A god of beauty

Chapter 85 I will not give in to the intruder

Chapter 85 I will not give in to the intruder

Lake raised his eyebrows inadvertently.

It seems...

There are indeed some articles under this Jiajiami town.

who can that be?

After a while, after talking with several people in this conference room, Natasha led Lake to a container-style room and pushed away, "I hope you, a rich man, will get used to this place."

Lake said curiously: "Stark often comes here to experiment with new weapons, does he sleep here too?"

Natasha said: "Grishke Advance Base, the person in charge here, General Snow, is a loyal customer of Stark Industries."


Well, no wonder, that guy Stark is like his own home in the eagle sauce base in Afghanistan, and the biggest bosses are all his brain-dead customers.

Natasha smiled: "Do you know Stark?"

Lake shrugged and said: "I met once before, I have plans to invest in Stark."

Natasha said: "Stark Industries is not short of money. Let me guess, you got rejected? Stark is recognized as having a weird temper."

Lake thought about the previous conversation with Stark in Central Park: "It's okay, at least I had a pleasant meeting with him."

Natasha couldn't believe it.

As the old son of S.H.I.E.L.D., although Stark doesn't know the relationship between his father and S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. has been secretly observing Stark. After all, if his father is such a hero, his son should be good too. .


Stark inherited his father's intelligence, but not his attitude of cooperating with law enforcement.

Clever is smart, but his personality is too bad, which is why S.H.I.E.L.D. chose not to tell Stark after careful consideration. This point has also been agreed by the old man in London.

But things have gotten worse recently.

Stark...seems to have learned of their existence from some channel, SHIELD is studying, or Nick Fury is studying, how to contact Stark again.

After all, most of the advanced materials left by Catherine are still on the drawings...

Natasha led Lake into the room that looked like two containers, but inside it was indeed a luxury suite, and said: "Stark will probably come here in a few months, but we should have left by then."

Lake smiled.

He didn't think of such a question until he flew over. Iron Man seemed to be born in the land under his feet.


The more chaotic the place, the more elites can be bred.

Think of Gotham City with its amazing people.

Afghanistan is not bad either, Gotham gave birth to Bats, Afghanistan gave birth to Iron Man.

Lake thought for a while and looked at the decoration in the room: "Yeah, it's a pity that I can't meet Stark again here. The last time I chatted with him, I felt pretty good."

Natasha smiled, clapped her hands and said, "Okay, you can stay here first, and we will set off together tomorrow."

Lake nodded.

It's a good thing to set off with S.H.I.E.L.D., the worst result, when there is really something going on with Gagami, Lake can completely withdraw first.


Natasha left, and Lake looked around, then took out a bottle of whiskey that seemed to have been there for some time from the simple wine cabinet in the room.

Remove the wine bottle.

A photograph hidden behind a wine bottle slammed down.

Lake picked up the photo and glanced at it.

It was a photo of a blonde beauty and a little girl, with a line of handwriting underneath.

Favorite Maria, Lisa - Frank.

With such a beautiful wife and such a beautiful daughter, it was obvious that this Frank must be very happy.

Lake smiled and put the photo in his pocket. Facing the bottle of wine, he decided to return the photo to Frank when he returned.

The whiskey is opened.

Lake sniffed it. It had been a while, but the smell was acceptable, so he found a wine bottle and poured it for himself.


While Lake was pouring wine for himself, let’s talk about the meeting room, the soldiers of the base also escorted a resident who lived in Jiajiami Town back.

It is a male resident, about 50 years old, with a thick and iconic beard. The bearded man is obviously malnourished, his complexion is dark, and he is very nervous.

"Don't be nervous," Coulson said.

Natasha added: "We want to ask you a few questions."

The bearded man swallowed his saliva. Hearing the translated words, his heart beat even more.

The bearded man grumbled.

Coulson looked at the interpreter with a strange expression and asked, "What did he say?"

After the translator said something to the bearded man, he then said to Coulson, "He said he would not give in to the intruder."

Coulson chuckled and said, "Tell him, after the questioning, we will give him five hundred dollars."

The translator relayed to the bearded man.

next second.

The bearded man nodded vigorously, indicating that he could do it. After all, he was in a hurry when he left Jiajiami, and he didn't bring anything with him. He needed to support six children, and the five hundred dollars could make him worry-free for half a year.

Coulson asked, "What happened to Gagami Town, why did you leave?"

Listening to the interpreter's report, the bearded man narrowed his eyes, yelling at the interpreter with a look of horror and panic.

The translator hurried to appease him.

But the conversation between the two was like a bible to Coulson and Natasha, as if five hundred flies were flying around their ears.

Natasha lowered her head and asked, "Didn't our simultaneous translator bring it?"

Coulson lowered his head and replied, "It's still on the way."

Natasha nodded.

After a while.

The mood of the bearded man gradually improved under the comfort of the interpreter, but the tension was completely written on his face.

The translator turned to Coulson and Natasha and said, "Jejami said that that night, Jiajiami Town was cursed by the undead. If you don't leave, you will die. Many residents melted in front of him because they were too slow to escape. Made yellow sand."

Coulson and Natasha looked at each other.


The town of Gagami is the place where Mephisto and the desert god of death from outside the domain duel.

Coulson looked at the translator: "Tell him, give him a thousand dollars if you describe the scene that night in detail."

The interpreter relayed to Jaime the bearded man.

Jamie swallowed, fell silent for a while, gestured a palm and said something to the translator.

The translator said: "He wants five thousand Franklin, not only will he tell you what happened that night, but he will also tell you where the evil god dropped things."

"Falling things?"

Coulson glanced at Natasha, and then said: "Okay, but we need to give four thousand after we confirm."

For $[-], Coulson and Natasha can get cash together, five thousand Franklin?Need to make a report to the bureau.


 It's Monday, I beg everyone for your recommendation tickets for fire support, Lao Mi 360 degrees please!


(End of this chapter)

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