Chapter 94 Why!
"Beautiful! I can also tell it's definitely not a whale."

"Based on my experience of killing pigs for 30 years, it has nothing to do with pigs"

"Cheating the barrage, it has to be you, my sister"

"You just said that you stepped on me and I admit it!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, he hurry up"

"I just knelt down and begged you not to worry!"

"Don't tell me, this mark is somewhat similar to my second uncle."

"What kind of god is your second uncle!"

"I remember you got an ID, your second uncle sells breakfast, your second aunt looks like a bear from the back"

"Go catch the bear...ah no, go catch the deer and eat it"

"Deer side is not delicious, mail it over and I will help you deal with it without pollution"


The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was always so joyful and positive, Chen Qi didn't need to control it intentionally at all, they were chatting, and he was going astray.

"Ha, it's not surprising. The climate here is already very suitable for cold tolerance, but there are no deer in the snow for animals that need herbivory. Is it still snow?"

Standing up and walking directly over the deer's footprints, Chen Qi explained: "Some fans asked me to catch deer to eat, which is actually quite unrealistic at the moment."

Raising the knife in his hand, Chen Qi continued: "I only have this small version of the wide-headed sawtooth machete in my hand now. I can chop a branch, chop a piece of wood, and so on. It's easy to use for self-defense. of.

But if you want to kill a deer with this thing, it's really not suitable. "

Most deer have a huge antler on their top, but these red deer moose living in cold regions have bigger and stronger horns on the top of their heads.

To deal with these guys, the heavier weapons, such as axes, machetes, etc., are more difficult to use. On the contrary, light throwing spears that can be thrown far away, or things like bows and arrows can exert better effects.

Of course, what is not discussed here are modern firearms.

"Even if I have amazing knife skills and strength enough to cut off its antlers and chop it on its head, it is delusional to kill this deer for dinner."

With a shrug, Chen Qi said helplessly: "Because I can't catch up with a deer. This thing has always been famous in the world for endurance athletes.

The things tied to Santa's car are all experiences and inspirations from life.Because in the snow, if you want to pull some goods, things like moose and reindeer are really the best.

After all, sled dogs and the like are too weak, and cows and horses are not suitable for walking on snow at all.

If I want to catch this deer, unless I prepare in advance and arrange it for three or five days, otherwise, hey!

Nonsense! "

Fans can accept Chen Qi's explanation.

Last time, Chen Qi showed everyone what is easier said than done through shipbuilding.

Although I didn't see what Chen Qi suffered from the tree he had been chiseling all night, the wounds all over his hands could explain the problem.

Easier said than done.

However, this couldn't stop some fans from persuading Chen Qi to turn around quickly and go to the shelter to get things for deer hunting.

Chen Qi himself couldn't laugh or cry, so he simply ignored them and started talking about other things.

"In Wilderness Survival, if you have already built a shelter, it is not recommended to extend the straight-line distance too far when exploring the surrounding area for the first time.

The problem of getting lost is one aspect, and unnecessary physical exertion is another.There are also possible dangers. "

After a pause, Chen Qi turned his head to look at the camera in the live broadcast room: "It's reasonable, since you can meet moose, then you should also meet bears~"


"Of course, it's all right"

"What are you afraid of, don't you have a knife~(dog head)"

"Then eat it differently. Actually, I can do anything. I can eat whatever I want."

"Iron Juice! I won't make any funny jokes today, I, Black Bear, will perform a three-mouthed-one anchor for everyone today!"

"Puff ha ha ha (ˉεˉ) the face of the anchor is so funny"


Is it interesting? !

Chen Qi thought to himself: Why the hell don't I think so!

Fans of sand sculptures have now challenged [make Chen Qi black-faced through bullet screens] as a task. For this, Chen Qi strongly protested and issued a statement demanding an apology from fans.

The result is of course useless.

Turning around to confirm the direction, Chen Qi searched for information on things like snow blindness before coming here, but after memorizing a lot, he only found out when he got here that it was purely his own overthinking.

The surface here is not much white at all.

"The line was straight and I was able to see where the edge of the forest was.

From here on, I can't go any further, because although the footprints are there, I don't know if there are conditions like wind and snow to cover them up.

If I continue to go deep and then lose my way, it is very likely that I will not be able to get out of the forest and continue to go deep in the direction I think is right.

Such a result, of course, is what it is, right? "

You can't say the word bear even if you are killed, and you can't give sand sculpture fans a chance!
"Next, I'm going to walk sideways for a while, during this period, be careful to observe the directions of your left and right sides at all times.

As for the outward side, you must always be able to see the edge of the forest, and occasionally go a little deeper, just step on a higher place, block stones or something.

On the side towards the inner part of the forest, you must always pay attention to whether any dangerous large animals appear. "

Pointing to a small thing that flashed by in the depths of the forest, Chen Qi said: "It doesn't matter if it's a squirrel or a rabbit, at this distance, unless you make a mark in advance, or there is an obvious sun in the sky Otherwise, even if the rabbit has a broken leg, you don’t want to chase it.”

Putting up his fingers, Chen Qi paused every word: "Never be superstitious about your sense of direction. Absolutely!"

After taking a few steps forward, Chen Qi's "old habit" happened again.

With a sound of ah, he ran a few quick steps, lying on the ground excitedly on a small flat sunny slope, picking up a piece of orange-yellow, some reddish shrubs.

The drone quickly caught up, and the camera shakes slightly, and the feeling of nervousness comes up immediately.

"Hey hey, guess what I found...Okay, touch yourself and say, don't guess or guess."

The question marks bursting out in an instant directly dispelled Chen Qi's idea of ​​being a fool.

Opening his palms, a few small blue-purple berries lay quietly in Chen Qi's palms among some torn off dead leaves.

"Brothers, you don't know this, do you?

Blueberries! "

Chen Qi fought back and waved vigorously: "It's such a big piece!
What the hell!Ha ha ha ha! "

Looking at the entire slope behind Chen Qi, all the way to the blueberry bushes under the trees on the other side, the fans are sour again.

Why can he eat blueberries all he can eat, and I have to count the ham sausage and eggs? !

Those blueberries must be sour!

I am so dissatisfied!
(End of this chapter)

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