Chapter 124

It was dawn, and Chen Qi's feet were numb from the cold.

At this moment, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice at how he worked so hard yesterday.

Among other things, if he hadn't left some firewood yesterday, he would have cut wood in the freezing cold this morning, and the job might have cost him half his life.


After unzipping the tent, Chen Qi got out of the tent.

Outside, it was completely white.

The ground that could still be seen yesterday was mostly black land and green moss. Today, nothing can be seen, it is all white.

He stretched out his hands and pulled the ground twice, exposing the black soil below. Chen Qi took a look and found that the snow was already thicker than his shoe uppers, five or six centimeters thick.And it's still going down, without stopping.

"Brothers, it seems that this snow fell after I fell asleep for a long time yesterday. Otherwise, if it snowed for a whole night, it would not be my shoes when it was not in the snow. The whole foot could be seen. less than.

The good news is that the snow is coming a little later than I thought, the bad news is..."

Chen Qi looked up, and a few snowflakes fell on his face, slowly melting: "The bad news is that I really can't tell from the weather when the snow will stop.

At this latitude, at this time of year, even if it snows for a day and a night, it is not surprising.

Even with such heavy snow.

I have to pack up quickly, get something to eat and go to work! "

Chen Qi didn't dare to waste any more time, his hungry stomach and numb feet reminded him at any time that it was time to quickly start a fire.

The firewood is all ready-made, and I have been sawing wood and chopping wood for a few days ago... Chen Qi is not short of the firewood needed for this fire.

Even, if it wasn't for the fear of some minor problems with today's plan, Chen Qi would have thought that the tents he covered with couldn't provide warmth, and could only be used as camouflaged branches to ignite the fire.

However, Chen Qi felt that it was better not to play so big.Whether the cabin over there can be occupied today is still a matter of debate. If he has to come back to live in it today, his move to demolish the house in advance will become a joke.

But if I think about it carefully, this seems to be very effective for the show...

"Well...forget it, the dog's life is important!"


Chen Qi's movements were quick, and after so many days of self-reliance, he was already familiar with it.

Soon, with the help of a lighter, Chen Qi ignited the stored dry weeds and lit the fire.

The influence of snowflakes on Chen Qi is still there, but in dry weather, it is not too difficult to start a fire.


The fire is not raised directly on the snow, although this will not affect the quality of the fire too much, but the wet wood will emit thick smoke, which will have a certain impact on the taste of Chen Qi's cooking venison soup .

"Ha, it saves me the trouble of collecting snow water. I've almost used up all the clean snow around here recently."

The snow is directly used to boil water, and it always tastes strange when drunk. This is related to the dirt in the air when the snowflakes fall, but Chen Qi has no choice.


The impact of the snow soon began to appear, and Chen Qi even spent a lot of effort digging out the venison from the soil.

Fortunately, they are still there, and since the temperature has cooled, they can be stored for a lot longer.

This was a rare piece of good news, but Chen Qi still decided to smoke the venison.

Just after today, it is estimated that the cabin will be able to accommodate people, so let's take advantage of this last day to settle this matter.

After eating, Chen Qi took his things and walked towards the lake. The difference was that this time, he was carrying venison.

"What the hell, the footprints that I stepped on with great difficulty, are covered for me! Shit!"

C language quality anchor Chen Qi cursed: "The venison can't be delivered once, and I have to go back and forth in a while. It's from the Marle Gobi. When I come back, the footprints I stepped on this time will probably be covered by snow. .

NS! "

Cursing is swearing, the work that should be done, and the losses that should be suffered must not be less at all.

It took a lot more effort than before, and Chen Qi walked for more than 10 minutes to get there in less than 30 minutes.

From a distance, he saw that his triangular cabin on the ground had turned into a big dirt bag covered by snow.

"What the hell...why does it look like a big tomb...

Bah bah bah! "

Chen Qi sighed, and carried the venison to the cabin. He wanted to smoke the venison in the cabin. Yesterday, before he left, he had already thrown a few pieces of alder wood into the cabin. The right wood will do.

When he reached the reserved doorway of the cabin that had been partially covered by snow, Chen Qi stopped suddenly.

"Brothers, this snow seems to be the footprints of something..."

The camera of the drone moved down, and the fans saw a line of unclear footprints on the snow in front of Chen Qi, which looked like some kind of bird or chicken. The snow is still falling, this line of footprints, It should have just been left behind.

Tracing the footprints, Chen Qi found that it finally disappeared at the door of his cabin.


Chen Qi unloaded the venison on the snow, stretched his arms, took the bow and arrow he carried wherever he went, and put the arrow on the arrow rest.

"Heaven walks if you don't leave, hell has no gates, you break in! Brothers, today I will let you know what it means to get something for nothing! What it means to get it without effort! Haha!"

Chen Qi held up his bow and blocked the door of his cabin.


Because the cabin is basically completely enclosed, there is only a reserved space for the door, and besides, there are two small transoms on both sides of the roof, which are leaked by Chen Qi, but that has been basically covered by Xue. It was covered, and Chen Qi didn't think that birds that could leave such a long string of footprints on the snow could fly out from that kind of place.

The door was blocked by Chen Qi himself, so it was impossible to escape.


The light inside the cabin was dim, but it wasn’t to the point where you couldn’t see anything clearly. As Chen Qi approached the door, the sound of birds flapping their wings suddenly sounded in the cabin. At the same time, Chen Qi also heard a burst of light. Not a clear cry.

The one that made the noise and flapped its wings vigorously in the two corners inside the cabin was a large gray-white bird that seemed to have black spots.

It looks like a combination of turtledoves and pigeons.

"Ha! I found you!!"

While Chen Qi let out a cry of surprise and joy, he shot an arrow.

Not surprisingly, it missed.

However, the second arrow is coming soon!
Didn't hit either.

"Yeah, you can still run!"

The third arrow.

"Give up unnecessary resistance!"

The fourth arrow.

"If I don't blow your dog's head to pieces today, you don't know how powerful I am!"

Fifth arrow.

"Fuck Nima!"

The sixth arrow.


The seventh arrow.


Because Chen Qi took the drone one step ahead and blocked the door of the cabin, the drone could stay outside and take half of Chen Qi's back standing at the door.

The fans only saw that Chen Qi kept drawing arrows from his back, and then under the protection of beautiful language, one after another, one after another...

Although you can't see what kind of chickens and dogs are jumping around in the room, it's not difficult to guess.

Chen Qi is showing off his arrow skills again.

at last!

When the quiver on his back was almost empty, Chen Qi let out a surprise full of shit.

"Hahahaha! I've won! Brothers! I've won! See if I'm nb!"

Chen Qi laughed and rushed into the room, and after giving up the position at the door, the fans were able to see clearly what happened from the perspective of the drone flying over.

I saw Chen Qi walking to the corner of the wall, carrying a bird that didn't look like an ordinary pheasant, his face full of complacency.

And on the ground beside him, on the wall, there are arrows stuck everywhere.


No need for butter in the spicy pot: "What NB are you looking at, whose NB? Don't look at it!"

Kaisailu bibimbap: "I have every reason to suspect that this chicken is either scared to death or exhausted!"

Haru Chunfeng: "Pheasant: Give me a happy big brother! This is so frightening, the execution is so long, is it really good! It's so frightening!"

Jade Pen Scholar: "What a disgrace to the chicken! I'm talking about that chicken. It can kill Chen Qi within [-] arrows with his f*cking archery skills. It's too stupid to move!"

Ruo Ruowei: "Actually, I think that as long as it stands still, nothing will happen."

Qiuri Baiqiong: "Hahahaha! This is too f*cking bad!"

Bi'an Xing: "Turn off the anchor, it's boring."

This empty bar is not cooling: "Staff: Ah Qi, you are serious!"

Human high-quality lunatic: "Just arrived, what's the matter!"

Alone Sheng Yi He Huan: "There are chickens in Chen Qi's cabin."

Human high-quality lunatic: "Damn it! The staff are playing so hard! Is this also something that can be broadcast!"

Law of the Wasteland: "Pass it on: There are chickens in Chen Qi's room!"

Boss Gao at the station: "Pass it on: Chen Qi subdued the chicken in the room"

Autumn Equinox: "Pass it on: Chen Qi messed with the chickens in the room!"

The new fans of the novel are all chasing: "How many shots? Almost twenty! Awesome..."

History is really difficult: "Pass it on... Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You are so meowing to death!"


When Chen Qi saw the barrage, his expression of joy at being lucky enough to catch a prey just now faded away.

The whole face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Fuck... I haven't been blocked from the live broadcast room since I broadcast, please don't mess with me, please!
What if someone believes it?Resend!No more comments! "

Even the black-faced threat finally stopped this wave of rhythm, and Chen Qi was also very tired.


Putting away the bows and arrows, Chen Qi put the chicken he had just hunted on the ground far away, covered it with snow, and took pictures.

Chen Qi didn't have the skills to let him handle the chicken now, and he couldn't throw it into the house and smoke it with smoke, so he had to do so.

The venison was brought into the house, and Chen Qi hung the venison on the roof with the rope he brought, and with a little effort, he raised the ax and started chopping wood.

When laying the "carpet" yesterday, Chen Qi left a place unpaved, but filled it with soil, and later, he will use it to light a fire.

Anyway, this side of the wall is the side of the earth slope dug by Chen Qi, only the top layer has a few horizontal logs, and the rest are earth walls, which are not afraid of fire.


The alder wood was quickly ignited by Chen Qi, and there was a strange fragrance in the wisps of green smoke.

"Ha! This is it!"

Pushing the firewood away from the fire, Chen Qi ran out before the smoke filled the house.

Now, just come in and fill the fire with some wood every once in a while.


When he came outside the house, Chen Qi didn't rest, and immediately got busy.

The first thing he did was to continue the work of last night and collect all the wood and branches left before, which took him a lot of effort.

Because it's just too much work to get these things out of the snow.

Hands are red from the cold!

"It's special, it's really a mistake to come here without gloves! I don't know if Brother Sihai has gloves..."

Came here after six o'clock, and Chen Qi was busy until 08:30 before collecting the branches.

At this time, Chen Qi, who had time to rest, realized that the snow seemed to be a little smaller, not as big as before.

However, now the snow on the ground has been buried to the calf.

"Good news, if the snow falls for a few more hours, my f-cking legs won't be able to move. By then, I'll be struggling to walk, and I'll have to make snowshoes or something."

Looking at it like this, the snow may fall for an hour or two before it disappears.

Of course, these are all estimates based on past experience. Chen Qi also saw Xiaoxuexia and experienced it non-stop for several days.

There is no way to say this kind of thing.I dare not say that the weather forecast is accurate. The weather system itself is a chaotic system.


After drinking some water, he leaned against the tree and rested for a while. On the way, Chen Qi went to fill the fire in the smoking house with a few pieces of firewood.

After resting enough, Chen Qi continued to work. This time, he started to use branches to clear the snow from the house.

This is something that everyone knows. Chen Qi said long ago that the walls of the log cabin have too many gaps. If we don't do some insulation work outside, we won't be able to withstand the winter here.

But some fans don't quite understand. The log cabin covered by snow should also play a certain role in heat preservation, right?
Maybe it was because they were afraid that a fire in the house would cause the snow to melt, but the fans themselves found an excuse for Chen Qi.

After clearing the snow, Chen Qi directly covered the triangular roof of the cabin with the collected branches that were just used to clear the snow. To the surprise of the fans, the two leaves left over from yesterday The second transom was also covered by Chen Qi.

What kind of operation is this!

"Hey hey... You guys will know in two days!"

Chen Qi is still the same guy who is just trying to tell the truth.

After doing this, something even more surprising came.

Chen Qi picked up the shovel, pushed open the mound of soil left by the previous digging, and shovel by shovel, raised the soil to the roof of the small wooden house that was tightly covered by the branches.

This is this...

Is this really going to live in a big mound!

Then why did you leave the transom window before? ! !

All of a sudden, the barrage only? .

As for this, Chen Qi still said the same thing.

"You will know in two days."

(End of this chapter)

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