Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 122 The log cabin was successfully capped!

Chapter 122 The log cabin was successfully capped!
It was another new day, the sun had not yet risen from the east, and the sky was only a little white, but the industrious student Chen Qi had woken up early, and even the fire was lit.

"Morning, everyone!"

Chen Qi seemed to be in a good mood.Although it was early in the morning, the mood of the whole person was very high, and the end of the speech was floating.

"Today I'm going to start doing the main construction of the cabin.

Fortunately, I'm pretty diligent.Look over there. "

The drone's lens turned to the other side, which is the opposite side from the sun. In the drone's lens, there is a foggy feeling, which looks like there is a layer of ground glass .

"Well, it's cold air. At this level, we may have our first drop in temperature tonight.

The cooling here is a real cooling. After waking up at night, the temperature can be several degrees lower, and more are possible.

It's like this every year.The reason is that students who have related majors, or are more interested in this area, and have better knowledge of geography must know it.

polar vortex. "

This knowledge is really cold. If Chen Qi doesn't check the information, he may never know it in his life.

"Under normal circumstances, the super cold air above the polar regions is locked in the polar regions by the cyclone, but because of the weakening of the cyclone, at a certain moment, those cold air will suddenly run out like a wild horse that has run wild.

Therefore, this results in a situation where the temperature here often remains near zero, but at a certain moment, it will suddenly start to gradually cool down very obviously.

That one over there should be the cold air this year.This is just the first wave, and there will be a steady stream of cold air in the future until the temperature here is close to minus [-] degrees.

However, if I'm lucky, I may have returned to Space City by then.Unlucky, there is also a cabin there, so I am not panicking at all! "

Chen Qi said that he was not panicking, but the faster and faster movements of his hands, and the fact that he always unconsciously looked up to the northwest, showing a dignified and thoughtful expression, still proved that he was not like what he said. so don't care.

Chen Qi’s breakfast today was not venison. He boiled the berries he collected yesterday. This is a food originating from hunters in northern Finland. In the local area, every winter, hunters go to the wilderness to hunt. , they would cook a special drink with various berries, wait for it to cool down, and mix it with a kind of fruit to eat. Unfortunately, Chen Qi didn’t have the kind of green, jujube-like fruit here, so they could only eat the beggar’s version.

Nothing was left, and Chen Qi ate all the berry soup he cooked, because there wasn't much in the first place.

"It feels like the boiled apples I've had before, but a little tastier.

Those shriveled cloudberries are not so hard to bite when cooked, not bad!It tastes much better than when I eat it directly.

Why!This is breakfast.How can anyone eat barbecue as soon as he wakes up early in the morning, it's really..."

Chen Qi babbled, cleaned the pot, put it away, took his bow and arrow, brought his own knife, carried the pot, and went to the homestead by the lake.

The rest of the tools were all stored in that pit, otherwise he would never be able to get them back after all the trips.


Chen Qi really made a small path here, and now that he is getting more and more familiar, he walks faster and faster.

Putting down the kettle, Chen Qi picked up all the tools from the pit, they will be used later.

He took out a small black rectangular stone from his bosom, which was the whetstone Chen Qi used to sharpen his knives.

In the wilderness, whether it is an ax or a saw, they are tools that are used very frequently and wear a lot. It is impossible not to prepare such a small thing.

"I also learned how to sharpen knives. I used to sharpen knives myself. After sharpening, instead of becoming sharper, it became duller. After two more sharpenings, the edge can be touched directly by hand.

This thing also requires a certain amount of experience and technology.Pushing the edge of the blade back and forth to sharpen is generally easy to cause the situation I just mentioned. It should be sharpened along the edge of the knife, left and right. "

As Chen Qi said, he poured some of the water he brought on the whetstone, and polished the small ax that had been working for many days, and then he also sharpened his own knife.

Although he has never used this knife at all.

"Actually, the saw should be sharpened, but the saw is full of teeth, which is a delicate job and takes a lot of time.

I'd better wait until the day when it's snowing and I can't go out and have nothing to do before thinking about sharpening the saw.Now that the ax is sharpened, it's time to get to work. "

Chen Qi scraped the ax blade horizontally twice with the belly of his finger, yes, it was very sharp!
This works!
Holding the axe, Chen Qi walked to a red pine tree and put down the axe again.

"I'll get the wood where it should go first!"

The place Chen Qi said he should go to was the edge of the big pit.

Facing the half-digged soil slope, Chen Qi placed two logs vertically on the left and right edges of the pit, and then came back to take an axe, and cut out deep rectangles one by one at the two ends of the logs near the edge. groove.

For two pieces of wood, Chen Qi cut four grooves, each of which reached the center of the circle.

Then, Chen Qi got another piece of wood, placed it horizontally on the grooves of the two vertical pieces of wood, compared the position and depth, made a mark with an ax, and then started chopping the new piece of wood. .


Law of the Wasteland: "Ah! I know how he's going to build this log cabin!"

After I finished eating, I stopped eating: "I can see it too, and I seem to know why he wants to dig a hole."

Pork Chuancheng: "Everyone should have seen it."

Seul Gi's Shigang: "Well, that's right, that's right, I can see it too, um. I can see it."

No Man's Harbor Honey Dog: "Ah... I'm still a little confused..."

He ordered a mouthful of peaches: "If you tie it left and right in this way, what about the door?"

Song Ruantang: "What about the roof? What about the roof?"

It was the night that made me suffer: "Mortise and tenon! This is tenon and tenon!"

Little Sheep: "Although it's a bit rough, it's really a mortise and tenon joint"

Liming and Chun: "I guess the anchor will dig a tunnel in"

Left-handed God of Gamblers: "You shouldn't guess, you should gamble! Bet! You know!"


Chen Qi basically didn't talk much when he was working, because while he was busy working, he had to observe whether there was anything nearby from time to time. Unexpectedly, an ax fell on his own foot.

The four pieces of wood quickly "bite" in pairs, and they all occluded together. Chen Qi's first wall was thus completed.

Then, Chen Qi began to bundle up layer by layer, but Chen Qi only opened the grooves of each layer of wood to the depth of one-third of the wood, so that after biting up and down, it could just The wood is tightly bonded to the wood.

Although these woods are far from airtight, Chen Qi will take other windproof reinforcement measures in the future, and that will all happen after the main body is completed.

When each layer of wood is stacked up, Chen Qi will give up the "body" of a piece of wood, and the side with the slope gradually extends outward, retreating bit by bit.

In this way, Chen Qi's cabin became a large triangular wooden shed on the ground with extra wood extending from the four corners.

And when it reached the fifth floor, Chen Qi stopped.

"Take a break, ha, you're all worrying about the door.

That, the direction facing me, I will saw off the wood there later, leaving a one-meter-high door, and then build a slope extending outward at the edge of the pit at the door.

In this way, my door will be there.As for the redundant extended wood, it must also be sawed off.

At the beginning, I also thought about getting wood of about the same length, saving me the extra effort now, but I don’t have anything that can measure the length accurately, and there is no scale. not on.

If there is less sawing, there will still be extensions, and this step still needs to be taken, so we simply ignore it and save it until today. "

Chen Qi pointed to the cabin that he got halfway, and told the fans what he was going to do next.

"I really want to make a real door, that is, the kind that can be opened and closed tightly with the wall.

However, it doesn't seem very realistic.In the end, it still needs to be opened up and down, just like the kind of door curtain that is pushed open.

Hmm... use a larger pine branch. Brother Sihai still has nails. If it doesn't work, spend more time and use a thinner branch to nail one out. "

It is said to be resting, but it is just sitting against the tree for a while, drinking saliva, and talking all the time.

Chen Qi looked up at the sky. In the morning, the sun was just a smear of white behind the mountain. Until now, Chen Qi has not seen the sun.

The entire sky turned into that foggy feeling, and the air became very dry.

Chen Qi knew that unfortunately he was right. It might really snow tonight.

Even, it may not be used at night.

"No, I have to work! The roof must be sealed today!"

He has been working on the ax for a while, and now Chen Qi has to work on the saw.

If he doesn't make the position of the door now, and wait for a few more logs to be stacked on it, then he will really dig a tunnel into his cabin.


Chen Qi still doesn't like using saws. The main reason is that these days, he uses saws too many times. Whether it's to make a fire for heating or something else, he always has to saw wood, saw wood, saw wood...

The arms are out!Now there is no pain anymore.

I have to say, this is also a kind of harvest.Painful harvest.


Chen Qisaw's small door is not very wide, even narrower than the normal-sized door of ordinary families. This is also for his own safety. After all, it is in the wild, and the attributes of convenience and safety are comparable. Than, still have to step back.

After sawing the door he reserved, Chen Qi tried to hit the wood on both sides with his shoulder.

Very strong!
Although the link is broken in the middle, it is still very strong because there are grooves on both ends that snap together.

Originally, at this time, Chen Qi wanted to spread something on the floor of the cabin so that he would not sleep on the wood full of edges and corners. However, seeing the weather, Chen Qi felt that the work of capping the roof was more important.

So, after the work of sawing wood was over, Chen Qi started chopping wood again.

Because of the height that was hollowed out below, Chen Qi didn't plan to build the ground part high, and with the existence of the earth slope over there, Chen Qi's work of transporting wood to the high place was not that difficult.

Soon, Chen Qi will seal the wood to the top.

But at this time, Chen Qi made another operation that fans couldn't understand.

He sawed out a small rectangular opening with the height of a piece of wood and a width of about [-] centimeters on the "roof" at the left and right ends.

When fans asked him, Chen Qi just smiled and said it was the window of the log cabin.


You have made two openings in the log cabin that took so much effort, so it can prevent the wind and keep it warm at 6!
At this time, Chen Qi just said: "You will know in the future."

Fans have nothing to do with Chen Qi, after all, the distance is too far away, although modern technology is advanced, but it is not advanced enough to stretch out a hand from the screen to give him a big mouth from thousands of miles away.

Just watch.


From six o'clock in the morning to two o'clock in the afternoon, for a total of eight hours, apart from drinking some water and taking a short break to talk, Chen Qi didn't dare to be idle at all.

However, his painstaking efforts paid off, and Chen Qi's log cabin was finally capped successfully!
Although, the door has not been installed yet, revealing a large rectangular hole.The ground inside was also left untreated, with sharp-edged wood everywhere.

However, Chen Qi was still very happy.

"If it weren't for the fact that the ground inside hasn't been treated, and the walls outside have not been insulated, I really want to sleep here tonight!

living comfortably without anybody's help! "

Look up at the sky.

You can't see anything without the sun.

However, the light was still very good, and the watch on his wrist told Chen Qi that it was only two o'clock.

If he doesn't eat and is a little greedy, he can still do a lot of things.

Two hours, at least enough for him to deal with the ground.

Just do it!Isn't it just that you don't eat a meal, and it's not that you haven't been hungry for this meal!
Let's eat it at night!
Chen Qi gritted his teeth and ran out of the forest with the knife in hand.

As far as his habit of making sudden movements without saying a word, the fans are all prepared. If he didn’t say shit, then it’s not that he found something good. He ran very methodically and raised his arms. It's dangerous.

That's what to do.

But, why do you want to run outside? !
But soon, from the footage of the drone catching up with Chen Qi, fans saw why Chen Qi was running outside.

"Brothers, this is a pure natural carpet, and it is also the second layer of insulation on the floor of my room."

Pointing to a layer of thick moss growing on the ground, Chen Qi said so.

(End of this chapter)

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