Pokemon Poor

Chapter 394: The Power of the Heavenly King!

Chapter 394: The Power of the Heavenly King!

It turned out that it was Ah Ju's side, who had already succeeded.

After using the special poisonous gas to greatly weaken the strength of the Dao soldiers, Ah Ju no longer hid his figure, and led the elites under his command to attack directly. In just an instant, the Dao soldiers guarding the outermost completely annihilated.

Even the gymnasium-level big food flower directly removed the energy channel and joined the battle, but it had already consumed a lot of energy. Under the siege of the gymnasium Alidos and the forked bat , was soon defeated.

After all, it is restrained by attributes, isn't it~

The other team that was attacked by the Rockets' mask was also quickly defeated.

Although they don't have Ah Ju's special poisonous gas, but as the Anbu of Naoko Sakagi, their strength is stronger than Ah Ju's. The weakest one is an elite-level high-level trainer, and he is also a peak warrior Extraordinary, and the leading silver-faced leader is the pinnacle of the gymnasium. The half-step heavenly king who has transformed the power of elements into the power of law, how could it be possible to be entangled by those Taoist soldiers who forcibly raised up with elves? , It was almost a blitzkrieg, and it was over in a few strokes.

At this time, outside Yuhong City, Athena, who was standing on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, saw this opportunity, her eyes flashed coldly, and she ordered:
"It's now! Meteor fire shower!"

"Roar!" Hearing the command, the fire-breathing dragon roared, and the power of law in its body immediately pulled it, and the largest sun in the sky exploded with a "bang".

And the duck-billed fire dragon, the flame horse and other elves followed closely behind, and each of them had the imprint of law or element, detonating the remaining seven suns one after another, and the explosion of "bang bang bang" in an instant The sound resounded through the sky!

And judging from their performance, the weakest elves maintaining the Nine Suns Formation are gymnasium level!

I saw that the sky over Yuhong City was red with flames, and countless flames descended from the sky!Like a rain of flames, it covered the entire city!
The majesty of the king!It is not an exaggeration to call it a city-destroying level combat power!

When the huge energy of these flame carriers touched the green light curtain, "squeaky" ripples rippled on the light curtain.

"This, can this hold up?"


"Come on, help us!"

Seeing the light curtain that was about to break down, many residents in Yuhong City let out hysterical shouts!

At this time, Li Jia, who was doing the final cleaning work within the scope of her responsibility, also changed her expression greatly!
Regardless of the last few miscellaneous fish, she immediately sent a voice message to Shu Lao who was still in charge of the overall situation in the gymnasium.

"Shu Lao! Two points of the tree array have been destroyed, and it can't hold on any longer. Please act quickly!"

As for the old man sitting in the gymnasium, his face was very ugly at this time. He knew that the enemy's goal was the secret garden, so he, as the strongest fighter, stayed in the gymnasium. There should be no problem at the elite level and the gymnasium level to stabilize the situation.

But now, he feels as if he has been played by someone, and every step is counted by the Rockets. Starting from the summoning of individual trainers, step by step, he wants to break the internal and external defenses of Yuhong City, so that Yuhong City as a whole is at a disadvantage. In the midst of chaos.

In this way, if he, the king of heaven, wants to go out to resist the enemy, and the gymnasium-level powerhouses and most of the elite-level powerhouses in the clan will go to stabilize the city, the interior of the gymnasium must be empty. This is a conspiracy, but he has to go!

"Second Room~ It seems that you are too merciful!" Shu Lao muttered to himself, and with a "shua", he teleported out of the gymnasium.

As a king-level powerhouse, the top combat power of mankind, although he is already an old man, he is not stupid. At this point in the matter, he probably already understands what happened, and the second room definitely has a big problem!

"I hope another old man in the garden can hold on~"

Standing in the sky above Yuhong City, watching the rain of fire that hit the sky, even he felt the pressure of suffocation.

One wrong step, one wrong step, he was counted by the enemy, now he has to face this attack which is more powerful than ordinary king class.

The Nine Suns formation that Athena had been brewing for so long before was just for this blow!
The 2 Heavenly Kings and the long-stored energy of many gymnasiums make this meteor fire rain absolutely have the power to easily destroy the city.

If Shu Lao didn't want the ordinary people in Yuhong City to die, he could only block the blow himself.

"Oh~ it's my fault!"

With a sigh, he flipped his hands and threw two poke balls.

"Shua Shua" two red lights flashed, and a huge, old-faced Frog Flower and an equally old chrysanthemum landed on the two nearest roofs.

"Wonderful frog flower, big chrysanthemum, use green grass field, and then use crazy plants to block this fire rain!"

Hearing the trainer's order, the two old elves looked at each other, and a strong law of grass attribute emerged from their bodies.

"Well then~"


With the two elves as the center, a wave of green waves quickly swept across the city.

Under this fluctuation, as long as there is still a trace of vitality in the plants, they will quickly regain their vitality, and at the same time grow rapidly.

Tian Ci, who hid in the nearest house for the first time, found that the outside of the door and window suddenly turned into a paradise of plants, with tall trees and thick vines everywhere.

"There's such a big gap between the Heavenly King and the Gym!"

Seeing this scene, he instantly felt that Li Jia's Hua Yu was a pediatrician.

And above the sky, countless plants swarmed, and soon hit the oncoming fire rain.

As for the forest formation before, the green light curtain, which was difficult to maintain, was shattered when the fire rain formed by the second scorching sun fell!

The only mission is to help Shu Lao successfully use the tree enchantment.

"Bang bang bang!"



The second wave of fire rain hit the tree boundary, and the plants on the first floor were directly burned into coke, and then the second, third, and sixth floors were able to barely block the attack of this wave of fire rain.

Athena, who was flying high in the sky, was not surprised by this. Although the old man, according to the information, both himself and the elves under his command were old and his strength was declining, but no matter what, he was still a master in the middle of the king class .

She is only a low-tier Heavenly King. Even with the power of the big formation, if the second wave of fire rain can hit the opponent hard, then the clan elders in Yuhong City are too weak, and they have been wiped out long ago. I don’t know how many times up.

Of course, the wave just now was just a test. Looking at the rapidly recovering tree world, Athena showed a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and ordered:
"The remaining six, go together!"

Chapter 490 Meteor Fire Rain

"Roar!" Hearing this order, the fire-breathing dragon under Athena roared again.

The other fire elves below also nodded, expressing their understanding.

Next, the remaining six raging suns all exploded with a bang, and clusters of raging flames hit the barrier of trees.

"Bang bang bang!" The bombardment sounded endlessly. Under this kind of offensive, ordinary people in the city can't do anything at all. They can only pray in their hearts, and the king of heaven on their side will be stronger!Be sure to hold on!

In fact, Tian Ci, as an elite trainer, was also very surprised, feeling that the king of heaven is completely a means of a fairy!

In Nibi City and Hualan City before, he hadn’t really faced the battle between the Heavenly Kings. Although he could feel the shocking fluctuations from a long distance, it was completely different to feel and actually see it. the same.

At this time, there are only two words in his heart that can describe his current feelings, and that is "Wow~~~"

Add two more words, that is, "Wow~Fuck~Immortal!"

Yes, this method of moving mountains and filling seas, changing the celestial phenomena and landforms, what is it if it is not a god?
At the same time, he also recalled the introduction about the beasts when he read those books before.

Like the three divine birds in the Kanto area: Lightning Bird, Flame Bird, and Frozen Bird, they are in charge of the law of thunder, the law of fire, and the law of ice.

That is to say, the gods and beasts are at least heavenly king-level elves, and of course not all heavenly king-level elves are gods and beasts.

It can only be said that the Tianwang class has the qualifications to compete with the beasts.

Even the lowest-level third-level gods, beasts not only possess the strength of the heavenly king level, but also have the priesthood.

This is why they are called mythical beasts.

Those with priesthoods not only grow faster in strength, but also have the ability to challenge higher levels. Of course, how many levels they can advance depends on the power of the priesthood.

This specific statement was not elaborated in that book.

So Tian Ci didn't know, but all in all, a large part of the reason why divine beasts can be dubbed the word "God" is due to the priesthood.

An elf without a priesthood cannot be called a divine beast at all.

Like the three god birds, they have their own groups, not the only one, but there are only those three in the Kanto Alliance known as the god birds.

Back to the topic, under the meteor fire rain that exploded with six flames, the barrier of the tree formed by the joint efforts of the Miao Frog Flower and the Big Chrysanthemum did not have time to recover, and was blasted layer by layer.

Even these two heavenly king-level elves were pressed down by the heavy pressure, and with a "bang", they were buried by a large number of stones and steel plates.


Although due to the protection of the two elves, Shulao's own area is the best preserved, but other urban areas are covered in flames!

"Mom! I don't want to die!"

"Help! Help!"

"Come and save us!"

"Where are the strong men in the gymnasium! This is how you protect the people!"

"Boom boom~"

At this time, most of the citizens could only see the blazing flames. In the face of life and death, many people shouted in collapse, and some even complained hysterically.

At this time, in the secret garden, another old man in black couldn't sit still.

"You guard the entrance of the garden, even if you die, you can't let the enemy in!"


After he confessed, he teleported out of the gymnasium with a "shua".

Although they knew they were forcing him out, they couldn't afford to destroy Yuhong City!

If he doesn't go out, the whole city will lose at least [-]% of its population and buildings. In this way, even if they keep the gymnasium and the secret garden, it will inevitably decline. No matter when, enough Population is the basis for the rise and fall of a power.

As for Shu Lao, why didn't he send elves to help stop him? He was actually doing it.

I saw the white-haired old man flipped his palm and opened four poke balls.



"Hey wash~"


After four red lights flashed, a big food flower, a king flower, a coconut egg tree, and a vine monster appeared in the ruins.

However, although the breath of these four is also very strong, but the strength has not reached the heavenly king, only the peak of the gymnasium, that is, the appearance of the half-step heavenly king. (Transformed the power of elements into the power of law, but did not comprehend his own law path!)

This is also the reason why Shu Lao didn't call out the other elves before. If he couldn't cooperate, it would be easy to make mistakes in the fusion move if he called out.

"You guys, shoot with all your strength! Stop as much fire and rain as you can! Minimize casualties as much as possible!"

Heavenly King-level powerhouses can usually obtain this title only if they have two Heavenly King-level powerhouses.

And the Heavenly King class is not so easy to advance. As I said before, the Heavenly King class has to find its own way and spread out. This step can only be done by the parties or the elves themselves. No one can help, unless it is a Heavenly King class. Those who can sacrifice themselves, pass this path to you.

Of course, the achievement of such a king-level elf will be fixed to death, and will never exceed
Like Shulao, the heavenly king-level patriarch of the Yuhong family, he can’t get any natural treasures, even if he uses resources to pile up the other four elves to the half-step heavenly king, but he has stayed at this step for many years .

If you can't comprehend the road, you can only stay here forever, and you can't make any progress.

In fact, why do all the major forces have heavenly king-level powerhouses, but the alliance has only four heavenly kings on the surface?
In fact, it is because the six elves in the main team of the four heavenly kings are all heavenly king-level elves, so they have this honor!

Returning to the battlefield, the four elves immediately showed their magical powers after hearing the trainer's order.

Dashihua is a flying leaf knife and a seed machine gun, which keeps "chug!"

Overlord Flower uses a large number of green energy balls and flames as a hedge.

The coconut egg tree emits blue light from its eyes, and uses superpowers to control the fire and rain, so that they can hit areas where there are no people as much as possible.

The vine monster is using a large number of strengthened vines to quickly beat the fire rain.

Although they have gone all out and the element marks on their foreheads are shining all the time, the entire Yuhong City is too big to take care of all the places.

"Listen up, trainers of Yuhong City, send your elves to break up the rain of fire!"

Just at this moment, Elder Lin in black appeared next to Elder Shu, followed by three elves exuding heavenly king-level fluctuations.

They are Miao Frog Flower, Lizard King, and Beautiful Flower.

I have to say that, as a grass-type gym in the Kanto region, they are very familiar with the Yusanjia Frog Flower in Kanto, and they are very good at cultivating it, so the proportion of the Frog Flower among the strong is still relatively large of.

(End of this chapter)

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