A god of beauty

Chapter 83 Maria Hill's Secret

Chapter 83 Maria Hill's Secret
The existence of aliens, or in other words, the existence of the alien goddess Catherine is not limited to the people of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also the Hydra organization attached to S.H.I.E.L.D. who silently sucks blood and strengthens itself.

Eight years ago, after Catherine arrived on Earth and came into contact with S.H.I.E.L.D., this news was known to both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra.


There is only one person who can talk to Catherine directly, a dark guy with a god's item on his body.

Nick Fury, who once followed Captain Marvel and played soy sauce, is also.

It is precisely because Nick Fury has an item transformed by the gods that Catherine chose Nick as the object of dialogue.

The Hydra executives lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. must not do it. After all, Nick Fury is not one of them, but due to the deterrence of the gods, Hydra can only die down after two conversations with Hydra up.

At least on the surface it is indisputable, but behind the scenes?

Before, Hydra's goal was to dominate the world, but after knowing the existence of gods, Hydra wanted a more grand plan.

To put it simply, Hydra's gaze has become bigger, the universe is so big, they want to see it...

On the surface, Jasper is the intelligence collection officer of the New York Operations Operations Command Center, and is also a friend of Nick Fury's confidant Coulson, but secretly, Jasper is a deep-lurking Hydra...

During yesterday's three-flying battle meeting in Washington, Jasper was immediately taken aback when he heard the secretive conversation between Nick Fury and Natasha. Mortals where monarchs spawn conversations?

Hydra said that they wanted to give it a try, so there was such a first attempt with goodwill and friendliness.

This first contact will determine what action Hydra will take against this Lake Reese...


The FBI stepped in, but it directly destroyed Hydra's initial plan with violence.

It’s not that Hydra has never thought of infiltrating the FBI, but it’s obvious that this FBI boss doesn’t like Hydra at all. After all, this FBI boss has a high prestige, and his network of relationships spreads all over the white building thing...


Due to the relationship with the FBI, Hydra had to temporarily choose to stop contacting Lake Reese. After all, the first time it pretended to be the FBI has been seen through, and if it happens again, any fool will know there is a problem.



Sitting in his office, hanging up the phone, watching the one-eyed eyes of Nick Fury in [12 Years a Slave] in his hand flickered.

Just now, Natasha called. Last night, three unidentified men in black pretending to be from the FBI entered Lake Reese's door.

For people like Nick Fury, there has never been a perfect coincidence in this world.

If there is, it is also artificial.

Nick Fury closed his eyes, tapped the table a few times, and then called the New York Action Center.

It seems that this game is exactly what he thought, something is not quite right.

Since the goddess who claimed to come to hunt her husband appeared eight years ago, especially when Catherine asked him to come to any conversation, Nick Fury vaguely felt that there was something wrong in his S.H.I.E.L.D. It's too good, which is why Nick used some means to pay Maria Hill after contacting Catherine half a year ago (played by Washington Sanfei).

In a word.

Although Maria Hill and his opinions sometimes differ, Nick Fury believes in Maria Hill.

It was precisely because of his belief that Nick Fury sent Maria Hill to New York, first, to give the undercurrents in the bureau an illusion that he did not trust Maria Hill, and second, to give the undercurrents a Delusion, they should invest in Maria Hill.

In this way, once the undercurrent came into contact with Maria Hill, Nick Fury would know where the undercurrent came from.

Nick wasn't worried that Maria Hill would be turned against him, not at all.


It's very simple. Apart from being the director of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Operations Command Center in New York, Maria Hill now has another title, the Duchess of Edinson.

Few people know this title. After all, the Duke of Edinson, like the Federal Bureau chief in New York, values ​​his privacy very much in reclusive life...

But in the past eight years, the situation in the bureau has remained calm.

Just when Nick Fury thought his intuition was wrong, right now, this feeling of something wrong came back again.

There is indeed a problem at the Bureau.

Moreover, this undercurrent is not what he thought before, it is just existence and surface. Now, it seems that this undercurrent has already reached the roots of the big tree.

It seems...

The plans are expedited.


new York.

Star Building.

Lake sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, watching the entrance of the Star Building projected by Agatha.

To be precise, it is across the road from the Star Building.

There is one more for buying pizza, and one for selling hamburgers.

Mikaela, who came down from the second floor, glanced at the screen and asked curiously, "Why, do you want a hamburger?"

The corners of Lake's mouth curled up, Mikaela, who looked like she didn't like to wear jeans before, but changed into a skirt, said curiously: "We are in the center of Manhattan, and a single brick can hit ten rich people. Human zone, right?"

Michaela nodded.

Lake turned his eyes to the pizza truck and the burger truck in the picture and said lightly: "So, how many customers can these two cars have?"

Mikaela was taken aback for a moment, then came back to her senses: "You mean..."


Lake nodded and stood up: "But it's different from yesterday's. These two cars belong to SHIELD, or in other words, they are specially sent by SHIELD to protect us."

"……how do you know?"


Lake said with a smile: "The timing of the appearance of these two cars is too coincidental. Moreover, three people have already called the police, but these two cars still exist so firmly."

Come on, have you seen such mobile food stalls in that rich area?


For the importance attached to him by S.H.I.E.L.D., Lake is very useful, and, after the addition of Hydra last night, Lake feels that the reason for his next move is more convincing.

New York is too dangerous, he wants to go out and hide.

As for where to go?
This is a good question.


dong dong!

"Come in……"


An intelligence center, an agent recruited by Nick Fury himself walked into the office and said to Nick Fury who was standing over the bookcase thinking about something: "Director, Zeus just booked a ticket to leave the country. "

Nick turned around: "Where are you going?"



 It's Sunday, happy weekend, guys, please recommend tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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