Chapter 535
Headed by Xiao Jianfeng's cavalry, with the gun carriages in the middle and the infantry on the two wings for maintenance, more than 1000 sturdy Fubo soldiers marched towards Chiomu Port in stride.

From time to time along the roadside, some Japanese people with their throats cut were found. These people were local civilians. Yang Zaixing knew who did it without asking. Li Bo's poisonous snake team arrived here in advance to help their army know the Japanese people along the way. To prevent the news from being exposed prematurely, now it seems that Li Bo has led his poisonous snake team to complete this task very well. All the Japanese who were killed, regardless of men, women, or children, were killed with one knife, and they did not drag their feet. The level of ferocity!
In war, compassion for the enemy is cruelty to oneself. When they start to act, they only see the enemy in their eyes, and there is no distinction between good and evil!This is what Xu Yi told Li Bo, and Li Bo faithfully conveyed it to every member, and faithfully carried it out.

When Yang Zaixing's infantry approached three or four miles away from Chiweimu Port, Li Bo came out from the side of the road with his poisonous snakes, nodded to Yang Zaixing, and Yang Zaixing clasped his fists in thanks, and then they quickly entered a forest Among them, it disappeared.

Yang Zaixing looked at the terrain, then pointed to the small slope in front of him and ordered: "The artillery is building a position on the slope. Commander Xiao quickly lead your cavalry forward, and inform the Japanese that we are coming! Don't fight them, try your best to fight with them." Reduce the loss, after hacking and killing, bring them here, we'll wait for them here! Gao Jun, let's prepare for the formation!"

Xiao Jianfeng and the others laughed. Yang Zaixing is one of the rare people who can be so humorous. It's really rare, but what he said made the somewhat depressing atmosphere in the army relieved, and many soldiers relaxed their tense expressions. Come down, for this group of soldiers, at least [-]% of them are fighting for the first time. If they don’t feel a little nervous, then they are not called newcomers, but the proportion of veterans who have gone on an expedition to Annan is not small among them. Their presence played a very important role in stabilizing the morale of the army.

The Fubo infantry army is very well equipped. Unlike the Song army and other armies, everyone here has long-range attack capabilities. Except for the archers who each have a knife, a strong bow and two pots of arrows, the rest of the soldiers In addition to being equipped with standard swords, shields, and spears according to their division of labor, each person also needs to carry a pair of machine crossbows, but the arrows they carry are only half a pot, and everyone carries a lot of weight, so The people who can be selected into the Habayashi Guard who went out with the army this time are all very strong. This kind of equipment and personnel quality is far beyond the comparison of the general army of the Song Dynasty. Yang Zaixing himself is very confident that he can have such an army , also feel quite proud.

The cavalrymen under Xiao Jianfeng also wore improved pouch armor for cavalry, which greatly increased the defensive area. Each of them had a saber, a long spear, and a horn bow on their back. There are two pots of arrows, and three four-foot-long javelins specially made for their cavalry on the left leg. It can be said that they are armed to the teeth. Even when they were in Daliao, they were not so well equipped. , Xiao Jianfeng's favorite is these three javelins. When hedging against the opponent, it is more convenient to use than the horn bow, and it is more lethal.

With a roar, Xiao Jianfeng rode his horse to the front of the [-] cavalry. He raised his horse and shouted sharply: "Khitan boys! Now is the time to show your courage! Pull out your weapons and let the Japanese try Let us taste the power of our Khitan warriors! The whole army has them, kill them!"

The four hundred Khitan cavalry raised their three-edged long spears one after another, and shouted in unison: "Kill...!" Then Xiao Jianfeng turned his horse's head, and his legs pinched the horse. The horse neighed lazily, and then four Hooves flew, and galloped towards Chiweimu Port, where the flames were raging into the sky. The four hundred Khitan cavalrymen behind them also roared in unison, raised their weapons, and followed Xiao Jianfeng towards the place where the flames were raging into the sky. Roar away.

After the army arrived at the slope, they also stopped. Yang Zaixing did not choose the tactic of a collective raid, but chose to let Xiao Jianfeng make a surprise attack, and then draw the Japanese out to fight a positional battle on the wide terrain. Army to play a game, so that they can give full play to all the advantages.

Yang Zaixing then sent some scouts to scout nearby to prevent enemy troops from appearing in other directions, and then ordered to line up. Under Gao Jun's command, more than 1000 soldiers quickly lined up. Thanks to the efforts of the artillery brothers, the position was quickly built and ready. The infantry formed a thick formation, and the shield swordsmen lined up in front of the formation, touching the ground with their shields, forming a shield wall. There is a spearman standing on each side of each person, with their spears stretched forward, forming a forest of spears, while the archers are preparing behind them, Xiao Jianfeng brought his cavalry battalion to the right, and the whole army stood in silence, only waiting for the Shimadzu army here we come.

Several panicked native soldiers ran to the pier and shouted from the inside: "The pirates are coming, the pirates are coming!"

A family went up and kicked one of them to the ground, cursing: "Baga! Don't shout, everyone knows that the pirates are coming! Why don't you hurry up and get out of line?"

The native soldier fell to the ground and shouted with trembling lips, "No...the pirates came from the south!"

"Huh?... the south?" Shimadzu heard the voice of the soldier, and immediately wrote a few question marks on his forehead, so he waved his hand and called the general to bring the soldiers over, and asked them: "You What did you just say? What pirates came from the south?"

Several local soldiers hurriedly knelt down to Shimadzu, and replied in a panic: "Master Island Master! We were on guard in the south just now, and suddenly a group of black armored cavalry rushed over and hacked many of us to death without saying a word. We saw that their flag is also the skeleton flag, and the skeleton pirates have already landed on the island! The island owner hastened to send someone to stop them!"

Shimadzu's head buzzed, and he almost didn't sit on the ground. Several retainers around him also panicked, and one person shouted in panic: "Island owner! We have been fooled! The skeleton army is cunning! They are using these boats to attract us, and then landed in other places! Please send troops to intercept them, the island owner!"

Shimadzu didn't pay attention at the moment. On the one hand, there was a fleet of skeleton pirates raging in the harbor, and on the other hand, a group of pirates who landed on Tanegashima suddenly appeared. Now he is under the enemy and doesn't know what to do. Quickly asked: "How many people are there in the skeleton army that raided us?"

A soldier quickly replied: "We saw about 500 people. They are all cavalry! They are extremely fierce! We couldn't stop them at all, so many people were hacked to death by them!"

Shimadzu is really dizzy, who are these skeleton soldiers!Even the cavalry was brought here!How big is their boat?Can even so many war horses be transported from the Song Dynasty?
"Where are they now?" Shimadzu hurriedly asked.

"We don't know, but they seem to be going to the island owner's manor!" The soldier continued.

Shimadzu immediately panicked. He almost mobilized all his soldiers and horses to the pier. There were less than a hundred soldiers left in the manor. Once the pirates raided his lair, the Shimadzu family would be finished!So he jumped up immediately, pulled out his waist knife, and shouted to the people around him: "Follow me quickly to stop them, and order Sasaki to leave a thousand new troops here to guard against the skeleton pirates at the pier. Shimadzu Hiroyoshi immediately led the rest of the people and me to intercept those pirate cavalry!" As soon as his voice fell, Sa Yazi ran towards his manor first.

The generals around him immediately followed him with a rumble, and immediately ran to the back. Before the group reached the place where Sasaki gathered, they saw Shimadzu Hiroyoshi leading a group of government soldiers to throw off their helmets and remove their armor. He went up to them, Shimadzu didn't look young, but his eyes were not bad, he spotted Kouji Miyamoto in the crowd at a glance, he was so angry on the spot, he just thought that this bastard had already killed himself , died in the sea, but now it turns out that he is alive and well, not even a few of his subordinates died, so why did he go just now?

"Miyamoto! Why are you here?" Shimadzu said angrily with red eyes.

Miyamoto's face was quite embarrassed, so he quickly lied: "Master Island Master, I led the fleet to meet the skeleton pirates just now, but the enemy fleet is really powerful, and we are no match at all. In desperation, I had to take the ship Fight a bloody road with your subordinates, retreat to the island, and now come to support the island owner!"

Shimadzu is no longer in the mood to hold him accountable for running away, and now he is also in employment, so he doesn't bother to talk to Miyamoto, and waves him to follow him. Now that he has more people, he has more strength, etc. After repelling the skeleton pirates, I'm going to settle accounts with this bastard!
"Father! Just now we were attacked by a cavalry of skeleton pirates of unknown origin. They were so fierce that they scattered us all at once. I was worried about my father's safety, so I brought people over to meet my father!" Ryutaro Shimazu His son Shimadzu Hiroyoshi said to Shimadzu sadly.

"Baga! These skeleton pirates are so cunning! Where are they going now?" Shimadzu cursed.

"After they raided us, they have already started to retreat towards the south!" Shimadzu Hiroyoshi replied.

Shimazu Ryutaro finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as those skeleton pirates didn't kill his home, he waved the waist knife in his hand and ordered: "Call everyone immediately, and chase them for me, and don't let them be in our house." Feel free to wander around the island!"

Hiroyoshi Shimadzu immediately agreed, leading a group of generals to gather the defeated stragglers and start forming an formation, and then followed Shimadzu Ryutaro to the south...

(End of this chapter)

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