Great Song Pirate

Chapter 506 The Island of Mouths

Chapter 506 The Island of Mouths

Looking at the few judges who were so frightened at this moment, Xu Yi spoke again to comfort them.

Then he said to them: "You all happen to be here today. I still need to leave for a while to conquer the Japanese country. I can't stay here for a long time. I will arrange some people to stay here and teach you how to do things. Treat my subordinates well and obey their arrangements. After a while, I will come back here again to see how you are doing. If what you do satisfies me, I will give you more rewards. I hope you will Do it for yourself!

Also, the people captured this time will also be handed over to you for the time being, and they must not be killed. When I come next time, I will take them away. Attack, kill and kill, if not, I will not let the person who provokes the trouble go!It turns out that the distribution of the territory of that tribe will be allocated by the subordinates I left behind for you. Those who have more clan members will get more, and those who have fewer clan members will have less, so there must be no objection! "

After listening to Xu Yi's words, the few officials had to obey. After learning from this lesson, they no longer had the guts to use their own necks to test whether the master's blade was sharp. It was cheap, and I didn't pay anything, and I was somewhat grateful to Xu Yi and the others.

When these few resigned according to the company, Xu Yi had asked Sun Hai to extract a few reliable, intelligent and literate subordinates from the fleet, and kept them here. The small team is acting as the governor here, setting up a primary government agency to manage the island, so that even Amami Island has been included in the Fubo Army's system.

At the same time, those brothers who were injured this time were also left behind to recuperate here, so that they would not be allowed to suffer from bumps anymore, and handed over to those tribes to take care of them. It is estimated that they will be as happy as gods. Xu Yi has secretly regarded this place as a place. This is the rear base of the Battle of the Japanese.

The few officials followed their orders like a stream, and then they left the command tent with the Fubo army members who stayed behind to manage them, and went outside to greet their respective clansmen to bring the food they had carried and planned to return the same way, but this Only then did they realize that the master had prepared a large amount of cloth for each of them and asked them to take it back. Only then did they realize that the master was not teasing them, but really gave them a lot of rewards, so the gratitude in their hearts increased. Little, honesty!My master is really sincere!It seems that submitting to this master is not necessarily a bad thing, on the contrary it seems to be a good thing!
So they happily carried the rewards they had received, distributed the captives, and drove them back to their own tribes. This time they went back to quickly call the war in the tribe and go to the remaining tribesmen of that tribe. Let's catch them all, this is the first task they receive, so don't be careless!

Because the food problem has been solved, Xu Yi simply stayed here for two more days when he saw that the horses that accompanied the ship had not been fully recuperated, until all the horses had recovered to their fine, fat and strong bodies. After being in the best condition, and the rest of the soldiers were also adjusted to the best condition, they called everyone to board the ship again, ready to set sail and set off again.

The few judges who were leading their clansmen to search for the remnants of the exterminated tribes, after hearing the news, put aside their work and ran to the place where the Fubo Army was stationed to see them off. Naturally, those who stayed behind would also be here Congratulations to send Xu Yi off, but these people feel very regretful that they can't join the lord in conquering the Japanese.

Respectfully sent off by everyone, the fleet left the bay in a majestic manner and sailed towards the northeast. This time, the two Japanese ships were brought to them. When the hard labor of cleaning the ship boards went, so many people watched them, even if they dared not be disobedient, otherwise the fish in the sea would be delicious!

Originally there were quite a few islands between Amami Oshima and Japan’s Kyushu Island, but these islands are relatively small, and even if there are people on them, they are very limited, and they have no strategic value for Xu Yi, so this time we set off After that, I didn't consider passing through these small islands again, so as to save more time.

But Sun Hai still put forward his opinion, suggesting that even if Xu Yi didn't intend to spend time on these small islands, it would be better to choose the vicinity of these small islands to increase the safety factor. God knows if there will be another big storm on the sea, at least be closer to some islands, so as not to have no place to hide after encountering it.

Xu Yi thought about it, so he accepted his suggestion, chose a westward course, and continued to follow the small islands to the north. In this way, when encountering a storm, he can find nearby islands to shelter from the wind, and he can also use these islands as landmarks to avoid The yaw occurred. Although this is a little farther, it has increased a lot of insurance factors. The time price paid should be worth it!
When Amami Island was completely out of their sight, the fleet once again transformed into a huge wild goose formation and spread out, combing the sea like a giant net. This time they sailed northwest, just in time to meet a There is a headwind, so the fleet draws wakes on the sea surface and breaks through the waves according to the zigzag route.

It was another long journey. They crossed one island after another on the sea. Xu Yi marked them one by one on the chart he drew by himself. He couldn't remember the names of many islands. So he simply named these islands according to his own preferences, and no one would come to correct him anyway. Sooner or later, these islands would be cleaned up by him one by one, and the naming rights would be his sooner or later. , I am afraid that the names of these islands in future generations will be named according to the names he gave out!When Xu Yi thought of this, he felt very strange.

During the voyage, the people in the fleet were still not idle, and the practice did not stop for a day, and from time to time, the generals would be gathered by Xu Yi to discuss and discuss with the maps of the Japanese country provided by the water cat. A target for some future raids.

From Mizumoko's mouth, they learned that in order to deal with Mizumoko and his group, the Wa Kingdom secretly dispatched a large number of ships and private soldiers from the lords of various places in order to keep the operation secret, and transferred the ships to Chikuzen Kingdom in Nankaido. (now Fukuoka, Japan) was concentrated, which happened to be the location of Dazaifu, and then set off from the Chikuzen country, drew a big circle on the sea flower, bypassed the Goto Islands, and avoided the water cats that had been set up on the islands. The eyeliner only succeeded in their raid on Cancer Island, which shows how much brains and efforts the Japanese have put in to completely eliminate the power of the water cats.

Looking at the map, Mizumao explained to everyone the general situation of Kyushu Island in the Wa Kingdom. Kyushu Island is also the Western Kaido of the Wa Kingdom. The state is under the unified management of the Dazaifu located in the Chikuzen Kingdom. It is a very important foreign port of the Wa Kingdom. The Wa people, Koryo, and the Chinese dynasty all started from here. It is also an important military location in the south of the Wa Kingdom. They used to invade Korea. It was also here that they assembled and set off here, and this time the encirclement and suppression of Mizumao was under the unified command of Dazaifu. When Mizumao talked about this Dazaifu, he gritted his teeth with hatred. He only hated that when he was so powerful, he did not treat this place to start.

As for his Cancer Island, it is actually a small island in the south of Kyushu Island and west of Yakushima. The route between the country and Yakushima and Kyushu Island made the Japanese people on those two islands miserable. Most of the Japanese slaves sent back to Liuqiu Island were plundered from this area, so if we say that we hate Mizumao and them the most The Japanese people here are probably the Japanese people from these places. In addition, Mizumao once attacked the Goto Islands in the northwest direction, so the Hizen Kingdom was also a place that suffered a lot. He even led the fleet as far away as possible. Went to the Tosa country of Nankaido (now Kochi Prefecture, Japan) to fight the autumn wind, and almost all the coastal countries in the south of the Japanese country suffered from their losses. It was a headache to mention their skeleton pirates. important reason.

After the water cat's introduction, everyone had an intuitive understanding of the situation here, otherwise, if they got there, they might not even know where to go.

After sailing for several days, the fleet encountered a strong wind again. Fortunately, Liu Laoliu, the weather forecaster, gave an early warning. They quickly found a small island and sailed to a leeward place to avoid losses. Now, Xu Yi was very grateful for listening to Sun Hai's suggestion. If Sun Hai hadn't reminded them, they might have encountered this strong wind at sea again. I don't know what would happen!

Xu Yi marked the small island in the swaying cabin of the Zongheng, and after doing some calculations, he found that this place is not far from Yakushima. If so, this island is not one of the Sanan Islands. The island should be the island of the mouth. If he is not mistaken, this place has already entered the waters of the Wa country. If you draw a straight line from here and go west, you can go directly to Hangzhou Bay or his Dulong Island.

The strong wind encountered this time lasted for nearly two days before slowly stopping, so the fleet also stopped on this island for nearly two days, but they were not idle. When the wind was light, Lin Xiong I still led a group of jumping helpers to put down the sampan, and landed on the island forcibly. After investigating here, I found a medium-sized fishing village in the northwest of the island. When I heard what they said, it was true. The Japanese language is not the native language of the previous natives, so Lin Xiong was not polite to them, and immediately robbed all of them here, and kidnapped a group of Japanese women on the island, scuttled all the fishing boats here, and returned. fleet.

"My lord! The general has already asked. This is already an island of the Wa kingdom. The island is inhabited by Japanese people. They call it the Island of Kou. The general asked them to change their careers to become farmers by the way. The fishermen think they I won't be able to do it for a short time!" Lin Xiong replied to Xu Yi as soon as he saw him.

(There is an error in this chapter and it has been revised. If you are watching a pirated version, you probably won’t have a chance to see it! Hehe! Doing it like this at the starting point will kill people, but I was not allowed to modify it three times just now, saying that there is a difference in the number of words! It’s really dizzy Me!)

(End of this chapter)

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