A god of beauty

Chapter 40 The Stark who is also digging a hole

Chapter 40 The Stark who is also digging a hole

Letting Reed Richards make up his mind, or rather, the straw that broke the camel's back, were Pepper Potts' last words.

Pepper Potts looked at Reed Richards, who was only one layer away from cooking, and said lightly: "Dr. Richards, lost the patent, gained freedom, and with freedom, everything is possible, if Without freedom, nothing is possible.”

Reed, who hasn't even taken care of his beard these days, looked up at Pepper.

As a secretary, Pepper Potts' smile is very formal and formulaic.

After half an hour.

After verifying that all the signed documents in hand have legal effect, and once again verifying that the stored design video files are normal, the patent law that came up with a phone call nodded towards Pepper Potts .

Pepper Potts put down the coffee cup in his hand, stood up and looked at Reed, who had dropped the pen and sat on the seat after signing, and said, "Dr. Richards, I am very happy to conclude this deal with you."

Reid came back to his senses: "Where's the money?"

Pepper smiled and said, "Don't worry, the $50 billion will be credited to your account as soon as possible."

Reed was slightly stunned: "We're talking about 100 billion."

Pepper said: "It's 100 billion, but Stark Industries must ensure that the patents sold by Dr. Richards will not have any consequences. That is to say, once Dr. Dr.'s judgment comes down, we will first replace the Dr. repayment."

Say it.

Pepper glanced at Reed, who was obviously in a daze, smiled again, and after saying goodbye, he led Tony's specially sent bodyguard Happy towards the door of the apartment.

outside the apartment.

After getting in the car, Pepper looked through the various documents handed over by the patent lawyer, and then asked Happy, who was driving: "How long is it before we make an appointment with Mr. Victor Fontu?"

Happy glanced at his watch: "Half an hour."

Pepper smiled slightly: "This is much faster than I thought."

Happy, who was driving the car, glanced through the rearview mirror and smiled honestly.


Pepper immediately saw Susan standing at the gate of Victor Industry to welcome her.



The two women seemed to know each other, and they hugged with a smile on their faces. After letting go, Susan brushed her blond hair and said, "Victor is already in the office."

in the elevator.

Pepper looked at Susan next to him and smiled, "Oh my God, I remember we haven't seen each other for half a year, why did you somehow become an invisible woman, and, do space rays have the effect of improving youth? Go up and experience it."

Susan pursed her lips and said, "Believe me, Pepper, you don't want to go up and experience it, and it's not due to space rays."

Pepper was curious: "But, when you were interviewed for the first time..."

Susan shook her head and said, "In short, what Dr. Richards said is wrong, but what exactly is it, I'm sorry, Pepper, I really can't tell you."

Pepper was silent for a while and smiled slightly: "Okay, then can you tell me what Victor's attitude towards our proposal is like, after all, I should change my name to Mrs. Fang Du .”

With a happy smile on her face, Susan shook the big diamond ring on her hand.

how to say.

There are still similarities between Susan and Pepper. After all, both of them work as executive secretaries of the bosses of their respective companies. Moreover, considering Pepper's original timeline and Susan's current timeline, well, Well, both women can be regarded as leading figures who have turned from secretaries to wives.


It's normal for the two to know each other. The circle of secretaries is so big, just like the people the boss knows are also bosses. Among the social circles of secretaries, the most secretaries are also the secretaries of other bosses.


The elevator door opens.

In Victor's office.

Victor, who stood at the floor-to-ceiling window and looked down at the crowds below, heard footsteps behind him and Susan's voice, turned around and looked at Pepper Potts who walked in.

Victor stretched out his right hand with a leather glove and shook the seat: "Welcome, Ms. Pepper Potts."

Pepper replied: "Thank you."

After sitting down, with Susan's coordination in the middle, after the three of them chatted a few words, Pepper started to talk about the business, and said to Victor: "Mr. Fang Du, Mr. Stark's proposal, I don’t know what Mr. Fang Du thinks about it?”

Victor didn't speak.

After a while.

Victor tapped his fingers on the table and looked at Pepper, neither refusing nor agreeing, but asked softly: "Can I ask why Stark Industries suddenly made such a decision? "

Pepper also said very simply: "One of Mr. Stark's elders found him a few days ago. I hope Mr. Stark can help."

"Richards' friend?"

"Do not."

Pepper thought about the expression of Tony Stark who told her about it after receiving the call and shook his head: "It's a person who is currently retiring in London and took care of Stark when he was young." elder."

Victor nodded.

It's easy to understand why Tony Stark would suddenly step in, and he was still willing to spend 100 billion Franklin.

Tony Stark's resume, let alone business, let alone a New Yorker, I am afraid that it is very clear in the whole world.

Even Time Magazine has said more than once that this era belongs to the era of Tony Stark. In the Millennium issue, Time Magazine even asserted that if this world is a game, then there is no doubt , Tony Stark is the protagonist...

The well-deserved protagonist.

The well-deserved C position.


His temper is too eccentric, completely belonging to that kind of lackluster character, but his talent makes up for this big shortcoming.


Victor nodded the table and said, "I need to think about it."

Pepper was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help looking at Susan. This time, to put it bluntly, Stark Industries intends to spend 100 billion, but in fact, Stark Industries doesn't want to give out a penny. As for how to do it ?

Ha ha.

Trade secrets.

But to achieve this, the prerequisite must be that Victor Industry is willing. If not, it will be very difficult...

Just when Pepper was about to ask.

Ding Ding Ding!
Victor made an apologetic gesture to Pepper and grabbed the phone on the table.

unknown number.

Victor answered the phone without any disturbance in his heart and said directly, "Good afternoon, Ms. Medis."

Mikaela, who was wearing a sexy swimsuit and had long wet hair, said lightly, "Mr. Zeus will talk to you next."


Mikaela flirtatiously gave Lake a foxy look, after all, it's too bad for this guy to be able to call himself and ask her to start.

Lake stared at Mikaela, who was twisting her waist and walking towards the semi-open bathroom. The corner of her mouth curled up.


 Thanks to [Misaka 10086+] for the reward of 600 starting coins, and thanks to [Zi'an] for the reward of 100 starting coins, wow, thank you old rice, and then ask for recommendations, hehe, yes, the group number is: 868565490
(End of this chapter)

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