Great Song Pirate

Chapter 525 Sword Pointing at Tanegashima

Chapter 525 Sword Pointing at Tanegashima

Xu Yi and the generals were overjoyed to hear that they hadn't seen each other for another year, but they met here today, of course they all rushed out to the pier to welcome Fang Shu's arrival.

When Fang Shu entered the harbor, he only saw more than 30 ships docked here. Although these ships were much more prestigious than his more than 30 ships, Fang Shu still felt a little puzzled. The huge Fubo army, Why did the lord come out with only so few ships?Isn't this ship and manpower a little too little to deal with the Japanese?

So as soon as Fang Shu went ashore, after seeing Xu Yi, he greeted the generals one by one, and then immediately raised this question to Xu Yi.

"Haha! It seems that we have deceived Fang Shu too! Let me tell you the truth! This time the lord brought us out, not just this few boats, the lord brought a total of more than 100 large ships, and more than [-] elite soldiers! But most of them They are all docked at the temporary pier behind the island! This time we came here, and we have no intention of taking advantage of those despicable Japanese people!" Without waiting for Xu Yi to explain to Fang Shu, Sun Hai patted Fang Shu on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Only then did Fang Shu understand, and he couldn't help being overjoyed. It seems that this time he came to follow Xu Yi and made a fuss!With their strength, it is impossible to conquer the city in the future in Japan!
After everyone returned to the Juyi Hall in the stockade, Fang Shu reported to Xu Yi what he had done in the country of Wa during this period, and Xu Yi and others laughed out loud.

"Fang Shu's move is really ruthless. Not to mention taking advantage of it, he even blamed Jiang Dong and put the shit pot on the head of the Korean. It's not bad! This move is really beyond our expectations! We will clean it up later. After the Japanese, there will be troubles between the two countries!" Xu Yi said while laughing

"I didn't come up with this idea, but a secret secretary named Ma Zhe under my command. Don't look at him as a literati, there is a lot of bad water in his belly! When I was about to send troops, he said Yu Instead of us coming to the Japanese country with such a big fanfare to act under the skeleton flag, it is better to come here under the banner of the Koreans, in case the Japanese are prepared in advance, which will have a negative impact on the future actions of the lord, and we can also provoke the Japanese and the Koreans by the way The relationship between people, save them from going to trouble with us Da Song in the future!
As soon as the humble officer heard it made sense, he ordered his subordinates not to hang the skull flag, but got some Korean flags to hang up, and yelled in Korean when working, which really fooled the Japanese!Now the Japanese hate the Goryeo people to the bone. If the lord hadn't come over, maybe they would really send troops to conquer Goryeo!
But right now they don't have the time to do that. When the humble staff left the Goto Islands, the soldiers and ships assembled by the Japanese from Chikuzen Kingdom and Hizen Kingdom were still wandering around the Goto Islands looking for Korean pirates!After they understand it, I'm afraid the lord has fallen out with their Satsuma and Osumi countries! "Fang Shu said with a smile on his face.

Everyone laughed again, but Xu Yi felt that Fang Shu's news was still very valuable. His doing so at least restrained Dazaifu's large military strength on the Xikaidao side, which would have a lot to do with their actions in the future the benefits of!

After everyone chatted for a while, Xu Yi briefly explained the current situation they were facing to each other, and everyone then discussed the future action plan. After the things they discussed on the road came here, they had to make adjustments according to the actual situation.

The generals gathered around and looked at the map, and Mizumoo said, "I'm the most familiar with the situation here. If you come to attack our Cancer Island from the West Kaido, the best place to gather is Bojin in the Satsuma Kingdom." There is the shortest distance between Tanegashima and Cancer Island. If we capture Tanegashima, the Japanese will definitely start from Osumi Country and attack Tanegashima, instead of sending their fleet to Tosa to avoid my eyes and ears like last time. Gather, after all, they can't always use that trick, Tanegashima and Osumi are very close, if we really capture here, then from here we can directly threaten Osumi, Hyuga, Satsuma and other places, heading north We can even easily threaten the Tosa country of the Japanese Nankaido and other places!

But there is also a problem here. There are many Japanese people living on Tanegashima, and the terrain on the island is flat, making it difficult to defend. This must also be taken into consideration!However, as long as we conquer this place, the problem of food and grass will be completely resolved in the future, and it will be up to the Lord to decide whether to fight or not! "

Tanegashima has long been known to Xu Yi, a military fan. Let alone the space center of Japan, it is also the birthplace of Japanese muskets. The Portuguese came here in the Ming Dynasty and passed on the manufacturing techniques of muskets The owner of Tanegashima, since Tanegashima began to produce matchlock guns on a large scale, and then gradually spread to the entire Japanese country. The ancestors of their Japanese iron cannons and muskets were born here!
"What about Tanegashima's defenses now?" Xu Yi asked the water cat.

"My lord, although Tanegashima belongs to the Osumi country, it is usually under the jurisdiction of the island owner. Right now, his island owner should be the Shimadzu family. Their family usually has about 1000 private soldiers on the island, but Ever since the humble job started to make trouble here, the Shimadzu family began to increase their troops, and there are about 2000 private soldiers. Among the Japanese who attacked the humble job this time, there was the private soldier of the Shimadzu family, and Miyamoto was also behind. , When he arrived at Tanegashima, he was nominally named the main ship of Dazaifu (an official title of Dazaifu), but Fujiwara of Dazaifu did not fully trust him, so he was sent to Tanegashima, and now he is also regarded as the general of the Shimadzu family! "Water cat replied.

"Damn Miyamoto!" Xu Yi scolded, and then looked at the picture again. The Shimadzu family is also a celebrity in the history of Japan. They have produced many powerful generals in later generations. Xu Yi has heard of it , and when one of their descendants was still invading Goryeo, they fought a battle with the army of the Ming Dynasty, because they took advantage of a lot of shit luck, and it was considered China's feud. After thinking about it for a while, he bowed his head and thought, so Finally made up my mind!

"Since this is the case, then we will attack Tanegashima. After conquering Tanegashima, we have solved the problem of food and grass supply, and at the same time directly threatened their Osumi and Satsuma countries. The Japanese will naturally become anxious. Waiting for the Japanese to come here is not an option. , as we expected, it is not a matter of one day for the Japanese to gather a huge fleet of soldiers and horses. When they gather, we will run out of food, so we can't wait for them to come to the door now, so let's start first In order to be strong, we solved the Shimadzu family and occupied Tanegashima. Besides, the Shimadzu family is only two or three thousand soldiers. It should be easy for us to solve it, but we have to think about how to fight this battle. Here I see that you have also marked a small island, what is this island? How big is it?" Xu Yi asked the water cat while making up his mind, pointing to a black spot west of Tanegashima.

"Reporting to my lord, this is Ma Mao Island, but this island is very small, only about four or five miles from east to west, and only three or four miles from north to south. Because this island is too small, there are no Japanese people living in it, so it is still an uninhabited island! "Shuimao explained to Xu Yi again.

When everyone heard that Xu Yi had made up his mind to attack Tanegashima, they immediately became excited. Although their opinions were not unified just now, as long as there is a battle, they will have no opinion. Anyway, it will be sooner or later to conquer Tanegashima The matter of fighting early and late is the same, and all the generals straightened up, waiting for Xu Yi's order.

"In this case, let's occupy this Mamo Island first, and then use it as a springboard to attack Tanegashima! And the Akaogi Port of Tanegashima happens to be not far from here. Let's give them a direct attack on Huanglong and capture them. Their Akaogi Port (later Nishinomote Port) wiped out the Shimadzu family in one fell swoop, grab that Miyamoto, and skin him alive!" Xu Yi waved his hand and said.

"My lord, please give me an order!" The generals immediately lined up on both sides and bowed.

"Well! Now that we have made up our minds, let's not delay any further. Let's make a decision after arriving at Mamao Island first! Diao Bin obeys orders!" Xu Yi called Diao Bin's name first.

Diao Bin immediately stepped forward and said, "The end is here!"

"I order you to take your ship first, set sail immediately, without any delay, go to Ma Mao Island first, occupy there, and prepare for the arrival of our large fleet! If there are Japanese people stationed on the island, it is best to take advantage of it Going to the island at night, you must not let them find out, leave a tongue, and don't keep the rest!" Xu Yi instructed him.

Diao Bin received the order immediately, without delay, turned around and left the Juyi Hall, went to the pier, ordered his boat, set sail immediately, and sailed towards the wind due east. He was the pioneer, so it was natural to open the way. It's up to him to do it.

"Yang Zaixing, Gao Jun, and Xiao Jianfeng listen to the order!" Xu Yi then immediately clicked on the three of them.

The three of them were overjoyed upon hearing this, and immediately went out to receive the order.

"This attack on Tanegashima, your infantry will become the main force. The terrain of Tanegashima is flat and suitable for cavalry operations. This is the first time your cavalry has appeared since you formed an army. Adjust the condition of your horses to the best level as soon as possible, so that the Japanese can also see it. Let's take a look at the strength of our cavalry, but this time you still can't use all your troops. In addition to the cavalry, you can only use a thousand infantry and artillery. We can't expose our strength prematurely. Can you completely solve the Shimadzu army on the island? , It depends on your ability! That Miyamoto wants to keep me alive, so I can't let this guy die too cheaply!" Xu Yi ordered them.

"My lord, don't worry! The generals will never let you down. If we can't kill the Shimadzu army, the general will come to see you, my lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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