A god of beauty

Chapter 86 Don't Be a Vase Michaela

Chapter 86 Don't Be a Vase Michaela

"Go ahead."

"...The two evil gods arrived in Gagami, and the black air of death began to spread throughout the entire Gagami town. Many of my neighbors and friends..."

"Speak to the point, something that fell."

"...In the central square of Gagami Town, when I was leaving with my daughter in my arms, I took a look at it from afar, and dropped something to the ground."

"How sure, you know, if we don't find it, you can only get a thousand Franklins."

"I am very sure."

Jamie the bearded man nodded affirmatively, then rolled his eyes and said, "In case you found it, you deliberately said you didn't find it..."

"Take him out."



Jamie, the bearded man, questioned the credibility of S.H.I.E.L.D. before finishing his words. Coulson, who had obtained the general information, waved his hands directly at the two agents standing behind Jayme. While Jamie was uttering various local words, Jamie was escorted out by the agents.

S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to repudiate?

how is this possible.

Just now when the bearded man Jay Jamie went out, Coulson and Natasha had pooled together a thousand dollars and paid Jay Jamie directly.

Their S.H.I.E.L.D. business has always been very particular.

As for the remaining four thousand?
The thing left by the evil god has not been found yet. After confirming that there is such a thing, they will definitely pay the 4000 yuan when the bureau approves it. knew. ,
After all, Coulson's travel expenses of more than 900 yuan in March last year have not been reimbursed yet.

After half an hour.

Natasha and Coulson stood side by side, staring at the satellite map of Jiajiami town on the screen, but this map is not an ordinary satellite map, but just Coulson called their director, and the director ordered A map of Gagami town retaken by a Valoran satellite.

On the map of Jiajiami town on the screen, two strange auras are entangled with each other. Through this strong aura, it can be confirmed that this is indeed the main battlefield of the battle between the two hell attribute gods.

Especially the central square of the town, my good fellow, the red and black atmosphere is as strong as a thunderstorm cloud...

After a while.

Natasha crossed her arms and asked, "What did the Bureau say?"

It is one thing to determine the location of the things left by the evil god, but it is another thing to go there.

According to what Jaime said just now, under this black air, mortals who enter will turn into yellow sand in the blink of an eye.

Coulson looked at the internal agent and said, "How long will it take for the drone to arrive?"

The internal agent reported: "It is expected to arrive near the small town of Gagami in 1 minute."


"Yes, sir."

The internal agent responded, and then manipulated to project the perspective of the drone onto the big screen.

The clouds are rolling and the signal is being jammed.

next second.

At the moment when the drone arrived over the town of Gagami, there was a click, and the picture instantly turned into a snowflake...

"Signal interrupted."

"Drone down, drone down!"

Coulson and Natasha listened to the internal agent's report and peeked at each other. After a while, Coulson said, "I'll go to the base and see if I can send a team of soldiers to gather information nearby. "


Coulson then said to Natasha: "Is there any more information from Lake? If it is really like what Jay Jamie said, we have no choice but to watch what is coming."

Natasha said, "I'll ask again."

Say it.

Coulson and Natasha split up. Coulson went to the commander of the base to see if he could send a team of SEAL elites to Gagami Town to get more accurate information, such as leading the sheep to go there. , to see if it will turn into yellow sand, Natasha came out of the conference room and came to the front of the container room where Lake lived and knocked.

"Please come in."


Lake, who was sitting on the sofa, stared at Natasha who came in from the outside, pointed his phone at Natasha and said, "You came at the right time, Rushman will be on stage at the New York Theater for the first time tonight."


Roshman entered through the back door.

Yes, compared to the dancers of the New York Ballet, the strength of Rushman born in Yeluzi is not enough.


The background of being unable to stand up to Roshman is very big, and Roshman did not go in to be a cold bench, and the New York Ballet did not dare, so after a comprehensive consideration, Roshman came into being. Once on stage, most of the audience were employees of Victor Industries.


In the following week, most of the audience of the New York Ballet were employees of Victor Industries and some employees of Stark Industries.

Mikaela was also present. To be precise, Mikaela was cheering and encouraging Rushman in the background.

Although Mikaela didn't quite understand what Lake was planning, it was obvious that this idea was inseparable from Rushman's real body, Natasha. Therefore, Mikaela felt that in order to prevent herself from becoming a vase Characters, it is necessary to play their own role, for example, let Roshman and Natasha feel the [warmth of home]...

Mikaela, who was in the background video, saw Natasha and greeted with a smile: "Hi, Natasha."

Natasha took the mobile phone from Lake and greeted Mikaela.

After a while.

After finishing the video, Natasha returned the phone to Lake and said, "It's a pity I couldn't be there."

Lake said with a smile: "After Roshman becomes a regular actor, there will be more opportunities to watch together, but by then, Roshman will probably travel all over the world, and I have already signed a contract with the Blackwater Company." Contract, security should be guaranteed.”


Lake spread his hands and said, "Of course, I'm talking about safety on the surface. As for the secret, you sister needs to worry about it."

Natasha said, "I will."

After all, Roshman is another her, and safety issues do need to be considered. Moreover, for Roshman to choose the path of ballet, frankly speaking, Natasha has a complicated heart.

after all……

After some internal turmoil, Natasha thought of the business of coming here, and repeated the information they got from Jayami with Lake, and then asked: "Did Mephisto tell you about Is that black matter?"

Lake thought about it pretending to be contemplative, then shook his head and said, "No, but what Mephisto used is, it's better not to pass, rather than not being able to pass, if the black air really has the effect of killing people, it should be Wouldn't say that."

Natasha nodded and said, "Phil has already gone to the base to see if a team of SEALs can be dispatched."

SEALs are good at fighting late at night.

Going at night, returning at night, it happened that they were resting.


 Please recommend, woo woo, you bad bankers, you only care about not giving tickets.


(End of this chapter)

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