Great Song Pirate

Chapter 536 Unilateral Massacre

Chapter 536 Unilateral Massacre
The watchman in the bucket on the top of the mast has been paying attention to the situation on the island. When he saw a large number of Japanese people yelling and heading south, he also saw the black army that had been arranged in the south. The Jia army could even see their skeleton flag, and he also saw a team of hundreds of cavalry retreating slowly to the south, so he lay on the side of the bucket and shouted to Sun Hai below: ;

"Master Commander! The infantry brothers have arrived, and a large number of Japanese have begun to leave the dock to meet them!"

Sun Hai nodded and said with a smile: "Order the boats to gather together and prepare to dock or put down the sampan, and the gunners will cover and help the archers land!"

As his order was handed down, the ships that were setting fire around in the harbor began to move closer, and lowered the sampan from the side of the ship. One by one, the helpers climbed off the ship along the thrown rope net, and boarded the sampan. The ship simply leaned directly on the trestle, where the jump helpers and archers were placed on the trestle more quickly.

Lin Xiong also wore a double layer of leather armor specially made for him, and put a helmet on his head. In order to distinguish his identity from other people, there was a very long golden pheasant tail feather specially inserted on his helmet , so that it is very easy to find him in the crowd. I saw Lin Xiong holding his fine steel simple knife, without even pulling the rope net, he jumped directly from the side of the boat to the trestle, and stomped on the wooden planks of the trestle. He trembled for a while, and then raised the simple knife in his hand to the air and shouted: "Brothers! Kill me!" Then he rushed towards the shore with those who accompanied him ashore with a whistling sound...

"Happy! Report to Commander Yang! The last general has already led the cavalry to raid the Japanese, beheading more than a thousand people in this trip, and they have begun to chase them now!" Xiao Jianfeng was covered with blood splattered on both men and horses. Even his face was covered with blood spots, which made him look much more ferocious. I don't know how many Japanese people he killed when he rushed to the pier this time, and the Khitan cavalry behind him were all covered in blood. But it doesn't look like it's their own.

"Lao Xiao is now in command, lead the troops back to the formation!" Yang Zaixing didn't talk nonsense, and immediately ordered.

Xiao Jianfeng cupped his hands, waved the horse in his hand, and returned to the main formation with his four hundred elite cavalry. After running down this time, he led the cavalry to beat the Japanese by surprise. Before they even had time, they rushed into the formation from the side and back, and even though they were beheaded countless times, they began to run away. Originally, with his ability, even if they completely defeated the enemy army, it would not be a problem, but Yang Zaixing ordered him to He retreated with one blow, leaving time for the Japanese to regroup and let them fight. The purpose is to completely annihilate them here, instead of just fighting a defeat battle, so Xiao Jianfeng didn't have any complaints, reined in Standing in front of the cavalry battalion, the horses were panting heavily after galloping for a while, and they just took advantage of this time to let the horses rest for a while, and they would have a chance to show off later!

Angrily, Shimadzu led his miscellaneous soldiers and ran out of Akaogi Port, only to see the soldiers and horses with black armor and black flag in the distance head-on, and he was even more surprised. It turned out that he thought that the skeleton pirates only landed He gathered hundreds of cavalry, but what he didn't expect was that the number of cavalry on the other side was far more than those cavalry, and there were so many infantry. His heart sank immediately, and his legs that were rushing could not help but slow down. down.

"Father! What should we do?" His second son, Shimadzu Hiroyoshi, approached him in panic at this time and asked him.

"What else can we do? Line up to fight! If we can't beat them today, our Shimadzu family is finished! Give me an order! Anyone who kills a pirate will be rewarded with ten taels of silver! Give thirty acres of land!" Shimadzu really gave up The money is gone, this is not the time to pity the money, if you can't beat the skeleton pirates, then he will have nothing, so why use the money and land?

After learning about the heavy reward, the morale that had been beaten just now began to gather again in the Shimadzu army. At this moment, many Japanese have already thought of the consequences, and they can't beat the pirates, so they also run away Not going anywhere, and now that Shimadzu has ordered a heavy reward for killing the enemy, they can only muster up their courage and fight to the death!

Under Shimadzu's restraint, his soldiers and the newly recruited so-called new army began to regroup. At this time, there were very few archers among them. On the pier just now, the most dead were the archers. Others The troops did not lose much. Now they are basically a single army. The government soldiers are slightly better equipped. Everyone has at least one steel knife, and some people hold spears. At least some people wear leather armor or bamboo and wood. The finished armor looks decent, but the so-called new army is miserable. Not to mention without armor, many of them don't even have steel knives, and they have all kinds of weapons, such as dung forks. They used them as weapons, and some people even found harpoons. At least these things still had an iron head, but some people were miserable, and even took a bamboo spear made from bamboo, blah It's just a slap in the face.

Looking at the chaotic equipment of the Japanese on the opposite side, many soldiers in the infantry army almost laughed crookedly. There is nothing to be afraid of fighting against such an enemy army. Compared with our army, the equipment of the Fubo army is almost the same as They are worlds apart, regardless of the large number of opponents, but in the eyes of these elite infantry, wait a minute, these guys are all targets of slaughter, and they have to show a good performance today. reward!After seeing the Japanese army coming, the morale of the Fubo army was greatly shaken. Even Yang Zaixing felt that fighting such an army was really invincible!

"Give it the duck!" Anyway, there were not many archers left, and Shimadzu could only rely on the remnants of his defeated generals to charge to repel the skeleton army, so he threw the Japanese sword in his hand and roared hysterically.

So those Japanese soldiers rushed towards the Fubo army's line like a tide with his roar, screaming strangely while running to cheer themselves up, as if they felt that the louder their screams, they could scare the other party Run in general.

Yang Zaixing couldn't help but laugh, is this also called charging?It seems that I really think highly of the other party, it is simply a bunch of mobs!

"Load the Thunder Cannon with shotguns, put them close and fire, don't load the cracked bullets, it's useless against them! Save them and use them later!" Originally, he wanted to test the effectiveness of the cracked bullets that Xu Yixin gave them to the infantry, but seeing After passing through this gang of rabble, he lost this interest.

The artillerymen immediately filled the barrel with wooden corks, then filled it with a bag of iron sand, and began to silently calculate the distance of the Japanese, while the crossbowmen immediately took the crossbow or the three-arrow crossbow from their backs, and started Winding up the string and loading the arrows, only wait for the Japanese to come within their shooting range.

When the Japanese army howled and charged about [-] steps in front of the Fubo army formation, the artillery battalion was about to wave down the small flag vigorously and ordered to fire. When Yang Zaixing suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, let them come closer!" Fire after clicking! Crossbowman ready to diffuse!"

The crossbowmen then pointed their crossbows at the sky at a certain angle, and as the Japanese army continued howling and running wildly, and both sides could see each other's expressions clearly, Yang Zaixing shouted: "Let go!"

Immediately, the gunners thrust the red-hot iron bars into the fire gate, and then a series of roars sounded from the small soil slope, and the Leigong Cannon suddenly spewed out a burst of flames and thick smoke, raining down the iron sand in the barrel like a torrential rain. The arrows were thrown out, and the crossbowmen also pulled down their triggers or loosened the bowstrings in their hands at the same time, and thousands of arrows rose from the thick queue, and then floated towards the sky like a dark cloud. On top of the formation of the Shimadzu Army...

"Commander Xiao led the cavalry to immediately detour to cover the enemy's rear, and never let a Japanese go!" Yang Zaixing saw that the charging Japanese army suddenly hit an invisible wall, and the momentum of the attack suddenly stagnated. Then the rows of Japanese running in the front were like felled rice, sprayed out a layer of blood mist, and then screamed and fell to the ground, and the rain of arrows all over the sky was also at this time. Falling in the middle or behind the ranks of the Japanese, there was also a blood mist, and a large number of Japanese who were shot by the arrows fell to the ground immediately, and he immediately gave the order to the cavalry who had been waiting to charge.

Without saying a word, Xiao Jianfeng raised the horse spear in his hand again, swung it suddenly, and led the cavalry away from the formation, directly rushing towards the rear formation of the Japanese army.

"Pull up the bows and crossbows, and the whole army assaults!" Yang Zaixing then waved the big gun in his hand, and then slammed his legs on the horse's belly, and the horse under his crotch immediately flew all four hooves, and took the lead in killing the already chaotic and chaotic. The Shimadzu army and the infantry behind him also followed Gao Jun roaring and marched together, clenched the spears and knives in their hands, followed Yang Zaixing closely, and killed them...

This time Miyamoto followed Shimadzu and ran at the end of the team. When he heard the rumbling guns ahead, he didn't even look at the people around him, and was the first to turn around and run towards Shimadzu. Without a trace of hesitation, he moved so fast that even his own soldiers didn't react. When they saw Miyamoto fleeing, some of his subordinates also understood, so they followed him without saying a word. , let go of his feet and ran towards Shimadzu Village desperately.

Miyamoto knows better than anyone else that Shimadzu's desire to win this battle under such circumstances is undoubtedly like a dream. Unless Amaterasu personally helps them, they still have a glimmer of life. Besides, waiting for them He is not interested in dying with Shimadzu only because of the ruthless slaughter. Now he only wants to get out of the battlefield as soon as possible, and run as far as he can. It is best never to see the people of Fubo Army again!
(The monthly ticket list has finally dropped out of the top [-]. What a celebration! Treat yourself! Get a good night's sleep in the afternoon!)

(End of this chapter)

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