Pokemon Poor

Chapter 395

Chapter 395
"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the enchantment of the tree!"

"Lizard King, Flying Leaf Storm! Beautiful Flower, you use Flower Rain together!"

As soon as he came to the battlefield, Elder Lin immediately gave the order to stop Huoyu to his three Heavenly King-level elves.

"Da na~" Miao Frog Flower agreed, and the power of law surged around her body, and soon a small tree barrier blocked part of the fire rain.

"Bang bang bang ~" bombardment sound can be heard endlessly.

On the other side, the Lizard King and Meilihua also showed a lot of power of law.

"Just the tower!"

"That's it!"

The two used group killing moves almost at the same time.

The sound of "Huhu~" sounded, and a flower-leaf tornado carrying a lot of green leaves and petals met the fire rain on the other side.

"Bi Diao, Air Blade!"

"Piercing Mountain King, Sandstorm!"

"Nine tails, supernatural powers!"

At the same time, the trainers scattered in various streets also asked their elves to help stop the rain of fire.

Most of them, of course, are not self-sacrificing good people, and the reason for their joint action is just to save themselves.

Otherwise, even if they were trainers but not elites, they would all die in this rain of fire.

And even an elite trainer, protected by an extraordinary barrier, would probably be seriously injured if he didn't stop the fire rain.

All of a sudden, leaves, vines, flames, sandstorms, venom and other moves fluttered in the sky over Yuhong City.

The explosion sound of "bang bang bang" is endless.

But no matter what, the range of these fire rains is too wide, and their power cannot be underestimated.

In fact, Tian Ci also asked Bi Diao to make a move just now, and he found that it took a full blown air blade to counteract a fireball!
In other words, the power of the flames all over the sky has reached the elite level!
Simply appalling!

And how many elite trainers are there in this city?

So some fireballs still hit the city directly.

Yuhong City is also a plant city with a lot of combustibles, so it didn't take long for the whole city to be full of flames.

"It's on fire! It's on fire!"

"Come on, help my family!"

"That's all my heart and soul!"


All of a sudden, there were sounds of firefighting and howling.

The faces of Shu Lao and Lin Lao who noticed this scene were gloomy. They understood that they had to divide their troops to stabilize the situation in the city.

Although the enemy only has one Heavenly King trainer, they now have two.

But the two of them had to be wary of the city behind them, while the enemy was unscrupulous, so they would be at a disadvantage.

"Damn it, this little girl is sure about us!"

Looking at Athena flying high in the sky, the two old people felt that they had never been so aggrieved.

If it weren't for the concern about the city behind them, even if they were facing the Fire Element Heavenly King, they wouldn't be afraid at all, and they would have already surrounded and fought.

From the breath fluctuations, they have already seen that this little girl is just a newcomer to the Heavenly King, and now she is leading the two veteran Heavenly Kings to fight, it is really too aggrieved!

"Team Rocket! Don't go too far!" Shulao Lingkong stood up again, looked directly at Athena, and said sharply.

"Heh~" Regarding this, Athena flicked her fiery red hair, let out a disdainful chuckle, and replied:

"Excessive? Less than 3% of your Yuhong City has been burned down, and it's still within controllable range, so hurry up and divide your troops to fight the fire!"

Hearing this, the faces of the two old people turned blue and white one after another. This feeling of being manipulated and calculated by others is not at all uncomfortable.

But there is no way, now it is really necessary to put out the fire and treat the wounded!
"Li Jia, immediately unite with the Elf Center and the remaining Police Department to stabilize the situation in the city, and send all the apprentices and disciples in the gymnasium to save people and fire!"

Elder Lin, who suppressed the anger in his heart, sent a direct voice transmission to Li Jia.

"Yes!" In the west block, Li Jia, who had just extinguished a fire, had a sad expression on her disheveled face, but after hearing the sound transmission, she immediately agreed.

Then she took over the command of the gymnasium again, and made many apprentices in the gymnasium, and the disciples began to fight fires everywhere.

As a king-level boss and a group of gymnasium-level fireballs, these flames are no longer ordinary fires. It is very difficult to extinguish them with ordinary water. Only water system energy can be extinguished, so this is why we have to divide our troops The real reason.

Otherwise, the masses can be mobilized to put out the fire together, and there is no need to divide the troops.

As for the three heavenly kings in the sky, ordinary people hope that they will not fight at this time, and even if they want to fight, they should fight far away, not here, the forest formation has been breached, and the entire city has no defenses. It can't stop the aftermath of the Heavenly King!
Elder Lin and Elder Shu also understood this, so they began to negotiate with Athena.

"Athena, isn't your Rockets going too far? If you can't exchange anything, you will destroy the city as the price, and force you to grab it!"

"Heh~ It's useless to say more, Boss Sakagi gave you so many promised benefits before, but he was not even willing to exchange half of Wanmu's heart.

Then of course we have to figure it out ourselves! "

"The heart of Wanmu is related to the lifeblood of our Yuhong City. If you give half of it to you immediately, then most of the spiritual plants will die, and the spiritual energy of the entire Yuhong City will decline for a long time!"

After some sound transmission, no one can convince anyone. In fact, the two sides have fought quite a few times in similar verbal battles.

Sakagi is not stupid either, if he can win the Heart of Wanmu through win-win cooperation without bloodshed, then everyone will be happy.

So I had contact with the clan elders of Yuhong Gymnasium, Li Jia and the others a few times, and offered a lot of treasures from heaven and earth, as well as future benefits in exchange.

It's a pity that the reason is the same as this time, the heart of ten thousand trees cannot be given up. Although it is similar to the huge moonstone in Nibi City, it can also be slowly regenerated.

But Yuejian Mountain is just an important resource point in Nibi City, and has nothing to do with the development of Nibi City.

But the heart of Wanmu and Yuhong City are together. If the heart of Wanmu is really divided, Yuhong City will definitely decline for a long time, and even like Hualan City, it will fall into a slump.

The problem in Hualan City, as we have said long ago, is because a generation of museum owners overused the sacred spring, causing the sacred spring to be on the verge of exhaustion.

Although the sacred spring is not in Hualan City, there are so many water veins in Hualan that are supported by the sacred spring, so the sacred spring, like the heart of ten thousand trees, is the lifeblood of a city.

And the result of splitting the heart of ten thousand trees is indeed splitting the lifeline.

No matter how many resource benefits there are, it is impossible for Yuhong's clan elders to exchange their lifelines.

Chapter 491

"Seniors, since this is the case, we still have to do it again, come with me!"

After the exchange, Athena saw that the two old men refused to let go, so she stopped talking.

He took the fire-breathing dragon and flew outside, but Shu Lao and Lin Lao had no choice but to keep up.

Although they didn't say it clearly, they were all heavenly king-level powerhouses, so they naturally understood the stakes.

Athena didn't dare to destroy Yuhong City and massacre so many civilians. If she really dared to do this, Sakagi would clean up the house immediately.

After all, Sakagi was not an anti-human big boss from the beginning to the end. He seized the heritage of several cities and created Chaomeng in order to start a new stove and give human beings more living space.

And it really ruined Yuhong City, I'm afraid those old immortals of Yuhong family will risk their lives to chase her down.

Although she is a heavenly king-level powerhouse, it can be said that she has touched the ceiling of human beings, but these ancient cities that have not yet declined really have no scruples. It can be said that it is easy to kill her hysterically.

Even Sakagi has to negotiate deals with these ancient cities that have not declined. She, Athena, should not touch this red line casually.

As for Shulao and Linlao, they had no choice but to leave, because judging from Athena's behavior of daring to bombard Yuhong City with a heavenly king-level formation, this woman was completely lunatic.

They didn't dare to bet that if they didn't leave, would this woman start a war directly over Yuhong City!
At that time, the aftermath of the battle between the three heavenly kings may really destroy the entire city.

In this way, even if the two of them killed Athena, they would have no face to face their ancestors.

So they could only follow up with the elves.

But at this time, in the gymnasium, Ah Ju and others who were disguised as the second bedroom returned here with injuries all over their bodies.

The rest of the high-level questioned:
"Hongjin, what's going on with you, why are only two points on your side destroyed!"

Regarding this question, Ah Ju had already thought up an explanation, and he gave a wry smile, took out a few poke balls that had been disguised long ago, and showed them:

"Lijia is lucky! I should have gone there if I knew it earlier, and let her also taste the feeling of being besieged by the Rockets Anbu.

When we rushed over, we were stopped by many gym-level powerhouses, and I ran out only after desperately breaking through. "

After speaking, he gestured to his subordinates who were also covered in scars behind him.

They also immediately took out the elf balls they had prepared long ago, and saw that the elves in these elf balls were all covered with scars, and there were severed limbs, all in a state of serious injuries.

Seeing this, the high-level executive who questioned him couldn't say anything more, so he patted Ah Ju on the shoulder and let them enter the gym.

In fact, these elves were randomly collected by them with blank elf balls in that area. Anyway, because of this chaos, many trainers died. In the Poke Ball, that's fine.

Thanks to the prevalence of grass attributes in Yuhong City, it is no problem to gather these corresponding elves.

As for the unequal strength, it doesn't matter. It's too chilling to drag the spirits of the seriously injured like them to test again.

After entering, Ah Ju pretended to lead people to the treatment center of the gymnasium, and when he reached a hidden and unoccupied corridor, he sent a voice transmission:

"Remember the mission, now each of you will go to your own place!"

"Yes!" A group of subordinates in the back also replied through sound transmission, and then the dejected look on their faces disappeared, and they all disappeared in place like ghosts.

Ah Ju himself is a master ninja, and there are also top ninja inheritances in the gym, so the training of his subordinates is naturally trained in this aspect.

So the people he brought were all general-level ninjas. Since Yuhong was taken into his hometown by them, don't blame them for being rude.

On the other side, Li Jia was still fighting fires for the entire city outside. Not only did she have to control the overall situation, but she also had to go into battle in person, directing the elves to extinguish the uncontrollable fire, and she was very busy.

While Li Jia was not there, there were actually only two high-level trainers in the gym, and with Ah Ju's disguised Erfang Hongjin, there were three.

Although relying on the overall strength of Yuhong City, it is true that there must be more than just such strong people, but the incident happened suddenly, and many strong men guarding the surrounding small cities did not have time to come back, so it was naturally given to Ah Ju. Can take advantage of this opportunity.

With gym-level strength, he was quickly invited to the meeting.

When he came to the conference room, the other two Gym-levels were already here.

"Hong Jin, how is your injury, can you quickly recover your combat strength?"

As soon as they met, a burly man gave him a big bear hug and asked with concern.

According to the information obtained from Zhenhongjin, Ah Ju knew that this was the patriarch of the third room - Yuhong Lixiong, and also a good brother of the second room, who had been in the same trench with the second room.

Of course, the second room didn't tell them about colluding with foreign enemies, otherwise it would be hard to say whether they could stand in the same trench, so the owner of the third room didn't know that the rainbow gold in front of him was actually a fake.

On the other side, the middle-aged beautiful woman sitting on the chair didn't even move a bit, and even sneered.

"Hong Jin, you didn't escape by sacrificing your subordinates, did you?"

Hearing this, before Ah Ju could say anything, Li Xiong who was beside him immediately began to curse.

"Bai Jie, what time is your sword~or~ now, and you are still fighting and fighting!

Are Hongjin's scars all over his body fake?So the elves sent to the treatment department are fake?I showed it to us all downstairs before, and you forgot?You just miss Li Jia, that girl's movie!

Let me tell you, if Li Jia had gone there, maybe he would have been left there! "

After Li Xiong pointed at her nose and scolded the beautiful woman named Bai Jie, her expression darkened in an instant, and she slapped the table, remembering to fight for [-] rounds.

Seeing this, Ah Ju hurriedly stopped her.

"Okay, Bai Jie, now that the enemy is in front of us, we should stop fighting. Let's just forget about internal fighting and stop stirring up trouble. I, Hongjin, can say whatever you want. I hope you don't talk about us when the time comes. leg."

He came here to get the Grass Poison Inheritance and the Heart of Ten Thousand Trees, but he didn't have the time to fight with this woman.

Hearing this, Bai Jie looked at the expressionless Hong Jin in surprise, and habitually wanted to stab a few more words, but in the end she sat back without saying anything.

She had to admit that what Hong Jin said was reasonable.

Now is really not the time to waste time bickering.

It's just that she was a little puzzled, when did the arrogant Hongjin suddenly become so calm, did she have some insights after escaping from death.

(End of this chapter)

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