A god of beauty

Chapter 81 The Nine-Headed Snake Came to the Door

Chapter 81 The Hydra comes to the door

What is the existence of SHIELD, and specifically, what is the working style of SHIELD?

Just like people have personalities, law enforcement bureaus also have their own personalities.

Such as the CIA, insidious and cunning.

The FBI is domineering, high-end, and directly hates it without being cowardly.


Looking at the various deeds of SHIELD, it can be described in a simple sentence, that is, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains.

Let's say that.

Lake wanted S.H.I.E.L.D. to go to areas that Agatha could not detect, to inquire about the situation, just like the Death Squad.

Moreover, what he wanted was certainty, not possibility.

After all, this incident involved a war between gods and gods. If SHIELD knew that the foreign gods were not what they were looking for, and if the foreign dog heads were sent back to their hometown by Mephisto, Lake was not sure that SHIELD would I won't go there to do research, but once the words "It's better not to go there" come out?
Ha ha.

Lake believes that S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely go, and will not go through the work form of the aftermath process, but will continue to detect acre by acre.


At around eight o'clock in the evening, Lake received a message from Agatha when he was watching "Jimmy's Chicken Feather Show" with Michaela.

Just now, Agatha captured the trajectories of three Kunji fighter jets flying into the sky.

Lake smiled: "That's fine, let them go and have a look first, Agatha, and keep an eye on that side."

It is already January now, and there are still three months before April. Within three months, we will do everything we can to live on. Once April arrives, the stars will descend. At that time, hehehe, so what if the gate of the starry sky opens?As long as the dog's head comes, Lake promises to let the stupid dog's head understand a profound truth.


Agatha appeared, projected the image of the elevator in the Star Building and said, "Sir, I think you have a visitor."

Lake frowned.

In the elevator, three men in suits and leather shoes and sunglasses were motionless, looking like three robots.

"who are they?"

"...Sorry, their data is within Valoran's defenses."


Lake stood up, his eyes flickering: "Hydra."

There is only one place where Agatha can't trace the information, SHIELD, but these three guys are obviously not agents of SHIELD, so the answer is easy to guess, lying on SHIELD to suck blood and grow silently Own Hydra.

It's just Hydra's why are you looking for him?

Because of that incident at the Victor Tower?
At the last joint reception between Victor and Stark, as the Hydra who secretly wanted to stir up chaos, several of them were headshot by Lake.


Lake's Gauss sniper rifle can not only kill people, but also automatically open miniature black holes to destroy corpses after killing people.

Lake was pretty sure it wasn't because of that.

So the question is coming?

Thinking about it, Lake asked Mikaela, who also stood up, with a nervous expression, "Where's Roshman?"

Mikaela crossed her arms and stared at the three men in black in the ascending elevator, saying, "Downstairs, Alexis wants to learn ballet. After dinner, Roshman will go to Kasai I'm at home."

Lake nodded: "Go upstairs."

"how about you?"

"Hehe, I am God."


As Lake spoke, the dark stone bracelet in his hand glowed, and Lake said to Agatha, "Turn off the power of the elevator and let them stay inside for a while."


call out!
The light of the dark stone bracelet directly enveloped Lake's whole body, and in the next second, Lake's figure suddenly disappeared in place.



Mikaela blinked, looked at the bourbon glasses that were slowly shrinking in the air, and then turned around and walked upstairs after saying a word.

She is a mortal, so she can protect herself, and protect... just fine.

rub rub.

While Mikaela went up to the second floor several times, Lake, who was in an invisible state, had already gone out.

Kill enemies inside the house?
Don't worry, this house is worth 3000 million. Although money is like floating clouds to Lake now, the money for this house is really paid for by Karma Taj.


Just as Lake opened the stair passage and prepared to fend off the enemy, he suddenly stopped.

……and many more.

Lake lowered his head and his eyes flickered, this time it was different from the story over Victor Industrial Building.

Over at the Victor Industrial Building, he made a move, and Hydra didn't even know who he was.

But this time?
Obviously, Hydra is looking for him. Although he doesn't know why he was approached, he is sure that if there is no news from this group of people, he will be completely watched to death by Hydra...

No, you need to find another way.

Lake stopped. He didn't care if his identity would be revealed, but it would be better if it was as late as possible. After all, if it was revealed right now, Kesha and the others would definitely not believe his reason when they came back.



"Restart the elevator."


"...Wait, I'll make a call first."


5 minute later.

The three men in black suits in the elevator looked at the elevator that was back online, and the man in the black suit in the middle said to the phone, "The power has been restored."

The black suit on the left said indifferently: "Just now the administrator answered the phone and spoke very quickly. You still don't believe it."

The black suit on the right didn't speak.

They didn't know that just now, they escaped death.

The elevator opened, and three men in black suits walked to the gate. The man in the black suit who had just stood on the right glanced at the two of them, and then rang the doorbell.

Ding Dong!


The door opens.

When the man in the suit was about to speak, he was dumbfounded when he saw the two rows of unsmiling bodyguards in black in the room.

Mikaela who opened the door looked at the three people at the door and frowned slightly: "Who are you?"

The man in the suit came back to his senses, and took out his ID from his pocket: "The Federal Bureau of Investigation, there is a case that I would like to ask Mr. Lake Rees to go back and investigate."

Two rows of unsmiling bodyguards in black stepped forward together.

The man in the suit at the door swallowed his saliva in his heart. There was something wrong with the rhythm.

Coming from the living room, Lake with a glass of bourbon in his hand looked at the three people at the door and frowned, "From the FBI?"

The man in the suit at the door nodded: "Yes, Mr. Rees, we have..."

Lake directly interrupted: "You come here, does your chief know?"

The man in the suit at the door was slightly taken aback.

Lake directly ignored the man in the suit, and said to Mikaela, "Call the boss, we have an appointment to play bridge tomorrow night, why, did you send someone to invite me?"

Mikaela nodded, ready to pick up the phone.

The man in the suit standing at the back at the door wanted to move, and the man in the suit who had been talking stopped his companion without leaving a trace, stepped back and said with a sorry face, "Mr. Walk."

The corner of Lake's mouth curled up.


 Happy weekend, guys, please recommend tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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