, Dazai Shuai and Dazai Daieru are older than him, and the Dazaifu is located in the Chikuzen country of Muto's family, so Muto Hirobumi is regarded as a local local snake, and his status is naturally high. He respected some of them, and other lords had to curry favor with him.

After receiving such a warm welcome, and seeing so many warships and soldiers gathered in Fangjin Port, Muto Hirobumi felt more at ease in his heart. Now he was completely relieved that there were so many warships , so many generals, even if one person goes up and bites, it is enough to kill the gang of skeleton pirates completely. As long as he leads the troops to completely wipe out the skeleton pirates this time, then he will stand up again. A great achievement, from now on his Muto family will be able to walk sideways in Xikaido!

As the commander-in-chief of this troop dispatch, Muto had to meet with the generals of various countries to discuss the plan of this troop dispatch and show off his intelligence. The chiefs and generals from all over the world bowed to him, then put the sabers around their waists in their left hands, knelt on the tatami, and waited for Muto Hirobumi to speak.

Muto Hirobumi inspected the people present. From the family logos on their clothing, we can tell where they belong. Now all the eleven countries of the Western Kaido are gathered in Satsuma, and even Hizen, who had no plans to send troops to join the war, The country also sent their generals to arrive here, so they nodded to everyone first, then cleared their throats and said: "Since everyone has gathered here, please inform me about the ships and generals you brought this time." Quantify! This time, the Chikuzen Kingdom dispatched a total of 55 elite soldiers and [-] warships, determined to completely wipe out the skeleton pirates from our Yamato sea area!"

Following his report, the leaders of various countries stood up and announced loudly the number of ships and soldiers they had mobilized this time. After everyone had reported, Muto Hirobumi laughed after making such calculations, because of this This time they mobilized more than 400 warships, and the number of soldiers exceeded 5000. It can be said that they have carried out the largest military operation on Xikaido in recent years. When they attacked the Black Island occupied by the skeleton army last year, It's only mobilized half of the troops and ships this time. If this is the case, then in the days to come, he will take these ships and soldiers to quickly wipe out all the skeleton pirates along their coasts!
Just when he was full of ambition, the leader of the Osumi country said with a bitter face: "My lord, the skeleton army has captured Tanegashima and Yakushima in our Osumi country."

This chapter is not to pour water, but to let the brothers have a general understanding of the strength of the opponents that the Fubo Army is about to face, so let's start right away!
(End of this chapter)

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