Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 142 Footprints

Chapter 142 Footprints
"The land where I live is indeed very desolate. There are not many trees.

It's different here, fir, elm, pitch pine, whitebark pine, birch...

This is called species diversity! "

There are many trees that can grow in cold climates, but near Chen Qi's cabin, there are still mostly pine trees and alder trees, and there is nowhere to look for a few birch trees.

This is actually not a good thing.Because the reduction of tree species will inevitably lead to the same reduction of animal species, this will of course be embarrassing for a "hunter" like Chen Qi.


Without the threat of the bear, Chen Qi became more casual.

He didn't walk in a straight line. Instead, he kept walking obliquely on the premise that he knew where the river was.

In his words, this can better detect the surrounding environment and explore a larger area at a time.

When walking, Chen Qi didn't forget to kick the old tall weeds on top of the snow after taking a few steps. He did this to see if there were bushes or some kind of lower berries growing underneath.

It's a pity that Chen Qi probably ran out of luck when dealing with bears. He hasn't encountered a single wild fruit in the long time since he came out of the cabin.

When he walked to a wide area without trees, Chen Qi finally found out, but it was not berries, but a lot of footprints.

"Come on, come on, today I'm going to teach you some hard knowledge!"

Chen Qi squatted down, pointed to one of the messy but not messy footprints with his finger, and said, "Look, this one looks like a cow's footprint, doesn't it?

However, although there is a long-haired silly black cow that looks like a yak nearby, these are not its footprints.

You see, there are so many here, all left at about the same time, which shows that this is a herd creature. As far as I know, the bison here may gather together during the breeding season at most.

So, this is not the footprint of a cow.It's deer.moose. "

Chen Qi put his hands in the footprints and compared them to the fans.

"A deer with this weight and a bunch of them must be a moose.

This thing, if you say it can grow to the size of a camel, or weigh as much as a giraffe, I believe it too.

This thing can eat more than 40 catties of food a day, can run in 60 centimeters of snow, and likes to play in places where underground water is exposed in winter.

Deer!Deer that generally weigh more than 400 kilograms!If this thing is more aggressive and eats less, then there is no need to domesticate the war horse. "

Chen Qi touched the edge of the reindeer's footprints on the ground, and it was already hard and smooth.

“It’s a pity that this herd of reindeer has been running past here for who knows how long.

I guess it was at least one night.I definitely can't catch up.

Unless it's a random coincidence encounter, or a snowmobile or something.Otherwise, it would be madness to chase in the snow a running, patient animal that left its footprints the day before.

I'm quite thoughtful and willing to do some tricks, but I'm not a fool. "

Forget it, moose can run for several hours at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, and people are not afraid of water. There are plenty of documentary footage of moose crossing the strait, and Chen Qi doesn't need to chase them.

At this moment, people don't necessarily have to cross a few rivers and run hundreds of kilometers.

Roughly counting the footprints, there should be five or six moose in this herd. Maybe they stopped somewhere for food and water, but that has nothing to do with Chen Qi.

Standing up to pat the snow on his knees, Chen Qi continued to walk forward. After walking less than ten meters, he saw another pile of footprints that had gone away.

"Oh! Canine footprints, this is the wolf!"

I also touched the edges of the footprints. They were rougher and softer than the deer's footprints. These wolves only discovered the moose's traces later and followed them all the way.

"Probably... also six or seven wolves, hunting down the same number of moose."

Fans heard Chen Qi say that the number of wolves and moose was about the same, and they all expressed their dislike for the hunting of the wolf brothers.

What they heard from Chen Qi just now is very clear that moose can grow to more than 1000 catties. With this size and two large antlers, they still live in groups and are good at running. Wolves with short legs can What can I do to take someone else?

I'm afraid I won't be able to bite someone's neck even if I jump up.

"Hahaha, that's not the case."

Chen Qi also gave his own explanation carefully: "After all, they are still carnivores, and they are born to be feared by herbivores.

Under normal circumstances, when seeing carnivores, these deer, sheep, and cows will not have any resistance, and they will definitely run away immediately!

And animals like wolves, especially the local Cannabis wolves, North American coyotes, etc., are very...

Hmm, very insidious animals.In other words, their hunting method is very chicken thief.

Predators like tigers and lions usually go up and kill them and eat them.

A tiger bites the spine, a lion bites the neck.This is all because their own size is not small enough to allow them to do so.

Wolves are different. Their hunting method is consumption.

Although reindeer and moose have high stamina, they also eat a lot.

Once a group of wolves are staring at them, they will cooperate to attack one of them, make it bleed, hurt it, and then slowly follow it, harassing it constantly, not letting it rest, not letting it eat or drink water.

In the end, if the prey were consumed alive, those moose would probably not be able to escape this hurdle.Wolves are inferior to others in endurance, but wolves are hungry!

Not eating for a day or two at every turn will not affect the swishing of the calf at all. "

When Chen Qi talked about Xingtou, he shook his head and gestured with his hands to move his short legs tight.

"Let's chase after them, I'll go over there to see... Oops! This time it's not in vain!"

After walking a few steps there, Chen Qi found a single row of footprints on the upward slope.

Small, not very big, not very deep, and there are traces of dragging on the snow between the footprints.

"This little thing, the chassis is a bit low, that's it."

After taking a look at the shape of the footprints and estimating the length and width between the footprints, Chen Qi said with certainty: "This footprint has a diagonal shape, just like an animal walking on tiptoes.

As far as I know, only porcupines can walk like this in this area.

Hmm...height fits the bill too. "

Chen Qi suddenly became happy.

Because animals living in cold regions have less body fat, but porcupines are different.

"That's a pig! Isn't it reasonable that a pig has a little more fat on its body! I understand the applause!
This footprint is very fresh, brothers, catch pigs! "

With the wind blowing from the soles of his feet, Chen Qi stepped on the snow and ran up.

(End of this chapter)

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