A god of beauty

Chapter 9 Commander Catherine

Chapter 9 Commander Catherine
After Coulson looked at the big screen showing Lake's nationality, he immediately understood why Lake had such an attitude towards the law enforcement agency in the repair shop.

In a word.

Nationality explains everything.

As for why you say that?Very simple, it can be seen from the historical relationship between the United States and Great Britain.

In the eyes of Great Britain, America?But a bunch of prisoners and the offspring of the poor.

In the eyes of the United States, Great Britain?It is a country that is so elegant that it is perverted, coughing is not what you say, you can cough. To put it simply, Great Britain is a nation that can ride a little sheep with inexplicable pride...

Coulson instantly figured out why the suit was so nice, and his temperament felt like it was the reason why Lake, a successful man, would drive a little sheep.

In a country so elegant that it is perverted, it is not surprising that British people who drink coffee with a sense of ritual will do anything.


An agent of SHIELD New York Operations Center watched Coulson with his arms folded in front of the big screen and said, "Do you need to bring him back for questioning?"

Coulson shook his head and said, "No need, we have more important things right now. How many alien alarm calls have not been verified?"

An agent who was in front of the computer glanced at his screen and said, "After screening, there are still 83 calls."

Coulson said, "How many field agents are out there?"

When the agent was about to speak, a tall woman walked in from the outside: "The operation center is already overloaded, Phil, I need an explanation, you know, April Fool's Day was yesterday, not today."

Coulson saw the woman show a smile and hugged the woman: "Hill, long time no see."

Natasha: "Hi, Hill!"


After Hill and Coulson, the director of the New York Action Center, let go, Hill glanced up at Lake displayed on the big screen, then looked at Coulson and said, "Come from Washington early in the morning, come here Calling all my personnel to search for this person? Who is he? British? Is he a member of which terrorist organization?"

Coulson shook his head and said, "No, it's just a weird guy I met on the road just now, check it just in case."

Hill nodded: "Phil, your vigilance is still so high."

Coulson shrugged and gave the good old man a smile.

Hill said immediately: "You haven't answered my question just now, what is it that made you come all the way from Washington to New York."

Coulson smiled, looked up at a room upstairs and said, "Maybe we should go into the office and talk."

Hill nodded: "Of course."

In the office on the second floor of the operation command center lobby.

"Sorry, only ice water."

After Hill took out two bottles of ice water from the refrigerator in the office and handed them to Coulson and Natasha, he invited them to sit down on the sofa and said, "Well, let's talk now, even if Hua Fu Sanfei is the headquarters, but according to the regulations of the Security Council, the affairs in New York are deployed and arranged by the New York Operation Command Center. Moreover, according to the agreement of the Security Council, the New York Operation Command Center is on the same level as the Washington Sanfei Decoration Headquarters. It's even."

As the person in charge of the S.H.I.E.L.D. New York operation command, Maria Hill is very disciplined, and there are rules to be around...

After Coulson opened the ice water and took a sip, he looked around the room that was not completely closed.

Hill smiled, walked to his desk, reached out and pressed a switch under the desk...

The four iron plates fell immediately, and as the light was completely blocked, the soft lights in the office instantly lit up like daytime.

Hill looked at Coulson and Natasha on the sofa: "Now, let's talk."

Coulson nodded towards Natasha.

Natasha understood, and made a fist with a string of right hands covered with palm bracelets. With a buzzing sound, the laser beam was instantly projected into midair.

Coulson said beside him: "Hill, do you still remember today eight years ago?"

Hill nodded, and the corner of his mouth curved slightly: "Of course, after that day, I was transferred to New York by the Security Council as the director of the command and operation center."

Eight years ago, Hill was the deputy director of operations at the headquarters of Sanfei in Washington, and as the director, he was a dark guy.

Coulson laughed dryly, but didn't answer the question.

After all, even Coulson didn't know whether Hill's transfer was a normal process or his boss made an effort.

Nick needs his men to be obedient, not only to obey the words of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also to obey his words.

Maria Hill is clearly not a blind agent.

"Eight years ago, the city of Marieta, Georgia, came from an extraterrestrial who claimed to be here to hunt down a god," Coulson said.

Hill frowned slightly: "Sorry, a god? Hunt? Coulson, you'd better reorganize your language."

Coulson spread his hands and said, "Yes, to be more precise, it was an angry alien who came to hunt down her god boyfriend who left without saying goodbye."

Hill: "..."

Coulson once again organized the language in his mind and said: "Back then, Director Fury reached a cooperation condition after contacting this alien, a mutually beneficial condition. She joined us, and we helped her find the god. .”

Hill regained his senses and smiled suddenly: "Cooperation? Coulson, if, as you said, an alien who can reach the earth will lack our help?"

"Yes, she needs our help," Coulson said.


"Her original words were that the god she wanted to hunt down called herself the God of Miracles in their universe..."


"...Why do you think there must be a but?"

Hill smiled and said, "There must be buts, isn't there?"

Coulson smiled: "...But in their universe, they all call it the God of Strange Flowers, and almost no one has seen his true face. If she shows up to hunt her down, once the god finds out, he will It just disappeared."

Hill frowned again: "Just disappear, you said everything, she came to hunt him down, why did he disappear?"

Coulson said with a strange expression: "Because the alien who is cooperating with us is just an advance team, as long as the specific target of this god is located, there will be more than a dozen goddesses in a state of rage, which is the real meaning. Goddesses above, and more than a dozen goddesses who are close to demigods will arrive here as soon as possible to arrest their...husbands."

"and many more!"

Hill frowned: "Sorry, what did you just say, their husband?"

Coulson nodded: "Yes, I can only say that the original universe of this alien visitor is a universe similar to the ancient background of the Eastern Kingdom, and what they are hunting is a male god, and according to her How to describe this male god, he has a wild temper."

"...Does this alien visitor have a name?"


"She is called Catherine, and she is the commander of the Picheng Branch of the Cosmic Law Enforcement Bureau in their universe."


(End of this chapter)

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