A god of beauty

Chapter 10 Gods and Mortals

Chapter 10 Gods and Mortals

"The Space Law Enforcement Bureau?"


Maria Hill wanted to laugh, after all, it sounded too ridiculous, but looking at the serious Coulson, Hill was silent for a while and said: "But it can't explain why you came to New York, the world is so big , why this alien named Catherine is so sure that the husband she is looking for will be in New York."

Coulson said, "Feeling."

Hill smiled: "I feel, Coulson, you are a professionally trained detective. Anyone can do things based on their feelings. Only people in our law enforcement agencies need to pay attention to facts and evidence."

Coulson felt a little helpless after listening to the lecture: "You may not believe it, but the reputation of New York has already spread to the outer universe."


"This male god that Catherine needs to hunt down once had a conversation with Catherine, saying that if he can return to Earth, he will definitely go to the Big Apple City to take a good look, especially the Statue of Liberty, he is interested in touching it, That's why, since eight years ago, the number of guards on the Statue of Liberty has more than doubled."


Hill was lost.

What's the meaning?This is to say that this so-called foreign male god was actually a person from Earth a long time ago, and, possibly, an American?
No wonder.

In the past seven or eight years, the investigation bureaus in various parts of the federation have solved almost one disappearance case a day...


If Lake knew about this, he would definitely sell Da Ya. Back then, when he and Catherine were flirting with each other, he happened to think of the Statue of Liberty, so he just mentioned it casually. Moreover, what he said was not a touch, but a Blow it up.

It's just that due to Catherine's professional attributes, the blasting was changed to touch when the words came to her mouth.

Compared to the busy Aegis Operations Command Center in New York, Lake is a little leisurely at the moment.

In fact, Lake was walking towards a Mexican restaurant not far away on the street under the leadership of Mikaela.

Lake asked curiously, "Do you have no class this afternoon?"

Mikaela shrugged, "No!"

Lake nodded. He was so happy. He remembered that when he was born on the earth, he learned to close his eyes from opening to closing. After arriving in the Valoran universe, when he was enrolled in the Time Academy, the rhythm was almost the same.

Of course, this is by no means the main reason why Lake dropped out of Time Academy.

Comparing it with Origin World and Time Academy, wow, the people of the United States are in the rhythm of bursting with happiness.

While sighing like this, Lake shook the stack of hundred-dollar bills just taken out from the counter machine and said, "Okay, now that I have money, I invite you."

Mikaela shrank her eyes when she saw the hundred-dollar bills flying in front of her eyes, and immediately grabbed Lake's right hand: "What are you doing, are you crazy?"

Lake frowned slightly.

Mikaela snatched a stack of bills from Lake and stuffed them into her pocket, looked around vigilantly and said, "Remember, Lord God, if you want to survive in Queens, you have to make sure that you will always , never, never let other people know that you have money."

Lake laughed uncontrollably, what is this, is it a face hit at the speed of light?He just lamented that the people here are so happy, how come it seems that following these words, they are living in a dire environment?

Lake said: "Mikaela, I am a god!"

Mikaela rolled her eyes: "Yes, a god who can be overthrown with a baseball bat, if this is the way to measure the strength of a god, hehe, then just find someone on our earth to be a god."

Lake: "..."

Can you stop mentioning the baseball bat? Lake is now very sure that this incident may become an extremely conspicuous stain in his countless glorious history.

Lake sighed quietly: "Mikayla, when the stars shine on me again, you will know how powerful I am."

Mikaela pointed to a bright blue [-] Mustang parked on the side of the road with her right hand: "Can you move this?"

Lake didn't understand: "Why should I move this?"

Mikaela shrugged: "It's nothing, just to confirm."

Lake evaluated his current strength, and then said: "I can't now, but when the stars shine on me, let alone a car, I can really use your earth as a ball, and wanton in this galaxy football stadium Kick."

The premise is that the Supreme Mage does not appear.

After Lake finished speaking, Mikaela nodded and said she understood, and then fell silent, but the corners of her mouth gradually floated upwards...

Lake couldn't help but close his eyes.

If Mikaela hadn't been kind to take in last night, and he might have made a promise, just based on Mikaela's expression, Lake would have given her a one-way ticket to Hades.



"I am God, I ask you to forget the memory of the baseball bat last night, otherwise..."

"How about otherwise?"

"I promise that you will become a god in the future. I order you now to forget about the baseball bat. Otherwise, I will give you the most remote and desolate planet among the stars."

"……What does it mean?"

"It means that after you become a god in the future, you will live alone on the farthest and most distant personal planet."

"That's God, right?"

"...Yes, but that is the most barren, most uninteresting..."

"It's okay, it's good to be a god."


Lake looked at Mikaela who had gone through the tension last night, the shock this morning, and the confusion just now, and was completely speechless for a while.

Mikaela has a pretty face: "I'm just a mortal, and I don't understand the world of gods. However, even the highest-level gods should be able to stay young forever, right?"

Lake couldn't figure out Mikaela's brain circuit: "Of course, longevity and longevity are the most basic authority of the gods, but that is the most remote and desolate planet..."

Mikaela shrugged and said: "What I want is eternal youth. As for the planet, it belongs to me anyway, so it's fine to put it there. Anyway, no one is stupid enough to steal something from a god, right? "

Lake was stunned: "Could it be that I have been a god for too long, why do I feel that I have lost touch with the current thinking of mortals?"

Mikaela handed the hundred-dollar bill in her pocket to Lake: "Now you have the opportunity to resynchronize your thinking with us mortals. It just so happens that this one is, in Queens, never take out money."

Lake took a stack of Franklin and was speechless for a long time.

Mikaela walked to the door of the restaurant and waved to Lake who was behind: "Hurry up, I'm very hungry, you promised to treat me, I won't be polite."

Lake: "..."

 Friends, the contract has been sent out, and after the status is changed, it can be updated twice a day, wow, are you happy, ask for a ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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