Great Song Pirate

Chapter 507 It's Time to Start

Chapter 507 It's Time to Start
The fleet sailed away from Kouzhidao amidst the cries of the residents of Kouzhidao. Xu Yi listened to the cries of the Japanese people on the island, but at this moment his heart was as firm as iron, and he could not feel any sympathy at all. .

After they left Kochinoshima, they continued to head northwest instead of Yakushima, which is the closest to here. The reason why Xu Yi didn't immediately choose to take revenge on Yakushima and Tanegashima in the Osumi country of the Japanese people was because it took a long time. It was thoughtful, and he discussed with the water cat for quite a long time before finally making a decision.

The fleet sailed past the west side of the small island west of Yakushima. Diao Bin received Xu Yi's order to explore the way ahead. The watchman on the mast kept searching the sea surface with binoculars, and in the expected During the time, I discovered the island called Kouyongliangbu Island, and then notified the entire fleet to turn the rudder to the west, keep a distance from this Kouyongliangbu Island, and continue to sail northwest.

After arriving here, the fleet no longer needs others to guide them, and Shuimao and his old brothers have become the pilots of the fleet. This is the place where they once fought. Even this mouth Their footprints have been left on Yongliangbu Island. Xu Yi can at most know some things here from the map, but Water Mao and the others are veterans who have been on this sea for several years.

Mizumao stood excitedly on the deck of the Crossbar. At this moment, his heart seemed to be on fire. What happened that night half a year ago flashed before his eyes one after another, and he couldn't help but use He tightly held the sharp knife hanging at his waist with his single hand, and the screams of those killed old brothers seemed to be echoing in his ears when they were dying. There were flames and ugliness everywhere. The faces of Japanese people are everywhere, and the sound of shouting and killing is everywhere...

Standing on the side of the ship building, Xu Yi saw the abnormality of the water cat not far from him, and saw his thin body shaking slightly from time to time. Lao Gao knew what he was thinking, so he walked over, patted the water cat on the shoulder, and woke up the water cat who was immersed in memories.

The water cat shuddered, turned its head to see Xu Yi's face, quickly lowered its head, panic flashed across its eyes, and whispered: "Oh... my lord... I..."

"Let him pass the past. People can't always live in memories. People will fall down. As long as you stand up and keep walking forward, you can't keep thinking about the moment when you fall. You are a man. Don't always recall failures, think more about your glorious victories, think more about the future, you will feel better, no one will blame you, why put a heavy burden on your shoulders like this? What to do, we Hasn't everything been discussed? This time I will let you personally lead the team to retake your Cancer Island!" Xu Yi interrupted what he wanted to say, and comforted him.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, the water cat suddenly felt ashamed, and hurriedly replied: "Thank you for your advice, my lord! I am afraid that the person I admire most in this life can only be you, my lord. From you, I always I can hear a lot of fresh words, and I have to admit that you are very good at comforting people! I was wrong. When I saw this island just now, I really remembered that night before, so I lost my composure. Please, my lord. forgive!"

Xu Yi patted him on the shoulder again, and said with a slight smile: "When did you learn to flatter me now? You must know that many people in power have been flattered to death by their subordinates. I don't want to I was flattered and killed by you guys, I should avoid these compliments in the future, otherwise I will really forget my last name very soon!"

After hearing his words, the water cat couldn't help being amused by his humor, shook his head and said with a smile: "If my lord wants to make others laugh, I don't think anyone can hold it back, but what I said is indeed sincere." To be honest, I'm not flattering my lord..."

"Look quickly! My lord, look quickly! The island over there seems to be on fire, look! There is so much smoke coming out! It can't be that the Japanese on the island saw us and set off the smoke!" Xu Yi said While talking to the water cat, Sun Hai suddenly pointed to the location of the small island in the east and called out to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi also hurriedly looked in that direction, only to see a puff of thick smoke rising from the sea. This thick smoke billowed and rushed straight into the sky. Man-made beacon smoke, who can release such a large amount of beacon smoke!So he hurriedly raised the binoculars on his chest and looked in the direction of the island.

"It can't be that the Japanese discovered our fleet. The general has been to this island before, and there are no Japanese people living on this island. The general wanted to settle here, but it turned out that several mountains on the island were actually on fire. The smell was so bad that he was dying. The general was afraid that the smoke there would be poisonous, and it would be troublesome to poison the brothers to death, so he changed to Cancer Island. The general estimated that the ghost mountain on that island was on fire again! "The water cat stood behind Xu Yi and said to him.

Hearing what he said, Xu Yi put down the binoculars on his chest, turned around and said to the astonished people on board: "I think it's something! This is not some wolf smoke, but the smoke and dust from the volcano, which scares us. One jump! Dare to feel that this island is a volcanic island. There is an active volcano on the island! The water cat is right, it is really not suitable to stay here, what you smell is the sulfur smell from the volcano, it is indeed poisonous! This is eternal It's a rare scene, everyone take this opportunity to take a good look, maybe you can see this scene in the next lifetime!"

After Xu Yi's explanation, everyone understood what happened, so they felt relieved and ran to the right side of the ship to wait and see.

At this time, this incident caused a commotion in the fleet. The unidentified members pointed to the thick smoke in the sky and talked about it. They didn't know what happened. People who have never seen this scene will inevitably think wildly. The ramblings are related to some gods. Some people worry that it may be that God has some dissatisfaction with them coming here to conquer the Wa Kingdom?How could there be such a big smoke on the island?

Xu Yi soon found out about this situation, which was not a good thing for them. Originally, it was not a fair thing for them to come here to repair the little devil, nor was it a just battle. If the truth is not known If the subordinates spread it nonsense, it might have a huge impact on their morale, so he hurriedly ordered the messenger to explain what happened to him, and made up a very deceptive It is said that the gods have begun to be angry with the extremely dirty Japanese people. How can such a shameless nation allow them to live in peace and stability in the world, and their Fubo army represents the heavens to deal with this shameless To the extreme Wa country, let's learn a lesson!

When the set of words he made up was conveyed to the ships, the uneasiness disappeared naturally. They thought about it too. On the territory of the Japanese country, of course they were targeting the Japanese, so the morale of the fleet rose again. This time, they represented God to teach this shameless country a lesson.

"The shortest distance from here to Kyushu Island is only more than 200 miles. This distance is already very short. Please pay attention, my lord, there may be Japanese ships nearby!" Shuimao reminded Xu Yi.

"Well! Not bad! Sun Hai ordered Diao Bin's squadron to turn into sentinel ships and spread out, pay attention to vigilance, and capture the Japanese ships immediately if they find them, and don't let any of them go! He ordered the two-wing fleet to pay attention to the ships that appeared unexpectedly on both sides, and also not to let go. Go one way! The main fleet starts to draw in, order the sand fleet commanded by Lin Xiong to follow the main fleet to shrink!" Xu Yi nodded, and then immediately gave Sun Hai instructions.

Sun Hai hurriedly conveyed Xu Yi's order. After the order was received, all the fleets immediately started to act. After Diao Bin received the order, he immediately ordered all the ships in his sub-team to disperse and go out to the fleet. Ten miles ahead, he maintained eye contact with the fleet and became the sentry ship of the rear fleet.

The Kong Qingxi and Wang Feng fleets on the two wings also started to move, and each sent a few lighter ships to leave the main fleet, and began to take on the task of guarding the two wings, and saw the situation on the nearby tens of miles of sea. .

After the fleet continued to travel for a certain distance, Diao Bin's fleet in front sent back a message, "An island is found ahead!"

All the fleets lowered their sails under Xu Yi's order, and lowered their sampans from some of the main ships.

The large discussion cabin of the Crossbar was filled with a dignified atmosphere. Everyone was standing in the cabin, and there was no sound in the whole cabin. Everyone was staring at Xu Yi who stood at the top, and Xu Yi, like them, was dressed in Dressed in a strong blue suit, he stood with his chest up in front of the enlarged coastal map of the Wa Kingdom hung high above.

When he saw that everyone had arrived, Xu Yi suddenly asked the generals loudly: "Brothers! We have been out for more than a month, do you remember what we are going to do?"

After the generals below heard his question, they replied loudly with one voice: "Avenge our brothers!"

"Okay! As long as everyone remembers what we are here for! Now we have finally arrived at the first destination of our trip!" Xu Yi took a very delicately cut wooden stick handed over by Daniel, and put The wooden stick pointed to a black spot on the map behind, and then said to the generals: "Our first destination is here! Cancer Island! We should start..."

(Since I’m not allowed to write about the Ryukyu Islands, let’s start! Brothers continue to support, don’t just give up on this book!)

(End of this chapter)

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