A god of beauty

Chapter 38 From Hero to Prisoner

Chapter 38 From Hero to Prisoner

Stoneman Ben Grimm is afraid that he has already broken several records.

The first person to be called a superhero by the people.

The first superhero to be convicted.

Although this record is not very glorious, there is no doubt that Ben Grimm will be remembered by history and serve as a lesson for the latecomers.

In the original plot, the US team was also sued by a certain country in the world to an international court.


how to say.

If the third country that sued the US team at that time was replaced by New York, there is no doubt that the fate of the US team will be the same.

In a word.

New York's status is much more important than that of some third countries combined.

Hundreds of people complained in court.

Christie of the District Attorney's Office, who was sitting above the plaintiff's seat, was already frowning and got up to organize the documents in front of her.

She was famous, and there was no doubt that her glorious path to the Inspector General was open to her later.

No matter what the future holds, the public will remember him. Even if superheroes commit crimes, she will send them to prison to forgive their sins.

Superheroes are not the reason, let alone the reason for his crimes.

The jury's discourse continued.

"...Our jury ruled that the defendant, Ben Grimm, needs to compensate the New York City for all losses related to the maintenance of Brooklyn, and an additional 5000% of the compensation amount, totaling [-] million Franklin."

"Our jury found defendant Ben Grimm guilty of terrorism and ordered the defendant to serve 15 years in prison."

"...ordered compensation to the families of the three victims for attacking 300 million Franklin."


While the foreman of the jury was still announcing, the stone man sitting in the defendant's seat was already deaf.

In a word.

He had no money, so if he sold him, he might not even be able to pay 50 U.S. dollars. How could he pay for it? After his wife abandoned him, at this moment, the stone man could no longer see any sunshine.

Reed Richards, who was sitting in the back, also fell silent listening to the jury's reading.


Reed, who had been watching the trial for the past half month, stared at the position of the district attorney and felt puzzled.

When confronting each other in court, District Attorney Christie insisted on a compensation of more than 5000 million yuan and did not make any plans to let go.

And Christie's reasons are also very acceptable to the jury.

The Brooklyn Bridge was damaged. It was artificially damaged. There is no reason for the taxpayer to pay. The culprit should pay. Could it be that the defendant can be exempted from this compensation if he has no money?

The jury was very convinced.

That is.

Someone else damaged the Brooklyn Bridge, why should everyone pay for repairs?

This reason is correct.

But this reason is a double-edged sword, without him, the stone man will definitely not be able to get out the money, so the problem comes, once, after the verdict is released, the citizens of New York City find that the money used to repair the Brooklyn Bridge If taxpayers' money is still used, this will undoubtedly give next year's mayoral opponents a means of attacking.


Knowing that the stone man can't afford to pay back the money, why must the district attorney's office insist on the 5000 million Franklin and not let go?

Could it be that Ben hid his private money?
Reed Richards, who was sitting in the back, glanced at the back of the stone man, and just had such a thought in his mind, and then he was extinguished by himself.

Very simple.

What is Ben Grimm like?
Victor called Ben Grimm the dumbest smartest man ever when he was in space.

Although this sentence is a bit too personal, it also reveals why a smart person like Reed Richards has a good friend like Ben Grimm.

Without him.

He has a sense of humor, looks forward to him, and is easy to control. Over the years, people only know that Reed Richards has countless scientific patents, but Ben, you know, every one of Reed's scientific experiments. Followed.

But what about Ben's presence?
There is no sense of existence at all.

Such a person, let alone whether he has any private money, even if he is thinking about something, Reed Richards knows it clearly...

As the bald judge lowered his hammer and thanked the jury for your service, he announced the three crimes and the address where he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The official name is Vernon Bain Prison.

The folk name is White Blue Demon Palace.

Located on Naikes Island, it is composed of two cargo ships, and there is no chance of escape. It is a mysterious prison used to detain life imprisonment criminals.

While Reid was thinking, he looked at the prosecutor Christy who was walking by him, holding the documents in his hands and smiling, as if he was not worried at all that the 5000 million would not arrive in the account.



Reid regained consciousness, looked at the stone man Ben led by two bailiffs and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way."

To find ways to?
He can think ass.

He himself was in trouble.

After Stone Renben's case is over, it will be his turn. These days, he has found countless law firms, and only those small lawyers who are trying to become famous with their luck in the first battle plan to take his case. In addition, on Wall Street and even in New York, there is one law firm that can be named, and they have no idea to pick it up.

Even if there is, he still needs to pay the 1000 million legal fees in advance.


His money has been frozen after the court accepted Victor Industry's lawsuit. How can he have any money now?

And 50 billion Franklin?
How could he, but Victor Industries even held a second press conference, saying that if he had no money, they would not mind deducting the compensation from the patent. The most amazing thing is that after the second conference, Victor Industries' stock, which had hit rock bottom, finally showed an upward trend.

In a word.

Reed studied space, and there is no doubt that many of his patents are related to patents for various devices that can operate in space.

Reed was very angry about this.

It's just that anger is of no use. He has been looking for Victor countless times in the past half month, but that time he was rejected.

And Susan...

Reed couldn't understand at all why Susan, who had a good impression of him in her heart before, became so decisive all of a sudden. Let alone meeting, even calling, there was no news.


The guy is still playing extreme sports in the Grand Canyon of Texas with some supermodels from nowhere.


In Johnny's heart, extreme sports have much more status than him.


After returning to the apartment, after Reed received the call that the court will open tomorrow, his heart became even more manic.


How can it be?

Without even thinking about it, he managed to figure out that this cosmic storm could bring him unprecedented opportunities.

What he wanted was the much-anticipated superhero treatment.

Rather than a clown who hides and hides and is completely reduced to a laughing stock.

at this time.

Ding Dong!

 Friends, it's a new week, please recommend tickets, how about Lao Mi's shameless request for another reward, I will go to the new book list to expose it first...

(End of this chapter)

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