Great Song Pirate

Chapter 508 Excessive Care

Chapter 508 Excessive Care
Xu Yi pointed the baton in his hand at a black spot on the map, and said loudly to the generals: "Our first destination is here, Cancer Island! We should start! This is the place where our brothers died, and it is also the place where our brothers died. The shameful place of our Fubo army, where we stumble, we must get up! Today is the time for us to collect debts! It is also the time for us to wash away our shame!"

After all the generals heard his words, they felt a sense of blood rushing upwards. Following the cry of the water cat: "Swear to wash away the shame...", everyone also roared together: "Swear to wash away the shame... ..."

Xu Yi turned his head and scanned everyone's faces with his eyes, and saw that each of the generals in the cabin showed a face of tenacity, everyone had a kind of fanaticism in their eyes, and a kind of enthusiasm in everyone's body. With a strong murderous intent, he nodded in satisfaction, waiting for their roar to subside.

"Very good! Morale is good! Morale is good! Starting today, we will not rest for a long time, and we will not let the Japanese stop. After we get here, there is no justice at all. What we want is to kill , What we want is to plunder, and vent our anger on these damned Japanese! Let them experience the result of our fury!

If you still have compassion and kindness in your hearts, and if you don’t understand the purpose of our coming here, please stand up and tell me now!I will not force you!I won't blame you in the slightest!I can even swear that I will never despise you because of this!I will never allow anyone to accuse you, you can go back to Amami Oshima and wait for us to go back!Because what we are going to do next may cause you harm because of your kindness and compassion!It will make you feel guilty forever!You may even blame yourself for life!So I advise those of you who still have good intentions to stand up and leave here, there is still time to quit now! "

After Xu Yi said this, he stopped, and once again scanned everyone's faces with his eyes, especially Yang Zaixing and Gao Jun's faces, and he saw that neither of them had the slightest intention to stand up. There was a look of determination on his face.

After hearing Xu Yi's words, everyone had a thought, it seems that the lord is really going to be ruthless this time!Letting them withdraw at this time is simply a fantasy!What are you doing here?Isn't it just to avenge and rob?Is it to promote friendship?No way!This is what we do!Isn't it normal to kill someone?
Seeing that no one expressed any objection, and no one stood up, Xu Yi nodded slightly. The reason why he said this was to let everyone know, and he had a mental preparation. The days after they arrived here will be very bloody !On the way here, he has already instilled the thoughts that he should instill in everyone. He has already conveyed his disdain for the Japanese to everyone. This place is different from the Annan World War. The people here cannot be called Humans can only be called beasts!This kind of thinking has begun to take root among his followers, and has even begun to take root. His purpose of doing this is very clear, that is, he does not want any of his followers to still have goodwill towards the Japanese. Contradictions and cracks in the army, this is what he doesn't want to see!
"Since everyone is unwilling to quit, then I will continue to say! In the days to come in Japan, please remember that you are no longer human beings, and I will regard myself as a beast! I hope you can also treat yourself See it as beasts, a group of bloodthirsty beasts!
Don't have any mercy, this Japanese country is not worthy of your pity, you don't know what they will do to us Han people in the future!That's because they are still fledgling, and they don't have the ability to show their fangs and claws to our celestial dynasty, but I can assure you that once they have a little strength, they will never be so stable, their wolf ambitions In fact, it has already been fully exposed, these little dwarfs will not be willing to stay on this island in the middle of the sea, sooner or later they will swing their swords at the heads of us Han people!
Don't ask me how I know the future, but I can tell you, I just know!And those things I said before have now been proven that I was right!These damn Japanese should not have lived in the world, their existence is a disgrace to this land!If you are embarrassed to quit, then I don't ask you to quit now, but please put away the last bit of conscience in your heart!Bury it deep in your heart and release your conscience when we get home, we don't need this thing now! "There was a trace of hatred on Xu Yi's face that he had never shown before, and his current expression could almost be described as cold and ruthless.

The generals had never seen Xu Yi with such an expression before, and each of them felt a chill in their hearts. Each of them knew that Xu Yi had never had a good impression of the Japanese country, and it could even be said that he hated it very much. This kind of discrimination, no one can explain why Xu Yi treats this Japanese country like this, and the anger that Xu Yi showed today is probably not just because the water cats were attacked and slaughtered by the Japanese, but who cares about these things at this time What about things?After arriving here, what you are facing is no longer the people of Song Dynasty, so just be a gangster who does all kinds of crimes once and for all!

"Water cat listens!" After seeing that no one expressed any objection, Xu Yi knew that it would be useless to say more, so he called out to the water cat.

The water cat immediately came out and came to Xu Yi. He only had one hand now, so he couldn't make a fist, so he knelt down on one knee, put his hand on the ground and shouted loudly: "The last general is here! Please give orders, my lord!"

"I order you to take your old troops, take the cargo ship of the two Japanese people that we got a few days ago, and take some Japanese people to the vicinity of Cancer Island to check the situation there, and then you must come back before dark. Report the situation to me!" Xu Yi bowed his head and ordered to the water cat.

The water cat immediately replied: "The general obeys! Thank you for your kindness! The general will go!" After speaking, he got up and strode out of the cabin. Some of the brothers who fought out from Cancer Island with him before boarded the two robbed Japanese boats together, and found some Japanese to take them to set sail and sail towards the front of the fleet.

"Diao Bin, Wang Feng, and Kong Qingxi listen to the order!" Xu Yi continued to shout after seeing off the water cat.

"The end is here!" The three immediately came out to receive the order.

"Wang Feng, Kong Qingxi! I ordered the two of you to send sentry ships to spread out around the fleet as the center, and conduct inspections within sight. If any ships are found approaching us, they will be captured immediately, and no one will be able to find them." The existence of our fleet and leaked news! Diao Bin, you take your fleet to follow the water cat’s ship, go to Cancer Island, use your clairvoyance observation to keep out of sight, and observe the water cat’s ship, Once you find that there are Japanese people chasing the boats of the water cats, meet the water cats, but if nothing happens, don't let the Japanese people on Cancer Island find you! Do you understand?" Xu Yi instructed the three of them.

The three of them immediately bowed to receive the order, and also left the cabin, and left the crossbar with their respective lieutenants, and began to act according to Xu Yi's orders.

"The rest of you should go back and check the preparations of your brothers, and be ready at any time!" Xu Yi then ordered the rest of the people.

The rest of the people also bowed to their orders, preparing to leave the cabin and go back to make arrangements according to Xu Yi's instructions. As soon as Lin Xiong heard that they had nothing to do, he stood up and asked in a daze: "My lord! The general has something to say !"

Xu Yi looked at Lin Xiong, this guy is not young, he has nothing to say in war, he is definitely a general who dares to risk his life, but sometimes he doesn't like to use his brain, he can't be regarded as a handsome talent, at most he is a general, so he nodded Said to him: "Say what you have to say!"

Lin Xiong then said dissatisfiedly in a loud voice: "Since the lord has said it just now, this is our first stop to the Wa Kingdom, so why are we all here? Why don't we go all out and kill them directly on Cancer Island Well, let’s kill all the Japanese people there, what are you waiting for here? Is the lord worried that we won’t be able to take down the Cancer Island? If so, the general will be willing to play forward. If I can’t rush to the Cancer Island, You cut off my big head!"

Some people in the cabin agreed with Lin Xiong. They felt that Xu Yi's arrangement was superfluous. With their current strength, it should be easy to win a small Cancer Island. With their current strength, they are enough to guarantee that Cancer Not a single Japanese on the island can escape, so Xu Yi's arrangement is really too cautious!So everyone also looked at Xu Yi, waiting to see his reaction.

Xu Yi knew that someone would definitely come out to ask him about this today, expressing their dissatisfaction, so it was not surprising that Lin Xiong came out to ask questions, so he smiled and asked Lin Xiong: "Brother Lin, do you think I am overly cautious? Do you still think I am a timid person?"

Xu Yi's question made Lin Xiong unable to answer. Although he really felt that Xu Yi's arrangement was a little too careful, but if Xu Yi was timid and fearful, no one would believe it. But because of the matter of money, Xu Yi led a group of brothers and killed Annan directly, turning Annan upside down. No one would not admire that kind of heroism, so he quickly bowed and replied: "The last general dare not! Who If the lord is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, the general will be the first to refuse! The general just thinks that the lord is a little too cautious today!" This guy is straight-hearted, and he has nothing to say.

(Guess why the pig’s feet did this? I’ll leave a thought for tomorrow! Hehe!)

(End of this chapter)

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