Chapter 87
the next day.

Fighting late at night, the SEALs who went to the small town of Gagami in the Galabag area brought back the latest intelligence.


It's not so cold, except for the endless cold and yellow sand, there is nothing unusual about the small town of Gagami.

Coulson looked at Jason Hayes, the captain of SEAL Team [-] who carried out the investigation mission last night: "Where is the black line, did you see it?"

Jason made a frowning expression: "Sir, we went there at night."

Coulson was taken aback.


Black lines and darkness do go well together.

After a while, Jason Hayes left the meeting room after reporting on the mission. He was a soldier, a sharp knife to carry out the mission. Who was Coulson? This question had never been considered by Jason Hayes.

in the conference room.

After Coulson came out from the next room, Coulson, who had received the latest instructions from Director Washington Sanfei, looked at the crowd and said, "I think it's time for us to do a field trip."

Natasha and Jasper had no objection.

Now that the seals have all gone in, it means that the murderous black mist that Jay Jamie said has disappeared, and after his life is guaranteed, it will be the turn of the evil god to find out what is left behind.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is very concerned about what the evil god left behind. After all, what if it is something that destroys the world?
Lake was equally concerned.

Who knows why that dog head is so sure that what he left behind can open the gate of the starry sky?

Of course.

The opening of the Star Gate is also a good thing for Lake, provided that it is not opened within two months.

The stars are still on the way, with an estimated arrival time of two months.

In a word.

Stabilizing these two months is a victory.

The Chinese detective Melinda who was sitting on the side said: "I think we should observe for 24 hours first."

Coulson looked at Melinda, who said, "Although the SEALs have returned safely, I would like to postpone this operation until their medical report comes out."

Jasper glanced at Melinda, and reconsidered from the side: "I also agree with Melinda's opinion, first read the medical examination reports of the SEALs, and enter the town of Gagami after confirming that everything is normal."

Coulson nodded and said, "Alright, but the forward team can go to the Galabag area to make preliminary preparations."

Since the things were underground, it was definitely impossible for the few of them to dig directly with a shovel in one hand.

That's what junior agents do, they're senior agents, senior agents who know aliens exist.

"Mr. Reese."

"Agent Sidwell."

Lake, who was watching the active figures of soldiers on the basketball court not far away, turned to look at Jasper, and his eyes fell on the wine glass in Jasper's hand.

Jasper passed over the wine glass in his hand and said, "I think Mr. Rees would like this."

Lake took it with a smile, took a sip, Bourbon said, "Thank you, Agent Sidwell."

Jasper waved his hand and said, "Just call me Jasper, Phil and I are friends."

Lake smiled.

Could it be that she couldn't hold back and finally wanted to get close to him?
Just as Lake was thinking this, Jasper just said a few words to Lake, then turned around and left.

Lake looked at Jasper's back and smiled abruptly.


Playing hard to get has been learned.

Lake looked down at the bourbon in the glass, sat down on the recliner again, and watched the big bird flying in the sky.

...big bird?
Lake watched the commercial plane slowly descending in the clouds, and for some reason, he suddenly had an unpleasant feeling in his heart.


"Yes, sir."

"That plane, project it out."


After the words fell, Lake's eyes saw the inside of the commercial plane that was circling and landing.

His hunch was confirmed.

In the cabin, a dissolute man with a moustache and sunglasses was sitting at the window of the cabin with his legs crossed, staring intently at the Huangsha Airport that was getting closer.

Tony Stark.


Lake rubbed his forehead, he suddenly realized one thing, maybe, he shouldn't have met this guy before Tony turned into Iron Man.

The stark bird in the sky is getting closer and closer to the ground.


Natasha, who was picking up the physical examination reports of the SEALs in the center of the base, also got the news just now, walked over and said, "Stark is here."

Lake nodded: "When can we leave?"

Natasha flipped through the medical examination report in her hand, and said: "The physical examinations of the SEALs are all normal. If there is no accident, we should be able to set off within half an hour."

Lai Kesheng stretched his waist and said with a smile: "Finally, I thought, if you guys don't set off yet, I'm going to explore alone."

Natasha thought for a while, and finally shook her head. This is a man who has friendship with the Lord of Hell. Even if he died, he would probably be as chic in Hell as he was alive, so it is not surprising that he said such words.


The four members of SHIELD all saw the seals' medical examination reports, and after confirming that the values ​​of the SEALs were all within the normal range, finally, after no objections, the investigation of Jiajiami Town began.


The door of the conference room was opened by two soldiers, wearing combat uniforms and berets rolled up, the commander of the base, General Snow, strode in: "Gentlemen..."

Everyone in the meeting room looked at it one after another.

General Snow turned to Coulson and said in a loud voice: "Agent Coulson, I understand that you are planning to take my soldiers to the Galabag area, is that so?"

Coulson walked out and shook hands with General Snow: "I think I will report to you, General, later."

General Snow said loudly: "Of course you have to report to me. In fact, I am going to send an observer to go with you. The Galabag area is in chaos. I don't want to blame me for you."


General Snow turned to the door and said, "Tony, you can come in now."

The words fall.

With an inexplicable smirk, Tony Stark, who walked in with his sunglasses off, looked at Lake who was sipping his glass and said, "Mr. Rees, we meet again."

The wine glass in Lake's hand raised towards Tony who came in.

The four of Aegis looked at each other, Coulson frowned and said, "General Snow..."

General Snow, who is a big fan of Stark weapons, interrupted directly with his hands on his hips: "Agent Coulson, you want to mobilize my soldiers, there is no problem, but as far as the current intelligence is concerned, I found that I am very You may be blamed, and the CIA has done this not once or twice, so when you return to China, I will be blamed."

Coulson said: "General, we are the country..."

General Snow said quietly: "Last year, three guys who claimed to be from the Department of Homeland Security killed a warlord. In the end, guess who got the blame."

Colson: "..."

 It's Tuesday, folks, the Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer, listen, that's the sound of firecrackers going off...

(End of this chapter)

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