Great Song Pirate

Chapter 537 Super Throwing Knife

Chapter 537 Super Throwing Knife
Their behavior did not attract Shimadzu's attention, but first attracted the attention of Xiao Jianfeng's cavalry who was quickly rounding back to the rear of Shimadzu's army from the side. Under the urging of the knights on their backs, they brought their speed to the extreme, roaring and chasing after Miyamoto and the others.

Miyamoto turned his head and looked, only feeling a little gut-wrenching. He knew that even if his legs beat him to death, he would not be able to run away from those horses, so when he looked around, he plunged into the front not far away without hesitation. In a small forest, this is his only way. The dense forest can block the cavalry, and only in this way can he escape the pursuit of the cavalry, but the soldiers behind him who are running slowly are not as lucky as him. Before they ran to the edge of the woods, they were overtaken by Xiao Jianfeng's cavalry. They let out a series of mournful howls as they swung their swords and guns.

Like a black flood, the Fubo army, led by Yang Zaixing, Gao Jun and other generals, rammed heavily into the chaotic Shimadzu army, stabbing with spears and brandishing swords, setting off a wave of chaos on the land of Tanegashima. The blood mist, screams resounded through the sky, and corpses that lost their lives fell in the pool of blood. This kind of battle is not like a battle, but more like a group of tigers pounced on a flock of sheep. Unilateral massacre.

The well-coordinated Fubo infantry is like an efficient killing machine. Every step forward, a piece of life is harvested, and the scattered resistance of the Japanese can't cause them any harm at all. The shield sword hand blocks the enemy's attack. To attack, the spearman immediately stabs out the triangular long spear, then knocks the opponent to the ground, and then the shield swordman steps forward to make up the knife, the whole coordination is as smooth as a cloud...

This so-called battle didn't last long, and soon the shouts of killing gradually began to stop, leaving only the groans and howls of some wounded Japanese in a pool of blood.

Ryutaro Shimadzu was also lying among the large corpses at this time. There was a huge blood hole on his chest. The blood was still slowly leaving his chest. He was staring at the sky blankly. He was very dead. Not reconciled, the other party didn't give him any chance, so he stabbed a gun into his chest. He didn't even have the chance to swing a knife to resist. His last consciousness was that it was over, this time it was completely over.

When the cannon rang, he knew that he could not win this battle. When the rain of arrows fell from the sky and nailed his second son Hiroyoshi Shimadzu to the ground, he became furious. He only had these two sons, but they both died in the hands of the skeleton pirates, so his mind went blank, holding his saber, and frantically rushed towards the general of the skeleton army who was killing him, wanting to do it for him with his own hands. His sons took revenge, but he seriously overestimated his own strength. The opponent was too fast, Ma Kuai was even faster, and as soon as the two approached, before he raised his sword, the opponent's spear pierced like lightning. It entered his chest, picked up his body, and threw it out heavily. When he landed, he had no feeling.

According to Yang Zaixing's order, Xiao Jianfeng's cavalry surrounded the rear of the Japanese. When the Japanese began to collapse, they tried to escape back to Shimadzu Village, but they just happened to intercept them head-on. For the defeated army who lost their fighting spirit, these brave men The cavalry was simply performing a murderous drama, with spears and knives cutting the lives of these Japanese who were trying to escape like a death scythe.

When the last Japanese who was still running was chased by a cavalryman and split him open from the back, the battle was considered to be over. Everyone glanced at the battlefield, and there were corpses and blood everywhere, only a few wounds that were not dead. The soldiers were still moaning and struggling, and the humid air was filled with the pungent smell of blood. Some soldiers were patrolling the battlefield. When they saw that there were wounded soldiers who were not dead, they stabbed them down with their long spears, and then twisted them. This completely ended the suffering of the Japanese wounded soldiers. After confirming that there were no Japanese alive, Yang Zaixing immediately ordered the whole army to gather and strode towards the burning Akaogi Port.

As their guide, Mizumao's old department walked to a pile of scattered corpses, looked down casually, and suddenly exclaimed: "These people were our people before, they were all Miyamoto's subordinates, and they participated in the rebellion! They How could you die here?"

A group of cavalry passing nearby heard his exclamation, so someone rode over and said to him: "When the battle started just now, they fled like rabbits, and we caught up with them and killed them here! "

Hearing this, the water cat Jiubu immediately leaned over and turned over the corpses lying on the ground one by one, and carefully identified them. After seeing all the corpses, he shook his head angrily and said, "Damn it! There is no bastard Miyamoto! Let him run away again!" Then he kicked one of the dead Japanese people heavily in the face, spat, and cursed: "Such a death is really cheap, you bastards!"

The news quickly reached the ears of Yang Zaixing at the front of the team. Yang Zaixing frowned and immediately sent an order: "Gao Jun! You take a few of Brother Shui Mao's old troops, and bring a whole team of people. Immediately search in the direction where Miyamoto might escape. Let go of this traitor!"

Gao Jun immediately took orders, ordered a group of people to leave, and searched into the woods.

Lin Xiong was crazy about killing at this time. He didn't care if the opponent was a Japanese soldier or not. The guy who was bluffing and directing some Japanese soldiers to try to resist, so he took some jumping helpers and rushed towards the guy fiercely.

Sasaki was already in a panic at this time. The cavalry that appeared from the south just dispersed them and killed many of their soldiers. Fortunately, he slipped away quickly and hid behind them, so he was not caught by those terrifying skeleton soldiers. The cavalry was beheaded on the spot, and when Shimadzu learned about it, he immediately took most of the government soldiers and the new army to chase the cavalry, leaving him with only some archers and Yakushima native soldiers. There were only 500 people, but just after Shimadzu left, the pirate ships in the port began to dock, and those who put the sampan put the sampan, and a group of pirates wearing black leather armor all over the body killed the pier, Sasaki Almost going crazy, he had no choice but to command the remaining frightened remnants to resist.

He didn't dare to get too close to the pier, so as not to be bombarded to death by the terrible weapons on those ships, those pirates would kill anyone they saw as soon as they landed, and they were so fierce that they only felt chills on their backs , but they have no choice but to drive away these pirates. God knows how many people they will kill here. Besides, they are in Tanegashima now. Call the stragglers to meet the enemy.

Suddenly he saw a group of pirates, led by a bearded man with feathers on his head, attacking aggressively towards his position, his heart shrank again, and he hurriedly shouted: "Here I stop them!"

Hearing this, the remnant soldiers and defeated generals gathered by him were unhappy in their hearts!Let's go, what are you doing?But the Shimadzu family is not here, even if Sasaki is the biggest, if he disobeys orders, he might be cut off by Sasaki first, so these remnant soldiers bit the bullet and shouted to embolden themselves, and then copied the guy to Lin Xiongyi Pedestrians greeted them.

What Lin Xiong was afraid of was not that they would come to fight, but that they would turn around and run away. It would be too troublesome to chase them. When he saw them coming up, he grinned wildly, waved the simple knife in his hand, and shouted: "kill!"

Then he took the lead and killed it!As soon as the two sides met, Lin Xiong's big knife swung away the chop!Originally, he was strong and fierce, and he used a simple knife that was as long as one person in his hand. After confronting the Japanese, no one could resist the Japanese with the big knife. Xing was slashed and killed by Lin Xiong for a while, and Lin Xiong stared at the wounded guy, and captured the thief first and captured the king. Naturally, there would be no one to command if he was killed!

Sasaki's heart was cold, and when he turned around, he found that there were not many people around him, and the remaining few guys were already pale with fright, their hands holding the swords and guns were trembling, seeing that they could not be counted on, so they had to pull out With the waist knife, he greeted Lin Xiong with a strange cry.

Regardless of the injuries on this guy, but his sword skills are quite good, and his shots are extremely tricky and fierce, otherwise he would not be able to become a powerful general around Shimadzu. He met Lin Xiong and fought hard to block Lin Xiong's attack His shoulders were numb, but he didn't dare to neglect his hand, he pushed the knife across his hand, the speed of the knife was so fast that people couldn't react, and Lin Xiong was forced to take a step back, feeling a little caught off guard, this time Lin Xiong The interest came, and I didn't meet a decent opponent after fighting for a long time. I thought the Lord was fooling them by saying that the Japanese swordsmanship was sharp. together.

The two fought back and forth for a few rounds, and Sasaki couldn't hold it anymore. This pirate head is really powerful, he is very measured in offense and defense, and his sword is too long, forcing him to use his sword skills. What made him even more frightened was that the opponent was so powerful that he had to use his strength to block every slash, and after a few moves, his shoulders were a little sore and numb. So he dodged Lin Xiong with a dagger, turned around and ran away without saying a word, now he didn't want to invite people to resist, let's save his life first!The pirates of the Song Dynasty are too powerful, they have nothing in common with the elegance of the Song people, they are even more barbarians than the barbarians!Are they really Song people?
Lin Xiong is so angry, he ran away after a fight, how could the Japanese have such virtues?Seeing that he couldn't catch up, if he let this guy run away, he would cause trouble for himself, so he didn't care about other things, he handed the big knife to his right hand, swung it away angrily with one hand, and threw it out with all his strength. He used a plain knife as the biggest throwing knife in history, and flew straight behind Sasaki.

(End of this chapter)

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