Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 140 New Food Crisis

Chapter 140 New Food Crisis
"Forgive me? What forgive me? Who forgive me? For what?"

Chen Qi looked at the "Of course I chose to forgive Chen Qi" in the bullet screen one by one, and asked four questions without knowing why.

Just now he had been walking back with the bear skin on his shoulders, without looking at the barrage on the drone screen behind him.

Someone still offered a gift, and reminded Chen Qi with the special sound effect of receiving the gift.


"Brother Sihai? He came just now? A barrage has been sent!"

Chen Qi has been using things from Brother Sihai, so of course he is a little embarrassed.

If it belongs to someone who has no owner, then of course it is casual.During the live broadcast last time, Chen Qi demolished the gold digger's cabin without any hesitation.

But isn't this still different after all?

Brother Sihai, he is still here.Chen Qi also knew that maybe Brother Si Hai was watching his live broadcast, so he might not scold him very much.

To be honest, Chen Qi even went to Brother Sihai to pay for the equipment he used in the future, and by the way, he even thought about how to apologize when the time comes.


Killing that bear can still have this effect!This is a heart disease that went to Chen Qi.

From now on, you don't have to be so awkward when using Brother Sihai's stuff.

"Cough! That... Thank you Brother Sihai for your understanding and support!
Everyone in the world is a family.Hahahaha, if I have a chance to have dinner together in the future, I must thank you for your understanding.Say it again, thank you! "

Chen Qi solemnly faced the camera, and thanked Brother Sihai.

Afterwards, he carried the bearskin roll and walked unsteadily towards the cabin.

Without this bear, Chen Qi would not be so cautious all the time when he was out and about.

Although, in addition to bears, there are many wolves here.

However, on this side of the river, Chen Qi didn't see any wolf footprints.

Although this has something to do with him not having really explored the surrounding environment, doesn't this just prove that Chen Qi's daily range of activities does not coincide with the possible wolves.

Anyway, this area is very large. Even though the current species richness is much higher than that of Chen Qi's world, it is not so easy to meet wolves, or any other wild animals.

Otherwise, hunting would not be so difficult.


I felt relaxed and walked a lot faster.

Chen Qi quickly returned to his cabin. It was still early in the morning, but Chen Qi was a little hungry. Maybe it was because he had consumed a lot of energy when he was scared by the bear just now. Chen Qi decided to eat something first.

The food is still venison, and Chen Qi doesn't have much left in stock. Originally, the venison he hunted was not complete and brought back whole, but he still eats more than others, and his physical exertion is even more severe. His appetite was limited, so that normal people can save food that can last for ten days. When it comes to him, he can eat it up in two or three days.

After all, he is a man who can eat a whole five or six catty fish in one meal. With Chen Qi's appetite, if he doesn't live broadcast these dangerous things, he can eat big rice with a rice cooker in his hand, and he can keep his fire for a while.


" food is not too much. There is still half of the deer leg left, and a third of the half deer has been killed.

In the past few days, I have to find a way to find something nearby to eat. "

While eating the fried venison slices cut into pieces, Chen Qi was thinking about the source of food in the future.

By the lake, it should not be frozen yet, because the water cools down from top to bottom and other physical reasons that Chen Qi doesn’t understand. At the beginning of winter, the rivers and lakes are before they freeze. During this period of time, fish generally stay in deep water.

It is not easy to fish during this time period.

Chen Qi didn't want to sit by the lake and wait for fishing. Sitting for a whole day is a fun that only fishermen who have time and no shortage of food can enjoy. died.

Chen Qi didn't dare to put the fishing rod in the lake anymore, and left. Now the lake will freeze at any time, and he lost another fishing rod if he didn't catch any fish.

That would be game over.

Therefore, before the lake is completely frozen, all hope cannot be placed on the fish.

Moreover, he still needs vitamin supplements.

"Let me tell you a little common sense, whether you are in the field or in work and life, if you feel like you are at night, you can't see things clearly, or you often have mouth ulcers and bleeding gums for no reason. , that means you are deficient in vitamins.

There's no harm in buying some oranges or something. "

As he said that, Chen Qi made an obvious movement of licking his molars: "Something seems wrong with me now, and I'm not sure if it's an illusion, anyway...

I haven't supplemented with vitamins for a long time, and I haven't even eaten animal offal. "

Chen Qi's worry was not unreasonable, but now he didn't seem to have anything else to eat except venison.


After cleaning the pot, he went to the lake to have a look at the icing situation, and then went to fill a pot of water and came back. Chen Qi was boiling water outside, went into the cabin, and treated the bear skin. The skin, a lot of fat hanging down, piled up there, several catties.

"A fan asked me just now, where can I have a container to put oil in to make an oil lamp, this is actually quite simple."

Chen Qi walked outside and picked out a piece of wood about three fingers thick.

"This thing is not enough to even light a fire, but it can be used as a plate for an oil lamp. Just put some soil in it when the time comes.

As for how to buckle it out to a bowl-like depth without tools~
Have you forgotten how primitive tribes made canoes without any tools~”

He pointed to the fire under his feet with his chin: "Use the charcoal fire to burn it out little by little!"

With that said, Chen Qi sat at the place where he had been eating just now, picked up a red charcoal from the fire with his hand, blew it twice with his mouth, put the glowing end on the wood chip, and then Continue blowing on the charcoal.

The red fire continued to light up, and after a while, Chen Qi would pick up the charcoal, blow off the wood ash on the surface, and then use a dagger to cut off the part of the wood that was "hot" off, and then continue like this.

After changing the charcoal a few times, when the cheeks were sore from blowing the air, the piece of wood in Chen Qi's hand turned into a wooden plate with rather irregular shape, spots and spots, and a dark inner layer.

Although no one would buy such a thing in the store, it is indeed a plate.

Cleaning the wooden plate with his hands, Chen Qi directly grabbed the soil mixed with carbon ash from the ground, and pressed it layer by layer into the wooden plate.

"The plate is big enough to get some moss for a candle wick and let it light in the middle.

However, whether it is a wooden bowl or a layer of soil is better. "

Not long after, Chen Qi finished the wooden bowl. Such a thing is enough to serve as the lamp pan of an oil lamp.

Anyway, in Chen Qi's small wooden house, the stove was always burning, and the fire was always there. It didn't matter if there were more or less such an oil lamp.

Chen Qi was just idle and bored, just showing off his "extraordinary skills" to fans.

He didn't have a single thing in his house that really took a lot of effort.

 About 9000 words, not enough to enter the top ten, I will work harder tomorrow.Ask for votes! !Ask for a reward!

(End of this chapter)

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