Chapter 82

Want to go?

Is this a confession?

Ha ha.

Lake sneered in his heart, he couldn't kill them for the sake of the overall situation, but, just let them go?
Daydreams don't do that.

Lake's expression was flat: "Take out your IDs."

The black suit who kept talking said, "Mr. Rees, we don't mean to offend."

Lake turned a deaf ear, looked at the watch in his hand, looked at the time and said, "The people from the FBI came to my door at nine o'clock in the evening and said no offense? Ha ha."

The man in the black suit said nothing.

next second.

The three of them turned around and wanted to leave. They were just kidding. Their mission this time was to know why Natasha came here from Washington to see this rich man, Lake Rees. They wanted to ask quietly, Is this considered quiet?

With a thud.

A burly man in black with an expressionless face appeared directly in front of the three of them and blocked their way.

That was the sound of the elevator running.

Lake's voice sounded faintly: "Don't rush away, you haven't told me your names yet, but it doesn't matter if you don't tell me, your boss will come up later, I'll ask him directly."

The three men in black suits looked at each other.

Jingle Bell!
The leader in the black suit took out the phone from his pocket, glanced at it, and connected. It was the driver at the door: "The people from the FBI have gone up."

The black suit was silent for a while: "... Got it."

The phone hangs up.

The leader in the black suit held the phone in his hand, and the moment he made a gesture to put it away, he raised his head, and the phone in his hand was thrown directly at the big man in black who was standing in front of the three of them.


The unsmiling big man in black grabbed the phone that was thrown at him with his right hand like lightning.

next second.


The phone suddenly fell apart.


The three of them didn't have time to think about it, so they understood it directly, and when they became encircled, they rushed towards the big man in black who was blocking the way.

30 seconds later.

A federal agent with a hulking figure and a surprisingly handsome appearance led the three of them out of the elevator.

Jack, FBI New York branch, senior agent.

Jack's eyes fell on the three black suits who were wailing on the ground, and not long after, Jack, who was talking to Lake at the door, took over the IDs that the agents had found from the three black suits.

FBI certificate.


Jack turned his head towards the three men in black suits who were handcuffed, patted the documents they found and snorted and said with a smile: "Yesterday, the boss said that there have been a lot of idiots pretending to be the FBI in New York City recently. Today at three o'clock in the morning , The certificate made of platinum has been fully replaced, if you want to fake our FBI, at least, you need to be well informed, idiot."


Lake remained silent. In other words, does the FBI exist in the Marvel universe?It seems not, but why does his version of the FBI seem to have a strong sense of presence?

A certificate made of platinum?

Are the New York FBI rich?

"Feel sorry."

After Jack waved his hands to escort the three black suits down, he turned and smiled at Lake who was at the door: "Mr. Reese, we will give the results of the investigation on this matter as soon as possible."


Jack held out his right hand.

Lake shook hands with a smile and said, "Thank the agent who answered the phone for me."

"You mean Debbie?"

"It should be, I called Dr. Benoit."

"That should be, I will."

"Thank you."

After shaking hands, Jack, who was about to leave, suddenly thought of something, turned to Lake who was at the door, hesitated for a while, and said, "By the way, Mr. Rees, we have a sentence for you to bring to you."

Lake smiled.

Jack seemed to think of something funny, shrugged and said, "Doctor Benoit."

Lake was stunned for an instant and understood: "Of course."

Jack smiled, made a goodbye expression towards Lake, and walked towards the third staircase.

Lake said: "The elevator seems to be private."

"I know."

Jack looked at Lake and smiled faintly: "The top floor of the Star Building used to be our boss's room, but last July, the boss suddenly moved, and I will have someone come over to clean it once a month, with a card."

Lake: "..."

Ah shit.

This federal bureau is definitely the same as the black marinated egg of S.H.I.E.L.D., a top corruption offender.

After closing the door, Lake felt a slander in his heart: "Agatha."

"Yes, sir."

"Scan around to see if there are any Hydra idiots around."


Agatha's words fell, and after a second: "No more, sir."

Lake smiled: "I always thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. would suspect me in advance, but unexpectedly, Hydra was ahead."


Lake looked at the big men in black standing in two rows in the living room.

Light flashed.

The two rows of black-clothed men instantly transformed into a row, then transformed into a single person, and then turned into a streamer and re-entered Lake's wrist.

The dark stone bracelet can be changed as you like, but it can't be compared with the hair of a monkey. Even if the dark stone bracelet transforms into hundreds of black-clothed men, there is only one who can really do it, and the others are all imaginary. film.

the next day.

Federal Building.

Jack stared blankly at the video in the interrogation room.

The three black suits who were brought back to the bureau yesterday and were going to come for interrogation this morning actually committed suicide by taking poison.

It wasn't an appointment, but they committed suicide one after the other.

It is clear.

These three black suits seem to be afraid of something, but, what are they afraid of?Even if they were thrown into a Cuban prison by their boss, it would be better than death.

Jack thought about dialing the phone of his desk.

After a while.

After Jack hung up the phone, he turned to the agent in the monitoring room and said, "Destroy it, and notify the Federal Medical School. There are three fresh materials here for them to take away."

The agent in the monitoring room nodded expressionlessly, moved his finger, and began to delete the record.

Somewhere in New York.



"how come?"

"After the three of them went upstairs, people from the FBI went up, and the identities of the three of them were found out."

"...How is it possible, why didn't the New York Operation Center receive an early warning?"

"They did not check the fingerprints of the three people through the identity system, and it seemed that they knew they were counterfeit immediately."

"how come?"

"...Just received the news that the New York Federal Bureau suddenly ordered yesterday that the chip identification certificates currently used should be discarded, and all the identity documents of all the New York federal agents who are serving are replaced with those made by Perkin."


"What should we do now?"

"What can I do? Forget it. There was a message from Jasper. It was originally three people who went there. After Natasha returned to Washington from New York, Nick Fury sent three more combat teams. The focus is on Jasper first."



 Happy weekend, friends, please recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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