A god of beauty

Chapter 37 From Hero to Prisoner

Chapter 37 From Hero to Prisoner



"Lake Reese's information is being retrieved."

"This is within our expectations, let him check."


The blond-haired Lake held a glass of bourbon and stared at the Uptown Courthouse, which was only three blocks away from the Star Building. Hearing Agatha's words, he regained his composure and said.

After S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about Michaela, naturally, it would be a matter of time before they noticed him. If S.H.I.E.L.D.'s IQ was less than fifty, it would be possible to ignore him.

no way.

Mikaela’s identity information is just here, not to mention the information in the DMV, the juvenile correctional bureau also has her photo, it’s easy to make Mikaela disappear and replace with Medis, but obviously, Mikaela Kayla didn't want her to be vaporized.


It might be a good thing to be noticed by S.H.I.E.L.D., isn’t it? At least, after Coulson’s contact with Mikaela, they will think that he, the British Lake Reese, is Zeus hiding in the dark. Rather than the Valoran God of Miracles who just arrived on Earth not long ago.

It was dark under the lamp.

The ancients used to say that a great hermit hides in the city, and there is some truth to this saying.

At the very least, giving S.H.I.E.L.D. the illusion of Zeus would allow S.H.I.E.L.D. to take the God of Miracles' attention away from him and investigate others...


Agatha was immersed in it for a while and said tactfully: "With all due respect, sir, mortals here may think that Lake Reese is just the same name, but Madam Catherine certainly doesn't think so."

Lake nodded and said, "But Catherine will never tell S.H.I.E.L.D. the name of my god, will she?"

Agatha was calculating nervously: "...Yes, sir."

Lake shrugged.

It's true that Lake Reese is his name, but compared to the convoluted and speechless names of other gods in Valoran, Lake was lazy and chose the same name as the god's name at the moment of becoming a god. The results have been mixed.

But for Lake, who has no skills but only big moves, so what if he knows his god name?In Valoran's side, except for the Star-Forging Dragon King who can restrain him, who is his father, the rest are all younger brothers to Lake.


Only his wives know his full name, and the rest of Valoran call him Lake, the God of Miracles...


Lake glanced at Agatha who was projected next to him and said calmly: "Even if Catherine finds me and finds me, it will be very difficult to bring me back, because I already have a It's a valid reason, isn't it?"

Agatha calculated: "Sir, I don't think Lady Catherine and Holy Lady Catherine will accept your reason."

Lake's expression was bright: "Accept? No, I don't need them to accept it. I just want to express a point of view. I didn't leave without saying goodbye, but came here to open up a new universe. I think Keisha is very happy to be here. spread her angelic order throughout the universe."


Agatha was a bit overclocked: "Sir, you ended up here by accident."

Lake shrugged his shoulders and looked at Agatha, who had an unbelievable appearance. The corner of his mouth slightly curved up, "I know, so, this is a little secret between the two of us, Agatha."

Agatha's expression was a bit inexplicable: "Sir, do you mean that you want me to lie to the ladies?"

Lake shook his head: "No, this is a white lie, Agatha, you should know how much damage the Reese Protoss will cause to the Valoran universe if there is internal strife, so, sometimes, we must learn the art of using language. "

"...by lying?"

"No, learn to speak."

Lake tried his best to teach that last time because Agatha could not tell lies, other wives knew about his and Daomei's plan to go to the next universe for their honeymoon. This time, he must not repeat the same mistakes.

A god may make a mistake, but a god will never make the same mistake again.

at the same time.

Just when Lake was teaching Agatha what a "white lie" was, a trial that had lasted for half a month in the Uptown New York Court three blocks away had also entered the final stage from a dull start. The climax is up.

City of New York prosecutes the case against stoner Ben Grimm.

The past two months have been a news frenzy for New Yorkers, but not so much for Reed Richards.

There is nothing worse than watching yourself fall from the clouds and feel helpless.

From the beginning when the people of New York City praised them as the Fantastic Four, now, some ordinary people who have experienced the news bombardment in the past two months have only one thought.

How love is judged how to judge.

Among them, some investors who once invested in Witkey Industry, when Victor decided to sue and submitted key evidence yesterday to request the court to declare the investment contract invalid, there is no doubt that those investors hated the situation that caused all this to happen Reed Richards.

Reed was having a hard time.

But compared to the huge debts that he is about to bear, today's stone man Ben Grim is the most uncomfortable one.

Sitting on the dock, Ben Grim, who looked like a hill, had dull eyes, already staring at the front without interest.

The free attorney sitting next to Ben Grimm looked nervously at the 16-member jury who had reached an agreement and re-entered less than half an hour after leaving.

Because of the relationship between Victor Industry and the famous TNT&G law firm, almost no lawyer is willing to waste his precious time. The wife of the stone man will have applied to the court for an invalid marriage after the stone man mutated , Naturally, he will not pay to help the stone man in the lawsuit.


At the urging of Ben's wife, in order to prevent her from incurring huge debts after the trial, just yesterday, the family court directly declared the marriage between Ben and his wife invalid by using genetic changes. Then, this morning, a reporter went to Over there, Ben's house was completely empty.

Reed, who was sitting in the back, patted Ben on the shoulder in front of the dock comfortingly.

Ben didn't move.


The bald judge, who had just relieved his hand and did not expect the jury to come up with the result so quickly, took his seat, coughed, swung his small hammer, looked at the 16-member jury on his left side and said, "About The City of New York indicted Ben Grimm for damaging the Brooklyn Bridge, suspected terrorism, first-degree murder, and endangering public safety, has the jury reached its opinion?"

The juror sitting closest to the jury held a note in his hand and looked at the bald judge: "Yes, Your Honor, the jurors already have their results."

The bald judge made a gesture of invitation: "Then announce it."

The juror who was selected as the chairman of the jury by 16 people lowered his head and unfolded the note in his hand, glanced at the stone man Ben Grimm on the dock, and then said expressionlessly: "The jury finds that Ben Grim Ream is guilty of damaging the Brooklyn Bridge, suspected of terrorism...convinced, first-degree murder...convinced, and endangering public safety...convicted!"

stone man:"……"

 Let me say it again, it is said that the Fantastic Four should not be hacked, why not, just look at it, if it wasn't for the stone man running on the bridge, how could there be so many broken things...

(End of this chapter)

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