Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 123 It's Snowing

Chapter 123 It's Snowing

Strictly speaking, this is not a tundra in the complete sense, but Chen Qina can still control these things, as long as it grows here.

Go up and touch the moss with your hands. Since Chen Qi came to this place, there has only been one small snowstorm here, so the surface of the moss is very dry. This makes Chen Qi very happy. Originally, Chen Qi's intention was that if the moss had such an impression, If the neutral and damp hanging things cannot be directly used as carpets, then it will take more effort to cover the moss with a layer of soil after the moss is spread.

This is to ensure that the ground in the house is as dry as possible. Now it seems that this step can actually be saved.

Alternatively, it can be delayed for a period of time.

Chen Qi stared at the moss in front of him, thinking about the construction plan of the log cabin. Just having a wooden wall, of course, cannot be called a complete house that can meet the needs of use.

However, that's for later.Meals need to be eaten bite by bite, and things need to be done step by step.


Holding the knife in his hand all the time, Chen Qi found a fairly flat place and cut the moss into a shape close to a square.

"The moss here is different from the one we saw on the rocks near the mouth of the waterfall by the river.

You see. "

Chen Qi lifted the edge of the moss, and fans could clearly see that the moss was actually one or two centimeters thick!

"Because I usually don't have anything to eat them, or in other words, I can't eat them, so these mosses are very...well, healthy!
If you cut them into a certain shape like this, and then roll them along the edge like this..."

Like a carpet, the thick moss was rolled into a bedroll by Chen Qi, without any looseness at all.

"When there are people here, the hunter's hut in the forest is basically inseparable from moss and bark."

He bent down and picked up the moss rolled up on the ground. Although the moss sounds like it has nothing to do with the weight, but such a big roll, plus its own water and the weight of the soil in the root system, Chen Qi carried it. It feels like it is more difficult than carrying those two deer legs.

The conversation stopped at that time, Chen Qi held back the strength, tilted his neck a little unsteadily, and walked towards his cabin.


After arriving at the small wooden house, Chen Qi had to use up a little effort before he stuffed the roll of moss he carried through the small door opening that was neither high nor wide.

Chen Qi's log cabin is a rectangle as a whole. Although he estimated it very well, there is still a gap missing.

Standing on the ground of his cabin, Chen Qi looked at the earth wall leaning against the slope and the parts underneath that were not covered by moss, measured the length with his left and right hands twice, and nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right. I have other uses for this width, so I don't need to lay moss. I will use it directly tomorrow or the day after tomorrow...

Forget it, I'll do it now, if I do it today, I'll be less tired tomorrow. "

Chen Qi climbed out of the small door again, and now the ramp has not been dug out, so it can only be climbed.

After a while, Chen Qi came back with a shovel.

I saw him wielding the shovel, digging out a slope that gradually rose outwards from the doorway, and the soil dug out was all covered by him on the area that was not covered with moss with one shovel. Covered pine floors are on.


Mashed Potato Cheese: "This... I can't understand this again"

Xiaoxiuzi: "Say it has some use."

My Chi Mu: "Maybe I want to sleep here, I want to make a bed and come out."

Soso is so-so: "What the hell are you talking nonsense!"

Xiao Xiuzi: "Why are you swearing?"

Soso is average: "Study online by yourself."

Just a passer-by: "Anyway, I can see it later, so take your time."


Chen Qi did not pave the ground to a very high height, so the theory of building a soil bed is naturally self-defeating.

However, Chen Qi didn't have the slightest intention to say the answer in advance. Instead, he quickly put the shovel to the corner and walked out from the door.

Because there are many gaps around the walls made of alder wood, and the door has not been installed, so there is no darkness in the cabin, and Chen Qi does not suddenly feel glaring when he comes out.

Looking up at the sky, it is still the same. It seems that today's snow probably won't be able to escape and will come out.

Still have to work harder and hurry up!
Without thinking too much, Chen Qi picked up the saw and got to work.

Those extra corners of the house must be sawed off, this is not due to Chen Qi's obsessive-compulsive disorder, for the sake of aesthetics, but because of many considerations.

"Alder wood is a very good kind of wood, and it will not easily grow insects. Compared with the fir and pine trees that are everywhere here, the wood is especially suitable as a material for drilling wood to make fire.

Alder wood has a special taste, which is also present when it is burned, just like the fire used for roast duck must be a fruit tree, and alder wood is also used locally to smoke venison to preserve it The only material that lasts longer.

Moreover, I also need firewood for heating, cooking and so on. The air leakage of the log cabin is definitely not able to resist the severe cold, so I have to take some measures to keep warm outside.

So, you know why I have to saw off the extra corners of these woods. This is not useless work, on the contrary, it is very useful. "

Chen Qi stepped on his own roof, while sawing the wood, while chatting with fans.

However, while talking, Chen Qi suddenly thought that when it comes to preserving venison, smoking is indeed the best way, but he still seems to lack a sealed place where he can smoke venison.


Chen Qi looked at the cabin under his feet.

Let's deal with this first?
Hmm... think about it.


Perhaps it was the oppressive feeling brought about by the gloomy sky and the possible drop in temperature at any time, Chen Qi started to work quickly.

He sawed off the wood one by one, and some of them were too long, so he had to saw more in the middle, but Chen Qi didn't have the time to deal with this for the time being.

He non-stop collected the large and small branches with leaves that he had sawed off.

Halfway through the work, it was almost dark.

Chen Qi pinched his waist, panting heavily.

Thick white mist spewed out continuously from his mouth, which was related to the drop in temperature, and it was also related to the rise in body temperature caused by Chen Qi's work.

"Everyone, I actually regret getting that antler now.

The work here, if you give me two or three hours more, I can definitely do it beautifully.Now, the sky is getting dark. It would have been earlier if there was no sun today. I want to work more, but it is not possible. "

There is no way, even though he is unwilling to put off the work until tomorrow, he can only go back.

If you stay up all night here for some progress, then it is a small loss.

When the snow fell this year, a little earlier than in the past, if the bears here did not find enough food to support them to hibernate, then the bears at this time must undoubtedly be their most dangerous and aggressive time.

Chen Qi didn't think that he could deal with a bear that looks like nothing with a flare gun that scares the bear and has no actual lethality.

It's going to snow and the bear is still wandering around, can it be full of food?

The wilderness is dangerous by day, but even worse by night!
Considering his personal safety, Chen Qi felt that he should be more tired tomorrow.

Chen Qi could still remember Brother Sihai's appearance after being attacked by a bear.


After tidying up his things, he threw everything that could be thrown into the cabin. Even Chen Qi picked two sawn pieces of wood and threw them in.

Fans asked questions in confusion, but Chen Qi didn't look at the barrage at all, so he didn't give any response.

"Okay! Damn it's completely dark this time, and I have to cook and eat when I go back. I've been working all day and I've been hungry all day. What do you think I'm trying to do!
Damn, I just remembered that there is no firewood in the camp, and I have to saw wood when I go back!Mahler Gobi! "

Cursing, he got into the cabin again and took out the saw. Chen Qi only entered the cabin for 2 minutes. When he came out again, he felt that the sky outside was much darker than when he came in.

"Slip away!"

Anyway, the road was familiar, Chen Qi took advantage of the last light before dark, and trotted all the way back to the camp.

Afterwards, it is natural to sit and rest, saw wood, eat venison, and bury the venison...

During the whole process, Chen Qi didn't stop cursing, just listening to shit.


Overlapping the scars of youth: "Chen Qi is still a master of C language!"

Air conditioner remote control: "It can be seen that he really doesn't like sawing wood."

The sky is already at sea: "But I like to watch him saw wood."

Jianghe Breeze: "Are you like sawing wood? You just like to watch him suffer! You are despicable!"

Picking the stars for you: "The sky is getting dark too fast. If you don't pay attention, you won't be able to see anything. What time is it?"

What is the golden rod: "By the way, it's very cold and it's snowing for the anchor, so I just live in such a small tent, so I won't freeze to death."

Repeated grades for three years in the five-year college entrance examination: "What nonsense are you talking about? There is a bear here, and it can make him freeze to death?"

Mingyue Dada: "Well, the bear's stomach must be very warm."

A world where only Maria exists: "Not only that, it's still steaming when you pull it out!"

Qing Bieli: "Fuck did you guys come up with so many...wonderful follow-up scripts, I haven't seen this episode, please don't spoil it"


People's sorrows and joys are not the same, fans just feel that Chen Qi is not tired enough.

Chen Qi also felt that the fans just hadn't been beaten.

"How can a 37-degree mouth say such cold words, do you still have a conscience?"

To be fair, when Chen Qi, who was unshaven and wearing a hat and full of vicissitudes, looked in front of the camera with his big face, he really looked like he had suffered a lot.

What a handsome guy he was when he first came here.

Now it's like begging for food.


There are too many things to do during the day, and Chen Qi is really tired. If he is not really hungry, and he really needs to eat every day to ensure that his body has enough energy to cope with a lot of work and severe cold, Chen Qi does not even want to eat this meal .

The earlier you go to bed, the better.

So, after eating and tidying things up, Chen Qi said good night to fans with the same perfunctory attitude, then turned off the live broadcast, and went to sleep in the tent.

Since the construction of the log cabin started, Chen Qi has been in this state almost every day.

On the first day of digging, until now, there is almost no free day.

All kinds of work are fully arranged, and there is always something to do.

Of course, the fans knew enough about what Chen Qi did, after all, the work was done under their watchful eyes.

Therefore, everyone was very considerate of Chen Qi.Go to bed early and go to bed early.

Anyway, I will get up early tomorrow, and I will be exhausted when I get up.


In the middle of the night, Chen Qi woke up from the cold in his sleep.

When he opened his eyes, Chen Qi was still a little confused, and subconsciously touched the quilt with his hands in a daze.

After touching it a few times but failing to find it, I became conscious.

Where the hell did he get the quilt, only a small blanket.


It wasn't that Chen Qi saw or heard the snow falling, but that the top of his head, the corners of the cold-proof tent had already been pressed with some marks.

Before dawn, Chen Qi rolled up his arms and looked at his watch. When his fingers touched his arms, he shivered with cold.

Move your fingers twice, and it already feels a little stiff.

The temperature outside is probably close to minus ten degrees now.

No wonder it wakes up from the freeze.

"It's past three o'clock... Fuck, this time is really...disgusting. If it is earlier, I will sleep a little longer when I go out to make a fire.

If it's later, I'll just get up and go to work!It's not the same, it's really...

Matt is dead! "

After lying down for a while, at the current temperature, Chen Qi, a guy without a quilt, could no longer rely on this cold-proof tent.

He couldn't fall asleep, so he woke up anyway, so Chen Qi simply turned on the live broadcast again.

Idle is also idle, let's spend some time.

Unexpectedly, after three o'clock in the middle of the night, there were people who stayed up and watched Kongsha's live broadcast, watching young ladies dancing and so on. As soon as Chen Qi started the broadcast, someone came in soon.

"Haha, you guys didn't sleep either. Me? I woke up from the cold.

If you don't go to bed at three o'clock in the middle of the night, you must not have a girlfriend.Ha ha ha ha! "

A series of live broadcasts?After sending it over, everyone clamored to cancel it, and Chen Qi was able to get revenge for last night's hatred.

"It's not fun to chat, let's make a pair. I'll ask the question first!"

Like a few treasures, Chen Qi read the star master Tang Bohu and Duo Chuanchang's three wives in one town, two miles... a very bold pair.

For them, even if there are Master Xing movies in this world, it was two generations ago. Chen Qi felt that he must be able to stop these night owls.

Unexpectedly, netizens do have a lot of talents.


Don't eat chicken butt: "Ten years of hard work earning 760 yuan, four seasons of foot bathing, three days and two nights once"

Lemons are really sour: "Ten battles, nine defeats, eight seconds, seven punches, and [-] lying on the second bed on the third floor of the hospital dying"

Coca-Cola: "Ten friends and nine friends gathered in Bahai and seven sentences to chat with six black threads, but five people only pooled 430 yuan, and I didn't even get a penny."

Qiu Qiu begged: "A person with two hands and three meals can't be sure. The four seas fight for the family, and the five internal organs are ruined. The six gods have no master. Still get up at seven o'clock, go to work at eight o'clock and don't return at nine o'clock. It's hard work in the Temal Gobi."

It's not that I'm lazy: "Ten businessmen and nine traitors went to work for eight years, July [-]th, five insurances, four no monthly salary, [-], and first-level squeeze [tears]"


"Convince me! I am the only one who is dish b in feelings, and you are all pretending!"

Chen Qi sighed regretfully, fortunately he didn't go to the art circle at that time, otherwise, he might have starved to death!

It's wise to come to the live broadcast!
(End of this chapter)

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