Pokemon Poor

Chapter 336 Elite Group

Chapter 336 Elite Group
Next, a group of people tidied up the small group of monkey monsters together, and then continued to walk forward.

Although it is said that Tian Ci is not short of this money now, but it is a habit, so it is better not to waste it.

As long as you bend down, you can get hundreds of thousands, why not pick it up?

Under Hei Lujia's scent detection, they also found the base of this small ethnic group.



Among the tall trees in front, there were a dozen or so monkey monsters jumping and playing among the branches.

They can also be seen watching over them with a visibly older fiery monkey.

"It seems that this is the clansman who stayed behind."

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci whispered to everyone.

"Then let's just rush over and kill them?"

Xiao Ling nodded and asked.

Although she is a girl, she has been in the wild for so many years, so of course she does not have the kindness of a woman.

Although bullying a group of teenagers and adding an old man is a bit of a bully, but who made your hunting party provoke it first.

Destroy the enemy's lair and search for your own spoils, isn't this what the wild should mean.

"Well, be careful not to let any one go!"

He also gave an affirmative answer to Xiao Ling's question.

Just a group of new-level monkey monsters, plus an old fiery monkey whose strength has declined to the middle stage, there is really no need to play any tricks.

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Ling and Ning Hui nodded upon hearing the words.

"Come out, Bi Diao, use the storm!" Because many small ones were on the big tree, he also released Bi Diao, blowing them down first.

The released Bi Diao didn't talk nonsense, and flapped his wings obediently.

The gust of "Huhu~" instantly blew towards the group of monkey monsters who were just playing carefree.


"Hoja! Hoja!"

Soon, the monkey monsters on the tall trees screamed in terror. Although the gust of wind that contained flight-type energy was a group attack, there were trees to resist it, but the aftermath was too much for them to bear.

Some new-level monkey monsters were directly knocked out by Yu Bo, fell to the ground with a "bang", and never got up again.

The ordinary low-level monkey monsters and the old fiery monkey could still hold on. At this moment, they picked up the fainted clansmen one by one, and then ran straight to their lives.

From the storm just now, they clearly understood that their opponents were elites, not to mention that they were the only old, weak, sick and disabled people left. Even in the heyday of the race, they had no choice but to run away from the flying-type Bi Diao.

"I want to run~" Tian Ci looked at the fleeing monkey monsters, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, the core gem of the gem starfish also brightened.

With a sound of "buzz", the coordinated thought power of the two controlled the dozen old, weak, sick and disabled.



A few monkey monsters that could still roll their eyes, together with the old fiery monkey, looked at Tian Ci and the others pleadingly.

As a superpower user, he understood that this meant begging for mercy, and hoped that they would let some freshman-level monkey monsters go.

It's a pity that Tian Ci and the others all came out of fighting in the wild, and they have long understood the race competition relationship between humans and wild elves, so they have no chance to plead with them at all.

Let Kami Turtle, Pippi, and Marsh Leaping Fish practice their skills again, and soon the dozen or so old, weak, sick and disabled have followed in the footsteps of the previous five. Of course, those newborn cubs still use poke balls subdued.

Luckily, there is only one with a low-level qualification, the others are above the general middle school level, and there is even one with a good quality, which is very valuable.

"Hei Lujia, gem starfish, let's find out if there is anything valuable in this group."

After tidying up the corpses, Tian Ci asked the other elves to be on alert, and he started searching with two elves with detection skills.

Youkoudaihua, Bidiao, and Fast-Swimming Frog are three elite-level elves exuding momentum, which also gave them plenty of time to search for spoils.

"Wow woof~ woof~" It didn't take long for Hei Lujia to find out. At the place where the smell ended, it found 7 elf eggs. Looking at the patterns on the eggs and comparing them with the information shown in the illustrated book, it is obvious that this is the monkey monster eggs.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Ci also found a few fighting energy crystals and some tree fruits in the small tree holes. Based on the principle that no matter how small a mosquito is, he put them in his own. Extra large space backpack.

Anyway, the space is very large, and it can be loaded.

It is worth mentioning that this extra-large space backpack is also made by the big forces themselves, and the stores in the alliance's face do not sell it.

After all, this extra-large space is, in a sense, a sharp weapon for transporting materials, and it is for military use.

Then he carefully searched the side to make sure not to let go of a tree fruit, and Tian Ci led the group to continue the journey.

Along the way, because Tian Ci deliberately showed weakness (the elite-level elves restrained their aura, only Heluga and the two high-level elves with big milk pots were exposed), so they encountered a lot of attacks.

Those who dared to attack were also groups with two or three high-level elves.

It's a pity that as soon as they made a move, they found that they had kicked the iron plate and were fished.

At this time, he wanted to escape, but it was too late, and all of them ended up in Tian Ci's backpack.

But slowly as they went deeper, they finally encountered wild elves led by elite leaders.

When a group of people came to a bush, they suddenly realized that the silence was a bit too much. Just when they instinctively sensed something was wrong, a sharp cry suddenly rang out.


Accompanied by white silk threads covering the sky and the sun, it was obvious that they had fallen into the net.

"Hei Lujia, fire bombs!"

"Come out, Bi Diao, and use the wind to blow away these silk threads."

Tian Ci immediately called out Bi Diao and Hei Lujia to cooperate on both sides.

On the other two sides, Xiao Ling also quickly let his jewel starfish and fast-swimming frog solve it.

"Swimming Frog, use Blizzard!"

"Jewel starfish, fire the water gun continuously, let more silk stick to the water!"

The 4 elves acted immediately after hearing the order.


"Bi Diao~"

On Tian Ci's side, Hei Lujia and Bi Diao cooperated, and the wind assisted the fire to quickly fill the sky with flames.

On Xiaoling's side, the water and ice combined, and those overwhelming white silks were also froze with a "crack".

With ice on one side and fire on the other, the cooperation of the two worlds of ice and fire quickly dissolved this seemingly unsolvable net.

After all, these worms are just wild elves, and it is impossible for all the worm threads they spit out to not be afraid of fire or cold.

This requires a lot of specific resources to cultivate, and it is not so easy to achieve fire and water inviolability.

Even if it is an elite bug in the wild, the greatness is that the resistance is high, and if it takes a little longer, it should be burned or burned.

Chapter 381 Alidos

And after the big net was cracked, everyone also saw the murderer who attacked them. It was a group of Alidos and dozens of orb silk spiders besieging them.

Alidos can usually evolve at a normal low level, so the poisonous spider family is still mostly in a fully evolved form.

And one of them, Alidos, the largest and most colorful, successfully attracted everyone's attention.

Ordinary Alidos may only be half a person tall and more than one meter long, but this one is about 1.5 meters tall, and its body length is also half longer than other companions.

The most noticeable thing is the sharp horns on the top of its head and the teeth on the lower jaw. Different from the white of other companions, these three parts of it are all shiny purple.

Obviously this is an Alidos who was promoted to the elite with the sub-attribute poison system. He can surpass his main-attribute worms to complete the elite promotion in the wild. It must have some secrets. What a genius and treasure.

But no matter how you do it, it’s worth the money!
Definitely grab it!

Thinking of this, Tian Ci immediately ordered his elves to attack.

"Hei Lujia, Bi Diao, you two continue to cooperate and use the fire tornado!"

"Koudaihua, you use the flying leaf knife and the seed machine gun to clean up some miscellaneous soldiers."

"Kamigui, you can play support, just throw moves, pay attention to protect yourself."

The same is true for Xiao Ling.

"Swimming Frog, Full Blizzard!"

"Jewel Starfish, you use water bombs and water guns to help control the range of the blizzard, and remember to use your mind to accurately hit some strong Alidos!"

As for Ninghui, her role here is actually similar to that of Kamigui, playing support on the premise of protecting herself.

But Tianji and the others wanted to fight, but it didn't mean that Alidos wanted to fight too. The strength of the four elite elves had crushed their numbers.

So when the power of ice and fire came over, they used poisonous needles together.

The sound of "咻咻咻" collided with ice and fire like a thousand arrows.

There was a loud "bang", and the violent aftermath of the air wave also took away some unlucky Alidos who were too close.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" The Alidos who were left behind wailed on the ground.

But their offspring are not worthless, at least the leader of the elite level has led the elite of the clan to run a certain distance.

"Bi Diao~Bi~" Tian Ci, shall we chase after him?
Seeing this scene, the fastest Bi Diao immediately asked.

And Xiaoling also turned her head around, obviously seeing what he meant.

In this regard, he first used superpowers to probe deeply into the bushes.

With a sound of "shua", the intricate situation inside immediately appeared in his mind.

I saw that this seemingly ordinary dense bush is full of traps, and various silk threads are connected to some simple mechanisms. Although they are restricted by technological means and cannot be complicated, some primitive traps can still be made. arrived.

Among other things, there are rolling stones and traps of poisonous wood thorns in the nearest places.

Judging from the purple-glowing wood thorns, this is definitely the poison on the elite leader.

And this is just the last few places, and it's just murderous every step of the way!

Alidos and the others have walked along the spider's thread, but it doesn't affect them, but it's hard to say if the people or elves on their side go in.

Even Bi Diao can only rely on the ability to fly in the air to fly to high altitudes to carry out large-scale indiscriminate attacks.

But in this unexplored area, Tian Ci dare not!

Although the elite level is strong, but in this place, it can only be regarded as a strong one, the overlord, and the low-level comparison of the elite level is definitely not counted.

A large-scale indiscriminate attack may cause a lot of unnecessary troubles. If it provokes someone who can't be provoked, it may be gg.

So after a quick thought, Tianji shook his head directly and replied:
"Forget it, don't chase, this kind of social group is not easy to mess with, there are too many traps inside, it's really hard to go in rashly."

"En, all right." Xiaoling nodded upon hearing this, expressing her understanding.

"Wow~" Hei Lujia was a little unwilling, and he let out a cry, and spit out a large ball of flames, saying that no matter what traps, we just burn them all!
After several battles, this hellhound, who was a bit lazy before, has completely returned to his state, and his combative personality is fully revealed.

Regarding this, Tian Ci first patted the dog's head to show comfort, and then explained to it in a low voice:
"In this place with a lot of vegetation, you can't use fire in a large area. If you can't control the fire and trigger a series of reactions, I'm afraid even gym-level existences will come out to hunt us down."

"Wow woof~ woof~" Tian Ci, then I will work hard. When I reach the elite level, my fire control ability will become stronger. At that time, I can cooperate with Big Brother Bi Diao to form a group of insects like this. Exterminate!
Hearing this explanation, Hei Lujia felt ashamed at first, and then shouted a few words firmly, expressing that he would definitely train hard in the future.

"En~" Hearing Hei Lujia's determination, he nodded and signaled to be vigilant.

Next, because they didn't think about chasing them, the three of them started to deal with the howling poisonous spider on the ground.

Among the three, Ning Hui, the weakest, was a warrior-level mid-level superhuman, so it was more than enough to deal with this group of bad luck who were seriously injured.

There was a flash of blue light in Tian Ci's eyes, and an Alidos who was still screaming "Ah Li ~ Ah Li" twisted its neck and was killed directly.

On Xiaoling's side, with a wave of both hands, several water arrows flew past.

"Ah mile!"

Accompanied by the sound of "puchi, puchi", each poisonous spider died of anger.

On the other side, the little maid Ninghui also left the ranks of using daggers at this time, and she has reached the extraordinary level of a warrior. Although her skills are mainly auxiliary, she still has two attacks.

With a wave of her hands, a special purple liquid appeared in her palm, and then hit several Alidos with a "swish".

"Ah mile!"



The bodies of the poisonous spiders hit by the purple liquid were suddenly corroded. The energy in their bodies, which were already seriously injured, only resisted for a while before bottoming out, and howling wailed one after another.

"I, I'm so powerful!" Seeing the terrifying attack power, the little maid couldn't help but look at her hands in disbelief.

To tell the truth, although she has successfully cultivated, she has never used this attack method at all, and it is basically used to assist in smelting materials.

And this attack method is actually just an enhanced version of the auxiliary method, which increases the corrosion solubility.

(End of this chapter)

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