A god of beauty

Chapter 11 Brain Supplements Are Common to the Whole Universe

Chapter 11 Brain Supplements Are Common to the Whole Universe

"So, are you really a god?"

"Of course, and I'm still the best among the gods."

"...Then why are you here?"

"On the way home, I was affected by the aftermath of the battle of a new god in your world, which caused the turbulence of time and space and forced me to crash."

"...What's the name of that one? Supreme Master?"

"You said Gu Yi, no, Gu Yi is thousands of years old, but her essence is still a mortal, but she is a mortal who can rival a high god."

"Wow, is it true?"

"In a sense, the earth right now is the private domain of the supreme mage. Tell me, is it true?"

"……You are joking?"

"I wanted to say it was a joke, but unfortunately, it wasn't a joke."

In the Mexican restaurant, on a booth near a corner window, Lake smiled softly at Mikaela who was sitting opposite, dipped his finger in water, and then drew a picture of the World Tree on the table. Appearance: "In your universe, the earth is just your own name. In the universe, the name of the earth is Telan. A long time ago, the earth had a name called Atrium. Yes, it is your Norse mythology. That name, a long time ago, the earth was actually under the rule of God-King Odin."

Mikaela blinked: "Then why..."

Lake shrugged: "It's very simple. The Supreme Mage and Odin had a fight. In the end, the atrium was separated from the world tree and became the private territory of the Supreme Mage."

Mikaela frowned: "But, that Supreme Mage has never heard of it."

Lake smiled: "How should I put it, the Supreme Mage has a jewel in his hand, which can see through the endless future. Perhaps it is because of this that he chooses not to show his face."

Mikaela shook her head: "You just said that she is a mortal, but she is comparable to a god. What does that mean? How can a mortal be comparable to a god?"

Lake laughed: "Do you think becoming a god is an easy thing?"

Mikaela didn't speak, but her expression seemed to be saying, isn't it, you have already promised me the position of a god.

Lake lowered his head and smiled: "You have to understand that the reason why a god is a god is not just a change of title, but the sublimation of the quality of life. The first condition to become a god is that you need a talent that belongs to you. power to control."

Mikaela asked curiously, "Then what is your authority?"

Lake smiled: "I, my authority is the stars. As long as the stars are not destroyed, my divine power will continue to flow. Even if the stars are all gone, it doesn't matter. Give me some time, and I will once again create stars that decorate the entire dim starry sky." .”

To this day, Lake is still very grateful, and at the same time admires himself, at that time he gnawed directly on the tail of the Dragon King of Casting Star.


How could he get what he is today.


At that time, when the old man Guang and the future guardians prayed to the Star Forging Dragon King, and wanted the Star Forging Dragon King to eliminate the scourge of Lake for Valoran, the Star Forging Dragon King couldn't do anything against Lake.

In a word.

To some extent, the blood flowing in Lake's body after drinking the dragon's blood is the same as that of the Star Casting Dragon King. It seems that because of this, the moment the Star Casting Dragon King opened his eyes and saw him, he ran to In chaos.

The expression of the Star Forging Dragon King...

how to say?

The moment he saw Lake, Lake felt as if his father had seen his illegitimate child, and then fled away in shame because he hadn't come home all year round.

It was at that time that Lake obtained the blessing and authority of the stars. Obviously, this was the compensation for his illegitimate child from a father who did not return home...

I'm afraid only the stars know that although the Star Casting Dragon King is terrifying, his memory seems to be refreshed regularly. At least when he saw Lake, he didn't recall that Lake was the butcher who drank his dragon blood. What about Dragon Warrior...

This is a wonderful misunderstanding.

At the same time, Lake was even more fortunate that the Star Casting Dragon King looked like the Eastern Dragon. What if it was called the Western Dragon?Hehe, make up for it, go ahead and dream about it, because of Xilong's ugly appearance and all kinds of rumors, I'm afraid he will immediately swallow Lake alive...

in the restaurant.

One is willing to listen and the other is willing to speak, but the listener and the narrator did not notice that a little black man in the alley opposite the restaurant blended perfectly with the shadows, revealing only a pair of sly eyes and big white teeth.

Da da da!
The little black man turned around and looked at the few friends who climbed down from the wall behind him, and immediately blew a whistle and made a gesture.

"What's the matter, Ken." Benjamin, who was wearing a hoodie to cover his black face, walked to the side of the little black man and followed the direction of his finger to look at the Mexican restaurant opposite.

The little black man said, "Big Fat Sheep."

Benjamin's gaze finally fell on the handsome and elegant-looking Lake sitting near the window. To be precise, it fell on Lake's wrinkle-free suit: "How much?"

The little black man stretched out his hand and made a positive and negative gesture: "At least [-]."

The big black-faced Benjamin didn't speak, but the two skinny little black men who followed behind him couldn't help swallowing when they heard this sentence.

It is indeed a big fat sheep.

Now it is [-]. Although he experienced [-]/[-] once, Franklin's position is still very firm. These days, ordinary people, let alone $[-], are afraid that it is the first time for an ordinary family to produce It is very difficult to come up with five thousand dollars.

after all……

The United States pursues hedonism, but what is hedonism?Simple, pay for the present with future money.

Benjamin frowned slightly: "No, I can't do it."

The little black man Ken and the two little black men behind him suddenly wondered: "Why not?"

Benjamin took off his hood, his eyes flickered and said: "There are a few white people who can walk around with [-] Franklins in their pockets. If this kind of white people can take out [-] Franklins, they can give us twice as much Franklin as a reward for us to rob the bank." The risk is lower than robbing this kind of white people, so you can't rob."

The little black man frowned and said, "Benjamin, the one sitting opposite the white man is Mikaela. I know her family. Her father was imprisoned for stealing a car, and she also has a criminal record."

Benjamin turned around: "What do you mean?"

The little black man grinned thickly: "Benjamin, what we want to grab is not the white man, but Mikayla. I just saw it for real. Mikayla took the stack of Franklin that the white man gave .”

Benjamin involuntarily looked at the Mexican restaurant again.


Lake is handsome and rich.

Mikaela is beautiful and comes from a poor family.

this moment.

Benjamin seemed to understand what the little black man Ken meant.


 Signed a contract, changed status, sprinkled flowers, this is the first time for a cute new author to ask for a tip, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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