Pokemon Poor

Chapter 93

Chapter 93
First of all, I would like to thank all readers for accompanying this book, and "The Poor" will be on the shelves tomorrow Friday!

It took about a month and a half. From the time I started writing the book to when it was put on the shelves, I have the impression that quite a few book friends have supported this book from less than tens of thousands of words, such as Donghai Damo, Floating Feather, and Kai Ruxia. , Twelve Green Lotuses, Halo Stars... Wait, there are so many, I won't list them one by one, lest everyone say that my testimonials are all in the water <(ToT)>.

Some people who have joined the reader group often give me some opinions in the group. They are really touched, and they even searched for information to provide me with materials.In the comment area, there are often book clubs who will help me find typos and unreasonable places. It can be said that this book is perfected by me and you.

Of course, I also want to thank my editor-in-charge, Penglai, for the three rounds of recommendations. It is also because of these three rounds of recommendations that I can meet so many readers who like elves, and this book can go further!
The original plan was to put it on the shelves after a strong push, but it is a pity that "The Poor" did not advance. Many people are saying that anime with terms such as Pokémon, Pokémon, and Pokémon are no longer popular, and a new group has replaced this position. , such as Ultraman, One Piece, Hokage and so on.

I'm a bit regretful, but overall I'm happy, because this book was originally written for myself, and I wanted to communicate with more people who like elves.

We are all growing up, and after leaving the ivory tower of the school, we realize that the outside society is not so beautiful, but I still want to write down a childhood dream in words!
Maybe the real elf world is not as beautiful as in the anime, maybe the elves are really not popular now, maybe Xiaozhi will never win the championship!

But there will always be Pikachu in my memory saying "Pika, Pika!"There will also be a charizard who is usually disobedient, but can always come to the savior at critical times, and there is even the Koga ninja frog that can fetter evolution...

(Believe it or not, when I wrote this paragraph, I actually cried! I changed and changed again, and my mind is full of pictures of Xiaozhi meeting and parting with various elves when I was a child. Finally, let’s end with an ellipsis)
Of course, there will still be "Moo Moo, Moo Moo ω" who loves to hug Tian Ci's coquettish Trumpet bud, and "Bo Bo~" Bobo who stands on Tian Ci's shoulder.

I am also looking forward to the scene where Oshika sweeps his opponents to win the championship, and I also look forward to Tian Ci holding the trophy, giving a perfect ending to childhood memories.

So I will keep writing this book, I will never be a eunuch, and I will explain in advance if something happens.Veteran readers who have been following up all the time know that for the sake of living, I usually work and cannot work full-time. I often code until after 11 o'clock in the evening, but I have never asked for leave or stopped changing.

Therefore, I hope that those of you who also like elves can work with me to complete this book and continue this story!
At the end, let me explain that it will be released at 12:05 tomorrow, and 5 chapters will be updated that day!At that time, two chapters will be updated first, and then one more chapter will be updated every hour, for a total of 5 chapters!
Then ask for a wave of first order, I will also open this book for free, I hope everyone can support the original version of the starting point, just look at the advertisement, thank you with tears!

(End of this chapter)

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