Pokemon Poor

Chapter 280 Cooperation in Healing Injuries

Chapter 280 Cooperation in Healing Injuries
"Moomoo!" Hearing what Tian Ci said, Koudaihua quickly stretched out several vines and began to search in the backpack.

"Beep! Beep~" At this time, Bibi Bird was also released by the Squirrel, and when it came out, it looked at Tian Ci with the same concern.

"Wow ~ woof woof ~" Hei Lujia, who was a little slower, also asked Tian Ci's status in a low voice.

Seeing that the elves were all there, Tian Ci felt relieved. He forced a smile to meet their concerned eyes, and began to order the elves to perform their duties.

"Jenny Turtle, first wash the bloody wounds all over my body with water.

Helujia, find something to burn and make a fire.

Bibi Bird, you are on guard in the sky. If someone comes, tell me secretly. If it is a wild elf, kill the one that can be killed directly, and drive away the one with similar strength.

Koudaihua, after Jenny Turtle and Heluga are done, first spray my whole body with panacea, then feed me a bottle, and then treat the wound with special wound medicine spray. "





After listening, the elves nodded and started to do their own thing.

First came the Squirrel. It spit out a small stream of water from its mouth with a "hoo~", and then controlled the water flow to slowly wash Tian Ci's whole body.

"Hiss~" It was very cool at first, but he couldn't help crying out in pain when he touched some wounds that were already inflamed and festered.

"Jenny?" Seeing Tian Ci's painful look, Jenny stopped and asked if he wanted to be smaller?
"No need, Squirtle, that's it, continue." Regarding Squirtle's question, he shook his head and signaled to continue. Now is the time to race against time, and he doesn't know how long he was unconscious. This is the owner of Yue Jianshan. A mountain range is still a branch. If it is the main mountain range, it is very dangerous!

Hearing what Tian Ci said, the Squirrel continued to spit out a stream of water and continued its cleaning work.

At this time, Hei Lujia also brought some rags, a few pieces of wood, and the fur of the elf's corpse, etc., and saw it spit out a flame bomb from its mouth with a "hoo~", and ignited the A pile of flammables.

With the help of the bright firelight, he also saw clearly the surroundings. It was indeed an underground river, but now this small section of water was cut off by various materials and corpses of elves, just like a golden beach. All are valuable materials.

And he also saw clearly the appearance of the elves, they were indeed intact, and the ones protected in the innermost part were not injured at all, which was good news for Tian Ci, at least if there was an invading enemy, he would still Have the strength to fight.

Next, Squirtle continued to clean up his wounds. At Tian Ci's request, the tattered clothes on the outside were all shredded, and he, who was red all over his body, cleaned up the whole body. There is nothing embarrassing about it. It's my own elf.

"Moomoo?" After the Squirrel cleaned up, Koudaihua picked up the potion with a vine and asked if it was time to treat the wound.

"Come on." He nodded, opened his mouth, and signaled to drink a bottle of panacea first.

After receiving Tianji's order, Koudaihua immediately opened a bottle of panacea with a "bang" and put it into the trainer's mouth. At the same time, another vine began to sway the potion on Tianji's body.

"Gulu~Gulu" Tian Ci drank the panacea, and felt a little coolness and a tingling sensation from the wounds on his body. He knew that the medicine was working, sterilizing and reducing inflammation, so he endured it.

But when Koudaihua started spraying the special wound medicine, he couldn't help it, it was too painful, and he yelled out "Ah!"

Although this kind of special wound medicine heals quickly, it adds a lot of healing ingredients to speed up the healing of the wound and the regeneration of flesh and blood. The process is indeed quite painful, and it is not just a single wound, but wounds all over the body. This kind of labor pain and itchy feeling is really beyond the bottom line of ordinary people.

"Jenny, tell me how you got out." In order to resist the unbearable pain, Tian Ci began to think of ways to distract his attention. After looking at the worried Squirrel, he went to Open your mouth and ask.

Hearing Tian Ci's question, the Jenny who was sitting next to him scratched his head with his short hands, recalled it, and began to explain to him "Jenny, Jenny~".

It probably means that it originally saw the darkness outside through the poke ball, and then it suddenly spun, feeling that it was flying, and then felt that it had hit something, and heard the cracking sound of "click", and it came out After coming out, I called Tianji through the spiritual contract, but there was no response, so I found it through the contract induction.

"Hiss~ Then bring the space backpack here, let me see." Hearing what Squirtle said, Tian Ci had a guess in his heart, so he asked him to bring the space backpack.

"Jenny~" Squirrel picked up the space backpack, turned it up and down, and showed it to Tian Ci.

Sure enough, Tian Ci soon found a small hole in the lower right corner, probably where the Squirtle's pokeball fell out.

Fortunately, the space storage technology in the elf world is very perfect. Although a hole is broken, because the internal space is stable, as long as you don’t pour things through this hole intentionally, the things inside will not leak out, so even if you are falling During the process, a lot of things were dropped, but the key things, such as the illustration book, the special computer of the Rockets, and the name tags are still there.

And although the Jenny's Poké Ball fell, luck and misfortune depend on each other. If there is no Jenny that fell out, he might really be waiting to die. Anyway, the contract has been signed, and the original Poké Ball is broken. It's broken, just take a luxurious ball and put it in again.

"Well, Squirtle, go and boil some water with Hei Lujia next." After understanding what was going on, he asked Squirrel to put the backpack away, and went to cooperate with Hei Luga to boil water for him to drink.

Just now he wanted to drink water, but he was stunned to turn it over again, and the kettle fell off. Although it is okay to drink unboiled water due to his physique, it is better not to die in this seriously injured state.

"Jenny~" Squirrel nodded.He walked up to Hei Lujia who was helping to guard him, and started talking.

"Wang~" Hei Lujia understood it, and agreed, indicating that it was time to start.

Then the Squirrel spit out an ordinary water ball (without water system energy) into the air, and Heluga kept heating it with a small flame underneath.

"Gulu Gulu~" Soon the water polo boiled, and then the Squirrel quickly cooled down with its own water system energy, and soon a ball of warm boiled water was completed, and it was sent to Tian Ci's with a "wow~" mouth.

"Gulu~Gulu~" The warm boiled water quickly moistened Tian Ci's throat, and he felt much better.

(End of this chapter)

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