Pokemon Poor

Chapter 94 Iron Armor Pupa and Iron Shell Kun (seeking first order, please support!)

Chapter 94 Iron Armor Pupa and Iron Shell Kun (seeking first order, please support!)

"The mission of the Elf Center doesn't require what kind of elf it is. If you kill this Arbor snake, you can get only 6000 yuan, and the materials of the Arbor snake will be worth 1 yuan, which is too worthless!"

Tian Ci quickly calculated the comparison in his heart, 1 and 2, so he must choose 2.

"Let's go, Bobo, let's go west this time. When you see the armored chrysalis, fly back and tell me immediately."

As he said that, Tian Ci took out a photo of the armored chrysalis from his mobile phone, the whole body was green, and his body was like a knife.

"Boom~" Bobo agreed, expressing his understanding.

The armored chrysalis was the target he used to complete the mission.

Of course, he is definitely not going to kill the armored chrysalis in the Bada butterfly group, his target is the armored chrysalis that act as a guard on the periphery of the group.

To be honest, they might be exalting them as a warning. They are outside the tribe because they are not qualified to enter the Badahu tribe.

Most of these armored chrysalis were evolved from green caterpillars with low aptitude in the outer circle after they came to the inner circle, and the energy level had reached the normal level, yes.

But apart from hardening, it can't do anything, and the form of the armored pupa can't move at will, and it needs a lot of energy to evolve again.

The Ba Dahu group certainly does not have so many resources to supply all the armored pupae to evolve, so only the qualified iron-armored pupae can live a life of opening their mouths within the group, and then evolve after accumulating energy to a certain level.

Then someone must ask, why don't these armored chrysalis with poor qualifications get resources and don't leave?
This is because Ba Dahu and Iron Armor Chrysalis belong to the same clan after all. Although they don't have enough resources, they don't want their clansmen to become the rations of other elves in vain.

Therefore, there will also be Ba Dahu or Da Needle Bee on the periphery of the group to check it out from time to time.

Yes, you read that right, it's Big Needle!
Because Ba Dahu and Big Needle Bee are actually a cooperative relationship in the forest, and their clans are also nearby.

After all, their individual combat effectiveness is generally very weak, so they can only report to the group to keep warm!

If the Arbo Snake just now confronted a Big Needle Bee of the same level, there is a high probability that the Arbor Snake will win.

In addition, both of them have the second stage of evolution that cannot move, strong reproductive ability, etc., it can be said that there are many similarities.

Moreover, the iron-clad chrysalis or iron-shelled insects on the periphery basically burned their vitality during evolution.

Originally, his aptitude was not good, and his vitality was burned, and he was an elf with no energy and no combat effectiveness.

So even if they are of ordinary grade, no fool is willing to spend money to buy them, let alone the Elf House.

However, their materials are still valuable, which is why Uncle Sam told him that as a newly promoted ordinary trainer, this place is a good place for him to make money.

"However, be careful, don't go too far!" Tian Ci secretly warned himself, never be greedy.

Because if these armored chrysalis or iron-shelled kuns are greatly disturbed by emotions, some of them have enough vitality, and they will probably burn their vitality again to complete the evolution.

Although the energy level will not increase after evolution, and he can only live for a few days, but there are still several ordinary-level Ba Da Hu and Big Needle Bees, and he can't resist them.

Just when Tian Ci was planning the armored chrysalis in his heart, Bobo suddenly flew back.

"Boom!" I found the armored chrysalis!

"Really! In which direction, let me see"

After understanding what Bobo meant, Tian Ci was very careful. These armored chrysalis, which cannot move and have no fighting power, are all money!
"Bobo~" Bobo pointed in a direction with his wings.

"Wc! There are so many! There are both iron shell kun and iron armor chrysalis!" Tian Ci picked up the binoculars and looked at it, and found at least dozens of iron shell kun and iron armor chrysalis living together in front of him.

"Moomoo?" Trumpet Bud can also see it after his physical fitness has been greatly improved through promotion.It expressed a little worry, we will definitely not be able to beat this!
"Don't worry, Trumpet Ya, I'm looking for a target!" Tian Ci patted Trumpet Ya on the head.

"Okay, it's you guys! Bobo, Trumpet Ya, let's go to the far left!"

The three of them moved slowly to the left, and Tian Ci pointed to the two armored chrysalis closest to them.

"This is our goal!"


"Moo|ω)" The two little ones, who thought they understood Tian Ci's meaning, immediately thought of making a move.

"Hey, don't worry, don't worry, we are on the outermost side, but once the battle starts, we can still hear it so close, first listen to my tactics!" He quickly stopped the horn bud who was about to make a move, Bobo.

"First of all, we still use powdering tactics, but instead of paralyzing powder, we use hypnotic powder this time."

"Bobo?" The studious Bobo immediately asked, why not use numbness powder, isn't the effect of numbness powder better?
"Moo Moo~Moo Moo Moo" Before Tian Ci could answer, Horn Ya, who had already obtained part of the true inheritance, immediately opened his mouth to solve the problem.

It means paralyzing powder, elves can still talk, if they scream, it will still disturb other elves.

"Cough! That's right, Trumpet Ya is partly right!" Tian Ci patted Trumpet Ya's head with a smile to encourage him!


"As for why it is part of it, there is another reason because the hypnotic powder will not attract their attention, because the stage of the iron armor chrysalis and iron shell kun is to reduce consumption and accumulate energy!
They often go to sleep to reduce their own consumption, so using hypnotic powder, even if they suddenly get sleepy, they won't feel strange! "

"Moomoo? Moomoo ω" This time it was a question from a good student, Horn Ya, who said why didn't we hypnotize more than a dozen of them at once, or even hypnotized them all at once, didn't we make a lot of money ω
"Ahem, trumpet bud, don't be too greedy, and don't underestimate your opponent! If most or even a dozen or so elves suddenly fall asleep, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of other companions.

Two or three of us hypnotize a wave, so that it will be inconspicuous among the dozens of them, and we won't pay too much attention to these! "

Tian Ci had already guessed that someone would ask such a question, so he immediately gave the answer.

This is what Uncle Sam told him again and again, never be too greedy!
Although Iron Armor Pupa and Iron Shell Kun are easy to deal with, but if it attracts the attention of Big Needle Bee and Ba Dahu, it will be over.

These bugs won't talk to you about one-on-one, one-on-two, their rule is to fight in groups.

After all, they are weak alone, and they also know that they cannot deal with the enemy alone.So once they are dispatched, there are several of them, and several of them are dispatched together.

Generally, Ba Dahu and Big Needle Bee will be dispatched together, Ba Dahu is the main control, and Big Needle Bee is the main attack.

So in the forest, a single Butterfly or a Needle Bee is not scary. What is scary is that you meet a team of bees with a cooperative combination!

 Let me explain, the VIP volume of my mobile phone writer assistant just now can't jump out at all, I have been messing with the computer to send it out!Didn't mean to delay, sorry, sorry!

  I know that many readers are waiting to see the evolution, and there are only a few chapters left, because you can't just break through the normal level and evolve directly, so the foundation will be unstable!After the breakthrough, stabilize, there is an important small plot, and then it evolves!

(End of this chapter)

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