Pokemon Poor

Chapter 334 The Continued Journey

Chapter 334 The Continued Journey

Tian Ci's superpower aptitude was awakened by Nazi with her own origin and a few extra high-qualified elf origins, so it shouldn't be only a little improvement in more than three months.

It can only be said that he himself was slack and indulged in pleasure, which is why such consequences were caused.

Of course Nazi had noticed it, but there were two reasons why she didn't remind her.

One is because Tian Ci's actions are indeed conducive to family reproduction.

The second is because she believes that her man should come to his senses by himself.

Facts have proved that Nazi, the super queen, will also use her emotions when she falls in love. In fact, Tianci was able to wake up, not by himself at all, but by his stupidity.

With his mentality at the bottom of the society in his previous life, how could he feel tired of enjoying it in such a short time?
One must know that during this period of time, Tian Ci is equivalent to the uncrowned emperor of Hualan City, whoever wants whoever he wants, and can do whatever he wants, which is even more outrageous than some movies in his previous life.

His feeling at the time was that he really thought that otherwise he would stay in Hualan City and live happily ever after.

As for Na Zi, he believed that after becoming a gymnasium, he should be barely qualified to stand with her.

As for the gymnasium, he felt that relying on Hualan's back, it must be possible.

And during the few days when he had this idea, Kou Daihua, who had the deepest bond with him, seemed to meet him by fate, and would always appear near him by strange coincidences.

Inside the Hualan gymnasium, there are not many other things, but there are many training grounds.

In this way, every time he can see Koudaihua screaming "Moo Moo ~", sweating like rain and training hard.

Yes, among Tianji's 4 elves, the one who has improved the most in the past three months is Koudaihua. It has not been affected at all, and it is still very diligent and hardworking, exceeding the standard in completing the training tasks assigned to it by Tianci.

When it first advanced to the elite level, the elemental power in its body could only bless itself 3-4 times, but now its elemental power has doubled, and it can bless itself 6-7 times.

Of course, there must be a residual effect of the two drops of the holy spring, but this is also closely related to its daily hard training.

It is precisely because of its hard training that the remaining effects of the holy spring can be maximized.

You must know that Bi Diao, who also took the sacred spring, has only improved a little in the past three months, from 8-9 times of elemental power to about 10 times.

This is a strong contrast, and this is because Kou Duanhua put on the posture of the big brother and forced Bi Diao to train every day, otherwise he might be the same as Hei Lujia who hates the environment. Maintain its own strength and not retreat.

He didn't really care about it once or twice at the beginning, and he was quite relieved. He felt that while he was having fun, the elves were still working hard to grow, which is great!
But when this scene repeated 4 times, 5 times, even 7 times, 8 times later.

Listen to the "moo moo moo!" of the dumb flower.

Feeling its unchanging belief (I want to climb the highest mountain with Tianji!)
Tian Ci woke up suddenly. The two parties had a heart-to-heart communication before, so it can be said that the hearts of the two parties have already been initially integrated.

Under Koudaihua's persistence, he finally realized that he seemed to have become the kind of person he looked down upon the most, the kind of useless trainer.

Let me ask, what is the difference between what he is doing now and those bastard trainers who have stayed in the ordinary low and mid-level for many years?

The bastard trainers in the small town before also felt that they were suddenly rich after they reached the ordinary level. They could get thousands or even tens of thousands of income by hunting freshmen or some weak ordinary elves every day. .

And this income can allow them to live a good life as ordinary people, but the elves cannot be carefully cultivated, and eventually there is no progress for decades, and even the phenomenon of their strength regressing.

What about him, isn't he the same?

It is nothing more than that his realm is at the elite level, and the temptation he faces has changed from tens of thousands of yuan to millions, or even tens of millions.

And the ordinary maids have also become the female elites of Hualan City with different styles and charms.

At that time, Tian Ci, after he figured out the key point, immediately left the women's pile and found Kudaihua who was still training himself in the next field.Confess aloud:
"I'm sorry, dumbfounded! I forgot, forgot our agreement at that time!"

In this regard, Koudaihua didn't say much, just waved the vine in his hand violently, and shouted:
"Moomoo!" Tian Ci!We will be champions!
"Yes, thank you, Koudaihua! We will definitely be the champions!"

Looking at the sweaty but high-spirited Dumbfounded Hua, he felt even more ashamed and at the same time responded loudly.

"Moo~ω" felt the spirit of his trainer returning, and Koudaihua immediately showed a happy expression.

He jumped up, and just like before, he hugged Tian Ci's calf tightly and rubbed it affectionately.

"You, you~" Seeing this, Tian Ci showed a helpless smile, but he still squatted down and touched the top of Kou Daihua's head.

At this time, as if it had been negotiated, Bi Diao, Helujia, Kamigui and the other three elves all appeared in this training ground.

"Bi Diao~" Welcome back, Tian Ci!

"Wow woof~ woof woof~" Tian Ci, please take me to another city, it's too difficult for me to stay here~

"Cami~Cami~" Tianji, Tianji, I want to pat my head too!
"Everyone~ I'm sorry~ It's my fault that affected you!"

Seeing the other elves that appeared, Tian Ci was surprised but quickly relieved, and apologized to the elves.

Although they have neglected to exercise in the past few months, Tian Ci understands that he is not qualified to talk about them, because it is his responsibility.

"Bi Diao~"

"Wow woof~ woof"


Regarding Tian Ci's apology, the three elves shook their heads and began to reflect on themselves.

It was also this internal reflection meeting that made him make up his mind to bid farewell to Nazi and leave this gentle country, the country of daughters.

Maybe this place is a good place to enjoy after he has completed his various goals, but it is obviously not suitable for him to stay here for a long time now.

Nazi also expressed her understanding of this, but she will not go there, because Hualan City still needs a lot of things to be controlled by her secretly, so there was a scene of explaining various things before.

After explaining the matter, Nazi suddenly smiled mysteriously and said:
"Tian Ci, I'm glad you've come to your senses, but don't forget what happened before, keep your blood relatives behind!"

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the bedroom opened suddenly, and a gust of fragrant wind hit, one after another, stunning beauties in strange clothes and ragged clothes came in, and the leader was still the gymnasium owner Shuiyuan Qingzi.

Regarding this, Tian Ci smiled helplessly, he really forgot about this, but since he agreed, let's do it.

This night, "Dianfeng Xishuijue" was ranked high-grade, and it almost caused him, a transcendent who had reached the level of a warrior, to be exhausted to death
Chapter 378 Unexplored Area

New day, early morning.

"Wow, woof, woof!" Hei Lujia led the dog, running happily on the small road outside the city, and it finally left that annoying place slowly!

It can feel that the water particles in the air are slowly decreasing with the increase of distance, which makes the dog very happy!
Tian Ci and the others also followed behind with laughter.

Because both of them are already elites, and Ninghui's big milk tank has reached the ordinary high level, so the group decided not to take the No. 5 road opened by the alliance, but to explore the unknown between Hualan City and Golden City area.

The unknown area means that the alliance will not be maintained regularly like marking roads, but will allow the elves inside to grow wildly. The danger will naturally increase greatly, but the corresponding benefits will also greatly increase.

Legend has it that someone saw a wild fast dragon in an unknown area, and someone even caught Bangira's cub!
This rumor of bragging about not making drafts encouraged a group of people with strong strength to explore unknown areas.

Although I didn't find the quasi-god, the harvest is indeed not small. Therefore, for a long time, any trainer with some strength and ambition will go to the unknown area to fight for it. You will not see new-level trainers here, even ordinary The lower ranks are not eligible to appear here.

The last one also has the same strength as Xiao Ling before, that is, the senior middle class who stayed in the ordinary middle class for a few years and spent a lot of money to train her own elves.

This made Ning Hui very nervous, because her real strength was almost at this level, at the bottom here.

After walking on the trail for a while like this, a lush dense forest appeared in front of them, and at the entrance of the dense forest there was also a warning sign designed by the alliance a long time ago, with three big characters of danger zone written on it!
Seeing the warning sign, the three of them restrained their laughing expressions.

"Master, we really want to go to Jinhuang City from this place, what if we get lost?"

The little maid looked hesitant at this moment, and finally gritted her teeth and found an excuse to persuade her.

In fact, in her heart, she wanted to stay in Hualan forever, to be her artist trainer and to hold a lot of power.

It's a pity that the previous wave of lessons also made her understand that everything about herself came from Tianji, so she didn't dare to disobey Tianji's order, so she could only put down the entertainers and sisters in her hands with tears, and became the accompanying little maid again .

Now that she is about to enter the dangerous unknown area, she feels that her life is really hard, and she has only had a good few days!

On the other hand, when Tian Ci heard this question, he answered decisively:
"Well, let's go in, we have been at ease for too long, we need a little exciting battle to wake up the body.

The No. 5 road opened by the alliance is basically impossible for elite-level wild elves to appear, so it is of no great help. "

After finishing speaking, he motioned to Hei Lujia, who let out a "bark" and immediately ran in.

And he himself followed closely behind with a dumbfounded flower. Seeing this, Xiaoling also let the jewel starfish and the fast-swimming frog follow.

Ninghui had no choice but to ask the big milk pot to get closer to her, and then walked in with Pippi.

It is worth mentioning that Pippi has eaten honey by herself in the past few months, and her aptitude has also been improved by two levels, reaching a good level, and her energy level has also reached the normal level by taking advantage of the surplus energy of the honey. middle.

So in general, as long as her luck is not too bad, self-protection should be fine.

As soon as he entered the dense forest in this unknown area, Tian Ci noticed the difference, but after walking for a while, the exit was directly covered by various bushes that grew wildly. The places visible to the naked eye were all tall trees There are also some oddly shaped gravels.

He is now very fortunate that he and others have illustrated books in their hands. With the navigation function of the illustrated books, getting lost is still unlikely to happen. Of course, if you are unlucky and walk to some special areas, it is hard to say .

"Hei Lujia, please be careful!"

In this kind of dense forest environment, the huge Bi Diao is not suitable for following actions all the time, so the task of vigilance and detection is given to Hei Lujia.

"Woof!" Hei Lujia nodded and agreed.

Of course, the gem starfish on Xiaoling's side will definitely help, and even Tian Ci himself, as a warrior-level superpower, has to act as a warning and detection radar.

"Shushasha~" He continued walking for a certain distance in the dense forest. The elves in the unknown area were very hospitable, and they attacked almost the moment Heluga first discovered his opponent.

"Puff! Puff!"

"Hoja! Ho~"

Amidst a burst of excited shouts, a series of stones also "swish, swish, swish" and flew towards the crowd.

Each stone is also wrapped with black evil energy, which is obviously an evil move throwing!
"Hei Lujia! Fire bombs burst!"

"Cami Turtle, come out too, and shoot with a water gun!"

Fortunately, according to Tian Ci's induction, although there are many incoming enemies, there are no elite-level existences, so he also released ordinary low-level kami turtles to practice his hands.

As for Xiaoling, upon seeing this, she also released the marsh jumping fish, and Ninghui also let Pippi and the big milk pot participate in the battle under Tian Ci's signal.

As for the three elite-level elves outside, they are naturally in charge of the formation. With them, it can be guaranteed that there will be no accidents.

"Bang bang bang~"


After a series of explosions, the assailant finally appeared, and Tian Ci and the others were surrounded by densely packed monkey monsters, and on the big tree not far in front, there were even two ordinary tall fiery monsters. The monkey looked at them with tyrannical eyes.

Obviously, this is a collective hunt. In the eyes of this group of monkey monsters, the human trainer is obviously the existence that can feed a large group of them.

The two fiery monkeys have killed human trainers before, and they also know the existence of the space backpack, and know that there will be many good things in the backpack, so they mobilized more than half of the elite of the group to launch an attack.

The weakest of these monkey monsters surrounding them are all ordinary-level existences, and the fact that they don't have a single freshman is the best proof.

You must know that there are more than 20 and nearly thirty of them here!

Seeing so many monkey monsters, Tian Ci also frowned, feeling a bit miscalculated.

They had no choice but to let Kouduhua take action. They exchanged a few words with Xiaoling through spiritual sound transmission, and they quickly reached a consensus.

Just at this time, the leaders of the two fiery monkeys also ordered to attack!
Hearing a sound of "puha", the monkey monsters surrounding them seemed to have received an order, and jumped up "shuashuashua", their paws lit up white and attacked the people in the center of the encirclement.

In this regard, the two also quickly ordered!
"On the left of Koudaihua, Flying Leaf Knife + Seed Machine Gun! Keep a few!"

"Fast swimming frog, continuous burst punches, right!"

"Jewel starfish, Nianli, mainly control those two fiery monkeys!"

(End of this chapter)

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