Pokemon Poor

Chapter 278 Trap?

Chapter 278 Trap?

"Bang bang bang~"

"Come on, Gotha Duck!"

"Keep tearing the claw!"

In the stone pit, everyone was still digging in full swing. Suddenly, after breaking through the outermost layer of rock, the paw of a cat boss went straight in, and the inside was actually hollow!

"Meow?" The cat boss probed suspiciously with his paw. It was really hollow, and there was nothing there?

"Huh?" Why is the inside of the huge moonstone suddenly hollow?
"Yeah? What's going on?" Soon, people who were digging in other directions also discovered this matter, and asked in doubt.

"Hey Cha~" At this time, there was a cry from the hollow inside.

Looking at the long-lost light above, Long Longyan yelled in doubt, why didn't he seem to be from the Wuneng family?
"Long!" Suddenly, its eyes narrowed, and it remembered its mission. As the elf of the previous generation, it was ordered to hide in this huge man-made moonstone after the death of its trainer. To advance to the king and even the champion faster, and the second is to leave a way to die together!

"When someone breaks through the surface of the huge moonstone from the outside, Longlongyan, if you perceive the blood of our Wu Neng family, then please temporarily obey their orders and drive out the foreign enemies. If not, then you can directly use all your energy Self-explosion, if the enemy touches here, then my Wu Neng family must be in danger, and I can kill a wave of it!"

In Long Longyan's mind, it seemed as if he had heard his own trainer's last words before his death. His eyes showed determination, and the energy in his body began to mobilize crazily. In an instant, a breath of energy far surpassing the gymnasium level began to disperse. .

That's right, in the long years, relying on the package of the huge moonstone surface, it has successfully been ground by time and water, and it has been ground into the Tianwang class.

"It's not good, let's disperse, everyone defends!" Sensing this self-destruction of the Heavenly King level, Nazi immediately yelled, and at the same time summoned all her elves, united and used a mental barrier!

It's a pity that the speed of the others is still too slow, or they are too close, even if the barrier is opened for the first time, but the self-destruction of the Heavenly King is not something these elites who are close at hand can resist, only to hear " With a bang, a burst of extremely powerful energy fluctuations centered on the Moonrock Pit and began to disperse.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Ah, no!"

"I do not want!"

The nearest elite trainers who relied on the barriers were directly shattered, and they were vaporized in the energy!
"Ah!" Tian Ci hastily bit his tongue hard with his teeth. The severe pain helped him regain a little control over his body. He immediately picked up the unconscious Xiaoling and the stone on the ground, Moved to the back of Nazi.

"Ka~ka~" Nazi doesn't have time to deal with a few ants now, she is trying her best to maintain her mental barrier, but within a few seconds, a crack appeared in her barrier, and this is just a new contact!
Nazi yelled "Ah!", and poured all her spiritual power into it, even the meager spiritual power of the transformed body. She didn't want to die, and she couldn't die!
At this time, in another stone pit, an old man and a young man were feeling the huge energy fluctuation not far away.

"Xiao Gang, you have to remember, the three caves of the cunning rabbit, even if our Wu Neng family has no Heavenly King trainer for the time being, it is not just a gym-level thief who can come in!"

I saw that the old man with white beard was taking this opportunity to teach a squinting brown-skinned young man next to him.

"I understand, Grandpa, but the quarter of the huge moonstone was wasted, and there was also a Tianwang-level Longlongyan. I heard that it was left by Grandpa."

After the young man named Xiao Gang listened to the old man's teaching, a pity expression appeared on his resolute face.

"Don't worry, as long as the core of the huge moonstone is still there, it can be regenerated in a few hundred years. Even sacrificing a few mountains and using their core spiritual mines will not be used for 100 years. As for the rumbling rock, that is its own choice." , not only burned energy, but now even life is burned, probably it wants to meet its own trainer~"

Hearing the young man's regretful words, the old man patted his head and explained something, but when he said Long Longyan, the old man was inevitably disappointed.

He still remembered that this Rumble Rock played with him when he was young, but he never thought that so many years would pass in the blink of an eye, and it would be farewell when we saw each other again.

As soon as the screen turned, facing the self-destruction of the Heavenly King class that had burned its vitality, even Nazi couldn't hold it anymore. With a "click", the blue barrier was completely shattered into pieces, and a wave of pure white energy covered the entire grotto , there was also a faint call from Longlongyan, "Hey Cha~"

"Master, I have completed your last order and come to accompany you~"

At this time, whether it was the battlefield outside, or the young and old in another grotto, whether it was the humans of the Wu Neng family, or the elves under his command, they all shed tears with a "tick~".

"Roar!" On the outer battlefield, even Bangira, who is known as the desert tyrant, roared in grief and indignation after feeling the death of his old friend, leaving a tear in his eye. It also showed its might and counterpressed the Gyarados.

"Damn! Let's retreat first!" Seeing that the main mountain range of Yuejian Mountain was half collapsed by the explosion, Apollo's face changed. If you retreat, you will send out a signal to retreat!
He has already felt the powerful auras not far away are rushing towards him, if he doesn't withdraw, no one else will be able to leave except him.

The Rockets' great cause has not been completed yet, and these elites cannot be lost here in vain, so he issued an order to retreat. As for saving Nazi, relying on his strength as a king and acting alone, it will definitely be faster than such a big fanfare .

As for the fact that Nazi is dead, Apollo does not believe this kind of conclusion. His Heavenly King-level Gotha Duck was only promoted by relying on Nazi's guidance. You said that such a character died in a battle. He didn't believe the self-destruction of the Heavenly King class, let alone being the gym master, there must be something to save his life.

Of course, he also knew that even if Na Zi, who was only at the gymnasium level, survived, she would never be in a good condition, so he had to retreat even more quickly, and then he could come to the rescue alone.

"Withdraw, withdraw! Break it into pieces! Retreat quickly!"

"Don't love to fight, withdraw quickly!"

"Lord Apollo has orders, retreat!"



After Apollo issued the retreat order, the members of Team Rocket on this large mountain range began to retreat. Taking this opportunity, other trainers on the mountain who took the opportunity to make a fortune also began to retreat. They did not want to be caught by the Wu Neng family .

 Then I also explain the main storyline. Some readers think that playing the gym is the main thread. Why are you still in the first gymnasium? Several book friends who have read every chapter can see that the main line is the ultimate goal of the Rockets. For this purpose, they want to plunder the foundations of the eight ancient cities in the league. Playing gyms is just a branch line, and what is the purpose of taking away the foundations? , Including what is the purpose of making Chaomeng, I should have said that there is still a large area occupied by elves in this world, Chaomeng is equivalent to a nuclear threat, and it also serves this ultimate purpose, so you think it is still slow, Several of the eight major cities are already in the hands of the Rockets.In fact, I feel that it is very boring to say so thoroughly, but there is no way, the book cannot be written.

(End of this chapter)

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