Great Song Pirate

Chapter 547 Japanese Traitor

Chapter 547 Japanese Traitor
When the wolves are attacking the flocks, they often use tactics to disperse the flocks and kill them one by one. Now what is happening on the sea is very similar to when the wolves are hunting the flocks!
After Takeuchi ordered other ships to intercept Wang Feng's fleet and took his ship out of the fleet, the already chaotic Japanese fleet dispersed. Many times, when people encountered irresistible enemies, Out of instinct for survival, they would choose to escape, and with Takeuchi's departure, the Japanese fleet also lost its command, completely becoming a mess, some ships had to obey Takeuchi's orders, and continued to try to entangle with Wang Feng's fleet, desperately Stop them, but some nimble-headed ones have already followed in Takeuchi's footsteps, giving up resistance and trying to escape by boat.

In this way, the Takeuchi fleet completely dispersed like a flock of sheep driven by wolves!In this way, it is more convenient for Wang Feng's fleet to hunt them down separately. The ships of the Fubo Army are much more armed than the Japanese. In addition, their morale is high. Under such circumstances, it would be as easy as cutting tofu with a sharp knife to clean up these terrified Japanese people who had lost their morale in the army. Those Japanese had to jump into the icy sea one after another. They would rather be frozen to death than be burned alive by fire, and they also had an illusion in their hearts, hoping that as the defeated, they could be killed by the opponent. Pick up the captives, maybe you don't have to die here.

Takeuchi was as miserable as a bereaved dog, causing the sailors on his ship to flee towards the north of Osumi country desperately, and even wished to get everyone a big paddle at this time, let everyone row and speed up their boats, Hurry up and leave this sea that frightens them infinitely, but at this time, it is obvious that his wish cannot be realized. His boat is not the kind of boat with oars, and they can only rely on the sail on his boat to provide power for them , when the sails have eaten enough wind, it is already impossible to speed up.

Wang Feng has been watching the actions of Takeuchi's boat with a sneer all the time. He really feels sad for the Japanese to have such a general. A general who can abandon his subordinates is the greatest misfortune for soldiers!

"Let the other boats clean up the remaining Japanese! Let's keep an eye on that Japanese boat. I'm afraid it's too late for him to run away!" Wang Feng stopped his sneer and ordered to the subordinates on the boat that there is no need for it at this time. He commanded the battle, and every captain knew what to do and what to do.

Wang Feng's ship was a [-]-stone ship built by a shipbuilder along the coast of Fujian. Although it was not as good as the Zongheng and Pioneering, it was still one of the best ships in the fleet this time. It had three masts and was as tall as a building. , The speed of the ship is also very fast, so when the Qinglong started to catch up with Takeuchi's ship, it didn't take long, and the distance between the two ships was quickly shortened.

Takeuchi lay on the stern, looking at the huge ship from far to near, his heart was full of despair, he knew that he would never return to Osumi country today, he was not reconciled!He is really not reconciled!Why did I get so unlucky that I met such a terrible enemy here!

"Master Takeuchi! Our boat is not as fast as theirs! What should we do?" A pale-faced subordinate asked Takeuchi in a low voice.

Takeuchi looked at this subordinate with ashen eyes, then kicked up and kicked this subordinate away. Isn't it sincere to ask him this question at this time?Takeuchi secretly thought, if I knew, wouldn't I have run away long ago?Do you ask?

This unlucky guy was kicked and rolled far away before being blocked by the fence. Otherwise, he might have been kicked into the sea by Takeuchi. How heavy is Takeuchi's kick!
No one dared to go to Takeuchi to ask what to do anymore. All the people on board looked desperately at the approaching warship with the skeleton flag flying, watching it getting bigger and bigger in their eyes, getting bigger and bigger. Closer, it is impossible for someone who has not experienced despair to experience such feelings.

Wang Feng's Qinglong rushed all the way through the wind and waves, and finally caught up with Takeuchi's boat after a stick of incense. From the rear angle, it happened to be the dead end of the ballista on Takeuchi's boat, so there was no fear that it would be used by the Japanese with the ballista To attack, Wang Feng sneered and ordered: "Everyone get ready, hold on tight, let's sink him! It's too wasteful to shoot!"

So the soldiers on the ship grabbed the things around them and prepared for the collision. Their ship was much larger than the Japanese ship, and it was also much stronger. They didn't worry about losing money at all. Force is a common thing, and even collision is a very effective tactic in later generations, so Wang Feng chose the ramming tactic, intending to sink the Japanese ship in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the high bow of the Qinglong was about to press down on Takeuchi's ship like a mountain, an amazing scene suddenly appeared. There was no arrow on the Takeuchi's boat, and no one was throwing things at the Qinglong. On the stern of the boat, a Japanese man lifted up a white bed sheet with a long penny with lightning speed, and this man waved the bed sheet vigorously, shouting in blunt Chinese from the inside: : "We work in surrender! We work in surrender!"

"Turn left! Get out of the way!" When Wang Feng looked at the white flag thrown by the Japanese boat in front, he suddenly gave this order by accident. Even after he himself gave the order, he felt a little unbelievable, why should he get out of the way?
The sailors faithfully fulfilled Wang Feng's instruction, immediately steered the rudder to turn left, and at the last moment brushed against the side of Takeuchi's ship to avoid it, but even so, the waves caused by the high-speed Qinglong were still The boat in Takeuchi swung violently, and the Japanese on it were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they watched the ship's side of the Qinglong pass by them like a huge wall.

Without waiting for Wang Feng's order, Takeuchi's ship lowered its sails very actively. Under the supervision of the archers on the Qinglong, all the Japanese on the ship obediently dropped their weapons and stood tall. Raised his hands.

"Damn it! Cowardly and shameless Japanese!" Wang Feng scolded himself before waiting for others to mutter, and then ordered: "Order the leader of the other party to crawl over to me immediately! I really want to see what kind of thing he is .”

Takeuchi tremblingly climbed up the blue dragon along the rope ladder, and was immediately tied up by his shoulders and arms, and then pushed in front of Wang Feng. As soon as Takeuchi saw Wang Feng, he knew that the other party must be the skeleton pirate fleet this time. The leader, his knees softened, and he knelt down in front of Wang Feng. He used to think that he was a real warrior, but today when he watched the ships he brought one by one being turned into torches by the skeleton pirates After that, when he watched batch after batch of his subordinates being beaten to death or burned to death, and a large number of people jumped into the icy sea water, and when he watched the bow of this huge ship, moving towards When he came crushed by himself, his heart was suddenly gripped by fear. This kind of fear made him helpless and made his limbs weak. Even he himself didn't know how he gave the order to surrender just now, but in When he saw his own soldiers picking up the white sheet and waving it desperately, and watching the giant ship turn away from his stern, the fear of death in his heart disappeared immediately, replaced by a feeling of uneasiness. Contained shame, this shame made him no longer have the courage to look anyone in the eye.

Under Wang Feng's contemptuous eyes and tone, Takeuchi told Wang Feng his situation like a bamboo tube pouring beans. Looking at this soft-boned Takeuchi, Wang Feng looked down on this guy from the bottom of his heart, wishing he could just tell this guy directly. The guy was killed and brought down with his boat, but when he heard that Takeuchi was the confidant of Uramo Kubo, the governor of Osumi country, he thought about it in his heart, and he still didn't kill this guy without authorization, but It was ordered to take him into the cabin, and then ordered the Japanese soldiers on the Japanese boat to set sail and follow him back to Tanegashima. From then on, Takeuchi and other captives knew that Tanegashima had fallen, and they came out this time. They were simply going on a journey of no return. Even if they escaped the interception of Wang Feng's fleet, they would eventually fall into the trap of themselves and plunge into the arms of skeleton pirates.

Dozens of Japanese soldiers on Takeuchi's boat did not dare to make any more resistance, so they hoisted their sails obediently, and sailed back to the battlefield under the supervision of the Qinglong.

When they returned to the battlefield, the battle here had come to an end. Of the [-] ships that Takeuchi brought out this time, the only one that was still intact was the one that Takeuchi was on, and the rest were in the boat. The burning on the surface of the sea formed nineteen fireballs, which were scattered and floating on the surface of the sea. The Japanese soldiers on board had already been burned to the point where they could no longer find their human figures. Only a large number of them jumped into the sea in order not to be burned alive by the fire. The escaped Japanese soldiers were still desperately struggling in the sea and calling for help.

Some of the Japanese people who jumped into the sea at the first time had already been frozen pale and their lips were black and blue. Some of them had been frozen and their limbs were stiff.But there are still many who have jumped into the sea not long ago, and are thrashing vigorously at the moment!When some Japanese saw that Takeuchi's ships were brought back intact, they immediately understood why, so they yelled desperately at the nearby ships of the Fubo Army that they would also surrender in Japanese!
"My lord hates traitors the most, so why don't we get some traitors back today?" Wang Feng said with a sneer to his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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