Great Song Pirate

Chapter 526 Abandoning Cancer Island

Chapter 526 Abandoning Cancer Island

Xu Yi waved Yang Zaixing's infantry leaders to step back and prepare to go, and then told Shuimao: "Brother Shuimao, please take two Japanese boats to Tanegashima to inquire about the situation there first, and see the current situation in Tanegashima. After finding out how many Shimadzu troops there are, go to Mamo Island immediately to find us!"

"The last general has an order!" Shui Mao immediately agreed. He and his subordinates were the most familiar with the surrounding situation, and naturally he was the one to do the investigation. Shui Mao agreed without saying a word, and went out to order a gang His old department then brought some Japanese people as a cover, took two Japanese boats, and set sail towards Tanegashima.

"Fang Shu listens to the order!" Xu Yi then clicked on Fang Shu's name.

Fang Shu came out immediately, grinning his teeth happily. He had just gotten here and got a job, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

"Many of your brothers have left from here, and they know the situation here better, so don't be idle, divide your fleet into two, bring some Japanese, and then choose a few Japanese ships to come out. First, go to the sea around Osumi and Satsuma to see what's going on there. We have to guard against Japanese people. If they move quickly, it may affect our attack on Tanegashima. In addition, we will draw a few more for you The clippers will go to the Yakushima area to monitor the situation of the Japanese people there, but don’t disturb them. After we capture Tanegashima, it will be equivalent to separating Yakushima from Osumi. At that time, we will clean up Yakushima. Japanese!" Xu Yi ordered Fang Shu.

Fang Shu immediately took the order and went down to start taking action.

"There are others, so start preparing immediately. Let's leave here tomorrow morning and go to Mamao Island to assemble!" Xu Yi ordered the remaining navy generals.

Everyone immediately responded to the order, and after Lin Xiong received the order, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "That's not right! My lord! We are all leaving, who is guarding here?"

Xu Yi laughed immediately. Sometimes you call Lin Xiong a rough man, but sometimes he can figure it out very clearly, so he smiled and replied, "Of course there is no need for people to guard him!"

"Then that...then we have spent all our efforts to snatch this place back, isn't it a waste of all our previous efforts?" Lin Xiong became a little anxious when he heard this. You must know that he has put in a lot of effort to recapture Cancer Island this time!

The crowd also looked at Xu Yi following his question, and Xu Yi smiled slightly at them and said, "Why not? Let the Japanese come over to make a fuss, let them be full of energy, and then decline, and then they will be exhausted, and so on." When they found us, they were already exhausted! Abandoning this place is not a bad thing! Moreover, we did not come here to take up territory. If we want to completely hurt the Japanese, we cannot divide our troops and fight like rice on the coast of the Japanese country. , we must squeeze our fists, no matter where we hit the Japanese country, we must make them hurt to the bone. Our slogan is, we are locusts, and the land we pass will turn them into a barren place! Everyone, go prepare !"

Everyone heard it for a reason, and what Xu Yi said was very humorous, so they all laughed out loud, and soon the slogan that we are locusts spread throughout the Fubo army, and the soldiers laughed and called us locusts , and began to pack up, according to Xu Yi's instructions, not even a nail was left for the Japanese here, and all useful things were swept away, even if they were not needed, they would not be left for the Japanese when they were thrown into the sea.

In the morning sun, more than a hundred warships blew their horns one after another, then hoisted their sails, left Cancer Island in a mighty way, and sailed towards Tanegashima with the wind. Before leaving, Xu Yi still Order people to write such a line of words everywhere on the island, "Please come and eat shit!" It is also necessary to plant some mines and booby traps here and there, and it will be a pleasure to blow up a bunch of little devils!

Their destination on this trip is Mamo Island on the west side of Tanegashima, and they will pass through two small islands on the way, one is Iwo Jima (not the Iwo Jima of the Ogasawara Islands during World War II, but the Iwo Jima of the Osumi Islands! ) and another unknown island. These two islands are not as big as Cancer Island. They used to be occupied by Mizumao’s troops. It was firmly blocked and directly controlled the continuation of Yakushima and the land. It is no wonder that the Satsuma Kingdom and the Osumi Congress hated Mizuneko and tried every means to pull out his power.

However, after the power of the water cat was pulled out, these two islands were abandoned by the Japanese because they were relatively small. Now they are basically two uninhabited islands, temporarily abandoned. When the huge fleet of the Fubo Army passed by here, To be on the safe side, they still sent people to inspect the two islands, and only found two fishing boats resting here. As a result, more than a dozen Japanese fishermen were captured on the spot, which completely guaranteed the secrecy of their trip.

The people who came back told Xu Yi that there were still many bones of brothers who were killed on the two islands, scattered on the islands, and the original camp of the Shuimao tribe on the islands had been burned to the ground. Even the pier has been demolished!

Xu Yi sighed, so he ordered Sun Hai to send some brothers to the island to collect the remains of those brothers who were killed, cremate them on the spot, put them in jars, and bring them back to Dulong Island for burial. To get back to the roots, we can't just let the corpses of these brothers be abandoned here in Japan, it's better to let their souls return to their hometowns!

Some people in the fleet knew how to perform deeds, and went to the island with the boat to do some soul-calling. Although Xu Yi didn't believe in gods and ghosts, doing so always gave the brothers of Fubo Army a psychological comfort.

When they arrived at Ma Mao Island, Diao Bin had already controlled the place one day in advance. When they touched the island last night, they really met some Japanese people here. They were all fishermen from Tanegashima, and they ran far away. After a while, they docked on Ma Mao Island, planning to rest here for a night before returning to Tanegashima, but unexpectedly, they were sent to the Underworld after such a delay, leaving only two survivors. It is really unlucky to use it as a guide in the future.

This Mamao Island is really small and pitiful. After such a large group of people arrived here, they quickly crowded the place to the brim. It took a lot of effort just to dock the boat.

At this time, the Shimazu family on Tanegashima was also in a panic. They just received the news from Dazaifu. They didn't expect that the skeleton pirates really came back here and captured Cancer Island again in one fell swoop. They are deeply touched by the ferocity of the skeleton pirates. The previous pirate leader named Mizumao did harm to them on Tanegashima and Yakushima. Their presence almost made them feel that there would be no peace. Fortunately, Dazaifu was wiped out last year. As far as I can, I bought that Koji Miyamoto, and I finally wiped out the gang of pirates. I thought I could sit back and relax from now on, but I didn't expect that the captain of the skeleton pirate would risk his life and come to revenge , This group of people really took the courage of their ambitions, and even challenged the entire Yamato Kingdom with their own strength. If they are allowed to continue to occupy Cancer Island, Tanegashima may become their target of disaster again!

Ryutaro Shimazu was very annoyed by this. He is currently the head of the Shimadzu family and also the owner of Tanegashima. The soldiers and the fleet, in cooperation with Dazaifu's army, attacked Cancer Island together and acted as the guide of Dazaifu. If the skeleton pirates know about this, I am afraid that his Tanegashima and Shimadzu family will be the first ones that cannot be let go. What should be done in this matter?He sat in the room, after thinking for a while, he told his retainers: "Go and invite Miyamoto, and say that I have something important to discuss!"

Miyamoto is idle at Akaogi Port and has taken some old men to go fishing by the sea. He finds this kind of life boring. When Fujiwara Jun contacted him in the past, he promised him a lot of benefits, such as official positions, money, etc. Silver, beautiful women, Liang Tian, ​​etc., let him turn to betray Mizuko. He really couldn't stand such a temptation, and finally turned to Toshi Fujiwara, and led a complete betrayal with his cronies. What happened that night Even now when he closes his eyes, it still often flashes in his mind. When his knife cuts the throats of those brothers who have been with him day and night, and stabs them into their chests, the doubts, unwillingness, and resentment of those brothers dying The eyes made him unforgettable for a long time, but for his own future, when he did it, he didn't feel guilty at all, but felt that what he did was right.

But now he began to regret it a little. He tried his best that night, but he still didn't kill the water cat, but cut off one of his arms. What he didn't expect was that there were so many brave people around the water cat. Brother, he would be so brave and desperate to rescue the water cat, so that he would fall short in the end, and let the water cat and a group of people break out of the siege and escape under the siege of such a large army. This is not what he expected at the beginning To be honest, he is very afraid of water cats. Water cats have always been good to him, treating him as one of their own, and promoted him step by step from the bottom to become one of the few important people on the island. One of the generals, but he chose to betray. The moment he swung his knife and slashed at the water cat, a trace of guilt suddenly rose in his heart, but he had no way to turn back. He could only choose to kill Only in this way can he relieve the uneasiness in his heart, but just when he was about to succeed, all plans were destroyed by Lu Hanrong.

If it hadn't been for Lu Hanrong who was not afraid of death and rushed forward to block the life-threatening knife for the water cat, I am afraid that the water cat would have become the soul of his sword by now, and when Lu Hanrong was dying, he sprayed vigorously. blood on his face, and stared at him with extremely resentful eyes, so that he was always awakened by Lu Hanrong's eyes in his dreams, and made him unable to sleep peacefully. When he thought of Lu Hanrong's eyes when he was dying, he I felt chills down my spine.

(End of this chapter)

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