Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 141 Can't Sleep On The Ground Anymore

Chapter 141 Can't Sleep On The Ground Anymore
A qualified log cabin that satisfies basic needs, since it is built in the wilderness near the zero-degree line, the first thing to ensure is that it is naturally sheltered from wind and snow. Chen Qi has done a good job in this regard.

Secondly, it is the temperature in the room. It is only the most basic to ensure that there is a shelter. Chen Qi built a stove. Although it is used carefully, the temperature in the room cannot be as warm as in a normal house.

However, Chen Qi can proudly say that none of the people who came to the live broadcast with him can live as warmly as he does.

A house should give people a sense of security and be the last safe haven.Simple wooden brackets, such as a plastic waterproof shed, obviously cannot give people a sense of security.

This was also achieved in Chen Qi's log cabin.

The pure solid wood frame was covered with a layer of soil, and it was smoked with alder wood. If the door was stronger, Chen Qi wouldn't worry about it even if a bear hit it outside.


"It's gone. There's nothing left!"

Chen Qi interacted with his fans and vomited bitterness: "Just tell me, there is no water, electricity or internet, it's inevitable, I didn't come here to rebuild civilization, it's normal that those things can't be made.

But there is not even a table, a stool and a bed to sleep on!

Can this be called a house?It can only be a rough room. "

Fans no longer want to watch Chen Qi sawing wood.

The wood near the cabin was almost sawn off by him, there were stumps everywhere, and sawdust everywhere.

Seeing Chen Qi sitting on the wood in front of the stove, taking out the saw and starting to "file" the saw, everyone couldn't see what he wanted to do.

This fellow is going to saw wood again!
"Oh, why don't you say that~ While the bear is not around, you must hurry up and saw the wood, haven't you guys watched cartoons?

That stuff has more than 4000 episodes, I don’t allow anyone in this world who hasn’t watched this! "

While chatting with fans, Chen Qi finished the maintenance of the saw.

Chen Qi really wants to saw wood today. In addition to making a fire and eating, his small wooden house now has an extra wood consumption for burning the stove. The next snow will come at any time. Chen Qi thinks that it should be done quickly. Just prepare some wood in the cabin.

Secondly, Chen Qi was going to make a bed for himself.

Lying on the moss every day, spreading a layer of fir leaves, covering with a blanket and sleeping in clothes like this, Chen Qi really couldn't bear it.

A few days ago, when the stove had just been installed and successfully raised the temperature in the cabin, Chen Qi thought he could finally take off his clothes and have a good and relaxing sleep. It turned out later that he really wanted more. up.

No matter how symmetrical and dense the fir leaves are, they cannot compare with broad-leaved trees.

The alder wood did have leaves, but the branches of that thing didn't grow any lower. Chen Qi either had to climb the tree, or he had to bring the tree down, or he wouldn't be able to get the leaves.

If you want to collect enough leaves, it will take a lot of effort!

The modern version of Buying Trees and Returning Pearls: Saw down the big tree, just for the leaves.

It is estimated that people will also be called stupid.

Before, Chen Qi had no time and couldn't find a suitable time to deal with the bed problem.Where in the woods is the bear staring at it? If you don't pay attention to things like safety, food, and temperature, you simply can't tell the difference between big and small kings.

But now, the time has come.


"There are quite a lot of problems now. Brother Sihai doesn't have enough nails, and there are not many types of nails, which can't meet the requirements of directly nailing a wooden bed.

For myself, there is a lot of rope left, but I don't want to use the rope to tie the wooden bed for the time being. I have other uses for those ropes.'s difficult..."

It sounds like building a wooden bed is much simpler and easier than building a wooden house.

However, there are specialties in the art industry.

Chen Qi has the skills to build a house, and he has done his homework beforehand, checking information, making comparisons, and watching videos to learn.

But to make a wooden bed, this is the skill of carpentry, right?

Otherwise, use large logs to line them up one by one, fix them with wooden wedges on both sides, then fill the gaps, spread moss, bear skin...

It's a pretty good idea, and it's feasible, but it feels tiring and not necessarily reliable.

Build a rectangular shelf and sawn the wood boards yourself?
Hmm... The idea is not bad, but the difficulty of operation is a bit big.

There is no such thing as a chainsaw. If he wants to saw such a large wooden board with the small saw in his hand, even if he can saw it flat and straight, it will take several days.

With this time, it was enough for Chen Qi to directly find a big tree and burn an uncovered coffin like a canoe to sleep in.

Not advisable not advisable.

"Extraordinary, I would have known to bring some steel wire or something!
It won't take up any place.Mistake! "

Sitting in front of the fire and thinking for a long time, Chen Qi finally decided to try the method of building a house.

Isn't the mortise and tenon technique often used on furniture?

Picking up a twig casually from the ground, Chen Qi began to write and draw on the ground.

He didn't have any requirements for the height of the bed, as long as he could no longer sleep directly on the moss on the ground.

Not too trendy, everything else is easy to say.


"Eh? I'm so stupid! I only thought about the leaves, and there are weeds growing everywhere!"

Maybe it was covered by snow, and Chen Qi couldn't see it at first sight, so he ignored the problem.

In this wasteland, it hadn't snowed yet when he first came here, and he could see layers of long-stalked weeds blown to the ground everywhere.

As long as you get enough weeds, spread them directly on the ground, with the bearskin on top, just pay attention to leveling them out, it's not much easier than making a wooden bed!

"A bed made of hay poles is definitely softer than wood, and it is also moisture-proof. When it is used as a kindling, it can be used as an emergency fuel or something.

I'm running out of food, so I need to add some vitamins.Just look for berries and mushrooms!
Hahaha, what a feat!Perfect! "

Chen Qi jumped up from the ground like crazy, and imitated a "bear stealing cassock dance" for fans.After realizing that he had been recorded, Chen Qi pretended to cough twice and calmed down.

Walking into the house, putting the saw back, taking the knife, bow and arrow, Chen Qi was ready to go.

Before leaving, Chen Qi casually glanced at his skill bar, and was amazed that his archery level had actually become level two!
What's so special about this?
I love practicing arrows in my dream? !
Chen Qi quickly called up the system log, and looked through the prompts bit by bit.

Well, [Felling] has actually become a skill and appeared in his skill column, it's really... amazing.

Flipping through it, Chen Qi saw the system prompt to take away the words of archery.

It turned out that when he was hunting bears, he really didn't use bows and arrows in vain.

Just the two arrows that hit the unlucky bear from a distance, each arrow gave him ten experience points.

It seems that Chen Qi's previous guess was correct. The skill level of bow and arrow and the experience increase of proficiency are related to the distance of the target and whether the target will move.

As for whether this thing is related to the life strength of the target, Chen Qi still doesn't know.The system didn't say to give a hint to explain or something, just like a dumb person without any sense of existence.

Chen Qi also thought about it before. Regarding special skills and ordinary skills, are the proficiency and experience acquisition methods different?Deliberately, he didn't find anything after researching for a long time, and he didn't ask the system.This question was later forgotten by Chen Qi.

Then turning back, Chen Qi saw one after another skill experience acquisition prompts, not as many as the two long-distance arrows before, and they all increased by single digits. There were more than ten arrows in total, including the previous two ten points The experience points, plus his own training with the wooden target before, the total is less than 80 points, which is still a little short of the 100-point upgrade.

Is it really practicing arrows in a dream?

Continuing to turn back, Chen Qi saw an eye-catching reminder: [You used a bow and arrow for the first time to complete the hunting of a top predator.Reward skill experience value of 25 points.

Note: This reward is unique and cannot be obtained repeatedly. 】

Fuck!Case solved!

No wonder the skill [Archery] has now become experience [3/200].

It turns out that there is a big one-time reward here!

If this can be done on every type of top hunter...

Hawkeye is a fart!

Chen Qi himself was thinking about beautiful things there, but fans couldn't see the system operation interface in his mind.

They only saw that they said they were going to go out to get some weeds and come back to make beds, and they wished to start Wushuang mowing mode immediately, but when they entered the house, they were suddenly stunned when they raised the bow and arrow.

He frowned and stared again, and didn't move for a long time.

Although, as old fans of Chen Qi (actually, they only watched Chen Qi’s live broadcast on less than two maps), fans have also seen many honey operations by Chen Qi, such as suddenly not speaking, such as suddenly showing off from the camera. Disappeared and ran out, such as not watching the bullet screen, such as dropping the drone on the ground, and running to saw wood by myself, and sawing for a whole day...

Chen Qi often does stupid things, but like today, he suddenly stopped moving for such a long time, as if he was fixed on an acupuncture point and the time was still...

Anyway, Chen Qi's current state looks quite strange.


Luo Yukongmeng: "This guy is cheating on me for gifts again. Can the boss make a loud noise to remind him?"

Brother Octopus: "I suspect that you are Chen Qi's trustee, but I have no proof."

Wuxin Wei C: "I suspect that he is in his pants, and now he is doubting his life"

Walking in Yongye and looking up at the stars: "Is it okay to pull up your pants?!"

The fat man longing for beauty: "Chen Qi must be thinking: How can I make the staff pretend to be weeds?"

The rules of the super high school: "How can I ask the staff to help me cut the grass and send it over?"

The reason behind it is severely burned: "How can I thank Brother Sihai when I mow the grass?"

Brother Sihai: "I declare this meme to be over."

Ban Yue hangs the setting sun: "Damn it! Ah Zhen, you are serious!"


The fans made fun of Chen Qi, and Chen Qi himself woke up.

Roughly scanned the barrage.

It's okay, within the acceptable range.

"Well... just now I was actually wondering if it would be possible to get a hammock in the house or something.

It's really not in the pants.You believe me! "

After a little self-deprecation, Chen Qi took his bow and arrows and walked outside.

The place near the cabin is actually the first choice.

However, Chen Qi still wanted to explore the road by the way, and get some berries and prey.In addition to the vicinity of the cabin, he can do it whenever he wants, so when he can go far to collect things, he should try to go as far away as possible.

The climate around here is really saying that there will be heavy snowfall for three days and three nights, and it is not impossible for the snow to cover the roof of the cabin.

At that time, if Chen Qi really couldn't get out, he still had to rely on the thing near the door.

These are all survival experiences learned from rabbits.


Pulling on his special sledge: the enhanced version of Goubula, Chen Qi brought enough rope, picked a direction toward the river, pulled the sledge and started the journey of exploring the road.

Along the way, if Chen Qi found a large clump of weeds somewhere, he would use a camping knife to cut off the roots of the grass, then tie it directly to the car with a softer grass pole, and then throw it out of the car. Put it on the side of the road.

He is the only one around here, and he is basically the only one who can use these grasses. He dragged them around, and soon the sledge was full, so it is better to put them on the side of the road first.

Anyway, there are footprints on the snow, Chen Qi is unlikely to lose these grasses, and it is the same to collect them one by one on the way back.


Soon, the swaggering, aimless Chen Qi walked far away, and the footprints on the snow almost had nothing to do with the straight line. They were here for a while, and then went there for a while, where the snow was largely destroyed. There will be a small bundle of weeds left in a fairly neat way.

In such a forest, grass is of course not difficult to grow, because they grow everywhere.

Without any effort, Chen Qi got enough wild grass to fill the sledge he was pulling.

However, Chen Qi never found out about the berries he was thinking about.

"These things have a distribution range, a large area over a long period, and few are scattered here and there.

However, it is really barren here.After walking for a long time, I didn't even meet a mouse!

It seems that if you really want to go hunting, you have to wait for the river to freeze and then go wandering there.

Well, go check it out there now! "

Anyway, the current bear is basically hibernating, and Chen Qi dares to say this, not afraid of being slapped in the face or something.

Let's put the sledge here for now.

The grass has almost been mowed, and no amount of grass can hold it, and it cannot be pulled back.

Tomorrow, I will explore in a new direction. It is meaningless to cut too much grass.

It's not that grass doesn't grow in other places.

Putting down the sledge, Chen Qi untied the bow and arrow from his back and walked towards the river.

(Ps: I have a cold. I have a splitting headache. This chapter is extremely difficult to deliver, but at least it is coming out.

Only one chapter today. )
(End of this chapter)

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