A god of beauty

Chapter 39 The Stark Who Came in Randomly

Chapter 39 The Stark Who Came in Randomly
Star Building.

Lake, who watched the trial process in the upper city court in an immersive mode, slightly raised the corner of his mouth when he watched the stone man Ben being escorted into the car.

When he was in Valoran, the stone man Malphite's mind was not very good. Unexpectedly, it would be the same in another universe.

and also……

Is the appearance made of broken stones the result of beating the stone man to pieces?

Lake thought curiously.

Among the four people cast by Karl, Lake was least worried about Malphite the Stone Man and Evelyn the Widowmaker.

Brand, the vengeful flame soul, is now Johnny the Burning Man.

Zach, the biochemical demon, is now the black-bellied scientist Reed.

These two people are the ones that Lake needs to take seriously. After all, this world has never been a world of fools and..., but a future of smart people and violent maniacs.


When two uninvited guests appeared at the door of Reed Richards, Agatha, who had been monitoring in real time, immediately reminded: "Sir, two people appeared at the door of Reed Richards."

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at Mikaela who was transformed into a mermaid in the swimming pool outside, Lake smiled at the beauty who was tempting him there, then turned around and said, "Put it out."

Agatha responded.

next second.

The image of Reed Richards' apartment is instantly projected.

Lake watched the man and woman walking into Reed's room raised their eyebrows slightly.


Agatha said: "Sir, do you need to retrieve the information of these two mortals?"

Lake shook his head and said, "No need, I know."

Agatha was not talking.


Lake's acquaintance, of course, is not the so-called face-to-face acquaintance, but the kind, Lake knows them, but they don't know Lake's acquaintance.

after all.

The man and woman who walk into Reed's room are so representative.


She has a title, Iron Man Conqueror. In the Marvel universe, Ms. Pepper Potts is even more famous than Black Widow.


Chubby, no doubt more Hollywood director's Harpy than bodyguard and driver.


The timeline of this special meow has not reached [-], what is Stark Industries trying to do in such a mess?

For this question, Reed Richards is also very confused.

Reed took the business card that Pepper handed over, and after looking at it, although he was a little confused, he still definitely asked Pepper Potts in front of him with a self-deprecating tone: "What about Stark Industries?" Come to me when the time comes, but you’re not planning to invest in my scientific research.”

Pepper smiled: "I'm afraid not. Stark Industries has always been committed to the application and research of military weapons. However, if Stark Industries is interested in entering the universe in the future, it will definitely hire Dr. Richards with a high salary."

Reed put away his business card and asked, "Then what is the purpose of Stark Industries' visit this time?"

Pepper still smiled: "Stark Industries is not interested in entering the universe now, but we are very interested in some patented inventions held by Mr. Reed."

Reed smiled.

It turned out to be a vulture too.

Since the court responded to Victor Industry's request for patent deduction compensation, Reed has directly become a sweet momo in another sense.

Even a law firm said that if Reed has no money to pay the lawyer's fees, he can transfer several invention patents to them...


These patents of mine, after a few years, each invention can be bought for more than [-] million.

Reed barked inwardly, and calmly said to Pepper: "I'm sorry, I don't have any idea of ​​selling any patents for the time being."

Pepper smiled and said, "Dr. Richards, maybe you should listen to Stark's conditions."

Reed was about to say no.

Pepper asked and answered directly: "$100 billion."

Reed was slightly stunned: "...what?"

Pepper stared at Reed with a smile on his face, and said lightly: "Dr. Richards, you heard me right, 100 billion dollars, Stark Industries is willing to acquire all the invention patents currently known to the doctor at this price."

"……100 billion?"


Pepper once again said affirmatively: "In this way, even if the doctor loses the lawsuit, after paying 50 billion in compensation, he can still take 50 billion with him, so that he will not be declared bankrupt by the bank, or even be declared bankrupt by Vic. Multi-Industry threw the doctor in prison for non-compliance."


Pepper chuckled lightly and said: "Doctor, Stark Industries has its own channels and knows some things that ordinary people can't know. With all due respect, Dr. Richards, tomorrow, in court, doctor, your chances of winning are almost No, instead of letting Victor Industries take away the doctor's patent at the price of cabbage, it is better to sell the patent to us. Thinking about it, the doctor should also know that Victor Industry's putting the doctor in prison is not the end, but a let's start."

Patents are not the main purpose.

For Stark Industries, and even for all large companies in the United States, patents are actually a rule of the game they set.


The scientific patents registered by Dr. Reed Richards are amazing. Generally speaking, these patents can be used in the future, but the specific manufacturing and composition are the most important thing.


To some extent, patents are waste paper, and the reality is to turn patents into products.

Under the 100 billion price offensive, Reid fell silent for an instant.

Of course he knew that Victor's follow-up method must be waiting for him in prison. After all, Victor had never been a kind boy.

Not to mention, he moved forward with the idea of ​​bankrupting him and robbing his girlfriend.


Reed felt sorry for his hard-earned money: "100 billion, sell my scientific patents on weapons over the years."

Pepper shook his head: "Doctor, you should know that right now, only Stark Industries can pay so much money."

Reed took a deep breath: "A patent evaluation on laser weapons that I invented last year is worth 75 billion."

"So that's the assessment!"

Pepper said lightly: "Doctor, you also know that was in the past. Now, as far as I know, Hammer Industries has invested 30 billion to package your patents. Our price is three times higher than that of Hammer Industries." many."

Reed glanced up at Pepper: "How do you know?"

Pepper smiled and said: "There are no secrets in business, there are, but they are not qualified to hear that's all, doctor, how are you thinking, you have 5 minutes."

Reed: "..."

As a professional woman who climbed up from Stark's grassroots, it is not unreasonable for Pepper to be the longest secretary with Tony Stark.

Before Pepper, Tony Stark also had a secretary, but, the fastest one, he left the job the next day. After all, the boss didn't care about things. As a secretary, his knowledge reserve was naturally very thick.


Negotiation or something?

Pepper is also self-taught.

After all, who let her boss be a rich and willful guy who likes to buy a company on a whim.


 Do you have a recommendation ticket? If not, I will ask again tomorrow.


(End of this chapter)

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