Pokemon Poor

Chapter 396 Attraction

Chapter 396 Attraction
Because of Ah Ju's initiative to speak, the three of them sat down to discuss the next matters.

"I was on the east side before, and I met two Gym-level Rocket Anbu strongmen. Now Shu Lao and Lin Lao have been lured out, and Li Jia is also in charge of the overall situation. We are the only three in the Gym."

As soon as Ah Ju sat down, she spoke out the rhetoric she had made up a long time ago.

"What is the strength of those two Anbu powerhouses? Brother Hongjin?"

Hearing this, Li Xiong on the side asked directly.

Bai Jie on the opposite side also pricked up her ears.

"One is the gym-level mid-level trainer, one is the gym-level low-level trainer, and there are more than a dozen elite-level high-level trainers."

"It's so strong! Brother Hongjin, if you are not injured, we should be able to survive together, together with the remaining disciples who stayed behind, but it's hard to say now."

Hearing the opponent's strength, Li Xiong couldn't help showing a worried look on his face, even Bai Jie who usually didn't deal with Hong Jin, was also worried at this time.

Don't talk about the museum level, even the elite level, there is a huge gap between a small segment, of course, except for the elves promoted by wild roads.

The three of them are all gym-level low-level players, and Hong Jin was also injured, and his combat power was damaged. It might not be possible to fight three against two.

And Ah Ju, who was disguised as Rainbow Gold, also showed a worried expression when he heard the words, and then continued to say:
"I'm afraid I won't be able to recover for a while. In order to escape, I used a lot of secret skills. I'm afraid Team Rocket Anbu will attack right away. When the time comes, I'll get the two of you to fight against it first, and use the gymnasium's defense. Formation, hold on for a while, I have already made the treatment department speed up, and first try to treat my elf with all my strength."

"Oh~ that's the only way to go."

"I hope it won't come too soon."

Hearing what Ah Ju said again, both Li Xiong and Bai Jie's expressions turned ugly.

The lower part of the same gymnasium is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Like Rainbow Metal in Erfang, there is Yuhong Game City, the hen that lays golden eggs, behind it, so there is no shortage of resources. In this way, he is in the gymnasium. The progress of the level is much faster than the two, and the strength is naturally the strongest among the three.

Even so, Hong Jin was severely injured, and the two of them were weaker, so it would be more difficult. Fortunately, the guarding formation of the gymnasium has not been damaged, so I can only hope that Hong Jin can recover soon.

Just at this moment, only a "bang" was heard, and the entire gymnasium shook instantly on the spot.

"Not good! They came so fast!"

Ah Ju, who secretly pressed a signal, spoke immediately.

Hearing this, Li Xiong and Bai Jie immediately jumped to the observation deck outside, and found that the defensive formation of the gymnasium had been automatically activated at this time.

A light curtain of white light was covering the gymnasium, and outside, there was a powerful Nido King attacking with fists filled with flames and lightning "bang bang bang".

As the center of the entire city, the Yuhong Gymnasium naturally has defensive means. Since the elves have the so-called "defense" in their moves, the magic skills called "defense", the scientists in the elf world will naturally not give up this kind of defense. Humans are especially helpful for research.

The one-time protective jade talisman that Tian Ci and the others used before is a research result, and the previous forest array, including the guardian array that is now spontaneously launched by the gymnasium, actually has the infrastructure to defend this trick.

And seeing Hong Jin and the Rockets Anbu outside, their eyes flickered under the mask, and they threatened:

"Yo~ The previous defeated dog appeared again. Why, your elves have recovered? Then don't be a turtle, come out and die quickly, or we will be slaughtered after we break through this big formation." You Yuhong gymnasium!"

The three people on the observation deck all had ugly faces. According to their perception, there were indeed two silver-faced strong men among the masked men whose auras were gym-level, and the Nido King It is the middle section of gymnasium level.

As for this kind of provocation, several people didn't care about it, but the silver-masked man was right in saying that someone had to go out to fight, otherwise it would not take a while for King Nido to attack the formation like this. , It is about to be broken. At that time, the gymnasium without any protective power may really suffer countless losses.

They don't believe that those undisciplined people will help them desperately resist foreign enemies in the face of huge benefits.

I'm afraid they will turn into mane dogs and rush forward, and the Rocket Anbu knows how to provoke people. As long as they provoke people a little and spread the news about the undefended gym, this situation can be easily created.

After all, elves are a miracle. With the help of human beings, many miraculous skills and magical methods were born. There is no protective array to warn, and some masters who are proficient in concealment are willing to patronize.

As for Li Jia, who was still working as a firefighter in the city, although she sensed that the gymnasium was being attacked, the corrupt situation and the countless wounded made it impossible for her to escape for a while.
"It's still troublesome for you two. Let's fight for a while. If you lose, you will immediately retreat to the big formation. I will go back to the treatment department and use the secret method to recover quickly."

In the end, Ah Ju still pretended to beg Lixiong and Bai Jie, and then retreated.

As for the other two, although their faces were ugly, they also acquiesced to this behavior.

This is the only solution for the present, as long as it is delayed until Rainbow Gold recovers, or Li Jia returns, the gymnasium will not be broken.

"Come out, Frog Flower! Beautiful Flower!"

"Come out, Shuttlecock Mian! Da Shi Hua!"

The two raised their hands and threw them, and the four elves fell to the ground. In an instant, four elves exuding gymnasium-level fluctuations appeared on the ground, and then led them to the outside of the light curtain.

Originally, if Yuhong City had not been destroyed, with the vitality of so many spiritual plants in the city, the guardian formation of their gymnasium would not be a problem even if several gymnasium-level elves were bombarded indiscriminately, but who would let that The Nine Suns formation turned Yuhong City into a sea of ​​flames, so the guardian formation would naturally not be able to collect the vitality of those spiritual plants as a source of energy.

(PS: The Great Guardian Array is a defensive formation buried in the entire city by the Yuhong Gymnasium. It can absorb the vitality of every spiritual plant in the city as a source of energy.)
Now the apprentices and elite disciples who are staying in the gymnasium are sending energy. Basically, except for the healing department and the wounded, other low-level combat forces have gone to act as energy furnaces. The only one who can help in the Heavenly King class battle.

But Ah Ju, who retreated, took out a small incense burner on the way to the treatment department, transported the poisonous spiritual power in his body to the palm of his hand and heated it, a colorless and odorless gas began to spread slowly .

Chapter 493
"It's time to emit poisonous gas!" After he started to act on his side, Ah Ju also quickly sent voice transmissions to his subordinates scattered all over the gymnasium.

And the other ninjas who heard the sound transmission immediately took out the small incense burner of the same style, and used the poisonous spiritual power in their bodies to start producing colorless and odorless poisonous gas.

Not long after, the entire gymnasium, except for Ah Ju and the others who had taken the antidote in advance, apparently everyone else fell asleep.

This poisonous gas is the treasure of their light red gymnasium, even if it is a gymnasium level, if you don't notice it for a while, you will fall asleep for more than ten minutes. How can these disciples who are no more than elite level resist.

And in this way, even if there are lurking backhands in the Yuhong gymnasium, as long as they don't reach the king of heaven, they don't have to worry about it.

Of course, Ah Ju also understood that not everyone must have fallen asleep. For example, on the basement floor, the group of people who were serving as energy furnaces should not have inhaled this poisonous gas because of the airtightness.

As for the secret garden at the core, there must be no inhalation of poisonous gas. These two places are the core of the current gymnasium, so they are naturally completely sealed, and materials that isolate spiritual power are also used.

But Ah Ju doesn't plan to enter these two places for the time being. If there is a problem with the protective light curtain, then Li Xiong and Bai Jie will definitely go back to the inside of the gymnasium to check, and it will be difficult to act at that time.

And in the secret garden, it is too dangerous, let's wait for him to get the core herbal poison inheritance before trying it.

He was sure that there must still be a Heavenly King-level battle force in the secret garden, so let's wait until the situation is completely chaotic.


"Bang bang bang~"

"Da na!"


The sound of fighting outside was still loud, but Ah Ju walked towards the Zangshu Pavilion in Yuhong City with a sneer.

Since he wanted to steal other people's inheritance, why didn't he do his homework in advance, so although it was his first time here, he was really familiar with the way in Yuhong gymnasium, but he came to Zangshu Pavilion in a short while.

At this time, the guard guarding the library had already fallen asleep, so he walked in directly, without looking at the books on the previous floors, and walked directly to the highest floor.

Although these cheats are definitely lacking in the Light Red Gym, but time is tight, and he can't reveal his identity yet, so naturally he can't record them one by one.

"Drip~drip~" Soon, under the identification of the real waist card, he came directly to the fifth floor, which is the highest floor except the core inheritance.

Next is the sixth floor, where the core inheritance of Yuhong Gymnasium is located. The grass poison inheritance he wants is also there, but unlike the previous floors, which only need waist badge identification, the sixth floor requires iris and fingerprint identification.

Of course, the fourth and fifth floors in the front are not so simple. In fact, these two floors require blood recognition in addition to the waist card, but since the waist card is all given, they will naturally not be stingy. Blood, so the real blood was also given to Ah Ju.

But it is also at the gymnasium level, so it is naturally impossible for people to poach their own eyes and cut off a finger, just to get the inheritance for Ah Ju.

Some people may ask, can't it be faked, using wax oil, plaster or something, if it is the kind of recognition machine that is common on the market, it is indeed possible, but Yuhong Gymnasium uses living body recognition here.

That is to say, in addition to iris fingerprints, body temperature, accurate energy fluctuations, and blood flow are also required to prove that you are a living body that meets your identity.

Although this is troublesome, it also avoids the risk of the enemy taking the corpses of the clansmen to forcibly steal the cheats.

In this regard, Ah Ju didn't dare to guarantee that he would be able to pass through. If the alarm was triggered, he would have to let the elves break through the door forcibly. For this reason, he specially brought stinky mud that could corrode anything.

In the light red gymnasium before, he tried it with the thousand magic jade, and out of the three times, he passed it twice and failed once.

Because it is a real-time detection, if Qianhuan Baoyu happened to have a time difference at that time, and the cover ability fluctuated, it must have failed the detection, and the alarm would sound.

Originally, this fluctuation, if the object is a person or an elf, it will not be seen at all. Unfortunately, with the development of technology, very precise machines have replaced the job of guarding. As long as there is a slight difference, it will not be passed. end.

"Tatatat~" Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Ah Ju came to the gate of the sixth floor in a nervous mood.

With a "beep", after swiping the waist card, a line of words was displayed on the screen of the machine.

"The live iris and fingerprint detection will be performed next, please place your index finger on the screen first!"

Seeing this, Ah Ju immediately stretched out his index finger and put it on.

"Dididi~Fingerprint verification passed!"

Fortunately, Qianhuan Baoyu did not lose the chain at the critical moment.

"Iris authentication will be performed next, please keep your eyes open and turn your eyes left and right."

Ah Ju's eyes widened immediately, and the eyeballs rolled up. At the same time, his right hand touched the stinky mud pokeball. The previous failure was in the iris recognition.

Although Qianhuan Baoyu perfectly copied everything about Hongjin for him, the rolling eyeballs belonged to him. If there was any incongruity with Qianhuan Baoyu's cover-up action, then what the surveillance captured was his real Naturally, the iris will not match.

Time passed like this second by second, and in the end the red light that represented the failure of the test did not light up. He bet right!
"Master Hongjin, please come in!" With the sound of the machine's prompt, the closed door opened for Ah Ju!
With an unconcealable excitement on his face, he walked in directly.

On the other side, what is our protagonist Tianji doing?At this time, he was captured by Li Jia, and according to Li Jia's voice transmission, he was extinguishing fires everywhere, and he didn't have time to touch the vicinity of the gymnasium.

"I was really blinded by the lard~ Heavenly king-level melee, what did I mix up." Seeing Bi Diao just use the wind to cover a cart of sand on the flames, Tian Ci felt very helpless!

He has thought about various situations, some are that he enters the Yuhong Gym in an instant, some are that the aftermath is too strong and he teleports away, and some are robbing the resources in the city before running away, or even dying. pass.

But I just didn't expect that Li Jia would catch a young man and serve as a firefighter!
Now Li Jia sends voice transmissions to him from time to time, telling him where to go, it means that some kind of mark must have been planted on his body by this woman, and his every move is under her nose. It is impossible to find something in the city and then run away, let alone enter the gymnasium and fish in troubled waters.

Of course, there is still some consolation. Li Jia paid the reward in advance, and a skill inheritance bead from the Green Grass Field has been quietly lying in his backpack.

(End of this chapter)

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