Pokemon Poor

Chapter 393 Dao Soldiers

Chapter 393 Dao Soldiers
"Heh~ If it was in Jinhuang City, we would have to worry about it, but in Yuhong City, I admit that they have two brushes in terms of grass attributes and poison attributes, but in terms of investigation, our ninja lineage is not easy to eat.

Not to mention, the monitoring has been destroyed, what can be found! "

Ah Ju sneered, his words full of confidence in his hidden identity.

"This subordinate is talking too much!" Hearing this, the subordinate who raised the question before quickly slapped himself to express his apology.

In fact, with Erfang's secret help, their entry into Yuhong City went much smoother than expected.

As for Hong Jin and others from the second room, they were already in the Rockets base at this time. The person in charge of the second room-Yu Hongteng is naturally not a living bag, and the reason for the cunning rabbit and the three caves is still understandable.

If Li Jia cannot be abolished in this action, then their second wife will naturally be exposed, colluding with foreign enemies, mutilating blood relatives, and betraying family interests. For the inheritance of this branch, arranging some members of the tribe to join the Rockets in advance can be regarded as a retreat.

And relying on the strength of the Zhenhongjin Gymnasium level, as well as the dozen or so elites brought over, they can quickly gain a foothold in the Rockets.

Ah Ju led his core troops and was struggling on their way. On the other side, there was also a team of Team Rocket wearing masks who came out from the ground after the monitoring was destroyed.

"Let's go, let's go to the south! Destroy another point!"

After everyone came out, one of the team leaders wearing a silver mask greeted them and quickly ran south with more than a dozen bronze-masked players.

"Shua, Shua, Shua~" Judging from his flashing movements, the weakest of these people are all warrior-level superhumans!
Not long after, with all his strength on the way, Ah Ju saw the elites of Yuhong City who were maintaining the light of vegetation.

The leader is carrying a gymnasium-level big food flower. A steady stream of green light gathers from dozens of elite-level grass-type elves behind him, and then the big food flower is used as a transit to send energy to the sky .

And because the Nine Suns Formation in the sky is expanding and radiating heat, not only the elves are contributing, but also their respective trainers have to use the extraordinary power of the grass attribute in their bodies to provide energy for the tree formation.

"My lord, should we just kill them like this? Anyway, they are just Taoist soldiers in a false realm."

Looking at the trainers in Yuhong City who were constantly sending energy, one of his subordinates asked softly, his face was full of cruelty!

"Hmph~" No, Ah Ju hit him when he heard this, and said coldly:
"Third son, you are still so reckless, don't forget, we are ninjas, what we want is to do our best to complete the task, the lion fights the rabbit with all our strength, not to mention those people over there, although they are Dao soldiers, they are fighting The strength is not weak, wait for my command, use mixed poison to weaken them first!"

Being taught such a lesson by Ah Ju, the young man named Sanzi had a frowning face and nodded in response, "Yes!"

The so-called Dao soldiers are trainers who are in the same situation as Ning Hui.

By sacrificing the future and signing a high-strength elf in advance, you can have the strength of this realm.

Although the elves obtained in this way are likely to be reversed in priority, and their strength is basically the bottom, but for people like Yuhong City.For a powerful ancient city like Jinhuang City, it doesn't matter at all.

Like the gym-level powerhouses currently distributed in 5 positions, they are the five leaders of the Taoist soldiers. Their extraordinary realm was originally only at the low level of warriors, but after being recognized by the gym-level elves in the secret garden, they became He jumped up and became the leader of dozens of elite gymnasiums, and his own extraordinary realm was also elevated to the high level of warriors.

Although in the eyes of the strong at the same level, these fake gymnasiums are weak, but below the gymnasium, they are powerful representatives.

So don't look at this Taoist soldier sacrificing the future, but without knowledge inheritance, resources, and backing, how many people can go further on their own!

Therefore, becoming a Taoist soldier of a big force is also a good way out in the eyes of many undisciplined trainers.

Many people broke their heads for a spot!

Of course, this kind of opportunistic behavior is also limited. People who are like contracts have requirements. If it is a contract elite level, then your own extraordinary power must be at least warrior level. If it is a contract gymnasium level, then your own If you want to reach the warrior level, simply speaking, your strength can only be one level lower than the contracted high-strength elf, otherwise you will be easily blown up by the powerful feedback force.

Even so, generally this kind of Daoist trainer can only contract a high-strength elf, otherwise a large amount of energy will explode the body.

After all, there is still a big gap between the level of physique raised by arbitrarily instilling energy and the strength obtained by oneself step by step.

Of course, for the elves, the impact is not that great. Although there is an extra servant who distributes their energy every moment, the strength of the servant is already low, and there is not much for them to distribute.

That is, in the first contract, a large amount of energy and a trace of original power will be allocated to make them weak for a period of time, but they are all Taoist soldiers, and the forces behind them will naturally be the same as Tian Ci's previous operation, and prepare a large number of high-level weapons in advance. Quality supplies are used by the deficient elves, and the deficit should be replenished as soon as possible.

And compared to the pitiful fate of human Dao soldiers who can only bear one in their lifetime, these elves do not have this restriction. Generally speaking, as long as there are enough supplies, an elf can exchange Dao soldiers 7-8 times, so for As far as the big forces are concerned, they are iron spirits and flowing Taoist soldiers!
When these Taoist soldiers become vassals of great powers, they will be planted with death contracts. When they are in danger, they will sacrifice themselves to protect the elves.

So in a sense, it makes sense for them to be called soldiers instead of trainers.

Of course, this kind of established Taoist soldiers is not something that ordinary people can play. For example, Hualan City, which has already declined, does not have this capital. Only the accumulation of elves can cultivate a large number of Dao soldiers.

Back to the topic, under Ah Ju's gesture, after the poisonous attribute elves withdrew their breath, they were thrown around the point. None below elite level.

"Use the poisonous mist together!" Following Ah Ju's order, a large amount of colorless and odorless poisonous gas quickly permeated the past.

"Forked bat, black eyes!" At the same time, Ah Ju also dispatched one of his trump cards and issued an order.

Chapter 488

"Buzz~" Hearing the trainer's order, the cross-word bat agreed, and two black beams of light suddenly shot out from its eyes.

I saw these two gazes quickly covering all the Taoist soldiers and elves on the formation.

From their perspective, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, turning into a strange space full of black eyes.

In reality, this trick of black eyes seems to have become a kind of spiritual illusion. To break it, one must either have a mental power far exceeding that of the caster, or defeat the caster. There is no other way.

(PS: This also explains the principle of not being able to escape under black eyes.)
"Wh-what's the situation!"

"There is an enemy! Where is it?"


Being drawn into the strange space with black eyes, the Taoist soldiers panicked for a while.

"Shut up! This is the space of black eyes, all release other elves, ready to fight!"

At this moment, the square-faced Taoist leader gave a loud shout, stopping his panic.

As an elite trainer himself, his knowledge is far beyond these ordinary soldiers.

"Yes, come out, Palast!"

"Come out too, coconut egg tree!"

"Bibi Bird! Please!"

Hearing what their leader said, the rest of the Taoist soldiers also calmed down, and immediately released the rest of the elves from their waists.

It's a pity that as Dao soldiers, most of their resources have to be used to support the elves they got from the secret garden, so the elves they cultivated themselves can't actually get much good training.

Don't look at the large group of elves, they are very powerful, but in fact, apart from the elves that are sending energy to the formation, there are not many other elites. Only the four elves sent by the leader of the Taoist soldiers are all elites. Only one of them is elite mid-tier.

"Heh~ It's really a rabbit!" The third son who secretly saw this scene couldn't help but sneered.

At this time, the colorless and odorless poisonous gas had enveloped the group of Taoist soldiers.




"Moo moo~"

Under Ah Ju's special poisonous gas, the elves and Taoist soldiers whose strength was less than the elite level fell to the ground in panic, and the energy in the body that was normally directed like an arm was completely silent, and there was no way mobilize.

Even the leader of the Taoist soldiers, who is a general, felt that the energy in his body began to flow slowly and became jerky.

And the few elves under his command also looked pained, and their combat power was greatly reduced.

As the owner of the poisonous gymnasium, Ah Ju, not to mention that Light Red City is also an ancient city, his poison is naturally much more powerful than ordinary poison.

As for the elves who re-transmit energy, Dashihua, as a gym-level elf, naturally has no effect, and the elite elves behind him, a few weak ones, also feel that the energy mobilization is very obscure. Showed a painful expression.

"Moo~ Moo!" Fang Jing, go and take back the few companions behind, you hold on for a while, and the energy transfer will be completed in no time!
The big food flower at the front also noticed the abnormality of the surrounding companions, and immediately turned to give an order to the leader of the Taoist soldiers.

After receiving the news from the spiritual contract, the leader of the Taoist soldiers, that is, Fang Jing, showed a helpless smile on his face, and he felt that his side should be hanging. . .With this kind of toxicity, there is no doubt that the enemy is definitely a gym-level boss. In the case that Dashihua can't make a move, I am afraid that their wave of people will be wiped out.

Of course, he dared not disobey this order.

"Understood!" He promised, then turned his head and ordered to the team members who fell on the ground:
"First take back the elf you contracted, and use the teleportation device on the belt to teleport it back!"


A few Taoist soldiers who fell to the ground showed despair on their faces, but when they became Taoist soldiers before, they signed a death contract. Their lives are not as valuable as those elves brought out from the secret garden, so when life and death are at stake, Even if they don't want to, the power of the contract will keep them in front of these elves.

Although the extraordinary power in their bodies could no longer be used, they could still use some of their physical strength, so they raised their hands and picked up the elf ball with a "swish", and took back the elves they had contracted with.

Then, with a "snap", I pressed the switch on the special belt, only to see a current on the belt, and "snap", and the poke ball was sent back to the gym.

Although subject to the destruction of the wild elves, the long-distance teleportation devices cannot be realized, but the short-distance teleportation devices around the city have been developed, but they are not perfect, and the ones used for these Taoist soldiers are one-off.

Basically, after being sent back, it means that the contractor is dead, or has the will to die.

At this time, in the gymnasium, a guard in charge of guarding the secret garden looked at the teleportation device on the high platform in surprise. There were several poke balls teleported back there. Several team members of the big formation.

"What's the situation?" Thinking of the heavenly king-level threat that Yuhong City is facing now, he immediately got in touch with the elves in the elf ball through telepathy.

As the guard of the secret garden, his strength is at the peak of the elite, and because he has a coconut egg tree, although he is not good at superpowers, he still knows small skills such as telepathy.

"Kava~Kava~" Hurry up and report to the Gym Master, the No. 1 team of our team has been attacked by an unknown enemy. The enemy is probably a gymnasium-level poisonous strongman!
Upon receiving the return from one of the sun flower monsters, the guard turned pale with fright, handed the poke ball to the other guards on the side, and hurriedly ran towards the top floor of the gymnasium.

At this time, in the meeting hall on the top floor of the Yuhong Gymnasium, Shu Lao was listening to Li Jia's reply with satisfaction. The situation in the area she was in charge of was almost under control by herself. Send a letter back.

"Could it be that you have encountered a difficult enemy? Do you want to send some backbones to help?"

Just as he was thinking about this, the guard who hurried up rushed to open the door with a "bang"!
"Urgent report! Urgent report!"

"Position No. 1 has been attacked by gym-level enemies, and many elite-level elves have been sent back by the Taoist soldiers' teleportation device! The situation is critical! The situation is critical!"

"What!" Hearing this, Shu Lao suddenly stood up from the stool.

"Didn't the rainbow gold from the second room go before, why did gym-level enemies touch the position!

Er Lai, Jin Mu, hurry to the No. 1 position to support!There must be nothing wrong with the big formation! "

Of course, now is not the time to investigate the cause of the accident, Shu Lao immediately ordered the other two gym-level clansmen present to go to support.

It's a pity that it was too late. When the two people who heard the order were about to leave, the green curtain covering the entire Yuhong began to overflow with a "wow"~

(End of this chapter)

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