Pokemon Poor

Chapter 335 Training Battle

Chapter 335 Training Battle

"Bang bang bang~"



I saw that the monkey monsters who were aggressive at first were sent flying out at a faster speed.

Among them, the leaders of the two fiery monkeys in command planned to escape immediately.

As ordinary high-level existences, they have a deep understanding of the strength of the elite level. They definitely can't win with their strength, so they might as well run away.

It's a pity that Gem Starfish's mental power controlled the two of them in the first place.

The two fiery monkeys were controlled and floated from the big tree directly, and then they fell heavily on the ground with a "bang".

In the dusty sky, the wailing of the fiery monkey suddenly sounded.



After the elite-level dumbfounded flowers attacked them, the monkey monster clan dominating the periphery was wiped out in an instant.

At this time, the remaining vitality is 4-5 ordinary low-to-middle-level monkey monsters, and two injured fiery monkey leaders.

Of course, this was also left on purpose, in order to leave a few opponents for other companions who are still at the normal level.

When the fiery monkey and the others stood up, the few remaining monkey monsters also joined together, trembling.

Facing the strong pressure of the three elite elves at the same time, although the fiery monkeys have hot tempers, they don't have to seek death.

In this dense forest, the elite class is the overlord. Those who can survive, even if they have a bad temper, know how to judge the time.

So these two fiery monkeys and a few monkey monsters under their command did something that lost the integrity of the fighting elves.

"Puff~ha~puff~" I saw two fiery monkeys as the leaders, and they knelt down first with a "plop".

"Hoja~Hoja~" Under the leadership of the leader, several monkey monsters knelt down and begged for mercy.

"This, this is too lacking in the backbone of a fighting elf, if brother Shitou sees this scene, he should be very dissatisfied~"

Seeing the fiery monkeys begging for mercy, Xiao Ling on the side was also a little surprised.

And the name she mentioned inadvertently also means that they have never forgotten another companion.

"Yeah~ I don't know how Shitou is doing in Nibi City, but as long as Nazi breaks through the Heavenly King, she will be able to secretly break the contract on Shitou.

At that time, we must make Nibi City look good! "

Hearing this familiar name, Tian Ci clenched his fists and replied angrily.

The group of women in the Hualan gymnasium were not mistaken, Tian Ci was indeed not a good person, but at least he was kind to those around him who had always treated him with sincerity.

Nibi City forcibly enslaved his brother, this kind of behavior, he will be rewarded in the future!
Back on the battlefield, although Tian Ci looked down on the cowardly behavior of the hot monkey at this time, he didn't say it clearly. He understood that for these wild elves, living most of the time is actually the number one priority.

So he directly used telepathy to convey his meaning to the minds of the kneeling elves.

"If you want to live, you can fight with Heluga and the others under my command. Don't worry, I won't let the three elite elves make a move.

You add up a total of 6, and there are two ordinary high-ends. I only have 5 here. Hei Lujia and Big Milk Tank are ordinary high-ends. The other Pippi, Marsh Jumping Fish, and Kami Turtle are ordinary low-ends. , middle section.

6 vs 5. As long as you win, you can take all the clansmen back, how about that? "

After receiving Tian Ci's voice transmission, the two fiery monkeys agreed to Tian Ci's request after thinking about it in their hearts.


The main reason is that they can only choose to believe in Tian Ci at this time, this is the only way to survive in front of them, otherwise if they don't agree, they will be destroyed in an instant.

"Okay, let's start!" Seeing the two fiery monkey leaders agree, Tian Ci didn't say any more, and immediately said to the elves on his side.

"Go, big milk pot, Pippi." Ning Hui had no right to speak up against Tian Ci's order, so she readily let Pippi and big milk pot come forward.

Although she didn't have any confidence in the big milk pot from the bottom of her heart.

"Zhuyueyu, you can go too." Seeing this, Xiao Ling hurriedly let the Zumiaoyu drive over.

"Kami~Kami~" Kamigui welcomed the arrival of these little friends.

"Each command their own elves, the main thing is to rescue and cooperate with each other."

After Tian Ci said something quickly, before the surprised Ning Hui could react, he ordered again:
"Heiluga, small flame burst! Attack two fiery monkeys"

"Cami Turtle, attack the first monkey monster on the right with foam!"

Hearing the trainer's order, Hei Lujia, who knew that he wanted a one-on-two, had a flash of excitement on the dog's face, and with a "owwow", he opened his mouth several times and sprayed flames at the two fiery monkeys.

"Cami~" Kami Turtle immediately opened his mouth and spit out a lot of foam to attack his target.

"Marshjump, mud bomb the second one from the right."

Xiaoling on the side also reacted very quickly, and ordered to Marsh Leaping Fish almost simultaneously.

On the other hand, Ninghui, who was on the side, hadn't reacted yet, and was still in a dazed state of being suddenly pushed into the battlefield.

In this way, it gave the other two ordinary mid-level monkey monsters an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Hoja!" Seeing the two monkey monsters, their eyes met for a moment, energy surfaced on their bodies, and they rushed over quickly.

"Ninghui, what are you doing! You haven't given an order yet!"

Noticing this scene, Tian Ci quickly asked Helujia to support a few fire bombs to force them back, and then reprimanded them sharply.

He really didn't expect that Ninghui, the accompanying maid, would regress like this in just over three months, and her fighting qualities would drop to the point where she was like a rookie.

You must know that although Ninghui was mainly in logistics support before, she still has basic combat qualities, and she will never be overwhelmed by wild elves.

The reason for this problem is obviously because she may not have trained elves at all in the past three months, which is even more extreme than Tian Ci herself.

At least he also assigned training tasks to the elves every day.

"Oh!" Upon hearing Tian Ci's sharp reprimand, Ning Hui also reacted, and immediately ordered to the two elves:
"Big milk pot, you use the combo of turning round + rolling, and when you get close, you can use stomping when you get close!

Pippi, use your charming voice to control the monkey monster! "

Upon hearing the trainer's order, the big milk tank immediately curled up, and in an instant a big pink meat ball began to spin on the ground.

Unlike Pippi, when the monkey monster approached it just now, it really didn't have any intention of fighting back on its own, and it was a bit embarrassing for ordinary high-ranking elves.

But there is no way, it was not trained as a fighting type from the beginning, and it doesn't feel how powerful it is.

On the other hand, Pippi on the side had already lit up white light in his hands just now, and was about to fight back with a series of slaps.

Of course, now that the trainer is alive, it has also changed its attack style and opened its mouth.

The special singing of "Pipi ~ Pi ~" came out.

Chapter 379 End

It may be because the goals of the two sides are different. The Fire Monkey knew that this was a battle for survival, so they were fighting with all their might. Although the elves on Tianji's side were performing normally, they were obviously caught off guard for a while. Downwind.

Especially on Ninghui's side, there are frequent situations. It stands to reason that an ordinary high-level elf, even if its attributes are suppressed, should still be able to beat two middle-level elves, let alone add one Pipi in the middle serves as a helper.

But the fact is that now the big milk jug is screaming after being beaten. If it hadn't been helped by drinking milk, it might have become the first elf to lose.

Fortunately, although it is not good at fighting, its durability is still a pity. Drinking milk and Pippi's healing bell from time to time, still resisted the most violent offensive of the two monkey monsters in the early stage.

"Hei Lujia, a surprise attack + lightning teeth!"

On the other side, although Hei Lujia fought alone in the two high-levels, he was able to fight back and forth.

This is of course the credit of Tian Ci's command, but it is more due to the fact that these two fiery monkeys received the power of the gem starfish in the early stage.

Although it was just a random blow from the jewel starfish, which might not have done anything, the restrained Fiery Monkey also suffered serious injuries.

Back on the battlefield, when Hei Lujia heard the order, a layer of evil energy immediately appeared on the surface of his body.



At the same time, the two fiery monkeys, who were a little anxious on the surface, both yelled suspiciously, and they found that the target had disappeared!
As for directly attacking the trainer himself, if Tian Ci was just an ordinary human, they would take the opportunity to do it!

No matter what the agreement is or not, as long as the leader is caught, even the three elite elves have to submit obediently. There is no leader who can survive in the wild with the group, but there is no good person who keeps his promise!
In fact, they used throwing moves to test secretly before, but unfortunately they were severely taught by Tian Ci.

In their eyes, that human being is simply a super human elf, and the terrifying coercion has completely reached the elite level.

So they didn't dare to make a second shot.

Now their only way out is to beat the dog!
And just when they were puzzled, they didn't know that the vicious dog Hei Lujia had quietly come behind them.

"Wow!" It immediately opened its big mouth that was glowing with thunder, and bit the most injured fiery monkey on the left.

"呲呲~呲呵~" The sharp teeth pierced the fiery monkey's body with a violent electric current.

"Puha!" It screamed in pain, and in the severe pain, it lost the ability to fight.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and Hei Lujia's move had a good effect when it was used in actual combat for the first time.

As it turns out, surprise strikes really work!

"Puha~" The other fiery monkey also reacted at this time, screamed angrily, and the hair on its whole body stood up, and rushed straight towards Hei Lujia quickly.

Rumor has it that the angrier the fiery monkey is, the more powerful it will be.

Now it seems that there is still a basis, at least in Tianci's superpower perception, the speed and strength of this fiery monkey have indeed been raised to a higher level.

"It's a pity ~ you think you are a super race monkey."

With a sneer in his heart, he immediately ordered to Helujia:
"Use Purgatory to let it know what a close furnace is!"

Of course, he didn't forget Kami Turtle who was gradually gaining the upper hand over there, and the telepathy was transmitted to its mind immediately.

"Cami Turtle, use high-speed rotation to approach, then tear the claw to finish it, and then you go to help Ninghui."

Thanks to his warrior-level super power level, it is easy for him to multi-task now, so he can command the battle almost simultaneously, and can support Ninghui in time.

After Hei Lujia on the battlefield heard it, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Anger certainly increases strength, but it also loses reason.

This fiery monkey rushed over to deliver food to it.

Thinking of this, it opened its mouth, and a large amount of fire energy in its body began to gather.

Then with a "huh", a violent flame suddenly enveloped the Fiery Monkey rushing over, and all these flames burst into bloom with a "shua".

"Puha!" In the raging flames, the fiery monkey leader only let out a wailing cry, and then lay on the ground with his whole body scorched black, and the smell of barbecue wafted out in the air.

So far, the two high-level hot monkeys have also come to an end.

Of course, Hei Lujia was not so relaxed. It also had a lot of scars on its body, and a few new cracks were added to the exoskeleton armor on its back. These were all punched by the two fiery monkeys. It has to be said that the fighting spirit It is powerful!
On the other side, Kamigui also obeyed Tian Ci's order, shrank his body, and under the high-speed rotation, he quickly approached the monkey monster who was struggling.

When the monkey monster saw the Kami turtle approaching, he raised his hand and slashed with his bare hands!

With a sound of "Bang!", the Kami turtle directly blocked the blow with its hard shell, and then slammed into the monkey monster without losing momentum.

"Hoja~" The monkey monster screamed in pain from being bumped.

At this time, the Kami turtle also got its body back out of the turtle shell, its claws were shining white, and it "swished" twice, leaving a few deep claw marks on the monkey monster's body.

After being attacked by these two tearing claws, the monkey monster couldn't hold on immediately, and simply fainted and fell to the ground.

And when Kamigui rushed over, Ninghui's side was almost over, because the marsh jump fish had already come one step ahead to help the big milk tank.

The two monkey monsters in the middle are not as sloppy as the big milk tank. They don't have their own recovery moves. After continuous consumption, they have long lost their bravery in the early stage.

And Pippi is also gradually familiar with Ning Hui, who changed from auxiliary control to main attacker, and the situation was reversed in this way.

Soon, when the two monkey monsters also fell, it also announced the end of their first battle after their comeback.

As soon as the battle was over, Ninghui immediately asked Big Milk Tank and Pipi to heal Hei Lujia. At the same time, she herself came to Tian Ci with her head down, and she took the initiative to admit her mistake:
"I'm sorry master, I was negligent in exercising during the previous period, so that my performance is so poor now, I will definitely fight more in the future, trying to adjust my state back."

I have to say that Ning Hui is really smart, she even admitted her mistake so proactively, Tian Ci had nothing to say, he could only snort coldly, and replied:
"I hope you can do what you say, instead of still indulging in the beauty before!"

Of course, the reason why he handles it so lightly is also because Tian Ci himself is not much better.

Naturally, he would have no face to criticize Ninghui, otherwise, although Ninghui would definitely not refute, he would not be able to pass the test in his heart.

 Thanks to kao9958258 for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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