Chapter 95

"It's reasonable, it's outrageous that blueberries grow at this latitude!"

"Let the staff come out, it's hard work to grow blueberries in the cold weather"

"God grows blueberries!"

"My blueberries cost 75 common currency per catty..."

"Is it possible that it is not a blueberry, but a poisonous berry that even dogs don't eat~"

"Is it right to eat the kind where you can see little people?"

"No. I ate the crazy one!"

"Honestly, I'm not surprised he's digging strawberries out of the ground now"

"What's so strange, it's over if the staff can't bury it (dog head)"


The fans in the live broadcast room were really sour this time.

The things that Chen Qi got in the wild before seemed to be too far away from them, not like things that could be easily touched in daily life.

Whether it is rabbit meat or wolf leg, or sashimi and snake soup, these things are definitely not universal, and not everyone has the idea of ​​​​eating or not eating.

But blueberries are different.

Almost anytime you walk into a fruit shop, you will always see this kind of fruit that is not very cheap and is always placed in a delicate little box and displayed in the most conspicuous position.

Compared with some other fruits, this kind of small berry is indeed a bit more expensive and a bit more gluttonous, but it is still easy to see.


"Hey hey →_→"

Not in a hurry to put it into the big bag he was carrying, Chen Qi just squatted on the ground after observing the situation around him, sharing both hands, and stuffed them into his mouth one by one.

"This thing... To be honest, it's not very tasty. It's not very filling. If I don't have anything else to eat, I definitely won't give it a second look."

Chen Qi, whose mouth was dyed purple all over, spoke loudly, pretending to be that and standing up for that, "Think about it, if there is a bread tree or something that can grow here, can I not eat that?

How icy this thing is, tooth extraction! "

Soon, he ate up all the blueberries in front of Chen Qi. He squatted on the ground and took a step to the side. While eating the blueberries with big mouthfuls, Chen Qi continued to work hard to make people angry.

"The blueberry thing, didn't some fans wonder why this thing appeared in such a icy and snowy place, at such a high latitude, logically speaking, there should be no such thing that looks like a tropical berry.


With purple marks all over his mouth, Chen Qi turned his head to look at the live broadcast room solemnly: "You are right!

But, of course it’s not that I asked the staff to plant it here~
The staff is wearing a leather jacket and pretending to be a bear in the back, so there is no time to be busy with this. "

After peeling it, Chen Qi was almost done eating, and began to put the blueberries into the cloth bag he brought.

"The real reason is that these blueberries are actually varieties that were improved by agronomists and biologists. Cold resistance and high yield are the biggest differences between them and wild plants."

What Chen Qi said was not wrong at all. In fact, in his previous life, Chen Qi had read a popular science article saying that banana trees all over the world are actually of the same species. No more bananas to eat.

Out of curiosity, Chen Qi went to check a certain degree, and was surprised to find that the bananas he usually bought in the store and the wild bananas that grow naturally in the original ecology are completely two different things!
Small in stature, long in growth cycle, low in sweetness, and oversized seeds wrapped in pulp.

Is there actually a seed in the pulp of a banana? !

Chen Qi, who only knew how to eat before and never paid attention to this issue, was very novel, but he didn't need to think too much, whether it's bananas or something, it's only natural that there are seeds.

It's just that Chen Qi never thought that among the banana pulp he usually ate, those black things with the same taste as the pulp were actually banana seeds.

It's just that they have all been improved from generation to generation, becoming more and more perfect human food.

Later, Chen Qi also learned that not only bananas, but almost all the foods that human beings consume have undergone many improvements before they became what he thought they were "from the beginning".

Naturally grown tomatoes are not as red.

Naturally grown apples don't hang as much fruit.

Naturally grown eggplants are pitifully small.

Naturally grown cabbage...

There is no natural cabbage at all!

The ancestors of the big food country have been improving and breeding this vegetable since thousands of years ago!
"Blueberries, too."

Chen Qi shook his little bag, and it was almost full. Anyway, this piece of blueberry grows here, and if you take it back, you won’t be able to finish it for a while, and it won’t taste good after a long time. Next time you want to eat it, come again Bar.

Mainly, he squatted for too long, and his legs were a little numb.

Standing up, by moving his legs and feet to relieve fatigue, Chen Qi explained speculatively: "In the beginning, blueberry was just a nameless wild berry that no one knew about, and no one paid attention to it. Began to be selected, as a fruit that hits the market, it is known to everyone.

It's expensive!Make money!

Therefore, large-scale breeding and improvement began. A few years before the Great Migration, it has become widely planted in tropical, subtropical, temperate, and alpine regions, really!Cosmopolitan Berries!
But it's still so expensive..."

This is not important!
The important thing is: "This stuff is one of the top five healthy foods selected by the WHO!

Don't ask me about those four, I don't know about those four.

Anyway, it is anti-aging, anti-inflammation, anti-this and that, a good batch!

The area we see in front of us is probably a high-cooling variety that was selected and bred at the beginning, and was brought here bit by bit with the help of wild animals.

But logically speaking, although this thing can't freeze to death, at least it shouldn't have so many fruits in winter.

It's not a matter of mutation or non-mutation. As far as I know, moose and some other herbivores should also be able to eat this kind of thing. "

Shaking his head, Chen Qi looked around again. Maybe it's because the orthodox food is too rich, so he doesn't like these after-dinner desserts!

"Got it, so I can live forever if I just keep eating blueberries, right?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I eat goji berries every day, and my wife complains about me every day."

"Everyday? Everyday!?!!"

"Brother, you are the hero! Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, the peaceful and prosperous times you have experienced, there are people behind you to carry the weight for you!"

"Fuck! It's a good word, but why does it sound like something else to me?"

"People's physiques cannot be generalized. For example, I also eat goji berries every day. Apart from being busy at home, I can also help others to share. I don't have to work hard."

"Bah! Look at the sword! Dead Prime Minister!"

"Are we using the same language? I'm only in junior high school, so I can't read it!"


Carrying his harvest and walking forward, he was going to reach the edge of the woods anyway, so Chen Qi didn't go back the same way.

Anyway, it is necessary to explore bit by bit, when is exploring the map not exploring~
"Oh? Brothers, I seem to have gained something again!"

As he spoke, Chen Qi pointed to a birch tree and walked over in a few steps.

Through the footage captured by the drone, the fans in the live broadcast room also saw the birch tree that Chen Qi was pointing at.

But isn't birch a very common and ordinary tree, and nothing grows on the ground around it, except for another birch that is not straight, ordinary, nothing.

Except, this birch tree seems to have some disease. There is a tall "tumor" growing on the trunk more than one meter above the ground.

Chen Qi ran for that tumor.


Running to the side of the birch tree, Chen Qi first lowered his head to look at the black lacquered and numb tree burl, and then chopped off a small corner with the knife he carried with him.

After pinching it with his hands, he raised his head and turned back into a normal person who could speak.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, I'm doing an appraisal for you."

Patting the birch tree with his hands, there was something like a big coal cinder, Chen Qi said with a smile: "I probably haven't seen this thing before.

chaga.Things like mushrooms and fungus are all parasitic fungi. However, since this thing only parasitizes on birch trees, and it also has some requirements for latitude and temperature, it cannot be artificially planted, and the output is not good. Tall and easy to see. "

He directly "pressed" the whole birch antler off, and got it off the tree. Chen Qi weighed it, and it was really heavy!

"I don't know much about this thing. However, although it has medicinal value, it is definitely not as mysterious as the one you found on the Internet.

In general, it is quite rare, inexpensive, and has medicinal properties, but it is definitely not a panacea that can cure all diseases.

However, it is also very happy that we can meet this thing here. After all, I have never eaten this thing, so I can try it this time. "

Raising his head, Chen Qi looked at the camera in the live broadcast room: "Brother, help me to check, how do you eat this stuff?"


"There's a lot of nonsense, just say whether you can nourish the kidney!"

"Wine. Don't ask, it's just wine."

"He has to have wine to drink!"

"Blueberry wine, haven't you ever had it?"

"Fuck, this is fine, arrange it, anchor!"

"It is recommended to draw a lottery. This thing doesn't look good. Fans can digest it internally. We will suffer a bit."

"I found it, and it's true. You, if you don't have a solution in the wild, just soak it in water and drink it."

"How do I feel, survival in the wilderness is not difficult?"

"Nonsense, don't say that when the staff pretends to be a big bear and comes to grab blueberries to eat."

"Hey, that's really not the case. I just came over next door. Survival in the wilderness, it also divides people."

"Chen Qi is sorry, but I really want to watch the excitement"

"Which platform, which live broadcast room, I watch it on my mobile phone, and put Chen Qi's on my computer"

"Long Ya, live broadcast room number *******"

"Brothers, let's go!"


"Fuck! I'm done with it!"


On the Longya live broadcast platform, in a live broadcast room titled "Brother Tiger Outdoors: Take You to Experience the Most Real Nature", a strong man in professional winter clothing and gloves is frantically using a big wooden stick, Smash the shelter!


As an old-fashioned outdoor anchor, Brother Hu has been haunting major parks, broadcasting mountain climbing today and fishing tomorrow.

Although he can't make a lot of money, he is still above average, the work is easy, and he feels at ease. Anyway, he thinks it's pretty good.

But everything changed completely one day a month ago.

Brother Hu suddenly found that there was no one in his live broadcast room!
At first, Brother Hu thought that he was restricted by the platform, or that there was something wrong with his live broadcast room. It was not until some old fans bid him farewell in the barrage that Brother Hu figured out what was going on. .

[Brother Hu, I'm sorry, I don't want to abandon you, but Chen Qi's live broadcast is so beautiful. 】

Chen Qi?

What the hell is this little guy who just popped out of a hole! ?
For several days, Brother Hu asked about this person openly and secretly for a long time, and finally a few of his remaining fans told him, and Brother Hu finally figured out, what is this strange thing called? peers.

She is also an anchor, and also engages in outdoor classification.

It's just that they are also outdoor anchors. He broadcasts fishing in the park, and he broadcasts the burning snake on the home planet!

Brother Hu couldn't help but cursed at that time.

Everyone is messing around here, what the hell are you doing!
Live broadcast on the mother star, so it's no wonder that his fans and viewers have all gone to other people's live broadcast room.

Don't be afraid that there is no content, but be afraid that your peers will have content!
Isn't this not giving others a way out?

After a few days of interruption, Brother Hu also turned into one of the "fans" who never spoke in Chen Qi's live broadcast room, and observed Chen Qi, a colleague.

acid.Really sour.

Looking at those elder brothers who were giving gifts to Chen Qi, Brother Hu's eyes were about to burst into flames!

You are so fucking rich, who is it not to brush for?Why is he so generous in my live broadcast room when he is so generous!
Teasing a cat in the middle of the night can get so many gifts? !

Brother Hu also tried to bring some rhythm or something, but the room manager in Chen Qi's live broadcast room is very good, and his fans are not easy to lure, and some people follow him to "hack" him at this second, and start asking questions the next second. : Can the anchor nourish the kidney?

Kidney kidney kidney kidney!You know the kidneys very well!
Quietly remembering the poisonous but kidney-reinforcing mandala that Chen Qi said, Brother Hu began to study other good counter-killing strategies.

After thinking about it, Brother Hu suddenly had a flash of inspiration!

Didn't the special Chen Qi kid dare to go to the parent star to broadcast live without knowing anything!

He can earn this money, so what the hell am I doing!
Brother Hu, who suddenly discovered the golden recipe, is three feet tall, happy like a child weighing two hundred catties.

Without waiting for a moment, I turned around and made a phone call, and the matter was settled that day.

The next step is to prepare various things, preheat the live broadcast program and related content in advance, select the live broadcast location and confirm the live broadcast duration.

To be reasonable, I was originally an outdoor anchor, and going to the mother star to broadcast live, isn't it plagiarism~
Moreover, you, Chen Qi, went to the forest to broadcast live, and I went to the snowy wilderness, it doesn't matter at all, right?
As Chen Qi's successor, Brother Hu succeeded as the leader and was the first to come to this wilderness in the north of Kamata.

After broadcasting for fifteen days, he finally couldn't take it anymore.

(Ps: 4000 words will be updated today, try 6000 tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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