Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 125 The thing I, Chen Qi, am not afraid of is sawing wood

Chapter 125 The thing I, Chen Qi, am not afraid of is sawing wood

After all, the snow fell a little early.

Chen Qi was shoveling the soil with a shovel first, and it was easy to dig before the soil felt a little dry.

This is the soil he just poked out!
It's just been left here for two or three days, and it's already a little bit hardened.

The impact of cooling is not just as simple as freezing feet.


Covering the entire roof of a not-too-small cabin with a shovel is obviously not an easy task. However, Chen Qi considered that his 60-day task has only just passed less than a third of the time. However, it is still necessary to continue the "strengthening" work of the log cabin, and it will continue.

"You know, sometimes, eating and using something that you have made with your own hands is more comfortable than something that comes with money, or something that is obtained for free."

Rest is still needed. Taking advantage of this time, Chen Qi walked into the cabin and filled two pieces of wood for the fire that was still smoldering. After coming out, he rubbed his eyes and began to interact with fans.

"The vegetables grown by myself are more delicious than the ones bought.

I don’t know if any of you are doing handicrafts yourself. In fact, the things you make yourself may not be better than the ones you buy. In fact, after all the hard work and effort, when you calculate the price, it turns out that instead of being cheaper, it is actually much more expensive!
But isn't that what a sense of accomplishment is all about?Right.

To be honest, if conditions permit, I really want to find a place with green mountains and green waters, and spend a year or two, or a few years or more, to build my own yard and my own house. .

It's a pity, what a pure dream.Even a trip to the mother planet has to be reported for approval, and the documents are issued, and I still buy it myself, what a fart to buy.

In the next life. "

It was already like that in the previous life, and it probably won't be the same in this life.Or really wait for a chance in the next life.

After talking about this, maybe it’s the sadness and anger in my heart?
I don't know the reason, but Chen Qi seemed to suddenly regain his energy, his waist didn't hurt and his legs didn't hurt, and he could push out a big cesspit in one breath!

Since it is difficult to realize his wish to build a small cabin and a small yard, Chen Qi feels that it is a good attempt to take care of the small wooden house in front of him, and it is also a very fulfilling thing.

Thinking of this, Chen Qi became more motivated to work.

A shovel gave him the effect of a mini excavator.

Indeed, human potential is truly limitless.Otherwise, how do you explain that a young man who was tired just now and had to sit down and talk, ate breakfast all day, and worked for seven or eight hours, suddenly became energetic again~

At one o'clock in the noon, after shoveling the soil almost non-stop for three hours, Chen Qi finally covered the roof.

At the end of the day, on a very cold day, Chen Qi even had to unzip his cold-proof clothes to allow his body to perspire and cool down.

Fortunately, he is more or less sane, knowing that the hat should not be taken off when he is sweating profusely, or there is no medicine for him to take the cold and fever.

Brother Sihai did have them, but all those medicines were with his staff, and Chen Qi didn't find any of them.


"Ah...fuck...I can't do it anymore..."

Lying directly on the snow, Chen Qi only felt that his waist was no longer his own.

Stiffness, pain, soreness, numbness, and a bit of cramping.

This is the result of his three hours of hard work.


Panting heavily, a puff of white steam exhaled from his mouth. While absorbing the oxygen in the air, the dry cold air was inhaled into the lungs with severe panting, which made Chen Qi's mouth dry and tongue dry. It feels particularly "transparent", like the feeling I had after a 3000-meter test run when I was in school.

And in his lungs, there was also a pain and tingling sensation stimulated by the cold air.

For some reason, Chen Qi actually felt that this feeling was a bit comfortable.


After lying on the ground for a while, after the initial fatigue passed, the lactic acid secreted by the muscles made him have some wrong sensory judgments about his weight and shape.

It seems that the legs are thicker and the arms are heavier.

After lying down for another 2 minutes, Chen Qi got up from the ground until he felt a cold feeling on his back and he was no longer panting.

When looking at the screen in the live broadcast room, Chen Qi saw that the fans were comforting and encouraging him, and many of them directly charged money to give him gifts and be VIP guests.

Everyone really admired him, after all, the fans could see how Chen Qi was living these days.

Especially these days, when I work every day, it's true and I don't cheat at all, I'm just a person, just a job!
Some new fans secretly took screenshots, thinking that the work Chen Qi did that day might inexplicably make more progress the next day.

That's true!

What was it like yesterday, what is it like today.He did not miss any of the work he had to do. How should I put it? He was a person who worked hard for life.

Some fans even jokingly posted bullet screens saying that with Chen Qi's recklessness in working, he must be a good hand if he stops doing live broadcasts one day and does some physical work.

After finishing speaking, he privately messaged him in the background, saying that he is a duck head, and he looks forward to cooperation in the future.

"Thank you for your rewards, thank you for your gifts..."

Chen Qi flipped through the records and thanked them one by one.

"Ha, I'm really not being lazy.

It’s not too bad, I built this log cabin, and it was completed under your witness.

It is not a great achievement, but I also hope that this process can become a good memory for everyone. "

The smoke in the room has almost cleared.

Chen Qi did heavy physical labor for more than three hours, and the smoke in the room was more than three hours old.

Especially later, Chen Qi was afraid that the smoke would not be thick enough, so he made some branches and leaves, and blocked the door.

"It feels like it should be almost the same now, I really don't know how this thing can judge the time of smoking and whether the heat is up.

Hmm... let's go in and have a look. "


Pushing aside the branches that simply covered the door, Chen Qi walked into the house.Inside the cabin, the smoke has not completely dissipated, but it is acceptable, barely enough to irritate the eyes.

On the ground at the end of the wall, the fire of alder wood was reduced to a handful of ashes, and the wood was really easy to fully burn.

On top of the head, the venison that Chen Qi had skinned in advance had changed from dark red to an inconspicuous dark red.

Putting down the rope that still smelled of smoke, Chen Qi went to check how his venison was smoked.

"The surface is so dry it reminds me of bacon.

Take a look at it.

Hmm...seemed to be a mistake, I should have cut them into smaller pieces and pulled out the bones inside. "

Chen Qi did not choose to cut the venison into small pieces in order to hang it up, but hung it up "boldly". As a result, the marinating of the venison did not reach the ideal state of Chen Qi.

The deep layer of venison is still soft and moist. Although this kind of meat tastes good, it is not easy to preserve.

However, Chen Qi then thought about it. If he really cut the venison into small pieces, there wouldn't be so many ropes to hang them up piece by piece.

When people smoke venison, there are shelves made of wire, so that they can be placed one by one for smoking, and he doesn't have that condition!
Moreover, at the current temperature, a deer can be frozen hard after two or three hours of death, so it should not be that difficult to preserve food.

Big deal, go hunting again when the time comes, if you can catch it this time, there is no reason why you won’t be able to catch it next time.

Besides, he doesn't only eat venison. Now the cabin is barely enough to live in. If he is by the lake, he is afraid that there will be no fish to eat.

The fish here are all fools. If you catch one after another, you will not be hungry even if you want to.


"Forget it, let's continue to hang it. Use a knife to cut a few more cuts in the venison, and then smoke it to taste it.

It just so happens that I still can't get it down. After the soil is finished, I have to get some moss back and cover it on top of the soil. In this way, the heat preservation work is completely completed.

Also, the door has to be installed.Otherwise, no matter how windproof I am outside, there is no way I can get warm inside with such a big hole constantly exposed to the wind.

Whether it's to get the moss roll, or go to the door and go back to get the nails, I have to make a trip.The scope of the roof, the trouble of the snow, I don't want to get it done in one trip.

I estimate that at least three trips are required! "


Chen Qi really wanted to light a fire in the house before leaving. He had built a fire in the house for so long just now, and there was no problem at all. Thinking about it, it was still very safe.

"Forget it, it's just another hour of smoking meat, I'm not in a hurry, there's no need to take the risk.

Hehe, if I accidentally hit the cabin, brothers, then I will really lose my mind. "

Chen Qi honestly changed the knife on the meat and made a small cut. Chen Qi hung up the venison again. After going out, he simply covered the branches and turned around to leave.

After thinking for a while, he opened the door again.

"What if another stupid bird comes in~"

The door was open, Chen Qi walked out two steps, came back again, and closed the door again.

"If a bear comes in, I'll just gg it! It's better to close it, the house smells like alder wood smoke everywhere, presumably if a bear comes over, it won't like the smell .”

Chen Qi glanced at the sky. When it was snowing, because of the reflection of the snow, the dark time was a little bit late a few days ago. Although it is always gray, it can last for a long time.


As expected, the way back was covered with snow again. Fortunately, the snow was getting lighter now. Otherwise, Chen Qi would definitely have to go through land reclamation again when he came back.

Back at the tent, Chen Qi took the nails and wanted to take some more things back along the way, but he finally gave up on this plan.

Not sure where to stay tonight.

In case the door of the cabin was not made well, he had to run back.

After thinking about it, anyway, the pot is over there, and the fire is also brought over. Of course, there is no shortage of water and food by the lake.

Since things won't be lost here, let's wait until tomorrow.

I have to carry the moss rolls for a while, which is not an easy task. It takes an hour to go back and forth.


"This snow is really annoying! The moss is all covered. If I hadn't been here yesterday, I would know where it is. It would be difficult to do this job today.

Well, if I want to keep the temperature of the cabin, I have to cover it with an extra layer of soil! "

Although Chen Qi knew where there was thick moss, the moss covered under the snow was obviously not so easy to roll into a roll.

Moreover, this thing is not a real carpet after all. Sometimes it is still a large area in the front, but disappears after one or two meters, and it is no longer long.

Chen Qi had no choice but to kick the snow off the moss vigorously. It looked like he was practicing martial arts, or a child was venting his anger on the snow when he lost his temper. It looked very funny.

In particular, during the whole process, Chen Qi's C language continued to output continuously.

"This special code needs three trips! It's a good job to be able to transport it twice today!
special code!When I went back to lay moss rolls, I had to clear the snow off the roof!The snow will fall again tomorrow, so we have to do it all over again!
I'm so fucked!What the hell..."

The angrier Chen Qi became, the more incompetent and furious he became, the happier the fans looked at him, and the more they ate.

After a lot of effort, Chen Qi rolled up a roll of moss carpet. It was bigger and heavier than the one yesterday!
“I just thought about it, brothers, it’s impossible to go twice!
I still have to eat!Still have to light a fire!You have to boil extra water to drink! "

Chen Qi couldn't remember, it didn't matter, his stomach, his stomach would never forget to remind him.

"Oh... let's carry the remaining two trips tomorrow."

There is no way, can you still fight against the weather? That's the only way.

Chen Qi only hopes that this snow will not fall too hard, it will last too long.

Otherwise, walking in the knee-high snow with a "luggage roll" weighing tens of kilograms on your shoulders is not something to look forward to.

While hoping that there would be no more snow, at least not until he had completely disposed of the cabin, Chen Qi bent down, picked up the moss, and walked back with one foot deep and one foot shallow.


Chen Qi didn't spread all the moss brought back on the roof. To compare the size, Chen Qi set aside a piece to make part of the door.

Selected some thicker branches with many branches and leaves, trying to grow on the same plane without too much bending. Chen Qi first used a rope to wrap the parts of the branches that were intersected by himself with the rope. , and several pieces of wood were worked with an ax and saw.

Clamp two such branch "door panels" together, place a piece of moss in the middle, and then place wood pieces on the four sides, top, bottom, left, and right, and nail them together. A thick door that is strong enough to block the wind is done. .

Finally, after tying it to the door frame, the door is finished.

Chen Qi tried it, and there was no problem opening and closing it. It was a little difficult, but it couldn't be better.When I have more time in the future, I can process it again.

Standing in the cabin and observing, the door is just the right size, a little too big, but it closes more tightly and prevents air leakage.

"Well, we need to find a piece of wood to support the door, otherwise if something comes over, it will come in just by bumping and pushing.

It's okay, isn't it just sawing wood, I'm still afraid of sawing wood? ! "

In this snowy wilderness, what Chen Qi is most afraid of is sawing wood! !
 Two updates later.Otherwise, if I continue to subscribe, the book will not last long.

  Please recommend!Asking for a monthly ticket!Ask for a reward!Ask for anything!
(End of this chapter)

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