Pokemon Poor

Chapter 337 The Golden City

Chapter 337 The Golden City

Soon the thirty or so Alidos and Orb Silk Spiders were dealt with, and they also detoured and set off again.

Going around all the way, coupled with the intentional training and fighting, so the group did not even make half of the distance at night.

After arranging several elite-level elves to take turns to watch the night, Tian Ci took the two girls into the tent to rest.

After some training and fighting, Xiao Ling lay on Tian Ci's chest and asked in puzzlement:
"Brother Tian Ci, why don't we wait for Sister Luo Lin, isn't she going to perform in Jinhuang City in a few days?
Wouldn't it be nice for us to mix in her entourage, and it won't be too much for the two of us to accompany you to practice~"

In this regard, Tian Ci stroked the smooth hair of the two of them and explained:
"Lorraine and the others are accompanied by many ordinary-level apprentices and some low-level staff, so they must be taking the safe path marked by the alliance, which is inconsistent with our original intention of training.

And I'm afraid that I'll be addicted to it again, and I'll be fooling around in the team all the time, and I won't be able to come out to fight at all, training elves. "

He is still very self-aware, and understands that he is not a very tough person. Since he will be addicted to it once, it is very likely that there will be a second time, so it is better not to give the chance to temptation.

Although this "Flying Phoenix Playing with Water" brought him super combat capabilities, it also had a side effect, that is, his restraint was greatly reduced when it came to female sex.

"En~" Xiaoling nodded, expressing her understanding.

The night passed quickly, with the aura of 4 elite deterrents, the night was very calm.

The three of them simply cleaned up, finished the elves' breakfast, and set off again.

Because they didn't receive any missions from the Alliance Center along the way, they didn't deliberately look for some kind of elf, they just kept walking according to their purpose.

Hit the elves you meet if you can, and detour if you can't.

In this way, on the afternoon of the third day after their departure, they finally walked out of the dense forest in this unknown area and came to the trail near Jinhuang City.

Although the three of them are dusty, their eyes are very bright. The battle along the way has initially brought them back to normal.

Among them, the most obvious changes are the elves under their command. Not to mention a few elite ones, they are all old people in the team. transformed back.

The most changed is the few ordinary-level elves headed by Hei Lujia. Among them, the aura of Hei Lujia has regrouped, with fierce and sharp eyes, coupled with a ferocious exoskeleton and a strong black body, it is quite suitable. Hell dog!

Cammy Turtle, at this time, is no longer the mischievous pet turtle that plays all day long in the Hualan Gym. Although it plays as support most of the time, Tian Ci will let it play in almost every battle. Participate, so slowly it also faded the bad habits that had just begun to appear.

Needless to say, the few on Xiaoling's side, the marsh jumping fish was just a little bit biased by the cammy turtle before, and now that the cammy turtle has changed back, it has naturally adjusted back a long time ago.

On Ninghui's side, it was a bit unexpected. She may have sensed Tian Ci's dissatisfaction. These days, she took the big milk pot and Pippi and fought hard. In order to save some impression points, she repeatedly took the lead.

The big milk tank used as a meat shield was seriously injured 7-8 times in the past three days, and he was beaten to the point of losing his ability to fight twice.

But the hard work paid off. As a high-level elf, the big milk pot finally looked a little bit better, and the basic fighting qualities were also picked up, instead of being a material supplier all the time.

The belligerent Pippi didn't need to worry too much, and he picked up what was lost in a day or so.

This made Tian Ci look at Ning Hui with admiration, this little maid was really ruthless.

A group of people walked on the path, and found that Jinhuang City is called the most prosperous city in the Kanto Alliance. It is not an exaggeration. This kind of trail has a lot of trainers and caravans coming and going, and there are even stations!
"Are there still people going to Jinshan Town! The carpool price is 200 yuan per person!"

"Kentaro's mount is stable and fast! If you are going to Jinhuang City, hurry up and get on the car!"

"Boss, your price is too expensive, I'll pay 50~"

"Okay, 50, 50 is only one short of you, come on, come on."

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci couldn't believe it. You must know that this is still in the wild!

Although it is due to the regular cleaning of the alliance, wild elves will also appear.

Thinking of this, he suddenly frowned, as if all he saw along the way were people and contracted elves, and no wild elves appeared!

Could it be that even this kind of trail, Nazi has sent people to clean it up, and someone has been stationed there for a long time?
Tian Ci was a little surprised, and asked a passerby directly:
"Hey, big brother, let me ask you something. If you are so blatantly driving on this kind of wild trail and doing business, aren't you afraid that wild elves will suddenly rush out and cause trouble?"

The one pulled by him was a middle-aged male trainer who was going to take the car, but he was one step behind others when he was pulled by Tian Ci.

"You." Just as he was about to get angry, he found that he couldn't pull away the grabbed arm. He knew that he had met a strong man from another place, so he could only reply helplessly:
"What's going on? Even though the station is small, there is also an elite-level adult stationed there, and there are 10 ordinary-level mid-level and high-level trainers responsible for daily patrols."

Hearing this answer, Tian Ci and the others glanced at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes!
"Brother, is it because this trail is a relatively important traffic center? Or is it the case in the area around Jinhuang City?"

After Tian asked again, Xiaoling hurriedly asked again.

"Hahaha~" Seeing this question from a beautiful woman like Xiaoling, the middle-aged uncle first laughed, and then replied with pride:
"Naturally, this is the case in the surrounding areas. It seems that you are from other places.

Our Golden City is different from yours. Under the wise leadership of the owner of the Pavilion, it is very prosperous!
The nearby wild elves are just let off by our Golden City for sustainable development.

They can only linger at the feet of our golden city. "

After speaking, the uncle raised his head proudly and walked towards the station.

Because Tian Ci finally let go of his hand, he still has urgent matters to do, how could he have time to be a guide!
And Tian Ci didn't care, his whole brain was in a state of shutdown at this time, and he let go of his hand just now, it was indeed because he was too shocked.

Although I knew that Jinhuang City was very prosperous, I didn't expect it to reach this point!
Chapter 382 Status Quo

This kind of trail sends an elite trainer to station for a long time. There must be hundreds of elite trainers stationed in Jinhuang City alone!

The power of the Golden City, which is the base camp, is definitely above these surrounding areas.

No wonder, when she was on Yuejian Mountain before, she lost more than 20 elite-level subordinates, and Nazi was not very heartbroken. It turns out that there are indeed more elite-level people in Jinhuang City. Of course, it shouldn't be so bad. From the fact that the uncle said that he was an adult just now, it can be seen that the elite class still has a certain status.

On the contrary, ordinary trainers, even ordinary high-level trainers, seem to have dropped a lot in status.

From this point of view, it is indeed reasonable that the prosperity of Golden City is called the first, and thinking about it this way, it makes sense for Nazi and the others to want a Hualan City that has been evacuated.

At this time, Golden City can be said to have developed through generations, and finally reached its peak in Nazi's generation. It can be said that it is very difficult to go further, because the maximum tolerance limit of this area is here.

The principle of prosperity and decline, the Jinben family who control the Golden City naturally understands. As a family with superpowers, most of them are highly intelligent people. After reaching the limit, they will naturally think of expansion. Come on, isn't Hualan City, which has been in decline for a long time next to it, just the fat that is brought to your mouth!

It's a pity that due to the treaty when the alliance was founded, the eight of them could not attack each other, otherwise there would be no rocket team, relying on the strength of Golden City, they would definitely destroy Hualan City very quickly. Occupy Hualan City.

Of course, this is the best result, and it won't violate the contract on the surface.

You know, the current Jinhuang City is very crowded with even the king-level elves, and many of them have to move to Hualan Cave. From this, we can know how strong they are now, and after they have a new territory , they have room for improvement.

At that time, the position of the chairman of the alliance is not impossible to sit on!
"Come on, let's take the car and go to the base camp of Jinhuang City to have a look!"

After sorting out the messy thoughts in his head, Tian Ci pulled the two of them along and walked to the station.

After revealing his status as an elite, he also received special attention. He sat on a duduli and was at the front of the queue, while Xiaoling and Ninghui sat next to him on two dudus.

"Let's go!" The driver at the front yelled!
The doots in the back row and Tian Ci's dodoo began to run quickly, and at the same time a layer of windshield quickly emerged.

It is worth mentioning that the energy shields of these Dudu and Duduli are transparent, and Tianci can see the surrounding scene. In addition to the woods, there are various street signs and slogans, which also confirms that According to what the uncle said before, the wild elves in the surrounding area are really alive, and they don't even dare to destroy the street signs.

"Perhaps, Jinhuang City is the ideal living situation for most people, safe."

Sitting on Duduli, Tian Ci sighed as he looked at the passers-by who were mostly ordinary people.

On the faces of these ordinary people, he really couldn't see any worry. Even they dared to walk on the wild roads, which also showed that Jinhuang City was indeed a territory completely belonged to humans.

Because there were no accidents along the way, and the roads were well built, they arrived at the gate of Jinhuang City before dark.

After the passengers got off the bus one by one, the Tuduli driver also brought the group of Tuduli to a station next to the gate of Golden City, and began to attract customers again.

"It's so tall! And it's equipped with the most advanced identification system."

Ning Hui and Xiao Ling stood in front of the gate at this time, looking at the golden city gate in front of them in shock.

Unlike Nibi City and Hualan City, there are no identity-checking guards at the gate of Jinhuang City. Instead, two robots occasionally verify the identities of passing people one by one.

Tian Ci noticed that they just swiped the ID card issued by the alliance, and the robot would immediately let them go, and the response was very sensitive.

"Let's go, let's go in too, don't be seen as a joke here."

He took out his ID card in a dignified manner, waved at the two of them, and said.

"Oh~" The two girls blushed when they saw this, and they also realized that they were a little ashamed at this time, so they quickly took out their ID cards and followed.

Because the two robots reacted quickly, it didn't take long for their turn.

Tian Ci took out his ID card and showed it to him, and the robot puppet immediately sat down respectfully, and at the same time, such a sentence was played on the face of the black screen.

"Master Aokita, welcome to Golden City!"

When it was Xiaoling's turn, as an elite trainer, she also received a welcome sentence:
"Master Tianshuiling, welcome to Jinhuang City!"

When it was Ninghui's turn at the end, she didn't have this kind of treatment. The robot puppet just waved her hand to let her go, and nothing was displayed on the screen.

"Master, these robots are so powerful~"

After entering the city gate, the little maid said with a depressed face.

"Hahaha~ Ninghui, then you have to work hard."

Hearing this, Tian Ci laughed and comforted him.

After a small episode, a few people went shopping in Golden City. Because it is a city famous for super powers, the streets are very lively, and there are many performances of magic tricks.

Moreover, elves with super power attributes are even more common. Of course, most people don’t carry pure super power elves, they are usually gem starfish, coconut egg trees and other secondary super power elves, and some with The cat boss and Nine Tails are elves who don't have super power attributes, but can do super power moves.

There are also a lot of high-rise buildings on the street, all of which are beautifully decorated. Compared with Nibi City and Hualan City, there is indeed a gap, not to mention that there is a particularly sci-fi landmark building - Searle Buddha company!
Speaking of Silver Company, anyone who is a trainer of the alliance knows that it is a leader in the elf world manufacturing industry.

This company not only cooperated with the Jinben family in Jinhuang City to create a number of basic technologies for today's Poké Ball, but also developed various portable props such as skill inheritance beads, wound medicine, Silver inspection mirror, and spray. It is a top-notch large company focusing on the power of science and technology.

The company building has 11 floors, most of which are research rooms. According to Nazi, Silver Company is now secretly researching a kind of poke ball that can capture 100% pokemon. Its name is Master Ball!
It is a joint research project of the Rockets, Golden City, and Silver Company.

(End of this chapter)

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