Pokemon Poor

Chapter 95 Hunting Success (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

Chapter 95 Hunting Success (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

"Okay, after explaining the dusting tactics, let's talk about what to do next?"


"Moo moo~"

Seeing Trumpet Ya and Bobo nodding repeatedly, Tian Ci felt like Zhuge was reborn.

"Actually, the next step is very simple. After they fall asleep, Trumpet Bud, you quickly roll them up with vines and pull these two armored chrysalis to us.

At that time, let's go further, so these two armored pupae are still in our bag, haha! "

He continued to tell his plan with a proud face.

"moo moo ω"

"Bobo ω" the two little ones cooperated and sent adoring eyes.

"Okay, I understand, then let's act!" Tian Ci waved his hand and started hunting!
"Shushasha~" the trumpet buds immediately began to produce a large amount of hypnotic powder

"Huh~huhu" Bobo flapped his wings quickly, and blew the powder towards the two armored chrysalis on the tree.

"Duo~duo~啷~" Soon after being exposed to a large amount of hypnotic powder, the armored pupa began to feel drowsy and fell asleep.

However, there was an accident when the powder was sprinkled. Maybe the trumpet buds had too much powder. After hypnotizing the two armored chrysalis, the excess powder was still floating out.

Fortunately, the distance is relatively far, so in Tian Ci's telescope, only two extra fell asleep, and the other armored chrysalis just yawned after absorbing it, and the iron shelled Kun basically didn't respond.

"It seems that the amount of this powder must be explained every time before interacting with Trumpet Bud."

Tian Ci silently added another precondition to his tactics in his mind. Sure enough, talking on paper is far worse than actual combat.

"Hoo! Shoo!" Trumpet Sprout didn't think so much after dusting, it firmly memorized Tian Ci's order, rolled up two vines, and ran out with two armored chrysalis.

"Bo~bobo" Bobo is quickly looking for a safe place outside, and this cry means that he has found it.

"Shasha~sha" Trumpet Ya quickly ran towards Bobo's position with two armored chrysalis.

Soon, it arrived at Bobo's position, and gently threw the armored pupa to the ground with a "boom". Although it was as light as possible, the heavy shell of the armored pupa still gave off a heavy object when it came into contact with the ground. the sound of.

"Bang bang bang!" Tian Ci stepped forward and knocked on the shell of the iron armor pupa, and found that it was indeed worthy of the name of the iron armor. It felt very strong before it hardened after use.

"Bobo, give it a try with Flash Peck, and control Trumpet Bud first!"

Tian Ci decided to let Bobo try it first. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by the yelling of the armored chrysalis, he let the horn buds be tied up first, and then cover his mouth.

"Boom! (_)" Bobo also heard Tian Ci's beating just now, and understood that the shell of this bug is very hard.

So it exerted all its strength, and with a flash of its figure, its sharp beak rushed over with the energy of flight.

"Pfft!" A small hole was pierced by Bobo in the unstrengthened iron armor, and some blood flowed from the flesh inside.

"Duo! Woo~woo" The hardest shell of itself has been punctured, and the flesh that is being nurtured has been injured. The armored chrysalis must have woken up. Unfortunately, just as it was about to scream, it was covered with a rattan whip by the fast-eyed horn bud .

"Trumpet bud, use the hypnotic powder again to hypnotize it!"

"Shushasha~" was covered by a large amount of hypnotic powder again.

"Well, Horn Bud, I'm using poisonous powder, and then absorb it. Although it's a bit slower, it's less labor-intensive."

After letting Bobo try it, Tian Ci felt that it would be easier to disintegrate from the inside.

The flying-type flash peck turned out to be just a hole. Although Bobo is only a new high-level player, he has double the damage bonus.

He estimated that even Trumpet Bud's Whip of Thorns would not cause much damage.

It's better to slowly disintegrate from the inside.

However, in order to allow more poisonous powder to enter, it also occurs faster.

He had Bobo also make a hole in another armored chrysalis.

Then the trumpet sprouts began to consciously sprinkle more poisonous powder into the hole, and then sucked up to keep up, with double control.

"Duo~" After feeling a large loss of energy in the body, no matter how deeply he slept, the two armored chrysalis woke up.

After "Woo~Woo" woke up, they understood their situation, and they immediately wanted to send out a distress signal, but they were immediately blocked by the horn buds.

"Clang clang!" A metallic luster began to emerge from the bodies of the two armored pupae.

Iron Armor Chrysalis, who had nothing to do, could only use hardening moves to delay time.

"Hehe, it's a pity that you are poisoned internally, and it's not attacking your outer shell."

After Tian Ci took a look, he shook his head and sneered.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the armored pupa found that the energy loss rate in the body did not seem to decrease at all.

"Duo~lang! <(ToT)>" In the end, I could only cry out in my heart in despair.

It didn't take long for the two armored pupae to lose their fighting ability.

"Well, yes, the time is acceptable, and it doesn't take much effort!"

Tian Ci glanced at the electronic watch and found that it must have been more than half an hour since the two armored pupae were poisoned and lost their fighting ability.

He went forward to give the two armored chrysalis the antidote first, otherwise the insect meat would not be sold.

After about 10 more minutes of waiting, after the toxin had been removed, Tian Ci pierced the shell of the armored chrysalis with a dagger. Although it was laborious, it could still be seen that most of the hardness of the shell of the armored chrysalis depended on the energy of the elf itself supplied.

Bobo, who was next to him, was also under Tian Ci's command, and only used pecks to kill the armored chrysalis who had lost the ability to fight.

"Bobo? Bobo?" Bobo was quite surprised when he was killed. Could it be that I broke through with such a short strength?
"Haha, Bobo, the armored pupa no longer has the energy to attach to the shell, so the hardness has dropped a lot."

Looking at Bobo who doubted his life, Tian Ci explained with a smile.

"The shell of the armored chrysalis is about 10 catties, 200 catties per catty, and the inedible insect meat inside is about 5 catties. The selling price per catty is 110, and it can be sold to Boss Wu Er for 100 catties per catty!

Plus 1000 common-grade nematocysts, and I earned 3500 for one armored chrysalis! ω, two for an hour, 7000 in hand! ! ! "

Tian Ci got more and more excited, no wonder even the ordinary trainers in the town, he has seen the final form of elves evolved with evolutionary stones in recent years.

It turns out that making money at the ordinary level is quite simple!
A low-grade evolutionary stone with common attributes only costs 20. For trainers who have given up promotion to the elite level, it seems that it is not much.

However, if those ordinary people knew Tian Ci's thoughts, they would probably spray him to death, and not everyone has a field controller who can be three fans and a scout who can fly.

How could they be so relaxed when they went hunting? Even when they hunted armored pupae, they would often attract the bees to hunt them down because of the commotion!

"Trumpet bud, Bobo, let's try again!" Having tasted the sweetness, Tian Ci decided to hunt a few more, anyway, it was still early.

(End of this chapter)

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