Pokemon Poor

Chapter 279 The Underground River

Chapter 279 The Underground River
In an underground underground river in the Yuejian mountain range, a large amount of precious ores are scattered on the messy river beach, as well as the corpses of various elves. Among them, Tian Ci and a slim woman are also unconscious in it.

"Ah~ Pain Pain Pain" Tian Ci's brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes slowly opened, and he felt bursts of severe pain coming from all parts of his body.

He turned his head around with difficulty, and found that the pitted stone walls around him were quite dark, and the ground was basically gravel except for the various materials scattered in his backpack. , next to a rushing river.

"It should be that Nazi didn't block the big explosion and broke the rock formation, so I flew here." After thinking for a while, Tian Ci sorted out the cause and effect clearly.

"I don't know if Koudaihua is okay. My backpack is still falling over there. Damn it, I can't move now. It's such a short distance!"

Looking at the backpack that was only ten meters away from him, he couldn't help but want to scold his mother. When he felt the big explosion, Tian Ci took all the elves back into the elf ball, ignored their struggles, and directly Locked the poke ball, buried it deep in the backpack, and even blocked the rest of the backpacks in front of them one by one, just to protect their safety!

In front of such a king-level self-destruction, ordinary high-level and ordinary middle-level are all the same. Didn't they see that they were as strong as Nazi and didn't block them? They still wanted to come out and sacrifice themselves to stand in front of him. Really don't even think about it. think!
Fortunately, those few backpacks full of materials had an effect, because Nazi and his elves were the first to bear the brunt, so there was only aftermath in the end. With several one-time protective jade charms and his hard work The physique of a trained fighter survived, although it seemed that the whole body was severely injured, it was better than dying!

"However, the bloody smell of so many elf corpses will definitely attract other elves, and the Wu Neng family will definitely clean up the mountains. Just wait like this, I'm afraid they will die."

It's a pity that although he survived, Tian Ci, who was unable to move his whole body while looking at the unreachable space backpack, could only smile bitterly in his heart. He felt that if he had no other choice, he really had to wait to die.

In his heart, he even hoped that the members of the Wu Neng family could search them out as soon as possible. It was better to be arrested and tortured than to be eaten by wild elves. As long as he was alive, he still had a chance.

But just as Tian Ci was closing his eyes and waiting to die, there was a sound of "pat-pat-pat-" footsteps, and they were getting closer.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Tian Ci suddenly opened his eyes, his brain was running wildly, if he could live, he didn't want to die!
"It doesn't sound like a human being, and the footsteps are relatively light. It should be a small elf. I wonder if we can communicate, make a deal or something"

While his brain was still running crazily, suddenly the sound of footsteps "slapped." It seemed that he had discovered something and was rushing this way desperately.

"Damn it! Damn it! It's a strong smell of blood, could it be a carnivorous elf!" Hearing the more hurried footsteps, a lot of cold sweat broke out on Tian Ci's forehead, and his brain was working frantically thinking of countermeasures, but the more he It's like this, the more I can't think of it!
The whole body was severely injured, the two layers of high-level protective clothing were broken into beggar clothes, and there was no elf by his side. There was really nothing he could do about it!Moreover, his throat is very dry and hoarse, his voice is very low, and he doesn't know if he can communicate normally. In the eyes of carnivorous elves like this, he is obviously a piece of fresh fat, right? Will he listen to him fooling around?
Just as he was looking desperate, closing his eyes and waiting to die, suddenly the elf had come to him, and a cold little face approached him.

"It's over, it's over, it's going to be eaten!" Feeling the mouth that was close at hand, Tian Ci had already begun to recall every detail of this life in his heart.

"Jenny! Jenny!" But the strange thing was that there was no pain from being bitten on his face, but a familiar cry came from his ear.

"Shua~" Tian Ci suddenly opened his eyes, his face was full of surprises!
"Jenny Turtle! It's really you!" He said with difficulty with his hoarse throat.

Yes, the one who appeared in front of Tian Ci was none other than the Squirtle who should have been locked up and placed deep in his backpack.

Seeing Tian Ci woke up at this time, Jenny's big round eyes were full of surprise, and he rubbed his cheek against Tian Ci's face and called "Jenny~Jenny~".

"Okay, okay, Squirtle, go look in that backpack, see if they are there, and let them out first."

Feeling the icy cold touch on his face, he quickly asked the Squirrel to stop first, and let the other elves out as well.

But whether it is there or not, he has no idea now, because all the elf balls of Squirrel Turtle flew out, and all kinds of materials and corpses on the ground flew all over the ground, which shows that although his space backpack looks far away It's quite complete, but it must have been blasted open.

"Jenny~" In response to Tianci's order, the Squirtle nodded, and then "Patta Patta~" walked towards the backpack on the other side. Judging from the walking posture of the Squirrel, it should be intact , There is no scar on the whole body.

Squirrel quickly walked to the front of the space backpack, dragged the space backpack and came to Tian Ci's body, then poked his head in and fumbled for something inside.

Soon, he took out a few luxury balls and placed them in front of Tian Ci, calling "Jenny, Jenny~", meaning Tian Ci, how do you open this?

"Cough ~ Jenny, you turn the switch on the right to the left, cough ~ slide it over." Looking at the Squirrel who was in trouble with the luxury ball, Tian Ci explained while enduring the pain.

"Jenny, Jenny." Jenny Turtle nodded, took out his short hands and groped on the luxury ball, and soon found the raised switch on the right, "Ka~" only heard a slide With a sound, the locked Poké Ball was opened.

"Moo Moo! Moo Moo~" After the lock switch of the poke ball was turned on, the mouth flower inside jumped out immediately, and when it came out, it looked at Tian Ci with tears all over his body covered in blood and scars.

"Okay, Kou Daihua, please use the cane whip to check if there is any special wound medicine in the backpack, and spray some panacea for me." Seeing the tearful Kou Daihua, Tian Ci forced a smile She smiled, said that she was fine, and then asked Koudaihua to help treat the wound.

With the help of the slightly dim light, he saw that his wound was already bleeding and festering, so simple wound medicine would definitely not work, and he was not a professional healer, so he reluctantly bought a few bottles of panacea. The time came in handy. Although 6000 a bottle, the price of a bottle that can only be used once is very expensive, but it is certainly not worth as much as his own life, so he bought several bottles.

 Thanks to the book friend 20210909201611994 (500 points) for the reward yesterday!
(End of this chapter)

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