A god of beauty

Chapter 88 The second question

Chapter 88 Fourth Question

No matter what the real purpose of Yingjiang's coming here is, whether it is really for peace, or to help domestic arms dealers solve the arms manufactured at full power, it is unified on the outside.

Eagle Sauce comes in peace.


But after a high-ranking person dies here, especially if this high-ranking person is Yingjiang's deadly enemy, the media who are fooled by their own people always like to find a blamer.

Naturally, the base stationed here is the target of this blame man.

General Snow is gone.

Tony Stark stayed.

In his words, if Tony Stark didn't follow, then neither did his soldiers.

This is an order.

In this base, General Snow is like those generals who guarded outside in ancient times, making a decision with one word...

Anyway, it's just a sentence, no matter what organization Coulson said he was in, General Snow believed that Coulson and the others belonged to the CIA.

Obviously, General Snow didn't like the CIA who cheated him after he slapped his ass and left last year.

Of course.

The most important point is that Tony made a request to him. As a fan of Stark weapons, General Snow naturally has no reason not to agree. Anyway, he is not going out, and he is too lazy to think about the happiness of rich people...

The four members of Aegis looked at each other, and Coulson went to the next compartment to report the situation silently.

In Washington, Nick Fury, who received a call from his loyal brother Phil, made a decision after a moment of silence.

After a while.

After Coulson walked out of the compartment, he said to Tony Stark, "Mr. Stark, we need you to follow our instructions for the next time."

Stark watched Lake who was sipping wine over there, glanced casually at Coulson, and nodded: "Of course."

Coulson gave Natasha, Jasper, and Melinda a look, indicating that this was the decision of the Washington headquarters.

The Aegis trio shrugged.


Three yellow jeeps and a troop carrier carrying a team of SEALs drove out of the gate of the base and headed towards the small town of Gagami in the Gala Bagh area.

On the jeep in the middle.

Lake and Tony occupy the two sides, and there is an ignorant SEAL with a gun in the middle. He didn't know until he got in the car that sitting on his right was Tony Stark, the world's richest man and weapon genius, and on his left, Uh... Anyway, in terms of temperament and the material of the suit, he is also a rich man no less than Tony Stark.

This might be my chance.

The young and ignorant SEAL muttered in his heart, if he could seize the opportunity to make a familiar face in front of these two people, maybe he would be able to retire early, and then he would be able to live a good life of working one day and taking three days off.

"Cough cough."

The seal soldier coughed in a low voice, which was the clarion call to launch a charge for his own future and future.


Tony, who was sitting on the right side, fiddled with his sunglasses with his head down, and said softly, "So, is there a chance to answer three questions this time?"

The SEAL was taken aback for a moment, will you talk to me again?

Sitting on the left side, Leike, who folded his arms as if he was pretending to be squinting, had a flat expression, and he didn't even bother to open his eyes and said, "Did you find those ten letters?"


"I found it and said it."


Tony smiled, and blew on the sunglasses in front of him, blowing off the non-existent dust on them: "You know me very well."

Lake opened his eyes slightly: "Almost, what about you, how much do you know about me?"


Tony put on the sunglasses for himself: "It's enough that I think you'll tell me who that mosaic man is."


Lake chuckled, "Is that so?"

Tony also imitated Lake wearing sunglasses, folded his arms, looked at the scenery outside the window and said lightly: "It looks like this."

The young SEAL sitting in the middle swallowed his saliva, and said to the deputy captain sitting in the co-pilot: "Number two, can I apply for a squeeze on the troop carrier?"




Before No. [-] on the co-pilot could speak, Lake and Tony directly rejected the proposal of the young SEAL at the same time.

Tony sat up straight, took off his sunglasses, looked at the sweaty young soldier and smiled, "Are you hot?"

The young SEAL gave a dry laugh: "It's okay."

Lake also took off his sunglasses, took out a bottle of mineral water from under his feet, handed it over with a smile and said, "You are here to protect us, drink more water."

The seal soldier took it, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you."

The deputy captain on the co-pilot glanced through the rearview mirror and sighed softly: "The four-hour journey is a bit long."

The SEAL who was driving didn't look sideways, and the accelerator under his feet slammed.

After a while.

When the young SEAL was sitting between the two of them, Lake, who was sitting on the left, said lightly, "Tony, do you know what I'm thinking?"

Tony responded directly: "Lake, do you know what I'm thinking?"

Lake smiled and said, "How did you know I was here?"

Tony said lightly: "You didn't come here as Zeus."

"So, you've been following me?"

"I want that name."

"I can give it to you."

"Thank you, I can also keep it secret, and, besides, you can get my friendship."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

Lake opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Tony on the right. The young soldier sitting in the middle closed his eyes tactfully and walked back.

What if there is an enemy attack?
Come on, come on, death at the hands of the enemy is better than being secretly executed for eavesdropping on the little secrets of these two rich men.

At least……

There is also a national flag and a large pension for death at the hands of the enemy.

Tony also turned his head around and stared at Lake without saying a word. The three questions in Central Park did not solve his confusion, but expanded his confusion even more.

Lake's expression was light: "I can tell you the alias of that mosaic. As for the real name, I will tell you the ten letters you got."

Tony smiled: "I want more than just an alias, you know, I grabbed your little tail."

Lake smiled brightly: "Are you sure you want to keep this secret on this name?"

Tony was slightly taken aback.

Lake said lightly: "Do you still remember the fourth question in Central Park?"

Can you bring my parents up from hell?

Tony thought about the fourth question in Central Park, and said in a deep voice, "If you want people to solve the puzzle, you must give them the necessary hints."

Lake smiled and put on his sunglasses again: "I've already given the hint, think about my first investment object."


Lake leaned back, four hours away, just right to watch two movies.


 Good evening, recommended ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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