Great Song Pirate

Chapter 524: Joining Teachers

Chapter 524: Joining Teachers
Fang Shu and his subordinate brothers first caught the Japanese by surprise on Tsushima Island, carried out several massacres there, and killed many Japanese people, then left Tsushima Island immediately and ran to the West Sea Dao, and wantonly plundered along the coast of Hizen Kingdom and Chikuzen Kingdom, and let out the anger in his heart, but more than a month ago, Dazaifu organized a large number of warships and carried out raids on his fleet along the coast. A siege, his strength is currently limited, not enough to eat a fleet as big as the Japanese, so he moved to the Wudao Islands, using this place as a base, breaking it into pieces, and continuing to attack the Japanese under the banner of the Koreans , causing the Japanese here in the Goto Islands to complain endlessly, and constantly sending urgent calls for help to Dazaifu.

During this period of time, the Japanese also sent a lot of ships to the Wudao Islands, looking for his fleet everywhere, so he shot a gun to change places these days, dealt with the Japanese among these islands, and ate some Japanese from time to time. The ship that was left alone happened to be the one who sent a ship to attack the Japanese today, and happened to meet Lu Sheng and the others at sea, so Lu Sheng was not allowed to continue wandering around in the five islands. Otherwise, I really don’t know when Lu Sheng Can find him!Maybe they will encounter a large fleet of Japanese people, then it will be troublesome!

Now that he knew that Xu Yi had arrived here, there was no need for him to continue playing hide-and-seek games with the Japanese here. Fang Shu immediately ordered the ships under his command to start gathering, and to collect the property they captured during this time, The women and others were all loaded onto the boat, and at night they weighed anchor with Lu Sheng and headed for Cancer Island.

Compared with Xu Yi's fleet, Fang Shu's fleet is relatively shabby. Speaking of which, his fleet also has more than 30 ships and nearly 2000 subordinates, which can be regarded as a rather large force, but After all, most of his ships were rebuilt from robbed cargo ships. The real warships were less than ten Jiangbei sea ships, and the number of artillery on his ships was very small. Compared with the warships selected from various places, there is naturally no comparison!So in the past two months, he can only use more harassment tactics to deal with the Japanese, and he can't have a happy duel with the Japanese fleet, which makes him feel always depressed!
This time, after discussing with his subordinates and Lu Sheng, Fang Shu and his subordinates and Lu Sheng decided to leave quietly. In this way, after they disappeared for a period of time, the Japanese will find out that it is best to send some of the Japanese to fight. The boats and soldiers are pinned down here, let them go around in circles here, these idiots will find it!
The fleet set sail in the starry night and circumvented the Wudao Islands all the way, not even a bird was alarmed. When the day dawned, they had already left the Wudao Islands, leaving behind hundreds of Japanese ships and more than [-] Japanese soldiers in the Wudao Islands. Continue wandering around the archipelago, let's face off against the non-existent Koryo pirates!
In the Juyi Hall on Cancer Island, the messy tatami mats made by the Japanese have been removed and replaced with some tables and chairs. Xu Yi and the generals gathered around the map, arguing fiercely about something.

"The general feels that it is not the best policy for us to wait here for the Japanese to come. Although we can wait for work with leisure, the island is too small after all, and we don't have enough food and grass. If tens of thousands of horses gather here, it will consume a lot of food. It is huge, and the space here is too small, the infantry is not good at water warfare, and the terrain and space here are not enough for the infantry to use, so the general thinks that it is not suitable for us to have a decisive battle with Japan on this island!" Gao Jun said loudly.

"This time, the lord originally planned to use this place as a bait to let go of the Japanese dogs. What he wanted was that the Japanese brought a large number of fleets to come here to encircle us. We took the opportunity to deal a blow to the Japanese navy here, and we are currently The strength is not afraid of the Japanese, just waiting for them to come here! As for this battle, the final general thinks that the main battle is to rely on the navy to fight the Japanese army, so I will not bother the infantry brothers!" Wang Zhi shook his head and said .

"Brother Wang's words are different! If we are fighting against the Japanese army, how can we lose our infantry? Otherwise, what's the use of bringing our infantry here? The general also thought that it would not be a good idea to wait for them to come. If the Japanese don’t come for a day, why don’t we just wait here for a day, and if the Japanese don’t come for a year, don’t we have to wait here for a year? So the general thinks it’s better to take the initiative!” Xiao Jianfeng also supported Gao Jun’s opinion Said next to Gao Jun.

"Wang Zhi didn't say that the infantry brothers were useless, but said that if the Japanese army came here this time, the infantry brothers would not have to help us at sea. Our navy brothers are confident that they will wipe out the Japanese army. The general thinks that The Japanese will not just watch us recapture Cancer Island, let us occupy here like this, they will definitely come here to fight us as soon as possible, and strive to wipe us out in one fell swoop, so as to eliminate their future troubles! So the general thinks they are still here Just wait for them to come!" Kong Qingxi also came out and said.

Xu Yi stood in front of the chart with his hands behind his back, and let them argue there, his mind running fast. What they said made sense, and he himself had originally planned to fight an ambush here, but Gao Jun What I said to Xiao Jianfeng seems to be good. Now if they stay here and wait, it’s not an option. They don’t have enough food and grass at the moment. If the Japanese drag it on for a while, it will undoubtedly cause them a shortage of food and grass. After thinking for a while, Xu Yi raised his hand to stop the blushing crowd.

"Okay! Stop arguing! You guys, what kind of navy and infantry are you guys? You must know that we are here on this trip, and we can't leave anyone! Let me hear you arguing about this topic in the future, and I will go out and fight first. Stop talking!" Xu Yi scolded with a smile.

When everyone saw that Xu Yi had spoken, they all closed their mouths and listened to Xu Yi's plan.

Xu Yi called Yang Zaixing by name and asked, "Zaixing, tell me first, what do you think? I didn't hear you just now!"

Then Yang Zaixing came out and replied: "The general and Gao Jun also have the same opinion on this matter. The general thinks that we should not wait here for the Japanese to come to the door. We should take the initiative to attack and ensure our food and grass here before we talk about it. Moreover, the general thinks that the Japanese Even if they get the news that we are here, I am afraid they will not come to encircle us soon, but they must first concentrate their ships and troops before they can come here to confront us, and it will take quite a while to prepare , During this period of time, we are relatively safe here, but it is not a good thing for our consumption of food and grass, which we cannot afford now!
And the general walked here yesterday. The island is only ten miles from east to west, and seven miles from north to south. The space is indeed limited. If the Japanese attack in large numbers, although our defense is easy, it will not last long. Therefore, this place is not a place to stay for a long time. Look, we can first capture Yakushima in the east or simply go to the west to capture the Goto Islands there, so that we can gain more space for activities, or use this time, we can divide our troops to attack Yakushima and the island first. Tanegashima, get enough food and grass to prepare for the Japanese to attack! "

Xu Yi nodded, and didn't come to a conclusion right away, but turned to Sun Hai and asked: "Sun Hai is my lieutenant general this time, I want to hear your opinion too!"

Sun Hai then also came out and replied: "The general agrees with Commander Yang's opinion very much. This island is indeed a little too small, and we do not have much food and grass reserves. We must replenish it as soon as possible, and the nearest It is Yakushima and Tanegashima. These two islands are much larger than Cancer Island, and there are many Japanese people here. Although they have garrisons, it is not a problem for us to capture them. We just need to win Even if we abandon these two islands, there is no problem, and it will stimulate the Japanese people to come to revenge, which is in our arms! However, if we attack these two islands, we still cannot use all our strength. When going down here, use part of our strength to confuse the Japanese and make them underestimate our strength, and when they come to fight us, we can take them by surprise and defeat them in one fell swoop!"

"The last general also agrees with Sun Hai's opinion. Just now I learned from a brother that the damn traitor Miyamoto is stationed on Tanegashima, and Tanegashima is flat. The residents there grow rice and produce a lot of food. If we take down this Tanegashima, we can completely solve our food supply problem!" The water cat finally couldn't help but also spoke at this time.

"Okay! Everyone seems to have carefully analyzed our current problems and situation, and figured out the psychology of the Japanese people. What everyone said is very reasonable. I have been thinking about this issue for the past two days. It is the same as what you said. Although Cancer Island is isolated overseas, there is indeed a problem that the territory is too small, and we are indeed facing the problem of food and grass. If we use large-scale troops against Satsuma or Osumi, what we did before will be lost. It is a bad idea to let the Japanese understand our strength. At present, our best way is to capture Tanegashima or Yakushima. This time we are not going back to the Japanese country in a short time. We must have a The rear base is enough for us to use, and the best choice at present is Tanegashima or the Goto Islands in the west. Let’s see, if I were the commander of Dazaifu, we captured Cancer Island. If they come to attack , where will the ships be gathered?" Xu Yi turned to face the map and asked everyone.

Everyone was about to gather around to look at the map, when someone ran in to report: "Congratulations, my lord, the fleet led by Commander Fang has arrived..."

(To reiterate, I was writing this seriously, and I didn’t think about deceiving the number of words on purpose! That’s not my style! If I had that idea, I’d be hit by thunder! I just wanted to write this paragraph about the country of Wa It’s just a little more exciting! If it doesn’t suit everyone’s appetite, everyone can just scold it!)

(End of this chapter)

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