Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 93 Chen Qi's Non-Professional Expertise

Chapter 93 Chen Qi's Non-Professional Expertise
Chen Qi didn't want to make a temporary shelter so "luxurious" at first, but it may be the "regret" left by not using solid and reliable tools for the mission of the last live broadcast. Without the tools in hand, he would always feel a little uncomfortable if he didn't do the job beautifully.

Perhaps, this is also a different kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Besides, it's not that Chen Qi didn't find a suitable reason for himself.

"There will be winter in all places, but the winter in the equatorial region is a number sign on the calendar. In terms of temperature and climate, people should come according to summer or summer.

But isn't the place where we do tasks different now? "

Chen Qi sawed the wood, opened his mouth wide, and breathed out: "Ha... look, the breath turns into mist! Insulation work must still be done~
My 60-day mission is to build a real temporary hut.

live.You know, it's not the kind where you can just make do and sleep.

Before that, I couldn't guarantee how much time I would have. If I didn't choose a suitable address for seven or eight days, if there wasn't a similar temporary shelter, I would definitely regret it every day for these seven or eight days. . "

Smiling, he sawed off the last branch. Chen Qi stepped on the path he made by dragging the branch just now, and dragged the "gate" of the shelter back.

"We've already gotten to this point anyway, wouldn't it be nice to finish all the work in one battle~"


"Is the anchor going to build a two-story building?"

"So, I guess it's reasonable that his big bag is full of turning tiles."

"Stupid! How tiring to carry bricks, I guess it's cement"

"Without reinforced concrete, if you dare to build it, I would not dare to live in it"

"This brother's speech... is a bit confusing. I can't tell if you are serious for a while."

"So the anchor came here with scraper knives on his back?"

"Bet on a firework. The anchor wants to build a big shack"

"Bet on a firework, and the betting dog will come out to bet on the fireworks in a while"

"Can the anchor dig a secret base! I like that very much!"

"Damn! This guy is sick again, so talk!"


There were people guessing in the live broadcast room, but Chen Qi just didn't speak. He didn't want to reveal all the live broadcast content so quickly.

It's only the first day, and it's too fast to self-destruct.

"Actually, if conditions permit, this door should be dealt with, at least it should be made movable.

However, I have that energy now, and I don't have that physical strength anymore.Let me rest for a while, after a while, I have to find something to eat. "

With a wry smile, Chen Qi pointed to his stomach and said, "I still overestimated myself a bit. I thought that if I eat more in the morning, I can survive the whole day without being hungry..."

Among Chen Qi's four-dimensional attributes, mental strength is almost close to the average limit of human beings, and his performance is really outstanding. No matter how much work he does, he will not be listless and sleepy.

But the attribute of physical strength is a bit behind.

Long way to go!

Improve it little by little.


After resting for a while, the intensity and intensity of his work was not very high, so Chen Qi didn't bother to stay in the warm shelter, picked up a knife in his hand, and ran to the forest before to find something to eat up.

The terrain in the wild is naturally not as flat as in the city, and the road conditions are even worse here near the Arctic Circle.

It is uneven, full of big and small rocks protruding from the surface, and some of the soil is frozen hard, and two steps away, you can step on the soft grass with moss.

Among other things, the feeling of walking is really bad.

Stretching out his hand to support a tree beside him, many snowflakes fell on Chen Qi's head.

Chen Qi raised his head and took a look. It was amazing that there was a lot of snow on the small tree beside him.

"I don't know if any of the brothers and sisters in the live broadcast room are playing in the artificial snow field, how do you say that, the two lovesickness and the same snow, this life is considered to be the same.

Thousands of miles apart, this is also fate, isn’t it~”

Originally, Chen Qi just wanted to say something casually. After all, he wanted to curse people just now, but considering the influence and image issues, he could only euphemistically turn the way of speaking into nonsense.

Most of the interaction in the live broadcast room is actually this kind of nonsense.

But Chen Qi obviously forgot that the era he lives in now is obviously another era after the "cultural gap". If you read Li Bai and Su Shi, someone must understand, but this sentence is not written by the ancients.


"Oh? You are a hairy guy, you have a good literary talent."

"To be honest, these two sentences are a bit interesting."

"Fuck you, I just fell out of love and watched the live broadcast for fun, you give me this?"

"Is this what you should say!"

"I haven't heard of anyone saying such a sentence, the anchor wrote it himself?"

"Fuck you, you have a rocket"


Chen Qi: Huh? ? ?

He himself didn't know where this sentence came from. Before today, he only remembered this line of poetry when he saw a short animation of labor and swallow flying when he was watching short videos.

If he had traveled to ancient times or some superficial dynasty, Chen Qi would have recognized this sentence directly. Anyway, copying public works is faster than live broadcasting, and it's so easy, so why not do it.

But now~
Well, it can only be said that the Internet has memory.As long as it exists, nothing can be found.

"Fuck! First of all, I would like to thank this [Madman Li Si] for sending the rocket, are still a fan of Earl in my live broadcast room.

Brother, I didn’t say this, I don’t own the poem, and I don’t know where it came from. I just saw it by chance and just remembered it.

You... I feel bad for accepting this gift..."

As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, that [Madman Li Si] gave another Linglong treasure box ten times, adding up to the money of a rocket.

Madman Li Si: What a shame, I found out that it was written by someone more than 50 years ago, if you don’t tell me, I can’t see it either.

How to say this...

"Boss atmosphere!"

Chen Qi smiled and gave a thumbs up.


The small episode passed quickly, and Chen Qi walked not far on the black soil with only a layer of floating snow, and saw a thick hoof print on the soft ground.

"Oh~! Look at this!"

Chen Qi put his hand in the hoof print, which was actually bigger than his hand!

"This, I don't quite recognize it, sorry, my professional knowledge is a bit weak.

But I'm sure, this thing is definitely not the footprints of camels! "

Chen Qi raised his chin: "If it's not a moose, then it must be a red deer, or an elk!
Anyway, not camels! "

As soon as this remark came out, the live broadcast room was full of praises, which was called a lively scene.

(End of this chapter)

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